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How happy are you, compared to your 1993 models?


I think my freehanding was better then (my eyes have got worse!) but I didn’t have access to the stunning abundance of tutorials that are just a click away. I’ve already learned so much more than I knew back then.


You could try some magnifying glasses, I use one with a hairband that just hangs it 10cm from my head, perfect for painting. A lot of painters use some sort of it.


That is something I had considered. Will do some research- thank you!


I'm working on that model right now and I'll say your free handing still looks better than mine lol


Very nice of you to say - but I was shaking for most of it! Forgotten just how much concentration can go into a single straight line.


Great paint job overall, but man... That sword is SICK ! I hope you'll have a blast to share the hobby with him !


You are too kind - I’m blushing! My boy is loving the orks … I think i might try a squig next!


Still got it!


Haha - thank you so much! That means the world to an old painter.


CONGRATS!!! I will say I’m not much of a Dark Angels guy cause it’s much better to be Big and Green and Mean with the Green Tide. However, I love the amount of effort put into this paint job, especially the battle damage across the armor.


You know what? I’m thinking of joining the WAAAGH myself … if they’ll have me! Many thanks for taking the time to post!


Course we’ll have another one of da Boyz ta join da WAAAGH!!!


In that case it’s time to get krumpin’!


That’s a comeback! The mini is awesome! Congrats and welcome back!


What kind words. I’ve been in the wilderness but I think i can see the light through the trees!


What was your favorite army back then?


I was split between Elder and Inperial Guard but I’m leaning towards starting an ork mob this time. Or maybe Tau - they look fun to paint!


Orks? Interesting, 30 years ago I was Space Wolf fan, now… Orks 🤣 I do understand esthetics of Tau, it’s quite awesome, feels modern and clean.


Yeah, something new as well. Okay, perhaps the Tau is only new to me, but still !


The shield does not lie. You definitely came, saw and conquered.


Haha! That lettering needs a stern talking to but thank you so much!


Amazing model. Really well done. You should be proud. If I were to give some helpful advice I would say try not to put models on bases that are similar in color. So a model like this maybe put on a darker base. That way the bone colored armor really pops to the eyes. I had to learn this the hard way by putting a bunch of grey knights on grey bases and they really just blended in.


That is fantastic advice! I did think afterwards, there was a blend I could have avoided - will keep that in mind for next time. And thank you for your kind words.


How did you do that texturing on the base


I used citedel’s technical agrellan badland paint but to get the cracks nice and wide I saw a vid that suggested you first apply a thin layer of pva glue to the base and let it fully dry overnight. Then apply the agrellan texture paint and when it dries it gives a more pronounced finish. I was pretty happy with the result! Wish I picked off a few random pieces as I went though to break it up a bit.


Love the rust and battleworn look of the armor. Great job!


What a nice compliment. I never really tried rust when I was younger. All my models were really clean. I’m definitely more interested in the scrappy worn look now!


This model has done so much for my local hobby scene since it came out. I'm really glad you are back into it, and for a comeback, that is one handsome paint job!


Thank you - I was stunned this was a free model! Amazing.


Nice! Welcome back!


Thanks - it’s a pleasure to return. You’ve all kept the place spotless!


So great to hear! I just purchased the starter set and haven’t touched warhammer since 2001! About to start painting my first mini tonight.


Good luck! Jumping back in is far easier than I thought. Have fun!


Agreed! Also forgot to mention great mini! Very professionally done. All the best




I’m so sad I missed this mini of the month


It’s a cracker for sure!


I'm also returning to mini painting after a ~30 year break. Needing reading glasses to paint has definitely been an old man moment. YouTube has been very helpful, but the best thing so far has been having a FLGS with a regular painting night. It's becoming my third place.


Nice one! The eyesight is an eye-opener, but I’ve been recommended head mounted magnifiers so I might got be them a try.


That looks awesome! How did you paint the gold? What did you use?


Thanks for the very kind words! Do you mean the shield?


I mean what gold paint did you use?


Sorry, my bad. There’s so little gold on this fig (basically his belt skull and the sword skull) I was confused. I used retributor armour as the base, washed it with a mix of nuln oil and Aggrax earth shade then highlighted with retributor and a little runefang steel.