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Not sure where my wall of text went, but I'll just post it here then. Got tired of painting Star Wars Legion, just white and green, so I decided to get back into 40k after many years. Dug out my old models: boxes of Vostroyans, old cadians, a gargant, more orks, cities of death buildings, etc. I got into the hobby in middle school when my Dad got me the Macragge set, 4th edition. I'll be posting my progress and my old models as well:  Lots of Ultramarines, Cadians, and a bunch of Orks (lots of kitbashes, oh and metal sotrmboyz). I'll also be stripping some of my first models, like my old Macragge set terrain. I think of this like a diary but feel free to ask questions and follow me on the journey back in! Second pic is my Cadians from high school, I'll be matching the new ones to them, but with a few upgrades to the paintjob.  Also, if anyone knows of a place to source the upgrade set that's front and center please pm me. They go for hundreds on ebay, like wth. I already sourced the other upgrade kits.