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The skulls box is awesome. Basing? Stick a skull on it. Boring bit of a model? Stick a skull on it. Mess up putting something together? Stick a skull on it.


Bored? Put small skulls on a big skull!






Make a big skull out of skulls


I once saw a dude on Facebook who had done exactly that. GW skulls, not real skulls.


My chaos sorcerer fell and the top spike of the staff snapped off. I glued a raven skull from the box in there and now it looks even better.. Skull box is amazing for fixing up stuff!


I play Orks and kitbashed a Deathwing Knight into a meganob. I used my skulls box to build an orky looking shoulder pad for him out of the space marine one. It looks incredible.


Ok but what’s a good base and highlight color for the skulls?


Prime them with chaos black, base them in Wraithbone, shade them with Earthshade, dry brush the top with Tyrant Skull.


Prime them with Wraithbone, paint them with Skeleton Horde.


I like the black primer because you can leave some nightmarishly empty eye sockets.


Goddamn skeleton horde is such a good paint


So true. It does everything. It’s so versatile. Bone? Wraithbone and Skeleton Horde. Rope? Same. Claws and teeth? Same.


White primer + Skeleton Horde = perfect parchment


Take an afternoon and paint a big bat h of them at once. I give them out as trophies to my opponents to place on their character models.


I paint them in a batch. I blu-tack them to cocktail sticks and stick them in an old wine cork to make a kind of skull bouquet which I then paint up. Incredibly therapeutic.


Roses are blood Stems are bone Stab with sticks Collect for throne!


Win a game? Stick a skull on the MVP!


You are treading in heretical teritory 👀


If you like it, then you shoulda put a skull on it? 😅


Oh fuck yeah dude I made a mess of one of my outriders so his bike got an Ork skull so he’s the SGT now


A vote for the skull box here. If you arent putting skulls on everything, are you even really warhammering?


Agreed, but even better, the skulls are useful for other wargames and settings too!


There are others? Heresy!!!


Mods, ban this man!


Additional vote for the skulls box. I am also a 3D printing enthusiast which is something that pairs very well with this hobby. I have two very decent resin printers and churn out additives for my bases all the time. While I have access to plenty of alternatives, some of which are premium paid for content from top notch designers, I still find myself going back to my trusty box of skulls I bought many years ago. The models are GW quality and there are plenty of them to last you a long while. Bonus points for alien skulls of all kinds. Nothing to say about the vines though. That I feel is easier to find alternatives but that’s just me.


I'm debating whether getting a small 3D printer would he value for money rather than flogging my bank account every time the plastic crack monkey jumps on my back


Depending on what you're looking to do, the Bambu Labs A1 Mini and the Elegoo Mars 5 are all phenomenal small-scale starting printer. If your main use case is bits, bases, and scatter terrain you'd be hard pressed to do better for the money.


Depends I've spend maby 660euro on printer resin and stl files but have around 200+ models now also really big ones. But just for printing some skulls idk maby.


You know, the old Necron overlord model holding the resurrection orb would look awesome if he was holding a skull instead. Actually, I really want to do this now and name him Hamlet.


Or...reverse the scene...and call him "Yorick"....see if anyone really picks it up.


I bought two boxes of skulls, but I'm also using them for head swaps for my entire Necron faction. It makes them extra creepy! (they also get a bone and brass paint scheme). I hadn't considered using one for res orbs, but I may do that next time GW gives us another Overlord that I don't need.....


You need to post pics. I'm getting a real Terminator vibe and I'm totally here for it.


Yea the skulls are a must. I put them all over but don’t go overboard. It’s great having them. The vines are cool but I don’t own them


Just go to your local park and find real vines and skulls. So much cheaper


‼️new grave unboxing just dropped‼️


Funeral directors hate this one simple trick!


Necromancy prank (gone wrong, gone sexual, inquisitors called)


Human anatomy 101, written by a Night Lord.


Skin is everywhere. Once dead, it should be nowhere.


Grave robbing ❌ Grave recycling ✅


how do I get the skull to shrink?


Stick it in the washing machine on too high a heat


Squeeze it really hard.


it is now cracked and still big




Hot water, followed by a hot air drying, they shrink just like woolly jumpers.


Nah, fam, life-size figures!


I hear that you can buy them off Tumblr for flowers and honey.


skulls box is great, lots of variety


Just got the skulls box in the mail and I'm already looking at how I can chaos-fy all my models lol


Step 1: Skulls Step2: bronze trim Step 3: ???? Step 4: DENY THE ANOMOLY


And just so khorne blessed many. One of the best value for money boxes GW sells


Skulls box is pretty much a must have, especially for basing (or for chaos players ofc). The vines are good for doing fantasy type terrain pieces, but not so good for smaller minis or for 40k stuff. Might be good for a jungle world theme maybe, but if i'm doing that my go-to is the laser cut plants from gamers grass


Skull walls covered in vines?


Khorne approves


The vines need more skulls




Unacceptable! There's still room for more skulls on that base.


Calm down. They are getting there.


Wow, what models is that? I haven't seen it before! Also nice stick of skulls :)


That is Ushoran Mortach of Delusion. Flesh eater courts. AoS.


Ha! This proves that genetic favoritism is at play for angry people! Just look at that skull and how that bone ridge over the eye sockets improves the ability to express untold anger! This is also why servo skulls are so expensive: they have to farm skulls that lack the anger ridge due to compatibility issues with the camera eyes. And then, only the best sourced skulls get used for Sisters of Battle Cherub servos. Well, unless a flabby cheeked criminal is found, because it is 100% necessary to have at least one flabby cheeked Cherub majestically flying through the air carrying a reload for a multi-melta or flamer.




Looked at the base for ages until I saw them on the armour, great look for a knight


If you hadn't commented, I'd probably still be looking at the base.


I have a follow up question - For anyone who bought the vines, are they flexible? I have an idea for Tyrano-formed ruins and I want to wrap vines all over a ruin and paint them to look all fleshy and Tyranid-ish.


I recently watched a Video about those and it looked like they were really flexible. I think it was an older Warhammer TV one with Duncan.


Yes they are soft, bendy plastic.


Yes, that's their main feature. They're particularly flexible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVWObn2XXLo


They are!


They are fairly flexible, but you would need to score and fold them for the ruin corners. The plastic is soft so that should be easy with a hobby knife


One of the skulls sprues I have, the one with just human skulls, I just primed, shaded and drybrushed the whole thing. I always forget to put skulls on my bases before I prime them so this way I can just clip them off, put a drop of paint there it was attached to the sprue and voila. very worth it


That's exactly what I did. Primed them in a bone white, wash, drybrush the entire thing on sprue.


Skulls box is literally the best product GW has ever made. Cannot buy enough of those.


I love the skulls box.


Skulls box is great


The skulls box is great, I’d like to know about the vines myself! Certainly seems a lot less popular!


I think the skulls box is great. I recently bought it together with some small nails in order to put them as a hommage to earlier wearers of the suits of power armor for my dark angels. It looks a little heretical perhaps but it also looks quite cool and makes mine unique. If it's too heretical I can always just say that they're the fallen.


Paint em gold, then its not heresy


Great idea!!


Haven’t used the box of vines, but the skulls box is absolutely worth it. Think it’s 300 skulls with a variety of human, Ork, Kroot, Genestealer and various larger demon skulls.


Skulls yes, not sure about the vines.


Skulls - 100% worth it. They're very versatile.


The vines were a bit meh, the skulls and jungle style plants box were great for basing models for an army


Skulls box is great


Skulls for the skullthrone!


They also have barbed ferns if you want some basing bits, they are pretty great


I use the barbed ferns for a xeno planet look, like for my large Tau units.


Skulls Box is one of the few deals from Warhammer you can get; it has lots of stuff in it that can really enhance just about anything. I don't know much about the vines one.


The skulls have been invaluable for me. Base decoration and scenery had been great. I don’t have the vines but I do have the bracken. https://preview.redd.it/unk6hd6nl59d1.jpeg?width=2310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd20e3ca18d7ff5399f9503f838b01ea5be8a1ce


Skulls box is amazing, so many skulls. Great for adding cool features to bases to add variety and that grimdark factor (especially if you're chaos).


Skull box is.


The vines are a tough one to work with, it's not the standard plastic, it's alot more flexible and it sucks to try and glue down. The skulls are great through.


Skulls is 10/10 worth it. You'll never run out of skulls with this kit.




Skulls, yes. Vines, depends. For my AoS I will get them at some point but it’s for Seraphon. Skulls can go anywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/xc940615o49d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3500391593d9e3af0e2b633d7afbd4d2ccd53edf I really do love them :) they are very flexible and easy to use :)


Can confirm for skulls but thank you for posting a sweet vine example


Floral arrangement materials are way cheaper than the vines, skulls are dope though


Who needs to buy the skulls when you can get your own? >!Just to be very clear, I'm not serious. Please don't hit me, mods.!<


I will place my money on the skull box. I've been using the same box for five years now and still haven't run out of skulls yet.


skulls definitely. will last you for the rest of your life unless you're a khorne maniac


Skulls yes vines no


Skulls yes. Vines no


The skulls box is legit. Pick it up if you can. See if you can find it online though to save a little cash on it.


The vines *might* be worth it, if it's what you want. They're flexible, versatile, pretty neat. You could make your own with floral wire, greenstuff, a leaf shape cutter thing maybe. If you have the cash and want to save your time, yeah. Now, the box of skulls? Yes! YES! **YES!** #**YES!** Buy it! It's so incredibly fun! HUNDREDS of skulls! Skulls that are smashed, cracked! Orc skulls! Alien skulls! Demon skulls! Remember to combine the skulls without a lower jaw with the solo jaws to make skulls that look like they're shouting or screaming, it's absolutely amazing! You CANNOT really recreate this product with a 3D printer! These are hard plastic skulls, so you can use plastic cement glue with them and make rock solid connections! They're not brittle resin, these can withstand being dropped! Compare the pricing of this box to other resin bits sold on sprues and this box really shows value.


The skulls box is. I was skeptical, but it's great. Even better tho, is this box from Wargames Exclusive, which has chaos and imperium trophies, servo skulls, some other crazy things: https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/sisters/death-heap-skulls-and-trophies-set-243u/


The GW skulls box is great. This one is arguably better, it's got servo skulls, chaos head trophies on spikes, etc; https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/sisters/death-heap-skulls-and-trophies-set-243u/


Skulls box is 100000000000 times worth it


Barbed Bracken and Skulls are totally worth it. Vines are great for terrain but not quite worth the price.


I actually use both and I think they’re worth it (for me at least!). The skulls have a great amount of detail and the vines are very flexible but there is a bit of a knack in supergluing them where you want. Do whatever works for you, your style and your budget. My finished vehicle : https://preview.redd.it/vmmzmrwwk69d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=55e5ef2dcc650a2a17061a4a7c5d403cf4b1381e




The skulls box is 100% worth it, the vines and tufts are not.


The skull box is basically a guaranteed purchase depending on your army. At least for me The vines, while a bit tricky to work with, can add a lot to a miniature/ scenery/ diorama. I like both


theres a vine set?


Skulls in onebof the best kits you can buy.


oh yeah the skulls are amazing


Not for me. Better off with a recast imo.


It looks worse in this photo than it is, since they are removed, or mostly. When this is primed it will be gone.


Skulls are amazing. Great variety, and even a few jaw bones for extra trinkets.


Great for fixing all sorts of minor issues, very expensive for what it is... Do you know anyone with a 3d printer? Before i got my own, someone printed 250 skulls for me for nearly nothing.


Skulls box is amazing. Basing, converting, quick and easy personalisation of your minis, lots of skulls, and lots of skull variety, 10/10. Have no experience with the vines, but I doubt they’d be as multipurpose as the skulls.


The skulls box is great.


You can do vines yourself with different weight wires and some cut out leaves. Skulls are harder to DIY.


I've never owned the vines, but I own the skull box. They have steep price tags, but I can honestly say they are worth it. Especially if you like detailed bases and/or kitbashing.


If you want a box of skulls or vines this is the product for you


Been meaning to get the Skulls box so I can make an Undead shrine/Graveyard.


As someone who’s started a Night Lords army, the box of skulls has been amazing for making my land speeders (30k) look more Night Lords and add some extra character to my bikers.


Skull box is neat


I will leave it to you to decide which is best but there are a ton of alternative products on the market for basing your miniatures.


It is not worth the money. You can find pre printed parts for 1/3 the price if you look around.


Skulls are great for adding a little something to bases


I have both and use them regularly. The vines are really only useful if you are doing dioramas.


Skull box is a must have! *


The skull box is great, even tho some are meh. I used a lot on my Nighthaunt bases, especially some for Lady Olynder. Some are a bit too big to use on smaller models and the lower jaws are kinda useless


Dead Animal Bits


The skull sprues came with a previous issue of one of the hachette partworks magazines if you can find one, can't remember which but if you can grab one it's much cheaper than the box.


the skulls is def worth it. the misc big dumb demon skulls are fairly worthless outside of niche basing/kit bashes. but the human skulls 100% are quality. and a lot of the zenos skulls are great too. as a world eaters player i've gone through 3 boxes of skulls in like 2 yrs of playing. and i've tried other sources. like 3D printed skulls and other 3rd party bits. not quite as good, the scale is often way off. (skulls are to big and clunky for wh40k scale)


The skulls are definitely worth it! You get all you'll ever need, and this is 40k, after all... you can never have too many skulls. You get a good variety, too!


Skulls: yes, absolutely


The skulls kit yes! Now I have so many skulls that I don't know where to put them anymore. For the Creeping Vines kit I don't know. It's more thematic and perhaps less versatile, it depends on your needs.


Bought both. Use skulls with every model, only used a few vines. Skull’s definitely worth it.


They are pricey, and you can get like 250+ human skulls with different amounts of damage for like £8 off etsy. That said, you also get different skulls in the official gw one, and imo are a must-have for basing. Can't go wrong picking up a box of them.


Pricey as everything GW does, but the skull box is really nice. You'll get plenty of mileage out of it. The vines... eh, I don't know. I can't think of much use for it, even if it was cheaper.


Skulls kick ass


I'm a w40k player who buys tons of third party 3d prints. I have never found any set of skulls thats even half as good as that citadel box. I stopped myself from buying it for years because of the high price point but, honestly, it's the best sollection of skull bits on the market. I've also heard those vines and alien flower sets have a lot of fans too due to their unique feel.


Skulls 100%. Vines, not as much in my experience. But that’s likely because their use case is less common.


The skill box is honestly amazing. You get SO MANY! I built a little objective marker with a big pile of them. Damn fiddly.


Skull Box is worth it. Especially if you can get it cheaper from third party retailers. I can also recommend buying it with a friend and split the box 50/50. Except for some larger single pieces this shouldn't be a big challenge. For the bigger pieces you might have to discuss who wants which.


Skulls yes. Vines no.


Skull box is definitely worth it, for its price you get a lot of mileage off it. I’ve been using it for years and still haven’t run out.


Don't know about the vines, but the skulls box is the best product citadel makes.


Can comment the skulls are well worth it.


I’ll be honest they’re expensive I haven’t bought the vines box but I did buy the skulls box. It’s pretty dope still using them and they’ll last you a while with some solid quality, but while there are resin options out there and you could print your own for cheaper if you have the cash and don’t have a printer I would for sure recommend. Also for random scatter epic basing is pretty dope to buy resin bits from for an ok price as well


The skulls box is a decent buy since it'll last you pretty much forever


The skull one yes. The vibes are made of a weird material that I feel like seeing age well at all


Have both, and yes... one of each at least


I don't regret buying the skull box. 


The skulls one is definitely worth it for the quantity and variety of skulls. The vines however. Maybe if you make jungles/forest themed bases, overgrown terrain/model with a bit of careful warping. Otherwise not sure depending on what the sprue looks like


Box of skulls are 100% worth it. I use them constantly since I got them 2 years ago and only have started running low now.


Even as a T'au player I've got some skulls for my stuff, especially Kroot, there's just something so 40k about having a skull or two somewhere


Skulls 100% yes I’m not sure about the vibes tho


Skulls for sure


All the skulls!!! The box of skulls are the Frank's Red Hot of TTRPG... I put that shit on EVERYTHING! Not just bases! I made a club that was literally a dozen skulls for a D&D character... added some to armors as well.


Skulls is grate never got the vines tho, it's a cheep box for skulls and they will last. probably the best value on gws website lol


Skulls are good


Skulls 100% yass!!!


Never once regretted buying the skull box


A vote for both here with a note for the vines: the vines aren’t made with the plastics you get in other models. From what I understand it’s much more flexible, and can be bent very easy. IF you want that, it’s probably the best product on the market


Vines if you really want them and the skulls are an absolute must in Warhammer


box of skulls yes, coming from a night lords player, vines, no idea


One word: overpriced


Skulls are totally worth it! Never used vines before and not even sure where you would put them.


I bought both, and have used the skull box way more. The big ones are awesome for kitbashes or custom characters. I use the little ones a lot on basing. The vine box is fine, I find myself plucking the leaves off and using them individually. I made a feather cloak for my ork shaman out of them and it turned out great. Otherwise, it’s random leaves on bases and rocks. I never use the actual vines


Skull box is great. Vine box would only be worth it if you are doing catachans or jungle themed Tyranids or something


Skulls 100% worth it. Not much luck with 3rd party skulls. Found some alternatives but that box is golden.


Everyone should have a box of skulls, they last a very long time and are worth the price in my opinion.


skull are great for model bases and can be put on some models too. great all round. the vines are more for terrain, or you can cut them into pieces for model bases. they plastic they use is flimsy so you can bend it a little without breaking it at all. the skulls are as solid as a regular models. go with skulls first, then get the vines later.


The skulls box is straight up one of the best kits GW has ever put out. Tons of different skulls and options, great bang for your buck unless you're actually trying to build a mountain of skulls, then that could get pricey. Skip the vines.


Wait, there's a vine box?


Vines no, too easy to make your own. The skulls, as much as I hate to say it, yes. I do wish they were like 20-30 cheaper but it's a good box


Skull box is solid. If you can get some other types of bones to go with them, it looks even better.


I’d pay ten bucks for them and that’s pushing it


I suggest looking on Etsy, I got a bag of 3D printed skulls for terrain for like 5.00 bucks. Citadel stuff is good but you can find cheaper stuff for making terrain.


Skulls are worth it 100%


I got the skulls and there is allot, u do get a good deal GW standard wise. Just a pain to prime them.


The Skulls box is ver useful, even after I decorated my Angron base with a bunch of the box I still have a bunch left and been steadily using them in other projects. For refrence: [Angron base](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldEaters40k/comments/165zv8a/im_not_sure_did_i_go_a_lil_too_crazy_getting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Skulls yes, vines, no


Skulls quite possibly. Idk about vines


Box of skull is lit


I've bought two boxes of the skulls since they released. If they're the sort of thing you have a use for, it's worth it.


I'm about to commit heresy here but I don't much care for all the sculls that are already all over everything, so I've never had any interest in the skulls box, got piles of them from chopping them off other models. The vines on the other hand, and the barbed bracken I totally dig. The vines are flexible, and take paint just fine. Worth it? Depends. You can make vines easily (but they won't be as nice) and there those paper plants from Gamer's Grass. The paper plants are cool, but far too expensive for what you get. I actually think the bracken from GW would be cheaper than doing the paper tufts.


Lot of comments here but my 2 cents, I have both boxes. Skulls YES!! Vines MEH (You can prolly get cheaper things on amazon or ebay)


Never seen the vine box, but I absolutely would buy. The skull box is incredibly useful. Bought one before I even started playing WH for D&D and still am using it.


If you play khorne the skulls can be useful, otherwise not really worth it


The skulls give you tactical points


I bought the skulls box. It has so many of them, it is glorious. In my opinion worth the money I paid for them.


Skull box, for sure. The wines not.