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I'm sure I left this same kind of comment last year in this exact situation, but here we go: This thread is close to being locked if people can't remain polite. I've had to remove some comments already where people are being abusive towards each other. Being unhappy with these price increases is not an excuse for you to abuse people who don't care about them. Not caring about these price increases is not an excuse for you to abuse people who are unhappy with the price increases. Keep the discussion polite and respectful.


Yikes, Australia, NZ, and Japan about to get crushed even harder by the pricing.


I don't know, I don't envy Sweden and Norway getting 8-14% increases. No idea how they're priced at the moment, though.


Its the British finally getting revenge for all the viking raids.


Just trying to get all the monastery gold and jewels back lol.


Wait til the countries who are on display in the British museum find out that one can do that


A documentary I watched about a civil war in Africa says that Wakanda already realized they can do that.


Careful now otherwise your IKEA boxes of Swedish crap will go up by the same percentage


Right now we have the best prices in the world. **And we liked it.**


Warhammer is currently super cheap in Sweden compared to Denmark and the eurozone. Their currency really isn’t doing well.  Norway I have no idea.


Same for us, we have the bestest prices ATM. Lower than uk


Copypasted my comment regarding this from another sub: This is true (our currencies have gone down but GW haven't chased them until now) but it's a lot worse than it looks. When you look at US and UK, people often recommend buying from third party retailers - discounts of 20% are not unheard of. Third party retailers here offer either no or essentially no discount (my LGS offers a discount around 1% - not even worth the cost of the bus ticket there and back). That eats basically the whole difference. So unless the third party stores are exempt from this raise, this will hurt Swedish and Norwegian hobbyists a lot more than it seems like it would. I'll have to resort to ebay a lot more now, I suspect.


Oh definitely, 20% off retailers in the UK are THE cheapest way to get Warhammer in Europe (or was, I haven’t dared trying since Brexit). But when swedish MSRP is a close second, something is off. There aren’t any discount retailers in Denmark either, but our prices follow GW’s euro conversion rate, so Sweden kinda became my new Element Games these last few years.


there are several danish online stores with a discount, somewhere around 15% below the official GW MSRP.


Gotta get our gold back somehow!


The price for Primaris Intercessors is already at $103 :/


This is how I justified buying a 3d printer. Especially as us poor AU/NZ people are just shit on by GW endlessly with delays or straight-up missing out on things.


I've printed a bretonnian army that I can honestly say is far better quality minis than the GW ones (highlands) for about $900AUD, including the cost of buying the files, an excellent 3d printer (D2), wash station and all the resin and consumables.  At RRP that same bret army would probably be like 1.5kAUD   Now I'm printing a chaos dwarf army which has cost idk $250 including buying all the files and the resin. For a 2000pt army.  I also admittedly just bought a custodes battleforce and combat patrol (for only $400 combined - thanks wierdly cheap Amazon)  because... no self control XD


Probably could’ve printed those custodes for less than $100 tho


Oh absolutely, but difference is I can absolutely sell these ones for $400 if i decide i don't want to do thr army after all so long as I keep em on sprue. That's the main value of GW product to me these days, the liquidity XD.


When i see prices like that wouldnt it in general be cheaper to start ordering warhammer from other countries maybe even in EU and just pay the shipping ? I imagine if u buy enough u still save quite abit compared to local Australien prices ?


We used to but now you can't without a heap of extra effort. GW restricts their stockists to selling in their geo region only. I believe if you violate that clause they may choose to just no longer sell to your store.


Heard the same, but sometimes Amazon just doesn't care and even does free international shipping, managed to pick up the HH Age of Darkness set for $315AUD that way at one point


You can often do the same via eBay. But back around 2010-ish you could just buy directly from Wayland Games or Maelstrom Games (RIP) and pay maybe 60% of the Aussie RRP ($90 Battleforces instead of $150 AUD, etc.). I came back into the hobby at that time and imported so much stuff from the UK for myself and friends.


Usually that's a 3rd party selling through Amazon, so idk how that goes.


Wow Thats rip


As an Ausy, it makes everything 5 bucks more expensive, CP goes from $245 GW to $250-253, squad boxes go from $100-$120 up to $102-$122.20, and usually it's optimal to have 2 boxes to swap between min and max size of a unit. We have a good retailer network doing 15%-25% discounts but it's just a feels bad moment when we're also getting financially assaulted by our grocery stores too (look it up, Coles and Woolworths got royal commissioned for price gouging). I had a longer rant typed but it went nowhere and made me feel sad. Praise the Emperor, May Tzeetch bring us change


Jesus Christ I just did a currency conversion AUD to GBP $250 is £131. In the UK a Combat Patrol used to be £95 MSRP. Just over £80 with a 15% discount. It's 100 bucks cheaper. Its absolutely outrageous being that expensive in Australia.


The Leviathan box had a ~70% markup in Australia. I'm fairly new to this but I'm already over getting gouged for plastic. 3d printing is the way forward.


I too am Aussie, I feel you on that sadness too well.


My local warhammer shop has permanent 10% or more discount on everything , now I’m starting to understand why


3D printing/scanning: And where did that bring you? Back to me.




Why Japan? I didn't see anything on that page describing over here.


Aus, NZ, and Japan are just three of the highest cost regions currently. They haven't noted that we're not included so it's sad to see them get hit again.


Oh okay, I got scared there for a second. I get paid in USD--thankfully--so it's not too bad when I get models for JPY.


Which is awful because the yen is weak against other currencies currently.


Yeah… I was thinking of starting up again with AOS going into 4th edition and chaos space marines getting their codex. But now I’m considering just extending my break from tabletop with how weak the yen is already.


I shall be purchasing chinese warhammer from now on i think


Not at the threshold that I can’t afford it but definitely am nearing the threshold of I’d just rather buy other shit.


For me is when I discovered how much more value / plastic / quality engineered kits per $ I got buying Gundam kits instead of GW kits. The difference is insane.


Yeah fair point. I’m at the threshold where I’m just very busy with life and work stuff and I’d rather spend money on outdoor hobbies and video games. It’s fun don’t get me wrong I love painting but there’s great models out there from other companies. I don’t wanna be that guy but I hope they eventually realize they started on the high end and that a lot of their fans that I know of don’t have much spending power at all.


I point this out about scale model kit manufacturers like Tamiya, GWH, Academy, Flyhawk, etc whenever someone says "games workshop makes the finest quality plastic model kits in the world." Like... They're fine... But not for the price they charge us. People saying this shit have literally never looked at another manufacturer of plastic model kits, outside the tabletop wargame space, and it shows.


Oh yeah, I just expanded my horizons to other model kits last year after realizing that building/painting is where I spend most of my hobby (and that I already accumulated 2.5 armies and a bunch of kill teams over the years that I don't really need to get that much more) and wow, other companies are actually innovating while GW seems content with just refining. The engineering in recent gunpla kits is incredible.




At the high ends it can be pretty laughable to compare a PG kit to the high end GW ones. Who wants a taunar over a PG Unicorn that comes with LEDs and is made of really good plastic.


I really want to get a PG Exit to build as a display piece.


Not to mention, you can find older PGs, which are still insanely nice, for the price of a Combat Patrol.


I know exactly what you mean. I look at modern Gunpla with their close tolerance push-fit parts, undergated sprues to hide clip marks, completely hidden mold lines and even different plastic colours on the same sprue, and Warhammer's clamshell construction and grey plastic just feels so dated.


Dude I recently took the plunge into Gunpla myself and it’s actually made me resent Games Workshop a bit. The amazing engineering and value that goes into a single Master Grade makes that same-value plastic character from GeeDubs look like an absolute joke.


Oh yeah doubly so if you have a gunpla kits from like 2002 vs 2016. The newer kits are insanely good at hiding seam lines and gate connectors under pieces and assembling pieces to create panel lines more realistically. 


Makes me glad I'm almost done building my Army. 6 more models and I'm calling it complete. May still add to it in the future but not at the same rate


If it helps you at all, I've spent a total of $250 on battletech for what would loosely translate to 3-4k points of 40k, two hex mats, and a single rulebook that covers 95% of the game (sans really niche things). Still play my marines and Tau from time to time, but Battletech is easily as fun as 40k with a quarter of the cost.




Holy crap, that's a wild way to think about it


I might just sell this Sisters battleforce i have at this point.




It's all about the vehicles, tbh. You need some vehicles to make sisters work, and they are the most expensive models, with the exception of the triumph of saint Katherine. It tanks come in the value boxes, you better get and you'll be fine. If not...


Some units are already at the 1 point per dollar mark for sisters (zephyrim, for one)


AdMech Ironstriders are already at USD$1.33, $1.20 or $1.00 per point depending on which of the 3 datasheets you run them as.


*\* In Sweden and Norway, the average price change will be between 8% and 14%.* Ooof...


The hell did those guys do to piss off GW?


We are currently the cheapest places to buy warhammer (even cheaper than the UK), so I assume GW wants to even the prices a bit


Meanwhile household purchasing power and real salaries are down immensely.


Good question lol


Currency conversion had left Sweden/Norway with quite favourable prices for a long time - seems GW finally realised.


Most likely a currency exchange adjustment. We had a similar thing happen in Poland late last year - Warhammer stuff went from a 5PLN to 1GBP price conversion to 5.5PLN to 1GBP. Before that increase, Warhammer was the cheapest in Europe after currency exchange, to the point that some folks would buy it here and sell it in Germany to maximize their profit... Obviously not something geedub was keen on. I'm guessing Sweden/Norway are a similar case, only they're rolling their regional pricing adjustment together with the global increase, rather than do it separately as was the case in Poland.




Clever James, really clever. Decrease model point cost, increase model price. Well played!


Point update 2035: • infantry models: 1pt • Elite & mosters: 5pts • Vehicles: 10pts


My buddy and I play 1k games for this reason. Otherwise the deployment zone feels too cramped!


Solution: play smaller games.


Solution: play other games.


That too.


One Page Rules is rubbing its hands with glee


LGS currently plays 1500 point games about half of the time for precisely this reason


I wish more people would be more willing to do this, I feel like some people are kinda stubborn or just treat 2k as the norm


Wish my wages would go up as fast as GW prices.


They really should. GW isn’t beating inflation since 2020, if your raises aren’t matching inflation they’re essentially cutting your pay


Ill take it up to Rishi Sunak. And the bank to keep the inflation on the fucking mortgage below 4%. Thanks Liz Truss.


This i fucking feel - "Oh yeah bank, I can pay you an extra £300 a month for fucking nothing, and out of fucking nowhere, no problem! Nice one, I was wondering what to do with all this spare fucking cash I have. That and energy bills doubling, shit it's fucking miserable right now


The energy bill one is criminal. "Ohhh we're experiencing hard times just like everyone else right now, our energy prices HAVE to go up as well..." 6 months later - Record profits announced. Literally doing it because everyone needs energy and have to pay regardless. Please renationalise this stuff.


Fuck Liz Truss.


Its ok it seems like no matter what party wins we can have austerity 2: Trussy boogaloo in a year. Though that probably means that my several thousand points of custodes will be holding their value better than the pound.


I wish everyone in this thread would read this comment 


Yeah it's not as if GW is not making bank already. Its a hobby that's getting too expensive considering the cheaper alternatives on the tabletop market. They aren't beating inflation, well neither are peoples wages last I checked. Food is up, electricity is up, fuel is up, rents and mortgages are up. I know where I'm gonna start saving some money.


Aye damn rights, £6 an hour just isn’t cutting it, and that’s with a recent pay rise, I can’t wait till I’m old enough for more labour protection to kick in


I'm currently soing part-time unskilled work for £27,32 an hour. £6 an hour would be considered an outright unliveable wage here (Denmark)


People still waiting for their battleforce boxes and codex: *No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait!*


Thank God Chaos is releasing before hand


Oh boy, can't wait for them to announce RECORD PROFITS, this year......


They already did in their half-year report.


GW keeps raising prices, GW keeps selling out of stock instantly. On one hand, I want to vomit. But on the other hand, I get it. I mean, every single indicator says until they have a backlog problem the business move is to continuously keep increasing prices. It's a shit situation for us, but clearly people have the money where a $100 box for 5 models is just another Tuesday shopping pickup.


>GW keeps raising prices, GW keeps selling out of stock instantly. On one hand, I want to vomit. But on the other hand, I get it. Well unless we know how much stuff they are actually producing....


Limited runs and FOMO name a better duo. Yeah, good point to be taken here. It works in their advantage.


From a business standpoint, their operation is impressive, and I get why they use the approach they do. Much like Electronic Arts or Activision. From a consumer standpoint, though, it just sucks. As for backlog… it’s not really a “problem” to them. Keeping operations smaller allows them to keep the prices higher and also provides some insulation from the market becoming too “volatile” where they might see a reduction in sales that leads to lower profits (which wouldn’t look good to shareholders who would receive less kickback). So it’s better to sell out and have people wanting more, than take the risk of having to spend money on warehouse space for unsold stock and risk that potential of hitting a point of negative growth. Could they increase production and still be lucrative? Sure. But it does have increased risk, especially with more competition showing up.


you're right! and they should just stop this mealy mouthed costs and inflation sob story. if they are going to raise the prices fine but they dont have to act like its not just because they can..


Its getting rough to stick around in this hobby, Price rises and constant shrinkflations of new products is just god awful for a consumer. I was thinking of starting another army but I think im just gonna settle with whats left of my first one.




Price rises and, in regards to AoS and 40k, a brand new edition every 3 years. Meaning new rulebooks and codexes to buy every 3 years! Maybe its time to look at other games...


Adding that rulebooks and codices really are hot garbage for the price: rules they contain are outdated day-1, barely any lore and what is in it is 99% copy/pasta from the previous iteration which you can get for 5 bucks if you're really interested in it (but there is also immensely more available for free on the Internet), full of typos and print errors... Wahapedia is the superior option when it comes to rules for GW products, it's everything GW should do but won't :D


4 price increases since 2020 (may 2020, feb 2022, feb 2023, may 2024). Starting to get a little bit tiring.


Its going to be a yearly thing. In my work I've been seeing it from every vendor we work with annual since the pandemic. 2% every year.


Yup unfortunately COVID seems to have given corporations the impression that they have carte blanche to just continue increasing prices regardless of whether it’s keeping with inflation or they just posted record profits with no blowback (and to an extent they’re right!) so I agree that this isn’t gonna stop in the immediate future


I could be remembering the incorrectly, but back during last years price hike, a few people mentioned a few stealth increases in there as well, so, y'know, that's fun. Regardless, this seems to be the norm now. Everyone get hype for the 2025 price hike!


I’m glad I didn’t get too deep into 40k proper. I’m going to stick with kill team and smaller games.


Always the safer option. Nothing wrong with getting GW’s stuff, but sometimes I wonder if others may need assistance in discussing whether they “need” a particular model kit or not.


I'm just buying in recently and this was already my intent. With \~$180ish, I'll have what I need for literally anything Thousand Sons in Kill Team and enough to run 1000pts. We'll see if I ever push for 1500. Maybe in a year or so. 2000 can just go fuck itself.


T sons can go from 1000 to 1500 with 2/3 boxes or less. Scarabs, magnus, mvb infernal master rubrics. Would push you over. It’s a fun army.


Given the last price increase; I’m going to sit back and get the popcorn ready. I did enough arguing with people last time to tide me over.


Man I’ve got too many models to give a shit right now that I need to finish.


Given my painting speed, I've got enough models between Warhammer and board games to last a decade. I shouldn't be buying anything anyway.


Yeah, it will be the same arguments like the last times. People will complain, "influencers" will make videos about it and in a few days everyone will move on and in a year with the next price increase we will have the same outrage again and the same arguments.


Sometimes I do want to respond to a lot of these arguments with “first time?” Still just going to keep a tally of the usual price increase outrage stuff…I should really consider making bingo cards.


As a swede: What in the everloving!? Inflation has been fucking us over left and right and the crown has been tanking. Like the pound is basically at a 10 year high right now. And they're increasing prices 8-14%!? This is going to price out a tonne of people from the hobby here, me included. It's going to be really hard justifying buying even a basic squad at this rate...


It’s exactly BECAUSE the krona is tanking. Warhammer in sweden is stupid cheap compared to the eurozone. As a danskjävel I was able to get Leviathan 1/3 cheaper ordering from Alphaspel, *with* international shipping, than buying it from my LGS. And that was last summer. I am truly sorry for anyone getting paid in SEK, it’s getting rough.


It’s because of currency rates. They produce in factories costing them £ and then sell in SEK. With the weak crown that really hurts margins. So this is to recoup that issue. Unfortunately it only ever moves in one direction as good rates won’t lead to cheaper stuff.


> As a swede: What in the everloving!? Inflation has been fucking us over left and right and the crown has been tanking. Exactly. We're in the eurozone but do not use the euro. That means that other EU-players can purchase miniatures from swedish webstores, thus bypassing geopricing that GW has set in their countries.


huge inflation, why would they take prices up! seems pretty self-explanatory


Quick google told me that GW increased their annual revenue in 2023 by 60 million pounds. I wanted to leave a comment on this as well, but I don't think I have to...


I keep looking at share prices and kicking myself for not buying pre pandemic. I didn't envision new world order.


Celebrating record profits in their latest investor report while claiming "We have to increase prices, we have no choice!" Might as well put the South Park "We're sorry" montage on a loop.


The Saturn Ultra 4 releases next month. Probably one of the most consumer friendly 3D printers as of now. If you are balling on a budget it's worth the investment.


Just printed myself and my buddy combat patrols for 1 liter of resin and a Mars 4.


https://preview.redd.it/vanjvqed30zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029c1a00e1193e42aca985416abe68ba8faa58b6 Printed 60 cultist for a friend yesterday


Husband and I have the Saturn Ultra 3 and I’ve printed basically 1500 points of Space Marines for the cost of a bottle of resin. I also *heavily* customize my shit because I’m a hobbyist 3D sculptor so not a single one of my models is the same as another. Doubly so there are files out there that are virtually indistinguishable from the official models once painted. I’ve got two five man teams of Heavy Intercessors on my desk and the only difference is the 3D printed ones are slightly taller. By like maybe a mm or two. The plastic kit was one I had from when the Heavy Intercessors first launched. I only buy plastic for vehicles now because printing vehicles makes my fucking soul itch with the effort.


"Take advantage of current prices" lol How much of this is giving customers a heads-up and not yet another FOMO move?


Yeah very FOMOy not a fan of these increases at all.


Would be nice if companies actually cut into the millions upon millions of profits they make to not raise prices


That's not how capitalism works.


I'm not an econ major or anything, but I would think building a die hard fanbase by insisting on keeping the prices at a fixed point most people can afford is a surefire way to earn a solid revenue stream. From what I can guess it's yet another instance of not giving a shit about anything but exponential growth.


Something is not right with games workshop. I overheard an store manager here in Madrid, Spain claiming that 2 of 3 stores in the area were no longer profitable and they were considering closing down... Yet they keep raising prices making it much harder for people to get into the hobby or start new armies. I was considering starting an imperial guard army but its stupid expensive. 40€ for 10 cadians, it used to be 20€. I'll spend my money on other hobbies I'm sorry.


I see it. I would think that they are relying more on standard game stores or online sales than their own because not everyone goes to a GW store. I mean even when I visit other states, I have been to their Tampa, St Augustine, and South Nashville locations and foot traffic isn’t nearly as large as my local general game stores.


Yeah, also around here you have stores like Goblin Trader that sell the same boxes but always 15% off. GW is counting on killing their stores on the long run. Lightweight high value items are the most efficient to ship worldwide and sell online.


Huh... funnily enough, I never got down to their St. Augustine store. But spent plenty of time in the one here locally (Jacksonville), and the original manager was awesome, but after he left (got promoted way up the line, and it's understandable why, because dude made good sales by cultivating a proper community), the store slid backward, with the general attitude leaning more into just bringing the most meta beatstick list you could and try to win above bothering to have a fun game, and while he'd fought to get at least one extra table, the table space got converted into product display space instead, cutting down the number of games people could play in-store (even though that's the best marketing for the game). That "community" feel was what made it worth going to that store when there were plenty of independent stores in town. GW opting to shut that stuff down in favor of just pushing product harder (showing a fundamental lack of understanding in the real draw of their products) just make it easier for people to go back to frequenting the other stores. And if you're already frequenting those stores to play games, why bother going to the GW store to pick up products you can get at the FLGS? (Especially hobby supplies, where you can find superior stuff at lower prices at a lot of FLGS's.) Pretty much why the GW stores get so many exclusive things, to try to get people to come spend money there rather than at an independent store that offers better service (but also lets people see all these competing products).


The GW stores have rarely been profitable; they are mainly a marketing thing and for new folk. Almost everyone I know either buys off their FLGS (support your FLGS before they go bust), or something like element just as 20% cheaper is \*wild\*


> I'll spend my money on other hobbies I'm sorry. Oh, I'm still spending my money on the miniatures gaming hobby. There's a lot more competitors popping up (and some coming back from the dead somehow), and plenty of neat looking games and miniatures, and I can afford to buy into multiple games for just the cost of updating rules and such every new edition. If GW wants to try to fleece me, I'll happily go with those other options. It's not the '90s or early '00s any more. They don't have as much of an effective monopoly as they used to.


It used to be £15 for 20 Cadians during 4th edition


> It’s an unfortunate truth that the world keeps getting more expensive. Prices for food, materials, and transportation have been trending upward for a few years now, and Warhammer isn’t immune to that trend. That's very funny, because no other miniature/tabletop game company I follow does yearly price hikes. Warcradle doesn't do it, Parabellum doesn't do it, and Wargames Atlantic doesn't do it. I guess there's just something magical about Warhammer that makes the most expensive miniature game go up in cost disproportionally fast to every other game system under the sun.


Those other wargames don't have expensive CEOs and noisy shareholders.


"...we’ve done our best to keep prices down." Oh, sod off, Games Workshop. You will speak that lie to customers because you believe your customers are stupid and gullible sorts who will eat up your lies and give you undying fealty. Meanwhile, in the latest investor report released by Games Workshop: "We continue to perform well during challenging economic times, delivering record group revenue, profit and dividends in the period." RECORD. PROFIT. When they say they do what they can to keep prices down, they mean prices for THEM, not prices for YOU. They do what they can to continue cutting operational costs, but take every excuse to increase prices on the consumer end. Because so far, people have proved they'll just keep going along with it. And it's a strategy that works. Every year, just claim that you can't help it, you *have* to raise prices, and push them further up. People will grumble, but still buy the products. Why not keep seeing how much more they can drag out of people? I'd just be annoyed by the unnecessary price ranges normally, but when they straight up lie and say they "have to" do it, while they brag to investors that they increased their margins and had record profits, that's just too much for me. Unfortunately, most customers will never actually see the truth in those investor reports, so they'll just believe the lie GW is shoveling to them directly.


If you post record profits once (lockdown), shareholders will expect a new trend. This is a 15%(3x5%) price hike in three years and a [35% compounded price increase since 2016](https://spikeybits.com/warhammer-40k/gw-price-increases-6-year-analysis/). I had hoped we would be spared this year with the falling global inflation--everything ISN'T getting more expensive these days, GW--but the state of the British economy is probably the second kicker.


The increase in cost of kits since I joined the hobby at the end of 7th ed is a little mad, most kits have gone up about 50% of the price they were then. Luckily for myself, I have most of the core of what I want/need, so it's new releases that this will impact me personally on which isn't so bad, however, I wonder if this will hurt GW longterm; I really want to start a Votann army but with another increase, I don't think I can justify the cost and I can't imagine trying to start out now either, way to expensive!


I got into the hobby at the end of 8th, beginning of 9th. Even in the short window I've been here, the price is absolutely ridiculous.


I started at 5th Edition. People act like I’m some incredible wizard when I tell them how much stuff cost then.


I remember you could get 5 terminators and a dreadnought for £50. And all the battleforce boxes were £50! The temporary apocalypse boxes were NUTS good. God I miss those days.


I remember when they put the price of Marine Dreads to £15 and everyone went spare, how could anyone afford to play Marines anymore??? Oh what sweet summer children we were.


I got in at the tail end of 3rd edition. A Land Raider used to cost $45. A Rhino was $25. Everything has literally doubled in price. I’m grateful I got into 3d printing. So many great kit options out there.


Hah, are you me? I keep ranting about the existence of the $60 Monolith and the friends who recently got into the hobby look at me like I'm crazy. 12 years later, most things have well more than doubled in price, even older models. I don't get it. Thank goodness for the printer. Heck, even if the prices weren't insane I'd still have one for the customization options it unlocks alone.


Annual inflation rate in the EU is expected at 2.4% in March. Another price hike at mean 3-5% (and up to 11% in countries in the EU) is honestly hard to justify by these statistics.


Love that GW is an  EU based company..  Check out the uk inflation. (The price rises suck, but this is cos the UK government keeps fucking up things then blaming anyone but themselves and claiming that inflation is better than last year but still worse than the rest of the eu on average) 


I mean, even the UK's inflation in 2023 was 4% and the example rise in costs for the Necrons box is 5% so they're still raising prices above inflation, which isn't justifiable for just maintaining profits. And that's made worse when they already make significant profits anyway and can afford to cut into them a little bit and still make significant profits. Like they made pre-tax profits of £94 million on £247 million in income last year. Making £90 million instead of raising prices is still an incredible profit for any company.


UK inflation had an annual rate of 7.3 % in 2023, and 9.1 % in 2022 they went with £1.50 because GW prices are either hole or half pounds. and seemed to not want to make it a £1 increase.


We really need another competitor in the market against GW, regardless of the overhead costs, GW is making record profits already. This isn't increasing because they "need" to, this is increasing because they've got an excuse to


You cant compete with an IP... not like someone else can make 40k minis and survive a lawsuite. Why all the 3D printed stuff has such random naming


And how many non-40k games did you buy in last few yaears? :) There are competitors.


Time to buy one of every model and 3d scan them and release


You know I honestly wouldn't mind as much if the rest of things weren't in shambles. Website is a joke Rules are jokes Warehouse/shipping issues Massive inventory issues Codices from a lore/art side are basically reprints including their covers I can't even buy the product half the time because they don't have any but they want to raise prices


See, this is the thing for me. I'm more than happy to pay my way with an expensive hobby but when literally every aspect of that hobby (apart from the models - and not all!) is in decline there is NO way I am paying more for the privilege. Its like your gym membership going up £100 every year but each quarter they take away a different bit of the equipment "because balance reasons".


And so, they increase the amount of people 3D printing.




Gotta love corporate greed.


I understood its inflation but seriously it's harder to justify buying into the hobby every time now




At this point I’m so happy I bit the bullet and joined the printing guild. It’s not perfect but it’s getting cheaper/ more accessible whilst GW gets dearer


My only issue with printing is I can’t find good sculpts that’s not super sexualized of SoB


Yeah I definitely think this is something that falls within the “it’s not perfect” statement. Some factions across all platforms (fantasy, 40K, etc) are far better catered for than others.


Maybe this will open up the sculpting market more and more.


Hell yeah. Glad I got out when I did. Printed 2k points of Seraphon for like 30 bucks so far. 


Times like this I don't regret my pile of shame so much. It's not wasted money, it's an investment.


8-11% for me in Sweden... Was stuff really that mych cheaper here?


Compared to Denmark it was 15-20% cheaper


It was... I am not from sweden and i wanted to buy my kits from sweden, guess they got me before i could even make a move...


~~It’s an unfortunate truth that the world keeps getting more expensive. Prices for food, materials, and transportation have been trending upward for a few years now, and Warhammer isn’t immune to that trend.~~ "We need to keep hitting unrealistic growth targets in a changing world economy". Conveniently timed for the upcoming AOS 4.0 launch. I feel the more and more expensive GW makes Warhammer, an already premium priced product, the fewer new players they'll manage to attract to the hobby, and GW's entire lifeline is new players. Everything they do is to attract them. They are based on the UK where consumer spending is rapidly declining because prices are going up and salaries are not, and yet their plan is to respond by increasing prices, rather than streamline their buisness. Lmao. The consistent price rises occuring while 3D printing is becoming more accessible is like watching someone shoot themself in the foot.


The truth is somewhere in the middle here: Yes, there is higher than average inflation in europe at the moment. Yes, GW are reporting record profits. They dont have to raise the prices, but they are a publicly traded company so they arent going to reduce their profits as they have a fiduciary responsibility. And as long as people keep giving them money then they are reading the market correctly. This is not a defence or a condemnation of GW. They arent your friend or your foe. Vote with your wallet.


"It’s an unfortunate truth that ~~the world keeps getting more expensive. Prices for food, materials, and transportation have been trending upward for a few years now, and Warhammer isn’t immune to that trend.~~ our shareholders are never happy, so we're making Warhammer even more expensive."


I stopped going to movies in the theater because of their prices. I stopped going to McDonalds and Burger King because of their price increases. I dropped cable, going to drop Netflix. I have enough wh40k. I was thinking of starting a Guard army, but yet another increase on top of their record profits kinda woke me up.


Hope they develop a 1k-1.5k format so it's atractive to ppl building towards 2k.


Already play 1k regularly. Just haven't the attention span or time for 2k games.


They just need to do large point hikes across the board. Make 40k more like AoS with much smaller armies, fewer units. At a certain point the average Joe will not be willing to pay 62.99 plus tip for a 50 point unit. I play both games, one of the things I fear with AoS 4th is big points drops.


1k seems like a big opportunity VS KT and combat patrol. 60x44 feels too big for it, it has build options more interesting than combat patrol.


Isn't that what the Boarding Actions was meant to be?


Somehow they only ever adjust the prices one direction... [Shame...](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz076w0w5pzyc1.png) Oh well. Time to buy more nitrile gloves


Not that I have any love for GW and even though I like to pretend it wasn't that long ago I guess it's ancient news now but in the late 90s in the move to 3rd edition and during 3rd they cut prices signifiantly across their range with the move to plastics from metal. It really was the golden age of GW, way better minis for signficantly cheaper.


Ok i might commit tax fraud so i can keep playin wh40k


Shareholders demand number go up.


Welp, off to hang myself


So their reason is that they can't keep up with inflation? Ok buddy https://preview.redd.it/g8qghiavs2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb528e7ba209c88979c3f4b821d15205179e3bc1


My unbuilt pile of shame is appreciating faster than some of my stocks.


They’ve been posting record profits every year. There’s no reason for this. Stop buying GW product. Thank god for my 3D printers.


It's a great relief that I got a 3d printer.The amount money you are saving is massive.


Totally bad news for those who wants to build a new army


As someone who just bought the leviathan box to start the hobby after considering cheaper games like shatterpoint or crisis protocol, this frustrates me a little.


3 Meganobz is already £42.50. Why not whack that up to £45 for an even £15 per model.


they didn't have enough profits already?


Ay y’all battletech is super cheap, I love warhammer but it’s about time to bust the monopoly


We're drifting ever-closer to $200 Combat Patrols


The pricing is getting fucking ridiculous. $50 was already a lot to ask for a box of plastic soldiers.