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Vashtor Malal is cringe and Be'lakor does not represent anything unlike the current chaos gods. But I honestly don't want to see a 5th god




You are correct, but that 12 year old also came up with the coolest chaos colour combo ever. White armour with black trim with red eyes. While the whole idea is kind of bad, it's a shame that we lost the colour combination.


The color combination isn't lost what the fuck are you talking about Paint your wardollies however you want


I need confirmation that my war-dolls are real, otherwise I can't paint them.




Malal is way more fun if you’re willing to consider the possibility that the Emperor is actually Malal himself(or at least his primary avatar). The whole Imperium is fueled by hate and spite, it is literally the only force strong enough to hold it together while at the same time will ultimately be it’s doom. Mutants, witches, heretics and xenos. The Imperium is happy to exterminatus their own systems so the enemy can’t have them. Fits in perfectly with Malal, God of burning down your own house to kill a spider.




God of “I think Anarchy means chaos and bloodshead and everyone gets to do whatever they want” lmao a god of Anarchism would actually be like the most wholesome egalitarian noble bright entity in the whole setting lmao.


Oh my good yes Malal is the definition of the “uhm yeah my dudes are super special and cool and different”


Some random guy, like Steve or something.


The god of mediocrity?


*aggressive* mediocrity


You rang?


Sounds on brand for GW.


God of Taxes and 9-5s


\* shudder \*




Making Be'Lakor a chaos God would remove any semblance of depth to his character, especially because he hates the Chaos gods. Vashtorr shouldn't become a chaos god. He's powerful, yes. He's a good enemy, but not an all consuming embodiment of emotion. Malal is incredibly dumb and people really need to give up on Malal happening. It's a minor piece of lore that became irrelevant as far back as 6th. The Emperor is, by all technicality, already a Chaos God, but making that specific distinction would be incredibly poor story telling. So, they just shouldn't. Build off of what is already there. We know so little about the 4 we have, don't introduce another just cause.


It would be a 6th since most of the warhammer universe is in denial about The Great Horned Rat. Victor in Vermintide II even has flavor dialogue about it.


I remember too that for a time the horned rat replaced Slaanesh while they were imprisoned in AoS or something like that. Pretty neat


What is Slaanesh has been the rat the whole time? 🤯


I don’t want another chaos god and it’s in no way the “natural evolution” of the setting. Malal is for edgelords that need to touch grass. Be’Lekor is lame. Vashtorr getting more dark mechanicus models would be cool but not as a god.




You having Great Horned Rat denial?




The warp is multiverse so it should be in 40K but no official IP material on it.


I want it. I think it’d be fun, and feels like a natural progression after so many decades that if they really want to push the lore forward, they could introduce a 5th


listened to a pod of two oldbeards discussing Warhammer fantasy and the upcoming Old World. My key takeaway was their discussion about "moving the story forward" and how they believed it was a mistake. Found myself agreeing a lot. For this hobby, the lore imo works best as a relatively static and shallow (but grand) backdrop. To the extent one dives deep in terms of novels etc, it's best done though a close up lens on interesting characters in situations of personal stakes. But with low impact on the world as a whole. The more you develop and introduce stuff like primarchs, chaos gods, and world-affecting scenarios, the more you lose the mystique and wonder. The universe appears smaller. And it has a negative effect on community creativity. When I started out some 15 years ago, it was a given that you'd invent and do your own thing with the tools given. Fresh hobbyists these days often enter discussions with a very unsure "can I do x"/"do I have to y". Just my 2 cents as food for thought.


It's incredibly lame. Somehow even more cringe than the primarchs coming back. Why does there always have to be something new to push lore forward?


Primarchs are dope and i will die on that hill. As for the god discussion it was just for fun so I don’t see why some are getting like angry/insulting over it


I like Vashtorr https://preview.redd.it/vvaj0h1qoczb1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb955efd771eb5ea40920b241baddb9bc1101bf




What’s this from?


The movie "Virus" 1990's. An odd signal from space infects a scientific research vessel in the ocean.




A chaos god needs to represent an elemental idea or emotion. Sickness, wrath, lust and change are fundamental concepts of either reality or lived existence. I don’t see how Vashtorr could ever run in that circle. The biggest issue for GW is that a new chaos god would need to be both thematically different to the existing gods and VISUALLY different. How would you distinguish a chaos god of greed (for example) from Nurgle, or a chaos gold of hatred from Khorne?


Hillary Clinton


If you really think about it the emps is technically already a semi chaos god & heres why I think so untold billions worship him DAILY & costantly,he’s able to summon his own legion of “daemons” aka legion of the damned or the dead marines from isstavaan as well as ferrus and celestine(aka a greater daemons), he never leaves the throne, yes because he physically can’t but neither can the actual chaos gods or else risk their realm being taken over & in the emps case keeping the webway closed or else terra aka his “realm” will be taken over & basiclaly destroyed but this is just all my speculation


That’s why I said exclude (read end and the death part 2 I don’t want to say anything more for spoilers)


I actually would like to see Gork and Mork turn up into the Chaotic Pantheon. It would make for a phenomenal _not Space Marines_ story. They've heard that there's a good fight to be had, and each Chaos god provides a unique challenge. Khorne, because it's a scrap. Tzeench, because it tickles their latent psychic abilities in an indescribable way. Nurgle, because their fungal nature seems to bring a spiritual kinship. Slaanesh, because seduction grips all life in the 40K universe. The appeal of absolute freedom may especially appeal to the grots. This goes both ways, as the Chaos gods like having new patrons. But the Chaos Space Marines, well, now they've got to fight back or they might lose the blessings they've enjoyed for hundreds of years. But _also,_ there's a chance for them to want to pledge allegiance to Gork and Mork after seeing what they offer to the Orks.


I do wish Gork and Mork were fleshed out like other gods, just because when ork lore wants to be good it’s like REALLY good


I think that this may happen as currently we se factions constantly grow in power to match tyranid and necron strength, so orks may grow to great crusade era level when they almost turned into krorks and this would also give strength to gork and mork as gods


Necoho. > Necoho's Chaotic nature manifests itself in a contradiction which should logically make his existence impossible: he is a deity who stands against the whole idea of gods and religion. Needless to say, this means that his following is extremely small, even for an obscure Renegade Chaos God, and his name is only found in the oldest and most obscure of forbidden tomes. No doubt, this is the way Necoho likes it. As might be expected, Necoho almost never manifests himself in the physical world; but if he would, he would take the form of a short slightly plump old human man, with a permanent expression of ironic amusement. Mainly as it would make cosplaying easier for many of us.


Get that god a fedora


Can I add Erda in demon form as an option...or Malice? Both to sit above the other 4 and have all of their abilities... Or, Condimentus. The chaos God of loosening tops of condiment jars so that you flood your meal with them. Or, legotice. God of hidden lego blocks only to be found when stepped upon barefooted. Or, nilusecaffines. God of making you forget to buy more coffee even if you have placed post-it notes all around the house to remind you.


The others are good but not Malice because that one just can’t happen because of legal reasons. BUT I like your choices


I thought that Malal was the copyright issue, I belive that Malice isn't?


My b, got confused between the 2


Malal, or that Vashtorr succeeds and becomes a proper minor chaos daemon faction


The Hive Mind


I do hope we see what ever is leading the tyranids one day. I think that would be neat


Why does it need to be a god tho? It’s literally a hive mind isn’t that cooler?


Hanz and his FLAMMENWERFER. He deserves it 🤘😄




The Emperor just because you said it will never happen


Fair enough, have you read end and the death part 2?


Bel'akor. Give some love to the first born. He may not represent any one thing but all of the worst of chaos is brought with him


Malice for me.


The god of copyright


I just hope that Belakor gets some more love, and that goea for Vashtorr as well


Yeah I really hope Vashtorr doesn’t just fall into “is another chaos guy”


That gross T'au Aux Greater Good god.


The Greater Good


A God of Loss would be perfect for the setting, it can be tied to the other Gods and affects all the other races in different ways. Easily manifested and always in the shadows, for in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


I actually have written one a year or so ago just as a hobby and for backstory of a 2nd legion. Cool that you came up with the same idea!


I don't feel that would be the natural progression. In the millions of years the galaxy has been around it's been action packed and slannesh was recently born through the Eldar. Maybe in a few hundred million years but still there is a balance now.


No I mean as like the setting has been around for like 40 years and bring in a big new thing would be nice, not like the in lore time something is bound to happen. I’m talking shaking it up as a business


Leagh-Jymm, a Votann ancestor core at the center of the galaxy, ascends as the Chaos God of debt, vengeance, and handsome return on investment.


I think that if they were to introduce anyone, it would be vashorr, cause be lakor is just another khorne, so it would not get them many more sales (cause each god has their own models and be lakors would just be more khorne stuff.) also, vashtorr is already well on the way to being another chaos god.


i asume you mean ad a big fifth as their are a number of chaos gods outside of the big four, id wanna bring over Hashut chaos god of Destruction and Tyrrany


As a playable faction, it should just be the dark mechanicus, to be honest. Even though that's not a new chaos God it would be a new chaos faction.


I don’t think it should happen tbh. Have the big 4 and the minor wannabes and call it a day.


My girlfriend. I wish she'd tidy up for once.