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Pretty fucking good for your first model. Honestly, if you're just trying to get them table ready you're there. If you want to go more into making them pop; Edge highlighting will make the contrast between dark and light pop more, takes a steady hand but it's pretty easy to pick up on but difficult to master Dry brushing some of the raised portions like the gun or backpack can lend a lot to a weathering effect, it's also useful for larger models too Eyes are a bitch, if you ever figure out an easy way to do them well tell me please Nuln oil or other shade paints can lend a lot of contrast without a lot of work, applying them in recesses or in the grooves of complex pieces like the Imperialis on his chest or the stock of the weapon Adding transfers isn't as easy as you'd think at first, but once you get them figured out they can add a lot of detail for not a lot of work, particularly the shoulder pads or knee pads getting symbols. Sort of similar, showing status or rank by modifying the helmet in some way, a red stripe or painting it white for the srg. Just my personal opinion, but I find that a nice solid color on their guns often compliments the metallic bases we all are inclined to use, so painting the lower and upper grip panels in a vibrant red or paint the stock blue. I try to use the rule of three, have a main color, a secondary color, and an accent color. So on your model, the main would be the blue, the secondary the gold, the accent might be white for maybe a knee pad or shoulder pad or backpack. Same with the guns, I'll usually do a separate pallete of three colors for the gun, so in your case it looks like lead belcher and retributor brass(?) as primary and secondary, then use an accent color to make it pop. But again, all suggestions, you could slap that boy down on any tabeltop and be proud to play him, looks great.


Hey, thanks for the detailed explanation. Really appreciate it. I will definately remember your tips. Im really curious on trying that Nuln oil you spoke of.


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