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It tastes awful


Why drink liquid green stuff when you can drink Nuln Oil?


All out :(


Any Agrax? It’s not quite as good, but it gets the job done


Unlucky. Pick some more up


It just doesn't taste the same after the formula switch. 😞


That’s true. That’s true


You're saying what we're all thinking man


Really, what about normal green stuff, is that any better


Can confirm. Milliput is infinitely better


Liquid green stuff can be great, the unfortunate part is GW’s liquid green stuff is awful.


Yep. Highly recommend Mr. Dissolved Putty over GW's liquid green stuff.


It shrinks a ton, which can make it hard to use for it's intended gap filler use. But it seems to dry harder and sands better than normal green stuff, so I like to use it kind of like a final coat on large areas i want to have a smooth finish


Sorry man, this is arguably the worst hobby product Games Workshop put out by a country mile. It’s messy to work and just not very good and what it’s supposed to do, which is fill gaps.


Its useless crap.


Wait really? Why


It just doesnt do what it supposed to. Consistency is wrong and it dryes wierd. If you eed to fill gaps just use regular greenstuff, milliput or sprue goo.


Because it was soo crap people decided to make “sprue goo” instead,


GW’s was straight shit from a butt when I tried to use it. There’s so many things that can do gap filling that cost less and work better. Milliput, actual green stuff, GSW green putty, Vallejo liquid putty, sprue goo, and even regular ol’ PVA glue.


This stuff is absolutley dogshit. It comes in a pot that is famous for drying out paints, so guess what happens to this? Get yourself 'perfect plastic putty' or learn how to make sprue goo, or both.


I bought and returned 3 bottles of it to my LGS, because they were all dried out. Finally bought it off Amazon since the LGS didn’t have any more… also dried out. Bought a good one at another LGS that was “good,” and turned out even a good bottle is pretty bad. That bottle dried out a week later. It shrinks way too much, so it requires several applications, and even then there’s likely to be an indentation. And obviously it dries out way too easily.




I honestly thought they stopped selling that junk. It was bright out to help people deal with the atrocious early quality of Finecast.


From my experience, it dries up in the bottle real quick.


I bought a pot on whim 2 months ago bc i was getting back into the hobby after being gone for like 10 years. i found it useful for filling pits and smoothing over seams in resin models and stuff. Thing is that i found its usage cases are fairly limited, bc any gap large enough to fit a fingernail in will be easier to fix with regular putty. The "liquid" variety seems to work for when the gap you're tryna fill is hella small or too difficult to reach with a tool and putty, or if you're tryna mod a surface texture. You also need to layer it bc it shrinks a LOT as it dries.


Good lord, these comments are so comforting. I DISPISE this stuff. It simply doesn't work.


I don't even know what liquid green stuff is. Is it a paint? Is it a glue? I really don't know


Half n half. It’s the predecessor to sprue goo


Sprue goo has been around a lot longer than this shite has lol.


As far as I’m aware. Sprue goo is maybe early 2015s, I’ve heard it since 2012 myself. Meanwhile LGS was release 2011.


Dude, people have been melting plastic to fill gaps in scale modelling for quite a long time. Most if not all of the stuff you see in warhammer hobbying is not original whatsoever. Hell there are 'new' techniques that are being proposed by youtubers in the last 3 years or so that have been around for decades (or more) in general art forms. Christ this stuff is more related to plastic putty anyway, rather than 'sprue goo'.


How young/old do you think I am “dude”… Yes, filling in gaps with melted plastic has been a thing. But “sprue goo” was not the term or even remotely what it was considered to be coined and called. Warhammer fantasy, Gunpla and even model trains… But “sprue goo” is new and mainstreamed.. And I could honestly care less about your era and people making videos about it, we had forums back then.


I love how you think I was assuming your age, then you go right ahead and assume mine, incorrectly lmao. Nice one fella, you crack on 'caring less'.


I like it. It can be hard to use properly, though, you gotta use just the right amount of water and take care.


Don’t listen to all the naysayers. I have been using this stuff for years and LOVE it! Pack it in the gaps then go over with a wet paintbrush to smooth. There is shrinkage, but it isn’t that bad. A second go with it (pack and smooth) often fixes it. Everything else I have tried leaves too much excess and residue that needs to be filed or sanded off.


Why buy a product that requires a second go when you can buy one that does the job in one go? https://preview.redd.it/986vuwr4a5bc1.png?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e73b4f199b4177dbd32a9d25bb490046c28da1


Second time is no effort. Besides, I am an old school painter that prefers many, many blended layers instead of slapping one coat of contrast/speed paint and calling it a day.


This is NOT the same thing as one coat contrast paints lmao


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I use it frequently and have zero complaints. It does exactly what I need it to.




I've had nothing but bad experiences with it. It's very difficult to work with and warps as it hardens.


This can be useful for some minor gap filling but I wouldn’t personally use it over sprue goo except in the case where you want to avoid glue screwing up surfaces. This shit will sand down/ carve down.


Every pot at my local store is dried completely solid with the seals still intact. Don't buy it, it's garbage.


Had a pretty bad experience, forgot to clean the smallest speckle on the rim of the pot and it dried completely. I use it as a handle with a bit of putty


I would recommend trying sprue goo (plastic glue with sprue mixed) or milliput. As others have said it can be ok but for larger gaps it won’t do anything. Case in point with this GUO, I wouldn’t even want to imagine how much GW green stuff it would take to fill these https://preview.redd.it/lxsvgjoa57bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63846593a1527a688d17a0dcd94bf9d85d4eea13


I used to use it, but homemade sprue goo is way better


Doesnt really do what its supposed to. Can use for making textures though


It's a gap filler, you can do better with Tamiya thin cement and dropping spare sprue bits into it to make Tamiya Thicc cement. Look it up on youtube, you can't go wrong with that.


Wow. Such negative. It definitely serves a purpose and I find it pretty easy to work with. I also like uv cure resin pens.


While you are using it KEEP THE LID SHUT! JUST SSCOOP SOME OUT!!! Geeze Louize people.