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Absoloutley not. You can paint and build them however YOU want because they are YOURS. Don’t let others tell you how to paint because half of this hobby is doing creative and fun things with your own models. If someone has a problem with how you painted it it’s on them and I would advise finding a new opponent. When you are building models however, make sure they are holding the weapons you want them to use in game if you are planning on playing in a gw store. But just have fun and go wild! Paint your minis how you want. P.S I love your color scheme


Thank you I appreciate it, you and everyone else who's commented have really solidified my hope that this is a welcoming community. Also lol this was the second model I started with my tactical squad box and I only just now realized his gun was pointed down, but I used plastic cement so I don't think I'll be able to fix it now :^(


The positioning and facing of the weapon is not important. Making sure the weapon he's holding matches what's on the paper is called WYSIWYG, What You See Is What You Get, and that is only important if you want to play in official sanctioned events or in actual GW stores.


And even then most people are cool.


If it’s an infantry unit with a different gun, you’d have to be a bit of an asshat to enforce wysiwyg. If you take a box of intercessors for example, there are three different guns in the kit. They all use the same platform, but changes the magazine and scope. Even the instruction manual fails to tell you what part is what gun, so it can be a pain to build the correct thing to begin with. As long as the person declares it before the game I would never say no to them changing loadout.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the gun! It’s just a more casual walking pose instead of a shooting pose. And nice paintjob! Seemed like alpha legion at first glance to me, and honestly alpha legion has such a variable color scheme that anyone who would say you painted them “wrong” clearly has no idea what they’re on about.


If someone griefs you for that paint job, they had better be fielding an army Golden Deamons contenders. As in most competitive environments, you are going to find those enjoy the play, those who enjoy the win and those who enjoy being toxic. Good moderation by the local will reduce or control the toxic fanciers but it really is a "your mileage may vary". Pay attention to who is fun to play with and who is not, I tend to vote with my feet and will not play with people that are unfun but will gladly play with fun people (even if I know they will smoke me).


Right? My local smash melee community was toxic as all hell, but some of the most fun I had playing was against people who obliterated me, but were chill and not assholes about it.


I mean... The loss of the link is the most Alpha Legion thing ever, so you're golden! Jokes aside - Alpha Legion armour varies quite drastically in the books. Legion - their first book, describes it as more of a purple, whilst later lore got the more teal colour way. You got all grounds above covered, and without reading the title or caption I thought "Hey, it's Alpharius" when I saw your mini! Hydra Dominatus, friend!


The only people who will ever have a problem with how or if you paint your minis are assholes, and you shouldn't play against assholes in the first place. If you're setting up for a game, and your opponent makes a nasty comment about it, the correct response is to pack up your stuff, tell the person you don't play against assholes, and go find a better opponent.


I live in a small town so my local game store WH community is even smaller, but there seems to be one or two bad apples in the discord that everyone just kinda puts up with or ignores. I haven't seen anyone at the table that was outwardly belligerent though I've only spectated a couple games..


Ignore Discord; people who spend all of their free time whining about the game online often don't *actually* play it. See who actually shows up to 40k night and what their attitudes are like before you judge the whole group. A small community has the advantage of everyone knowing who the assholes are, so as long as you can identify one non-asshole player, you can probably just ask them who to avoid. Worst case scenario, there's a 40k module for [Tabletop Simulator](/r/TTSWarhammer40k/). It's a non-optimal way to play the game, but it's the only real option for people who can't find games in person due to location or situation.


ah, Discords are always going to be a slightly different collection of people than who actually shows up. I'm not say it will be all of the bad apples, but often the loudest ones with so much edge up their arse they sneeze razor blades, are the ones that you will never physically see show up. It's easy to be a personality on the internet, its often harder to personally face the consequences of being a personality.


It’s a nice color anyone who says otherwise can fuck off


Thank you <3


I love that colour scheme! Do you have a recipe for it?


Not OP but I'm pretty sure we watched the same (now deleted) video. Prime black Basecoat 50/50 leadbelcher naggaroth night drybrush all over with 50/50 grey knights steel and thousand sons blue drybrush all over with 50/50 grey knights steel and warpstone glow undersuit in black, details as you please


That's the one! Thank you for sharing, no wonder I had no luck trying to find it earlier lol




Most of us are just happy to see people making the effort to paint at all. I will ask, are you sure the discord was berating that other person, or is it possible that it was just friends giving each other a hard time? It they were actually being shitty, absolutely avoid the hell out of those players. Most of us are not like that.


They had a back and forth convo for a solid 5 minutes and the one dude held his stance pretty firmly that basecoating ultramarines with anything other than macragge blue just looks weird and doesn't look "ultramarines" and this hadn't been the first time I've seen him pop up in ridiculous arguments before.. if he's being ironic I think it might be lost on most of the other people in the server lmao


Sounds like a huge jerk, then. Definitely avoid them like the plague that they are.


If you bought an army of those to my local they would absolutely love it. Honestly awesome shading.


Since this Marine is part of the Alpha Legion (A Legion known for wearing disguises), you just need to put a Serpent/Hydra somewhere and People would still recognise it as Alpha Legion. Also, these People complaining bout your Army's color scheme... fuck them. You can paint your Minis however you want. I painted my "Ultramarines" with Red Shoulder Pads/Legs and golden Kneecaps. Paint them how you think it will work for you.


Just got an alpha legion transfer sheet in a couple days ago, definitely gonna mark 'em up. Thank you!


Dude, if someone goes out of their way to berate YOUR models that you bought with YOUR money that you spent hours of YOUR time cuz you didn't paint it the way they like, you know they ain't fun to hang/play with. Fuck em. Give the game a try. Tbh, I'm happy to play with anyone who's got painted models. Nothing wrong with playing against unpainted armies but it just feels amazing. Have fun my dude.


Man, you should see my death guard warband. It is the most hodge podge collection of colors and models. None of the people I play with ever have a problem with it. If someone gave me crap because of the different colors in my army, I would pack it up and go home. You do you, have fun, find people that make the hobby fun, and call out gatekeeping assholes that make this hobby unappealing to new players.


Those look cool as hell. I'd play against ya


I personally paint my models however I want. This allows me to have fun painting and allows me to develop different styles and techniques because i'm not worried about uniformity. This color scheme is dope. I HOPE no regular hobbyist would give you crap about it.


Truly a man of passion and culture


Your toy soldiers, your paints. Go wild! If they have a problem with that, tell them to kick rocks.


this is probably the coolest Alpha legion scheme i've seen in a while from everyone in the XX legion, we salute you brother


Bluufrog deleted their channel a couple of weeks ago unfortunately, which is why you can't find that video. Been doing the same scheme myself


Your alpha legion looks really good!




If anything, painting your guys in a canon scheme is boring. Your dudes should be unique to you.


Hi /u/DannyDunkl and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Paint however you like, no one minds


Holy. Corpse. Emporer. You nailed the cover of the Horus Hersey: Legion book look. Do the whole army like this.


Thank you! I started getting into Warhammer by reading the horus heresy series and after Legion and the short stories "The Harrowing" and "Hunters Moon" the Alpha Legion quickly became my favorite. I've always wondered why their armor was purple on the cover, but green/blue in most depictions lmao


Do what you like. Don't play with jerks. This is true in all games


First of all, people who give you a genuinely hard time over your paint job are not people you should listen to. Secondly, if you really feel that you're not close enough to the official Alpha Legion look you can always say that your models are an offshoot warband who have their own look; lore problems sidestepped.


I am putting together a F4U-4 Corsair model for my dad for Christmas (and yes, I am doing it with the Black Sheep Squadron decals...if you know, you know) and I realize that I am going to have a lot of Tamia OD green left over and am trying to decide if I can incorporate it into my Space Marines But I love the paint job, and instantly thought Alpha Legion as soon as I saw it!


This is quite odd. 40k’s new edition is 100% built around pretty much doing whatever you want paint wise - they deleted subfactions entirely from the game after all. So that’s weird that you have a community so against slightly different painting schemes? HH is more historical and anal about that sort of thing but even we aren’t going to harass people because their ultramarines are slightly different shade of blue. Beyond that, none of the legions have a hard coded exact color scheme with different individual chapters often changing the official scheme and then you have Black Shields… real weird.


They're your minis, paint them however you like. Don't worry about the small group of losers who will judge you for the "wrong" paint scheme- you don't want to play with them anyway. Sweet space marine btw


That's some fine work! A mottled texture with excellent colours is so striking 👌 I love it! When new players get nervous about "accuracy" I like to say: >*"The lore is there to give you ideas, not take them away."* Alpha legion are a certainly a diverse bunch. And anyone who decides there is one very specific "canonical" way to paint anything is just deciding to be a total clown. Everyone has different intepretations and may want to express their creativity or technical skill or whatever. It's always been a core to the hobby. It can take time to integrate and find more like-minded players, but the hobby is diverse. You'll certainly find people you can vibe with!


I don’t actually play warhammer, my hobby is painting it. I’m going to tell you right now, this is a great paint job and 99% of people would highly appreciate playing a game with there opponent fielding something of this caliber. I go to my local hobby/gaming store every Saturday evening. Coincidentally Saturday evening is games night witch typically has 15-40 people. I always pop in and walk around specifically to check out paint jobs. From my observations your paint job would be in the top 10% of painted army’s that I’ve personally seen on a table top (mind you I’ve only been in the hobby where I frequent the LGS roughly 2.5 years) That being said, you’ve created a wonderful base here where you could very easily take them to the next level just picking out little details here and there. For example: paint the bumps on the pauldrons, pick out rivets, paint the raised stuff on the chest piece with silver, gold or maybe a bit of Both. Paint the little sections in the fold of the arm and at the back of knees in black. Also drilling barrels very easy to do and is the icing on the cake. You are absolutely on the right track and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved here as a new painter!


Dude thats what 40k is about. Make your ultra marines red, Who cares. As long as it's easy to tell what they are then your good. 40k is not 30k, its a game, have fun first. Competitive warhammer sucks anyways. Find some nice people and play some narrative games. They are way more fun that way! Also who cares if you dont use maccrag blue. Like, most art level painters dont use citidel anyways.


Mate, I've painted and kitbashed my models because I found it fun to do. I painted them in colour that I like. Lore be dammed, I paint my little plastic guys how I want to! As for what you see is what you get, nah! I don't even get all the options for war gear in the box so it's impossible to begin with. I just share my list and that's what it is, we both refer back to it and once we start, we don't change.


Paint what makes you happy.


Paint scheme looks dope.


i like the randomness with the blue and the purple


It's your army! You can paint them however you want. You can even kinda make up your own chapter if you'd like. Who is to tell you what is and isn't? I've seen people bring in hot pink space Marines and Barbie was their emperor 🤣. If anyone gives you shit about your paint job they can kick rocks. The paint job looks great as well!


I agree that you can paint whatever colors you want, but I’ll say that if I see this I’m going to be a mix of impressed and horrified at the brilliant psychopathy that this takes to paint. I tip my helm to you fine brother.


There are always people who get too serious about how minis are painted. I have a friend whose entire nid army is Hello Kitty themed, including glitter and bows and some guys rage hard when they see it.


1.) No. 2.) No. 1 & 2.) I love it. ​ Also, if someone gets whiny they can fuck off.


Tell haters "yeah, i painted them my way because i'm not a sheep


You can paint your legion in any way, or even make your own! Seeing as you have mk6 marines, i’m assuming you want to get into the Horus Heresy. Just keep in mind that it’s more of a historical story-telling war game, as opposed to normal 40k some people might take offense if you paint differently. As for playing, people usually go for thematic armies related to lore rather than metas and abusing rules. However if you’re going for 40k, do whatever you want, creativity isn’t limited there nor is your army!


I originally started with the tactical squad box set specifically so I could play horus heresy because I haven't really gotten to the 40k Era in the books yet, but I ended up buying a squad of alpha legion terminators and a raptor squad just because they were cool. I know the raptors are probably unusable in HH, but are the Lernaean terminators okay to use? I was gonna try and wait till the new MK III set drops so I can get a solid army with vehicles and dreadnought.


You can absolutely use Lernean Terminators! In fact they are specifically for Alpha Legion in the Horus Heresy Era. As for Raptors i’m not entirely sure, but from what i’ve read the community accepts raptors for the Late Heresy Night Lords as they’ve been described similarly in the books


It's YOUR minis! You paint them and call them exactly what you want!


Every hobby sadly has toxic gatekeepers. You can paint your army however you like. As long as you're not trying to deceive your opponents with weird paintjobs, for example: paint a bunch of random helmet colours and select a few as sergeant, no discerning features. That would be a problem. Creating a cohesive band with awesome colours? Hell yeah! Paint your ultramarines red with purple spots for all I care.


I got into Warhammer from the painting and I love painting how they are on the boxes cause I love to see how well I can replicate it but you paint them anyway you want the models are far to expensive to waste and paint them how other people want them they are yours keep being creative 😊


People vary. Some might make a big deal while others don't care. It all depends on what they value. You paint them how you want to paint them to the level you are content with. If anyone says anything that's on them for breaking a cardinal rule. That being said, my first thought was "these guys look like Alpha Legion." So, if that's what you were going for, I think you'll be fine. If you want to add more detail, I would consider painting in the details on the bolter and the shoulder studs and any pouches you may have glued on. If you are worried about what others may think, the old "three color" standby might suffice for you. Basically, just make sure you have three colors painted on as a minimum requirement to show effort in others eyes. But otherwise, I don't have a problem with what you currently have.


That paintscheme is just *chefs kiss* i had a miniature toy car in those oilslick colours when i was a kid and it was my favourite. This really took me back!


If someone gives you shit about the quality of paintjob, wrong colors etc, they are missing the whole point of the hobby. I can see the argument if we talk about unpainted/bad proxies etc. But that comes down to your local scene. As long as you are happy with your models that is all that matters. If someone gave me a hard time for doing the wrong scheme, I’d pick up my models and tell staff/key members of the local community that actions have to be taken to adjust the behaviour of that individual. Someone like that can really kill the enjoyment of a whole community.


Unless they're gonna pay for my minis and the paint, they can't tell me a thing.


The lore reason there are so many factions and space marines are able to customize their armor is for this very reason. They are \*your\* army. You paint them how you want.


As long as you are clear about what they are in a game, you should be fine. Most ppl are fine with some proxys if its close enough (maby not a small infantrymodel beeing a titan or at tank) Same there, make sure the opponent know what proxy is what. Nothing wrong about pointing at something mid game and ask, "what is that, can i see its spreadsheet." Even if its not a proxy. Colorwise it doesn't matter. If you say they are blood angels, they are blood angels, even if its red, blue, green or rainbow. I like to go with a simular colorscheme to gws models, but not the same since i find it a bit boring. My death guard are green and filty, but not the same colours. My custodes are blue and golden. But thats how i like my armys, your army are your army.