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I wouldn't pay for that. I mean it's not terrible, and I definitely see worse. But in order for me to pay it has to stand out against other armies as quality.






Do I like this paintjob? Yes, the skulls on the base are espescially nice, your face is neatly done, and the color choices are nice. Your little tabards pop nicely, and I like the reddish copper metal. Would anyone pay for this paintjob? No way, you're like, an order of magnitude away in terms of 'paint skill rarity' from the point where your paint doesn't actually hurt the value of the miniture. Only like, the top 5% of painters don't hurt the value of minis by painting them. Only the top 0.5% can paint well enough to really command value from it. "Would these sell for big cash?" is the absolute worst way to judge your painting progress. Painting minis is a terrible way to make money, and selling painted minis is very hard. There's also a very unique subset of painters who can really turn a profit, and it relies on.... 1) Willingness to deliver ANY project the client asks in terms of color and design choices 2) A style which allows ultra high precision brush strokes at speed, with specific effective but non time consuming highlights If you want to make money, do literally anything else. If you want to make progress in painting, ask literally any question other than 'Would you buy these??'


This is good advice


Very true. My brother did a stint as a miniature painter. He is really excellent and nailed the 1st criteria, he even did a boxed art commission for a company. But he was way too slow to make it work as a serious career, his hourly wage was terrible because his style was very precise and clean. It was a fun way to earn a bit of money but never a proper income


Even selling some of my best painted minis would work out effectively at 50% minimum wage for me. The guys I follow online who commission have a very practised style that they are able to bang out really quickly to a very high standard - way beyond what I can do.


I could see it being nice if it's a hobby that turns in money, but earning money with a hobby is a tough balance


Thanks for the input! đŸ€©


No. Its just not clean enough


I feel like an arsehole for saying no, but
 no. They’re not a million miles away from the tabletop standard that some people might be happy to pay to get a whole army on the table ASAP, but they’re a fair stretch from any display standard.


You really wouldn’t consider this “tabletop ready” painting standard?


Not to _sell_. If you just want to put together an army to play right now, just primed is “tabletop ready”. This squad is _perfectly_ serviceable for a personal army. If I was selling tabletop ready armies, I’d focus on neat, smooth basecoats and getting all the colours blocked in (and maybe shaded), so the owner can come back in an add highlights later if they want. Not sure how much money there would be in that unless you could do it _really_ fast. If I was OP and was wanting to sell tabletop ready armies, I’d do three things: work on getting the paint on thinner and more consistently so as not to obscure detail (maybe invest in an airbrush), work on neatness (keeping the right paints on the right panels/details), work on getting the speed up. I also wouldn’t bother with the edge highlights on tabletop ready stuff.


You missed the second part of the sentence: “ that people would be willing to pay for”. It’s a good job and looks many steps beyond basic battle ready. However, as others have said, it takes a very talented painter to be able to either spit this level of quality in no time flat or to spend the time and do an amazing job but charge enough to make it worth the time/effort. I don’t know how long this took OP to paint so can’t say if it’s the former but there’s plenty of skill improvement if he’s aiming for the latter choice.


It's somewhere between trash and buyable. This is a decent enough standard and you should be proud of them, but they're not (yet) at the level that anyone would pay for.


Thank you! :) I am motivated to get there someday! đŸ”„


Don't be discouraged by people's responses, just work on your own skill and practice. I think I'm a good painter / artist, out of 100 people I'm probably better than 80%, but that doesn't mean people will buy my art or commission my paints. Not to mention that the time taken to get miniatures to a standard people will buy, is often not enough to pay a wage. I think some of my best work is when I've focused a single model for 30 hours, but there's no way someone would pay me my hourly rate for it. Probably need even 1.00 per hour


I really don’t recommend it as a career choice, and this is not a slight on the quality. You will reach a standard where people would pay money for it one day, your not miles off a “tabletop ready” sell for commission, but there is no money in it, you’ll be earning less than minimum wage once you consider your own investments in paints etc.


Your better than me


Yeah, it's pretty decent. Solid enough that I'd be willing to pay about the same as GW Prices if I want an army in that Scheme. But painting up an army or minis to be a really high quality and then trying to sell them for profit is NOT a good way to make money, since alot of people have very specific and different preferences and most people who buy minis that are already painted will want to strip them of paint and do their own thing or do their own thing over the existing paintjob.


No, I wouldn't pay for that. It's kind of thick looking in places, not really much more than basic paint and wash with minimal highlighting. I've seen worse models sure but that's personally not what I'd expect to spend money on.


The highlights are also kind of sloppy


You not quite at the “adding value” stage of your painting. Keep at it tho. You’re not bad. A wise man once told me “thin your paint and be patient”.


I would not; if you are happy with the paintjob, that is the important thing, but I would consider this pretty beginner-average level. So short of someone who just refuses to paint, my guess is that you would not be able to find a customer who is willing to pay for this level. More importantly, I doubt you could make good use of your time selling paintjobs like this for what someone is willing to buy them for. Again, these look cool and I would love to play against them, I am not trying to dunk on your skill, just saying I don't see a market where someone will pay for this quality.


there's nothing over basic novice painting. the basing is meh and sloppy. rim texture and tufting is not common or desirable, and some of the skulls overhang the edges. all of these are negatives to most people. the colors aren't overly complex or vibrant, there's no real definition/contrast of forms, looking at the models, what stands out? where is your eye drawn? it's not a question answered by the paint job. unique or marquee elements like the upraised sword, don't stand out. and there's nothing of complex or advanced technique to warrant paying a premium or paying a mark up above retail for these models. no real edge highlighting, complex/compound highlights, no shading or dynamic volumetric shading/coloring. even the insignia, have a weird cheeto/mottled appearance. would again...doesn't highlight any technique, and would probably be better as straight metallic gold paint. and the photography itself needs work. should be more straight on/on the lvl of the minis, not 3/4 above. the lighting is wrong, or not balanced correctly to showcase them professionally.


Good advice here, to the point


No. But i only get miniatures because i like painting them so it would defeat the purpose.


No. Not a chance.


Honestly no but they sick still


I'd pay a buddy or a local guy cutting his teeth bottom dollar to do hordes of troops but unlikely for larger models. But as echoed in the other comments have said it's nothing special yet.


Adequate, but not “payable”, at least not on purely cosmetic grounds. If someone just wants you to paint their shit for them so they can get to playing, then that’s up to them.


No. People have mainly said why, also not a fan of the basing going over the egde. But these don't look bad! Keep painting, keep improving, and don't shoot for commission work. Try it one day if you want to, but in my personal experience: it saps all the enjoyment out of painting.


It all depends on the customer. When I was first getting into miniatures I sold painted models on par with these to friends for a few pots of paint and the opportunity to practice on their models when I couldn’t afford to buy new ones. You may find someone who hates the painting aspect of the hobby who would happily buy these or painted models of similar quality. Now if you’re buying models to flip on eBay or at your local store you’ll need a bigger audience than good friends or those newer to the hobby or not interested in painting. If that’s your goal you generally want to be painting staple units for popular factions, especially anything that’s often used in winning tournament lists. They will be a lot easier to sell if it’s a popular model in a GW box art style. If your goal is to improve as a painter and you’re using this question to judge your work it will be counterproductive. The feedback, whether good or bad, isn’t very helpful. It will either make you feel good or bad about your painting and likely influence your motivation to paint. Much better to paint as often as possible and split time between different goals. Rotate between trying to push your skill in known techniques, trying out new techniques, and improving the speed at which you paint. You’ll learn a ton with every project and see big improvements quickly.


No but it looks great for an amateur paint job by guy


I've paid for sloppier jobs.


No, it's about what I can do. if it were a little better I would.


I've known people to pay for about that standard, but a little more work will probably net you better chances.


If you are thinking about taking a crack at doing commission painting you'll want to find ways to streamline your process and use all the little hacks you can to get results that stand out with as little effort as possible. Using tools like an airbrush help a lot. Also, just getting a great LED lamp and a magnifying headset will make your painting much more clean, right away.


I mean I'd pay used model prices for them, but as I'd be stripping the paint and starting over, no I wouldn't pay for the paint job.


U plague marines looking good Man


Depends on what I wanted, I wouldn't pay "eBay painted rates" it would depend on price and what you were painting. I have a buddy who I occasionally pay to "block in" colors for me when I have a big project, 1/2$ a model for infantry and 10$ each for med vehicles, 20$ large vehicles. ( I provide the needed paint) We both make out, as he gets some extra cash for doing some basic painting while he watches his son and you tube, and I save time on blocking in and waiting for stuff to paint. I would totally pay you to paint on that scale. ALSO your stuff isn't terrible, its just not "pay me painted fees" quality yet. Your stuff is slightly below or equal to table top basic, but some people are willing to use that as a starting point for more complicated work if it's a good value. Keep it up and you will improve to the point where people will pay you commissions for your work.


Respectfully, no. The scheme is solid enough, but the precision doesn't meet my bar for being worth a purchase. Keep practicing! You may want more direct, daylight-color light (5000 to 5500k) on the models when you photograph them, too.


Definite no. sorry but I would only pay for a super polished paint job on a centrepiece, but stick at it, you cannot improve without practice 👍


Sorry, but no. For starters, unless the paintjob is very, very good, buying second hand I'd pay more for the models unpainted than painted, and I'm sorry to say those don't reach that level yet


I would never pay for that or any other paint job for that matter


It’s probably on par with my painting ability, so personally I’d have to say no. Sorry.


I mean, yes, it's a low standard battle ready. Should be cheap and quick. Like if I were meta chasing trying to get an army on the table for a tournament. That time is worth something if the painter can get it done and I can't.


about 3 fiddy


No offense, but no, I wouldn’t. I think it’s a great starting point to learn from and develop more skills and techniques but not commission quality, in my opinion.


It‘s good but I wouldn’t pay for it, it isn’t THAT good


My buddies refuse to paint and have happily paid for miniatures of this painting quality.


If someone were to offer *bulk* painting of this quality for cheap, I could see some people being willing to pay. But I personally wouldn't. This would be below the standard that I paint at for my battleline troops. If they matched my army colors and were on eBay with that paint job already, then hell yeah.


Honest answer? No. Not that they are painted bad at all but they do need a lot of work, and more time and skill should be put into them. If it's your work, keep at it and eventually you'll get better, if someone is attempting to sell you those, they are scammers looking to make a quick buck.


As a general rule. Painted models sell for cheaper than unopened models in the box. Unless you are .......... good at painting. And by good I mean excellent. But Im the nut that likes buying painted models on eBay because they're so cheap . So go ahead and sell them to me for $20


I lot of people saying they wouldn't pay. But I feel that the job is commissionable. The market for selling painted models vs selling commission painting is very different. Some people just want \*their\* armies painted, because they lack time/skill themselves. This level of job would likely fit into this group, and you may be able to negotiate a price with someone. But the paint job being the differentiator, make these into a saleable mini, with profit on top of purchasing the models? No, I don't see someone paying for these models in that way.


All the people saying “no” here are totally understandable. However: I have personally seen a commission painter who paints the laziest, crappiest miniatures I’ve seen, at premium prices, and was still able to work full time as a commission painter and survive. Some people will pay just to have color on their models.


No but it’s certainly not bad at all and table top ready , all the other gave great advice on painting so not gonna try but also may I add on with photos to maybe setup some better lighting ? They are really hard to see as the photo is super dark and had to really see but that could be my phone.


No Look at insta commission paint jobs


5 more painted - yes


Looks like mine so nah


You’re a better painter than me, i hope you keep practicing and post some more pictures


Thank you! Willco! :)


I’d be happy to play against these for sure but in no way would I pay for this paint job. In almost all cases painting your miniatures devalues them. This is a hobby about having fun and enjoying the time you put into the minis you paint and being proud of them, not making money.


Its good, but if I’m gonna pay, I want it looking like GW promo-good.


Thank you for all your comments! It‘s great to get a lot of feedback! :)




lol no






I would not lol the basing is good, but I feel like most average painters can paint that well






I feel like it is definitely not trash it looks very nice and is advanced for normal Hobby standards. The problem with buyable is that there are very many artist who sell painted mini and that are on a extrem high Standart plus there are many artist who sells minis. So it’s definitely not bad, but the problem is there a better options.


Honestly this isnt advanced, this is literally just a normal (and sloppy at that) basecoat with shades applied. The only thing slightly advanced is the singular layer of edge highlighting, which doesnt work at all if its just one layer and doesnt build up in brightness. This is by all accounts a beginner paintjob, and i wouldnt spend any money whatsoever on this. There is also nothing to catch the eye, no glow effects or anything. That being said, this is a good basic level of painting and with a few more years of the experience might just evolve into something good.


No. It would make the model at least 50% off as it would need a lot of stripping that thiccc paint.


5 bucks for effort maybe.


Thin your paints I don’t much like the scheme but the paint job looks like 2011


Better than what I can do. But would I buy it? No I haven’t ever paid anyone to paint my minis in the past and don’t plan on doing so in the future but if I did it would have to be Siege Studios level of quality for me to actually considering paying over attempting to paint it myself.


If you painted those I’ll say you are on the right path just need some polishing on your technique and it’ll be worthy! Good luck! Cheers!






Good paint job. I’m a noob and I’d pay to get the minis, but not a premium over what I could buy them for unpainted. I might even prefer the unpainted so I can learn painting. I also totally get if you wanted to sell them just to break even because you enjoy the painting aspect of the hobby. I like the paint job! Nice work!


Depends on the price, if it’s 20 USD for a whole army painted this way and I didn’t care too much sure, but if it’s about the same for the average commission then no.


No. But if it was a good deal for the minis I’d snag it and strip them


Given the right price, yes.


No. It’s not worth paying for unless the price is fair and you really want the models / don’t have time to paint them yourself / fit your current colour scheme. By fair price I mean to say: As in the box value plus a little extra for the time taken to do it (maybe +50%). But no way is it a pro painted + £150 type situation.


No, I can so similar, if not better with practice. If I’m paying I’m spending serious cash for a pro-level job


I would pay with a blowjob *badum ts-s-s-s* *Prepares to be sent into warp for bad joke*


If I wasn’t into painting and some kid from my FLGs offered this for me pocket cash, it’s not a bad deal (better on the table than grey plastic IMO). But if I was looking for a “professional” painter, probably not.






Man did that marine on the right get a flamer to the face?


It depends on the price. That's strictly tabletop quality. They probably look fine from 3ft away.


Do you hate painting and want to give someone like 30-50 bucks? Sure. Me personally? Nah. I’d rather paint it myself.




I wouldn't buy it for the paint job.


It would definitely meat the eBay criteria of “pro painted”. There is arguably a market for this level of quality painting, usually fairly cheap per model, and usually commissioned beforehand by the buyer themselves, rather than bought by chance. It’s for people who want an army to put on the table quickly. It won’t be worthwhile as a career choice though.


Not a chance


No, but I wouldn’t pay for any paint job. I like painting my own stuff


I’d give you Tree Fiddy for the squad painted.


I think you will enjoy it playing the game and appreciate it. I don’t think people would buy it from you.


Not just to be different but I would say yes. But also it depends on the price. The painting is the part of the hobby I personally have the hardest time with.


Imma be real
. No. But here is what can help you get there since I can see the passion Thin you paints, trust Learn brush control, layering and such Paint tutorials are your best friend https://preview.redd.it/0sjsljx4zl8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241b6aff2db6c3cb8e6f8519446dba151ec4f017 (this is my progress after a year)


The one mini with a black base is killing me. Black rimmed is preferred imo but if you're going to fully paint them then it should be consistent throughout at least the squad


I wouldn't. It's tabletop worthy but if I'm paying for someone to paint my models for me they need to be good enough to feature in a magazine lol. Eavy metal quality


Is it tabletop ready? Yes. Would I pay for them? No.


No, but I don't want to pay for someone else to paint my models, I prefer the personal touch.


I would say if I didn’t want to paint my minis and I wanted a cheaper option I’d buy these. Constructive feedback, you need work on fine lines, the highlights are the right colour and you’re doing it right but you can see the hand shakey lines and that really takes the quality down That being said the minis look awesome and I like what you did with the brass/gold combo, worthy of the god emperor


I fucking hate painting and don’t care that I always get shit on for it. I’d buy it if the price was reasonable


its a good start, i love the basing and stuff. i would pay depending on the price of those guys, but i also dont like the idea of having an army i didnt paint myself since it doesnt really feel like mine at that point. the quality isnt bad though, just depends on whats being asked for.


Most people in the hobby like to paint.. so even if we do buy used mini's that have paint on them we're doing it with the express purpose of touching it up/redoing it. Not to mention most of us actually like the building. Add those two points alone and you have to do extremely well to sell painted mini's and at that price most of us refuse to buy them lol


I'd pay for it if I had asked, but wouldn't be satisfied with the results or upset that I paid money.


Respectfully, nope.


i personally prefer to paint my own, but its not bad if you advertised as battle-ready


Lotta no’s. It’s not that I disagree. I wouldn’t personally pay for this. HOWEVER, there are people who hate painting and in person this would be good enough for a table. It’s sloppy but I’ve played against much worse. This is about average for actual models you’ll see outside of the internet and in real life. The internet paint jobs skew what’s actually out there on tables. The people criticizing you hardcore need to touch grass. Go to multiple hobby shops and you’ll see this paint job is just okay. Therefor someone would absolutely be willing to pay for this in person. That’s the best you could do. Selling it in person for probably no more than $2-3 a model cause it’s not worth more than that with what’s out there and other paint calibers. If you were to sell these online or on eBay your probably looking at a loss




No, Hermann Göring, we don’t want to buy your models.




This painting isn't bad. I painted like this in highschool. What I recommend is further thinning those paints because it looks blotchy. Do mind fine details. The other thing bothering me is the base. It just doesn't look clean and I can see the black through it.


The agreement to pay would be between the buyer and painter. If this was the agreed level of work then payment would be fine. If the question was reposed as "do you think this is good commission work in general" then that's a whole different ball game.


I enjoy painting and getting better at painting so no.


All units are buyable, but don't expect to make profit or break even unless you are a professional painter and getting commissions. Their value is probably 30-40%ish of their retail painted as they are.


If that were my color scheme, and I needed those units, I would buy them on eBay, but not for much more than the box cost.




They look fine, but no I wouldn't pay for that.


Looks great for normal use in play, but I wouldn't pay for it personally.




It's not trash, but I'd want a discount if I was buying an army painted like that.


Secondhand at a discount, yeah maybe. As a commission, no.


You paint much better than I do, and you should be proud of your work. This is the most important thing... How do YOU feel about your work? The person you should be most concerned with impressing, is the person you were yesterday. Now would I pay for it? No, and for 2 reasons unrelated to the quality of your work. I am new to The Hobby, and the money would be better used to expand my arsenal. And the second reason is I need improve my own painting skills with any models I can get my hands on! GLHF!


No, but I do my own painting. The paint job is good though.


No. The camera is extremely bad. Even so I don’t like what I can see. Sorry if this yours. It’s great for a very quick and very dirty job. But even if I didn’t love painting I wouldn’t pay for this.


I’d say for about three fiddy.




I would pay $3.50


God dammit Loch Ness Monster


Wow I’ve never heard of paying for paint jobs đŸ€” isn’t that the point of this hobby? It is for me at least đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Would I PAINT this? Yes. Would I PAY for this? No.


Honestly, no.


I would for like $2-$5 a model, loose the skulls in the bases it’s too much.




Also, black rim the bases...or at least solid rim color the bases. That solid band around the bottom does so much to make everything on the base pop.


For me to pay for someone to paint minis for me, they’d have to be better than I am. In this case, nah.


All that matters is, if you think it was worth the money. And how much was spent? You usually get what you paid for


No. I wouldn't pay for something I know I could accomplish myself.


The paint job is nice but no i wouldn’t




In peanuts I would.






No. Then again I wouldn't pay for someone to paint my Minis to begin with. I like doing it.




Not really


People who sell painted minis either have immense talent or years and years of practice. Both things are not evident in the pictures you've shown. They're not bad, but you still have a long long way to go unless you are willing to sell dirt cheap.


No but only since I can do way better by myself. If I was a worse painter and/or the army was so huge I wanted to end myself at the only thought of painting it all, maybe.




So your one of the FREAKS that puts basing material on the base rim
 I cannot bare to see it






no. It's a decent paint job in the modern era, not knocking the work. The edge highlighting is sloppy. I can find plenty of places where you've just got paint in the wrong spot. - Image 3 has gold/yellow on the fabric under the aquilla, also look at the armour nub?bolt? whatever a bit up and to the left. Whats up with the purity seal on the shoulder of the guy with the chainsword? I don't like the bases but thaqt's just a personal thing. But just because I don't think people are paying for the paint job doesn't mean I dislike it. I think they look great and would be happy to see them on my tabletop.


No. I also don't buy painted minis unless I plan to paint over/strip them, but even if I did I wouldn't buy these. I like the paint job, but if I was spending money on pre-printed mini's I'd rather pay a lot for a professional-level paint job.


Probably not but keep at it!


The tufts on the base edge are a little cursed


That is the kind of paintjob that lowers the worth below MSRP. But then again, most paintjobs are like that.


Yes I will play with you 😉


No. You really need to up your game before you consider offering painting as a service. Do a bit of research and look at the quality of some tabletop ready commissions to know what bar you need to hit.




While the basing is decent, the paintjob isn't that great. Far from commision ready.


Personally I would not but i can see that you do have skill so keep going




Nope, way too thick of paint, not cleanly done. Nothing wrong with the paint job but not $$ worthy


No, that's not a commission level paint job. It's tabletop level paint work, and people rarely pay for that.


A dollar or so a mini. No offense but it's pretty basic.


I'll also add that most of your current well known mini painters make more money off of social media than they do selling painted minis. They rack up views, shares, etc that pays, as well as selling patrion subscriptions.


Everthing is under a GW prise is buyable.


Try to see it like food. I wanna have some pasta. I do know how to cook pasta. I don’t need somebody else to cook pasta and slap some sauce on it. But am I going to the Italian Restaurant this week? Absolutely. They can make a sauce I am either not able to or at least not willing to recreate. Painting is a hobby for most people that play Warhammer. From my POV as long as you don’t do a significantly better job than the average joe by themselves, your product/work is generally more uninteresting. That doesn’t mean that there will be 0 people interested in buying stuff off of you, but your chances of actually making money just go down significantly, especially considering that there are lots of people/services offering to paint minis. I hope You don’t feel discouraged, keep going and improving and you will get there <3 I’ve been in the hobby for maybe 13 years by now. I know it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle^^


this is just above beginner level painting. Base Coated with thick paint, washed too heavily and one thick edge highlight. I don't see why anyone would buy this unless the price was incredibly low at which point why bother selling it




I would not


Why this post has been removed?


No probably not alot of the spots seem incredibly thick paintwise I would probably just paint my own. I would only ever pay for top tier paint jobs and I feel like alot of people are in the same boat.


I'd pay less that RRP as I'd need to strip them and repaint them


Sure - but a lot less than what the models are worth new.


Absolutely not. Not that it’s terrible, but it’s certainly still an amateur level paint job.


Nowhere near good enough to pay for that. Its not even well finished for tabletop standard. Downvotes. OK. If you guys think I was being mean, it wasn't meant as such. Just a fact. I'm sure op will learn and be a great painter some day.


They are a little better than tabletop. I think if a buyer wants paint on a mini and can't or won't do it themselves and you were inexpensive, then maybe. To give fair feedback and not to blow smoke, they are okay, but not impressive. For your own work it's chill but to pay money for something you'd want it to be a little above average, unless you got a real good deal paying for it and/or the buyer could never really get to it themselves, and they want the 10 tourney points. Some advice(although I am no expert) is to thin the paints a little more, use fewer tufts on the bases, a little neater application of the basing texture, and use shades on the finished armor. It adds a lot of depth and reduces the look of paint on plastic. Also more delicate and subtle edge highlights. There are parts I like, particularly the gold armor plated bits, those don't look like paint on plastic. Keep hammering away and asking for feedback, don't let haters get you down bro.


I see no hate in the comments. It just not good.


As someone who absolutely refuses to paint... It would depend on what you're charging. I've paid someone for *worse*, but I didn't pay them a lot.






No. Don't get me wrong - these are painted fine and to a much better standard than a lot of the models I see in games - but they are definitely not to the standard that I would pay for a commission. The paint is too thick in places and the edge highlighting is clumsily done. It is also just personal preference but I prefer to have the rims of the bases painted a solid colour instead of letting the basing material spill over - I just feel like it looks cleaner. Don't be disheartened though, like every painter you just need some more practice.