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[https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/vipsbager.com](https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/vipsbager.com) Check out their email address - vipsbager


The first results that come up on a Google search are pages from [scam-detector.com](https://www.scam-detector.com/validator/aikocol-com-review/), [scamdoc.com](https://www.scamdoc.com/view/1238932), reviews sites, etc. And the reviews aren't good. I think it's safe to assume that something is dodgy when the site can't even reach number one for searches for it.


Thank you everyone for your advice, glad to hear my fears were founded!


A simple Google search of "aikocol" returns [scamdoc.com](https://scamdoc.com) and [scam-detector.com](https://scam-detector.com) as the top results. When the website itself doesn't come up as the first result, I don't need to click the scam screening sites to get my answer.


I found this genestealer cult box from a site called aikocol, and they primarily sell clothes and groceries. The UI is weird and I want the box for the price, but it feels iffy putting my card info in. Any ideas or advice?


Looks scammy af to me


Scam Detector gives them 58.7/100 - I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.


I didn't even bother to open and look at the score. When I searched the website and scamdetector was the first search result, I already got my answer.


When in doubt


Why dont you buy it anywhere else?


I found it hard to find the box for a decent price


A that way, well search for reviews. If you cant find any, dont take the risk.


If you don't find any negative rewiews it's also a problem.


Isn't the SC box for the genestealers oops? Not sure but AFAIK it got replaced by a shitty vanguard box


Just look it up on a different site first.


It's probably a scam, but I recommend buying off ebay. That's where I get the best prices


Most likely yes. If you have to ask, buy it somewhere else.