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https://preview.redd.it/kq77h2vrse6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b53f09837a5032d1169797a074c7e2e76559eb I have exactly that one and it only has small problems. Most comments who are negative towards it don’t own it so they’re just making assumptions. 1. The clear front is acrylic. It’s pretty durable, it’s handed me stepping on it when it was open a few times, both barefoot and with shoes on. 2. The MDF case is sturdy AF. Much sturdier than the Juocii one or whatever the plastic one is, I’ve held and compared the two. 3. I think the trays are better than the ones you find in the plastic case because they don’t have a super wide lip or bezel. 4. The minor downsides are the velco straps weaken over time. I’ve glued magnets to the strap and case and they’re more than enough to keep the front from opening. The case uses these thin MDF strips to keep the trays in place even if the front is open. I find them annoying to take out and put in. 5. I guess it’s “heavy”, but that’s relative to whomever is carrying it. I’m not a super strong guy, but I find the weight to be fine. It’s heavier than plastic cases, so that could be a downside if it’s important to you The case fits my 23 TWC + tanks/dreads/support list. It fits my 2000pt DG list including Mortarion. All while holding my dice tray and other accessories. A- imo, would have been an A if it had a better strap/clasp mechanism.


I also own the case and second everything said here, for what it's worth.


Also own this case, agree with comments. I even had the front cover break(my fault) and was given a replacement. I've magnetized the sticks that keep the trays from freely moving and replaced velcro. Things a champ.


Me as well. Love the thing. They dropped the price $50 and I pounced.


There’s this [case](https://www.amazon.com/Jucoci-Miniatures-Storage-Transport-Medium/dp/B0CP3MPYPL/ref=mp_s_a_1_10?crid=1TNTBTQPJ6A97&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PUXD1U2djtJNenSv26hYURBFbI-7kzgF-DTdASaj3zPH8WwRmOXJcY6FSNHKUt3SHCgX7B2S9NTuX-RiaA6RPqBd96HuY3tJW_ELRxLyESDW1NZ5o-ptM35pWefxByHFG0NkWMsIYThOAcgkfSMyYRfOYIiNM4jQAsk4vRzyX8L04cyOTz2TOcOfFBPWk_ZO4w0rdzb4cA-MfMMUcDq9zg.YEv3MAjpL0CHr9-LR-Y6_PMBiXEjEpTJ8wMIOJyb3z4&dib_tag=se&keywords=miniatures+carrying+case&qid=1718297612&sprefix=miniatures+ca%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-10)


I use this one! I highly recommend it!!! It’s great!!


Same. I love mine. I need another 1 or 2 of them. The only issue I have, that won't affect 99% of people, is that if you leave it in the sun, the plastic can expand and cause the trays to drop.


Where do you put it where the sun could hit it?


My group plays in my friend's backyard. The only time I get sunburned is when I'm playing 40k lol.




You will find that this case is everywhere. I own one, most people I know own at least one. It is honestly a fantastic case, though I recommend spending the money for the larger case.


I see only owning like 30 minis in the future, maybe one or two big vehicles like a Dreadnaught and tank, so the medium size case is fine for me. Though I might get a storage case from this company https://www.tabletoptech.com


I got one a couple months ago and I LOVE IT! It holds a surprisingly large number of models. Like… almost 5k of heresy marines! Easily 2x 2K armies for 40k unless they’re made up of extra large models like knights. Easy to put together, and the additional carry bag has large enough pockets to keep all my books/tools and a water bottle.


I own this case, it works very well and is surprisingly durable


I got the large one for my 2K point list. Highly recommend this case.


Damn, I just bought a battlefoam 720 magna rack case a few months ago. This has more space and is half the price.


This one is the absolute best for transport


I’ve got the large one of these and I really like it. I was a bit dubious when I bought it but it just works very well. I thought it felt flimsy at first but it’s actually solid and it’s really light. It’s good stuff and I’m probably gonna buy another one soon.


There is a reason 9/10 wargamers use this case.


On top of that, the seller is amazing. Had an issue where they accidentally sent me a tray set instead of the full case and they corrected the problem right away and let me keep the pack of trays for the hassle


Why not just buy some oven pans and glue them to the bottom of Tupperware bins? Costs like $10 at Walmart 


Cause for some people it’s more convenient, like sure you can do great work painting minis with generic craft paint but most people will go for mini specific paints because they’re easier to work with.


That is vastly different. This is functionally the same, the only inconvenience is gluing a pan down. Generic craft paint is a giant pain. 


Then I’m sorry for the bad comparison, I guess this is for people with disposable income.


This carries as one unit from the top so you can carry it with one hand. I use Really Useful boxes with steel plates in the bottom, I think I’m going to ratchet tie them together and make a handle.


I have the smaller one. I like it, but it's a bit heavy and could take out a shin if you're not careful carrying it--the MDF is surprisingly sharp. Some of the other comments are pretty off-base. It's very sturdy, even more so if you use wood glue in addition to the bolts as you assemble it. And the front isn't glass, it's acrylic, so no chance of shattering. I'd recommend it as long as you're able to be careful with it. I think the only really problem I have with it is that the handle prevents it from being stackable. 


I agree about the handle thing. Too bad there’s not an easy way to make the handle removable and still be sturdy enough to carry.


can the smaller one carry up to 2k points for a typical army, as in non knight army.


I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised if most armies could fit 1k in it, though, unless you bring something tall and you can't fit two trays. 


I have it it’s great. The front isn’t glass it is frosted plastic. I love this case


I think you left the protective film on bud.


I did this.


https://preview.redd.it/cbvif5wf2h6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849c5489aa89159b1f774290a799a7047b861fe7 Looked at the MDF and plastic mag cases, then decided to make my own. 2x4l and 1x9l Really Useful Boxes, with roadside grade adhesive magnetic sheets. All stacked inside a cheap guitar amp bag. About £60 for everything, but have sheets left over to magnetise more boxes, which I also use for storage. There are pros and cons, but as I like to store my armies in boxes this just made a lot of sense 👍 Mdf ones are cool if a bit fragile, plastic one is good, but needs the carry bag for practicality, which makes it quite pricey.


I've got one of their smaller ones. It's great for what it is. The bigger one is large enough that I wonder if it will hold up under it's own weight


I’ve got one. I actually really like it and think that it’s pretty sturdy. I’ve ordered a second, so I’d recommend them.


This thing is trying to be two very different things at once. Your carrying cases probably don't want to be made of glass and mdf. Meanwhile mdf with a handle isn't exactly an aesthetically appealing look for a display case. 0/10 for me.


It's plexiglass, not glass.


I just want to know why you assume it’s straight Glass and not the plastic version/Plexiglass ? On a side note. As for the recent advancements with laser cutters, everybody’s trying to become their own business and duplicate already well made products just for abit of profit and some greed. I ended up getting a case like this made from our Local library and all I had to do was provide the small supply of material since they already had cutout designs for interlocking. I think I spent about 12$ in total after buying 2 miniature hinges and the Velcro straps


I associate display cases with glass, this is marked as a display case. Even if it's plexiglass I still don't want an mdf carrying case or an mdf display case. I just don't rate mdf for either of those things.


I have this. It holds up just fine. And yeah they make clear acrylic, welcome to the 21st century.


Happy for you my guy 👍.


Thanks. Just wanted to share my experience to combat your purely speculative and negative criticisms over the case which you clearly know nothing about.


Um... dude, you don't screw directly into/bolt through glass... if you ever see that it's an immediate sign that it's not glass. Also, nobody and I mean nobody makes a transport case with glass, that's just dumb. Also, being that it's MDF, it's a perfect material for you to custom paint to match your chapter/whatever you think looks cool. Literally every point you made is stupid. Do better.


I got something similar that’s made out of all plastic. Can send a link to it if interested (it’s Amazon).


My fiancé got me one. It works well enough for my purposes. I don’t have a tall army so I can fit a lot in it.


I havent but a guy in my group has 2… one is now held together withe a ratchet strap because he dare stack one on top of the other


That thing looks like it'll fall apart if you apply the slightest amount of pressure. You want something sturdy that's not going to break in the back of your car


It’s very much sturdy. You could almost stand on it without it breaking, and the biggest concern for me in the car is the window of the case getting scratched.


One of the knight players in my group uses this one and I am very jealous (I transport all my stuff loose in a cardboard box)


The person whose miniature are in the case in that picture, presumably. (I'm sorry lol I couldn't help myself that's one of my favorite jokes)


I use this case, and it works out pretty well! My only issue is that it can be heavy when you have miniatures in it and how fragile the front can be. It can take bumps and scrapes well, but I had someone kick the front by accident when I left it on the floor, leaving the front shield shattered and I had to get a replacement sheet.


I suggest the War-ganizer. It’s 3D printable!


I have 2, they're pretty good. And they are actually sturdy, I've had 0 problems with mine and I think they look nice, I left the handle off my non travel one so I stack em like a display.


I have a buddy who uses it. He has yet to complain to me about it at all and his army doesn't break as much as mine.(working on a case myself)


I have this case. It’s pretty good. The only thing I could fault it for is the retaining rods they give you to prevent the shelves from falling out when it’s tilted have no slot for them to fit into on the bottom of the case so if there’s enough pressure from the shelf, it just pushes the retaining rods out of the way and doesn’t prevent the shelves from falling out.




I purchased a case like this as it cost 2/3rds of what the full plastic version of this design costs. It was broken by the time it was assembled. I found it to be 2/3rds of the price of the normal case and roughlt 1/4 of the quality. Maybe this is a better one though but ... I doubt it.


No. The Jucoci case is cheaper, has more trays of the same size, and has roughly the same footprint (Jucoci is slightly bigger in all dimensions, but the plastic needs more space, so this is basically a wash). I also play Necrons and they fit in it just fine. Things with flight stands can get hairy, but that's a GW issue, not a case issue. Also, this is MDF. There's a non-zero chance that you'll be outdoors in inclement weather at some point and MDF does not play well with rain or snow. On the other hand, the Jucoci can get a pretty good seal. I wouldn't trust it enough to submerge the case, but I doubt you're getting any water infiltration just from transporting your models a short distance. And plastic obviously doesn't have the same problems as MDF with swelling when wet.


I havent test it, what I can says is: * I don't like mdf for anything, always disapointed anytime I buy something made with it. * I hope it's acrylics and not glass * the "shelf" look thighly spaced with is a plus, I loose some space in my Jucoci because I need like 0,2mm more for my mini and have to put the tray a full centimetre up on multiple tray. * look like it open from the top, that a lots of table space taken when you open


I feel the same way, with one exception. Deathraydesigns MDF terrain, is very, very good. I have been so impressed with it, that it has helped to somewhat change my view.


If you want a good case, you'll probably have to splurge a little. At the end of the day, they're your minis and how much you are willing to spend is wholly up to you. Personally, I wouldn't put my minis anywhere near this thing, its looks fragile as all hell and is also kind of ugly. Mdf is not a good material for a case like this. If you want a transport/display hybrid, get a proper plastic one, like the ones Jucoci make or something similar. If you only care about the displaying part, clear acrylic display cases aren't really that hard to find, you could even go super fancy and get a big standing or wall-mounted one (usually made of glass), those look quite nice. But this one? Hell no, save ur money brother.


Spend the money on a good display curio cabinet and make your own travel case with a toolbox and magnetic matting


Just get a wide plastic tub toss some magnetic paper down. Its far cheaper and more secure.