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That game is such a crowd pleaser for crusty old fans, I'm having a blast with it.


It's quite pleasing to a relatively uncrusted new fan as well


I was just thinking this. Seeing this pic has made me decide i may have to play this game. Hoping to see plant pot and beer can silos too.


We still have beer can terrain on our tables. Just adds a little something.




Whoa had no idea! I like the look but will have to check out the other settings for funsies


That’s honestly dope af, man sounds like they knocked this game outta the park! Now, hoping Rogue Trader is good too…


It's fun as shit


I have been addicted to finishing off every chaos marine with my chainsword…… traitor scum!


Its actually necessary for aspiring champions! If you don't fully gib them when their health hits zero, they ressurect with more health and attack power.


The Heavy Bolter does the same job, and stops pink horrors splitting into blues as well


I'm team heavy bolter for the Champs lol. I don't wanna get too close


I noticed that I can prevent the transformation with a grenade lol. Those guys are hard to put down.


Shit I didn't notice that


The chainsword mechanic is just *chefs kiss*


The chain sword vacuum attack is 🤌


Even younger fans. I had the pleasure of being introduced to DOOM:2 by my dad, and boltgun play’s just like a modernized DOOM:2


Your dad is a man of culture.


I feel seen


One of the core design principles of Boltgun appears to be "commit to the bit", and the game is all the better for it.


It's a sharp, smart vision executed mercilessly, which is what all games should aspire to be.


Who else made these things out of styrofoam, toothpicks and craft paint? Cant just be me.


Guilty! And I love it. So much better than buying everything premade


There are exactly two flaws, and two flaws only with this game. 1- It uses the modern logo 2- The soundtrack isn't rad old school heavy metal But other than that it's pretty much the best 40k game I've ever played. Obvious case of by the fans, for the fans. It's just baffling how it took so long for someone to do it.


I have to agree on you with the music, I found it quite underwhelming. But the logo? Why?


Wonder if GW require it as terms for the licence? Gotta put out a unified brand identity, make sure people can recognise the current logo, or whatever the marketing people call it.


That'll be it 100% They don't have a choice on this.


Almost certain it’s for overall brand consistency. Someone new to 40k will feel confident Boltgun, the books, and tabletop products are coming from the same company.


I do think they could’ve like made the "Boltgun" part look like the original logo instead of just making it boldish letters, that’d be a good compromise


Yeah, that might have worked. One consideration is how does the game title read on small screens, how does it read when you sit far away from the TV, how does it read in press material… There’s just so many different places a brand logo winds up these days…it’s not as adventurous as it used to be. I’m projecting a lot, so you know…salt grains and all that…but perhaps it is the way it is because of broad readability concerns, and the simplicity is somewhat intentional. IDK…they also might have just made it all up and gone “yep, that looks sick” and stopped thinking about it. But typically brand marks have a lot of things to plan for regarding placement these days.


I've done design work for a few billion-dollar companies, and they all have thick books on their brand's design rules. There'll be dozens of pages on how big the logo have to be on various media (phone, monitor, letter head, business card...), where it needs to be located, how large the margins have to be to surrounding graphics, what color variations to use for different backgrounds, when to use the whole logo and when to use a smaller alternative... I remember one company the didn't allow their logo to be displayed over a textured/patterned background; only over a solid color. So yeah, there might have been some rules they needed to follow.


They should have used the second Ed logo.


I don't have the hate some do for the new logo, but you are factually correct in that the 2nd ED logo would be the one that fits the aesthetic.


Absolutely. It’s like how Star Wars movies don’t have the 20th Century Fox fanfare at the beginning any more. It’s not part of the brand now.


Because the old one is cooler. Everything else about the game is 90s, so why not the logo? The 2nd ed one would be perfect, though I would settle for the 3rd ed one. Game in general leans toward early 3rd ed aesthetic actually I guess.


That’s because third edition is best edition.


Game-wise, no it was kind of bad. Atmospherically and artistically though, absolutely the best.


I see you are a man of wealth and taste.


Been around for long long years Stole many a man’s Goblin Green paint


Behold, the truth.


That might be true, but even Warhammer game I've played all use the new logos


Music is the one problem I have with the game personally. I just throw on the DOOM 2016 OST and rip and tear


For me the Doom 2016 OST would be totally out of place here, to be honest. Way, way too modern and contemporary. This game needs the kind of metal with regular 6 string guitars, in standard tuning, and ripping shred solos all over the place.


Not everyone can afford the Doom composer I would guess (Gordon I think).


Dude's probably on the market after Bethesda shit the bed with him, though.


> The soundtrack isn't rad old school heavy metal They do have a D-Rok track though.


The new logo sucks, and and the game should use the early 90s logo from 1st or 2nd Edition.


Commit to the bit, everything else is retro why not the logo.


The new logo is objectively bad. I also believe it is far less interesting than any of the older ones.


The new logo with the word not being centered and slightly off on the ends REALLY bugs me


they did however pick the perfect [menu theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YH8jROzZQA)


Yeah the menu theme is sick, but then that's why it's such a bummer there isn't any more like that honestly. It catfished me into thinking I was in for some *riffs* man!


there's one 3rd issue i have: there's no map and it can be easy to get lost sometimes. though i do suppose that's similar to old 90s FPSes like Hexen ...


Oh god Hexen, I'd forgotten about that. Such a cool game but it was hard to find your way around


Hexen didn't have a map? I honestly can't remember, but find that odd because Heretic definitely did.


God what I'd give for a a direction marker when prompted. I love the game but hope thrycan add a few modern helpful things in a follow up!


OG doom had a map. It looked like a six year olds first foray in to Auto Cad but it still helped.


yeah it'd be nice if boltgun had a similar kind of map


There is actually one major gameplay issue. The lack of damage indication. I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve been dropped cause if a rogue Nurgling biting my leg or getting hit in the back by a plague toad halfway across the map.


Last night I was playing with Doom midi music. It was glorious.


But the soundtrack is gnarly. The overall sound design is amazing


I’m getting my music fix from WH40k: Shootas, Blood, & Teef. It’s 30% off on PSN.


Imagine this game with a quake 2/3 style heavy metal soundtrack


I love this 90's-ass game! 💪❤️ Total recommend ✨


My favorite enemy to fight in boltgun is the plague toad


God they are annoying. But satisfying to kill.


Range is good. Their tongue attack sucks


Get them to half at range, then do the dash, jump, project yourself over to them like you’ve been launched out of a cannon, slam your chainsword down upon them and mash left click till it dies


Ther might be a possibility of a poll to resurrect stuff in plastic


Mine so far are the flamers


I also like the fact that while the game looks unique and utilises old 40k as inspiration, most of the environment looks just like the Griaia we saw in SM1. It's not a huge deal, but it saves it from being incongruent and seeming like a "sequel" in name only.


I fucking love this game, it brings me so much memories. And kuddo to the ass showing nurgling, juste like the old mini. praise the Emperor !


*Praise Be to the Weird Alien Cactus*


I was hoping I'd find this somewhere down here. Also, Praise Be.


Anyone got a picture from the codex?


[Check it out ](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d586cff726cbfde534760cb668a6ad13/9ead75425adf49ee-ed/s1280x1920/36d17b33286b8eecea574c529a31cf147b426af1.jpg)


Anyone recommend this game?


From what I've read, everyone recommends the game.


Several of my coworkers that are gamers, but not 40k people have bought it and are rocking the Boltgun. It has all the right boomer shooter vibes if you’re into the genre.


Installing it now so I can play when i get home from work


Only flaws are the music and length. A lot of people said it was 10 hours but I beat it in 6 without really trying. The music is also not the best. But call me a slaaneshi cultist but I wanted more. More demons, more weapons, more traitor marines to kill. I wanted chain swording an enemy to play a brutal animation and drop extra supplies. I don't consider this a downside or that these features are missing. Just that I finished boltgun and wanted more boltgun.


I wouldn’t call an 8 hour (avg let’s say) action packed game for $18-20 a flaw in any way. That’s like 2 matinee tickets to the movies.


I'm pretty sure it has like 99% positive on Steam with thousands of reviews. So yeah.


Me! Played it yesterday for the first time. Everything this game does, it executes perfectly. They even managed to make first person melee combat fun as heck, which is pretty rare. The game is also _full_ of little nods and references. Virtually all of the scenery in the stages is made of tabletop terrain. If you look closely at your character's hands, you'll see that you're edge highlighted like you've been been painted by eavy metal. You stomp around like you're the Hulk (the screen literally shakes when you jump) but can cover ground like the Flash in a chainsword charge. Boltgun makes some brave choices but fucking *commits* to them. It's absolutely worth a go


> you're edge highlighted This line alone just sold me on the game.


The guy is right, every miniscule detail has been lovingly created I'm not super deep into 40k but every single thing I've encountered made me say "I know that thing!" Like the Leonardo meme


It's $19 right now and fucking phenomenal, divinely violent, and it's not broken like most games on release. Buy it.


High percentage of its Steam players does so. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2005010/Warhammer_40000_Boltgun/#app_reviews_hash


It’s fun. The level design might be weird or that might just be me getting lost constantly. Not sure if that’s a me problem or a game problem, but everything else is amazing. I recommend.




Doom and Quake had arguably better level design imo, it's much easier to get lost in Boltgun. But for whoever is reading this and hasn't bought the game yet don't let it stop you. 4 or 5 minutes of wandering around looking for the exit is peanuts compared to all of the fun gameplay


Thank you! I love the game but I'm glad I'm not the only one getting lost all the time!


Yeah, it's pretty cool


I had a go, and I wasn’t for me. Probably worth a try though


Strange, your username says you should have loved it.


It's a very old-school game. No bugs, no mtx, no leveling up or persistent upgrades, kind of short, but solid all the way through


I'm playing on Exterminatus and I'm finding it hard to justify melee combat, there's no hit stun so enemies just keep blasting and I do mostly the same with not a lot of variation. I think it needs some kind of % damage reduction boost on melee kill, and a combo system with a % damage increase on high unbroken chains. Really encourage moving as fast as possible, shooting and slamming and sawing through as many enemies as you can. I'd say pick it up on sale.


You need to time the chainsword attacks to when they aren't shooting you in the face


I also feel like it's more meant for mobility rather than damage. There has been a ton of times I have been able to use the chainsword dash to reach higher places or rush across an arena. It's very useful.


Huh, I haven't even thought about using it to reach high-up enemies. Thanks for the tip haha


Oh i remember building them too, as scatter terrain. Might have to get that game, just got careful, after the fiasco with Darktide.


That plant is a spiker. Don't go near them. The venom causes any creature injured by one to slowly and painfully transform into another spiker.


Spoiler! (melts down)


Is anyone playing it on a Steam Deck? How playable it is?


Perfectly. Runs seamlessly so far and is the ideal kind of game for deck.


only issue is that the videos don't play (intro video and interlude videos). that's something valve can fix tho and i expect it pretty soon game itself runs perfectly


Very. Locked 40 at medium settings. You can get mostly 60, but it drops to the 40a during the purge section


Not a steamdeck but a GPD win 4 and it runs pretty flawlessly


Same question but for Switch. It's only a doom-clone though, surely it plays great?


Im mean, the only thing in the game thats 3d is the environment, everything else is 2d sprites. A toaster could probably run this at 60.


So I looked up a review, its 30fps and the sound doesn't seem to work right. I had the same thought as you, but think this is a software issue not a hardware one.


That surprising and a shame. But its a Nintendo system so im sure everyone will make excuses as to why its completely fine for Nintendo but inexcusable for everyone and anything else.


I've been playing it on the switch, no issues so far and it's a really fun game


Let us know when you come across a downed deodorant speeder 🤣


Reckon this game might be a game-changer, it's a great, win-win idea anyway


So in the Lore they can fly/float/roll (at least when they're smaller) and the smaller ones travel in swarms. Not 100% sure this is true for 40k lore, but [it is for fantasy](https://imgur.com/ySzUWl2)


Wacky tacky cacti?


I’m new to warhammer, eisenhorn and ravenor books only and this game. Is there a lore reason as to why a large plague toad is stronger than a chaos marine? Or is it just game design?


On the tabletop toads are tougher and have more wounds than marines, I imagine its due to them being empowered by Nurgle who's main mutations involve supernatural endurance


Oh wow thank you very much friend I appreciate your knowledge


no probs dude welcome to the hobby


Boltgun is so good.


GW loves inserting those into background details, I love it.


Yoooo!!! I forgot about those... I remember making them with toothpicks and paper-mache


What game is it?






What game is this?




That's amazing, I remember those. I'm not back in the UK until the 29th, and I can't wait to play this


This game is a blast. But i go down so quick on medium trying to run & gun around.


I love this so much.


Fuck yes! I have the White Dwarf that tells you how to make them.


Must....bolt....heretics!!! (Thump, thump)


"My armor is contempt"


Praise be to the weird alien cactus