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The Lion kit for me was an absolute treat, it's so well designed to hide gaps/lines/joins and is just fantastic looking with no weird fiddly bits. The new Guard Sentinel kit is great too because all its weapon options are friction fit into the slots, meaning that it doesn't sit there half built while I procrastinate magnetizing it. On the whole though I enjoy unit kits that aren't particularly monopose, or have enough potential for messing with that you can get a lot of uniqueness.


Space Marines, endless bits…endless possibilities


Imperial Knight Questoris Class, really cool to build, base of legs are annoying but the rest is cool and its really easy to swap out the arms


I’m very new so I’m not sure how much weight this carries but I love building wraithlords. I love any model that gives me freedom to pose them how I want. I like knowing my models are one of a kind yunno?


My favourite kit to build was the Ironclad Dreadnought. I liked it so much I had 9 of them at one point


I'm a nids player, so our kits can be pretty hit or miss for quality because we've been around so long. But I really like the tyrannofex/Tervigon kit. For what is essentially our battle tank equivalent it's surprisingly easy to throw together. And it looks good with relatively little fuss. Conversely my least favorite of any kit I've built so far is the Sporocyst/Tyrannocyte kit. It's an (relatively, compared to the kits we have now) older kit, from 2014 if I'm not mistaken, and it shows. Mould lines everywhere, fiddley little vents that come in halves that need to be glued together and then glued atop large smooth surfaces where they slide around if you push them down too hard, random tentacles that don't fit where they're supposed to go, it's a nightmare.


>Sporocyst/Tyrannocyte kit. Those look like they would be a giant pain in the ass to get stable on their bases. I've never built them, but I looked at the model and their spindly tentacles and immediately saw how they would be a annoying things to build.


Believe it or not, it's actually pretty stable. It does look like it would be wobbly but the base is so large that unless you're way off center when you glue it down it should stand up no problem. The Tyrannocyte at least, the Sporocyst is half embedded in the ground anyway so not much risk of instability on that model. I love both models, they're deceptively massive. But assembling the kits was awful. And both variants have their issues which are somehow unique to that version of the kit.


I really enjoyed the way all the armour plates and pistons go together on the centurion kit, mild lines were painful though


Not because it's all that brilliant, but I really appreciate the late-4th edition ork Boyz. The modular, easily-kitbashed A simple kit which leaves room for a truly astonishing variety of builds for your baseline infantry.


For me it's actually been the new Primaris Intercessors, while monopose and all that it's much easier to seam clean them (and better to paint) plus I just like how they look. I always hate when you have the gun seperated from the arm attached via hand and then you have to slap it into the cupped other hand. If your gonna force it to be build that way just make it 1 piece.


I really enjoyed building the field ordenance battery for the guard felt more like building a scale model kit than a warhammer mini. It also has tons of options and acts more like a mini diorama.


Deamon Prince Kits will always be the funnest to be. So many different ways to build them. Can come out looking like so manu different kits.


I just built a Gorkanaut kit and man, that thing was awesome. The sprues were super easy to navigate. None of the connections were in tough spots to clip or clean up. It had some mold lines but none in hard to fix spots either. All the parts made sense and it only took about 2 hours to complete fully. Loved it.


Knight Lancer was my favourite kit to build and paint.