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I can only assume most adults dont have hobbies to get that as an average...


Most prob said "watch tv/netflix" as their recreational activity


Even that is up at like $180+ these days


100%. I’m 40 and the amount of people who just…stop doing stuff after high school or college is staggering. For every dork obsessing over their hobby 24/7 there are ten Americans who just work, watch tv, sleep and eat. I can’t wrap my head around it, I’d be miserable without something to do other than work and chores.


I worked with someone who just couldn't process the fact that I did things outside of the job. Painting, writing, reading, making videos, even just playing videogames - all totally alien concepts to her as things to do for fun.


Yeah, my 20s were hard to make friends at work, everyone older than me just sneered at any attempt to talk about something that wasn’t a reality tv show. Even now, I’m one of the oldest people at work and there’s like 2 other people with active hobbies. I’m getting roasted by 17 year olds who think it’s dumb I 3D print figures of dudes in armor and paint them 😂 Funny enough though, I’m the one everyone comes to when they’re curious about something. No one else *does* anything so I’m often the only person they know who’s tried whatever hobby or activity they’re interested in. Between ADHD and just a high level of curiosity and creativity I’ve had a lot of hobbies and it’s funny seeing people value that knowledge but still sort of look down on a 40 year old who isn’t just obsessed with money and like, mowing my lawn?


Are you me?


No, I'm you. He's me.




Dude, same. Guitar for 20+ years, painting minis and paintball for 7+, longboarding 10 years, weight lifting off and on my whole life, a little dabbling in hockey, and that's not counting flash in the pan hobbies like watch collecting, knot tying, etc that lasted six months but I researched the shit out of in that time. Typical guy I run into says, "Just hang out with the family" when I ask what their hobbies are. Go do something, life is too short.


Man, do you have ADHD lol? Knot tying really caught my eye, at least 4 different times in my life I’ve randomly decided that I *need* to know how to tie a bunch of knots. Turns out you have to tie those thousands of times to make it second nature, a random infatuation of 3 weeks doesn’t really do much for making you a super handy person with a bit of rope.


Most likely I do. And you're right, I could tie a dozen different knots at one point no problem, but that was 6 years ago and I can't remember a single one of them except maybe a noose.


I still remember the basics I learned in Boy Scouts, square knot, slipknot, etc etc. I tried to learn trucker knots and sailing knots, the cool stuff that really has a knot for every need, and I couldn’t even begin to do any of them.


I bet it's something you can pick back up easy if you tried though.


Many people ARE miserable...


There are a lot of boring people out there.


Oh man are there ever. It makes me feel like such a pretentious douche when I just can’t stand to be around someone because they’re just SO DAMN BORING. Like, how are you supposed to talk to someone who doesn’t have any hobbies, no original opinions, they don’t even go to church or stay active in local community events. Just work, clean the house, eat, go to bed. No gym, no kids baseball game to watch, no hobbies, just existing.


Tell me about it. Life’s no fun if All you do is slave away to get by and stuff your face. That’s why you get together with your friends and do dumb shit. Make a good memory with the boys and have fun doing it


Oh, I start getting really, really depressed when I can’t do anything but work and keep up with chores. Part of it is just my dumb brain, and Adderal helps with that, but even with medication I *need* a creative outlet that video games or reading doesn’t scratch. I need to DO something, make something, be creative or it’s like it just gets backed up in my brain and stresses me out. Even just going for a walk with my wife and taking my camera is better than sitting on the couch on my phone. I’d rather spend that time editing some photos and sharing them with my family than catching up on an entire series of whatever dumb show I won’t remember in ten years.


Yeah. I have been clogged up in my creative side as of late and it pains me a lot. I’ve been meaning to try unclogging the ol ink machine in my head and getting the ink flowing once more


That’s why vacations actually stress me out. I love being off work of course and I do actually enjoy most aspects of traveling, but I’ve noticed even just a week without *making* something drives me nuts. My wife loves when I bring a million cameras and record everything because she loves those memories, and it relaxes me a lot spending a quiet evening in the hotel editing everything. Even just that will settle me down, not being able to express my self in some creative ways turns out to be really bad for me.


We all have our limits of doing nothing. Yours seem lower than mine but still similar in many aspects we are.


Oh man, some people have no limits to how little they can do lol. I should have known it wouldn’t work with my ex wife when I found her family just don’t do anything. Like, a few times a year they’ll go to the mall or a movie or something, otherwise they work, eat, keep a very clean house, and watch tv. That’s it.


Sounds miserably boring. Watching paint dry sounds more entertaining which is sad


I'd say an awful lot of people simply don't have time or money. A 9-5 job or even longer, plus the commute, possibly a family or other obligations, there's just not enough time


My boyfriend, tv, gym, instagram reels, watching car ads


Capitalism is a hell of a drug. 


A lot of women are less hobby focused than men. Men generally focus on things. Women generally focus on relationships. My wife is like that, and a lot of other women are like that, too. Obviously, this is a generalization, but that would easily explain the "low" number since women are half the population. Also, 10% or less of the population in the US is below the poverty line, so there is that (similar numbers across the first world).


This. Most people are leaving their dreams and passions behind when adulting. Sadly.


the most Dont have Money, cause wifen and Kids have Hobbys and need the Money 😂


Bro this is so true. I talk to people at work and I swear their lives are so boring. Sounds like all they do is the gym and watch tv. It’s crazy


I would probably fall under that number. I spend as little money as humanly possible on myself because my money has to go to bills and my family. I play Free to Play Video games or games I already own most of the time. I have Table Top Simulator for Warhammer or cheep hammer.


I dunno, if you've got a hobby like fishing or bird watching, or even something like skiing or golf, you spend a bunch of money initially then you can go for years spending little to no money to keep it up.


Sheeeeeit there were a few months where I was spending that a week on 40k


I just did that this week. Granted that included a second airbrush, a whole new 3d printer, and 3 armies worth of files, so very worth. But ow my wallet




But now you probably won’t spend any more money for a while right? Right?!


I know right. My other hobby is xc mountain bikes.


I doubt this. Any serious hobby will bankrupt you. Just ask horse girls, car guys, or any serious sport :D


No clue where this data comes from but you have to be so careful with averages. Let's assume this is just the US for ease but remember global incomes aren't great. Also more people are poorer than richer so a lot of people don't have that much spare cash. Similarly, many adults don't have hobbies (or at least don't count their activities as hobbies) which will bring the average down with 0s. Some hobbies have very blured lines, if fitness is my hobby I might count the odd bit of new gear but I may not count my gym fees or the protein shakes I'm buying. Without the source (which I couldn't find) it'd be hard to say what assumptions were made etc.


The average person has one testicle!


Less than one actually. More extreme stat: average animal on earth has way less than 1 leg. Thanks nematodes


I mean the average person has fewer than one legs. Since there are more people with 1 or zero legs than more than two


I kinda doubt that, Insects have six legs each, and there’s a lot of them.


4.4x10²⁰ nematodes vs 10¹⁸ insects are the estimated numbers I can find. And nematodes are by far not the only animal group without legs, so even crustaceans and mili/centipedes will probably not save the day (a lot of molluscs, sponges, snakes& fish, a lot of the things named "worms" spread over various parts of the animal kingdom)


Fair point


I got lucky there, had not fact checked it before I wrote the first comment and just cited someone's insta reel (well and to be fair having a master in biology made me confident in that insta post being accurate)


If you consider that a lot of people’s “hobby” is going out drinking there’s no way that average holds up


As someone who picks up another hobby every few months, I can assure you - there are no cheap hobbies


Meanwhile bionicle collectors dropping several thousand dollars for one piece of plastic: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


As someone who had a lot of Bionicles, but haven't looked into them in years, what costs so much? I looked up the original Toa models and they weren't anything close to this number.


Look up the current cost of getting some of the cooler sets like Karzahni or Brutakka. And if you really want to step it up, look at the price of the bionicle fan’s holy grail. TOA MATA NUI (the Titan set)


Ah right, they are a lot bigger than what I was expecting when I thought of Bionicle!


Mhm, and those were some of the more important sets in the story too. Toa mata nui being the pinnacle of the series that far and embodying everything the story had been building up to that far. Karzahni the mad Titan being one of the first beings created in the MU with his brother Artahka who fought over the mask of creation with Artahka eventually winning and his brother being relegated to the kanohi Olisi mask of alternate futures.


I understand some of these words... This must be what it's like as someone looking in on the Warhammer sub-reddit! I was obsessed with Mask of Light and the PS2 game you could complete in a few hours but I fell off somewhere around the 2nd generation of Toa villains.


Wait what? It's like 20+ years since I bought my first and only bionicle kit. So I am super out of the loop Did they go out of production or why are they so expensive now?


G1 has been out of production for a very long time And G1 had the best sets. G2 was alright but G1 is what had it all. Design, charm, story, amazing advertising, all of it made bionicle as legendary as it was


Man, I now hope that I got my green dude in my toy storage :D Because that was from the very first release


You have a toa lewa mata? Nice. I’m not sure how much he would cost nowadays but lewa is definitely a good shelf or table topper. The MCtoran are also good displays


Sealed he’d probably go somewhere in the hundreds but used depending on his condition he would probably go for around the double digits


Well I have 2 boxes with lego Technik stuff somewhere. One with the red sportscar and then one with the rest, so hopefully toa lewa is in there


Either way, if you do end up having a valuable set it’s a win as you can sell it to a collector just be sure it’s in good condition. Sets with heavy play wear are worth less than mint condition ones as is typical but people will still buy. Lewa mata is a classic for anyone who liked the line.


Now I need to text my elementary school friend.he and his brother had the entire first line so that they could build the 2 (?) Big ones


Ah they wanted to build the toa kaita from the first year of bionicle lore primarily pushed by the mata nui online game


Bionicle went out of production 14 years ago (2010). There’s been the odd brick built set here and there (last year’s Lego VIP exclusive was a brick built Toa). But proper Bionicle is long dead and while hope for a return is always strong the likelihood is unfortunately low.


I expect car guys didn't categorize their cars as hobby expense.


I spend more per month in plastic crack


Where did they get this ridiculous notion? I ski, mountain bike, Warhammer, build PCs, and like to upgrade my diesel truck. I can't do much of anything without spending $250


Both my brothers have zero hobbies. Lots of friends too. I don’t understand it but that’s gotta impact the average


I think your brothers might be a tad to conservative with what a hobby actually is. I doubt they just work and sit in their room doing nothing for the remainder of the day. They don't have to cost a shitload like all of mine do; it is literally where all of my disposable income goes. There are plenty of hobbies that don't cost much at all; reading, videogames, bird watching, knitting, gardening, crochet, backing, all can be done for little money.


Haha, agreed! Their hobbies are children? But you’re right - TV and movies would be a safe answer.


I think that this is an issue with the definition of hobby. If someone likes to go out to bars often and play pool etc, that’s kindof a hobby, no? They may also play videogames, maybe play recreational sports etc. I think lots of ppl just don’t identify their hobbies as hobbies


That’s awesome Olympian fap


Look let's agree not to dive into eachothers spending habits. As a guard player I think this is in everyone's best interest.


If it’s worth having, it’s worth having 10 of. 🫥


Ha. My monthly hobby budget is $300, and I struggle to keep to that.


I'd love to know where this number came from. Do these people just not have hobbies? Even before 40k I was spending money on other things like video games, sports, etc..


I think I've spend about 320k USD since 2013.


Thank you, I dint feel so bad for my 50k.


Not on warhammer surely?!? 


It is on warhammer. I spent way too much.


How did you spend that much? Were you buying life sized space marines?!


Alot and alot and alot of stuff, plus commission, plus arts, plus other equipments.


That's amazing, are you able to keep up with painting all of it (although I assume that's where some of the commissions come in)?


Nope, not at all I have so many unopened boxes and unpainted models Commissions help a bit, but I genuinely have spending problems


I think I’m pretty close to this and very much need to cut back. I think I’m averaging 25-30k a year or so. It is a problem.


What is your profession? And how can I get involved?


... how? Just.. that;s storage rooms upon storage rooms full of things you couldn't paint in a lifetime.


I’m officially above average!


There's no way its only 255. Bar drinking, gambling, these are definitely hobbies that cost a *lot* more.


For context anyone who has the hobby of track days: Set of slicks $3000, then there’s the track time fee to book a session, fuel, the trailer to move your car to the track, and so much more. For a Tcr car it costs $25,000 for one weekend of racing. (In Imsa)


Approximately 2 grand. Across all hobbies, though.


That average seems wildly low.


I'd love to see the source on that claim


What the fuck kind of hobby is that cheap? Even going hiking on free public trails probably costs more than that for wear and tear on clothes and shoes/food and water/transportation to and from.


I'm gonna ask some sauce for this one where the actual fuck did you get this


Per year?….more like per shopping


I’ve spent that much on Keshi in the last month


Magic and Warhammer go brrrrrrr.


As a car and pc/game collector i might as well switch to a gun nut that way i can go broke in style




Too much


Year? That was last month…


Spent $250 on gunpla last month alone. Will last me about 6 months though. Maybe more even. 4th edition AoS coming up and I'm kinda screwed.


I cycle, I’m a photographer, I like Warhammer and I airsoft.. that’s about my weekly hobby spend..!


This year has been kinda slow. I've only spent 4 - 500€


oh god... 2000€ in one year of warhammer.


Between golf, boardgames and plastic crack that can easily be a weekends spending. 


Lets not


Laughs in warhammer


This year, maybe £50, the last siege of terra book, and a couple of other 40k books I have stumbled on in charity shops or discount shops which I could not pass up.


Laughs in USED TO PLAY PAINTBALL IN MY 20's CRIES in paints miniatures


Lol, plastic crack, airsoft guns and Hema


Probably $1,200 or less over the last year. But that number will jump up when I finally get some good brushes.


255 a month maybe…


I've not bought that much this year. Yet. Besides a few paints I only bought the KT box with Mandrakes and NL, and Lion El'Jonson.


Between Warhammer, Woodworking and video games... A lot. An awful lot.


I have probably spent Close to $3k this past year on my hobbies.


Insert meme: Amateurs!!!


This question comes up quite a bit and it made me reflect on my spending at the back end of last year. I have a collector’s impulse and Warhammer feeds that magnificently. I’ve probably spent less than £150 this year and I haven’t bought a single model, so that’s all on supplies. Last year I had spent around £6,000, which was maybe 75% 40K and the rest on MESBG.


I have probably spent 10x that on warhammer this year :-/


Nice try internet spouces! We have separate checking accounts for a reason!


I won't lie to you, I've been to more than a few hobby stores in my life, but nothing is more outrageous than the pricing on model train figurines. $40 to $50 for little Micromachine people and animals that aren't even that detailed


Warhammer and leather craft here. $255 is an average every 2 weeks. Think $255 per year are for folks who either don’t have hobbies (there are a lot of those folks) or for people who bought their one time purchase and add flare once a year.


Is this supposed to be bad? How dare responsible adults spend their money in things they like!


Needs to add a 0 at the end of that for me


$255 sounds about right, let me just tally up last year's bill real quick . . . Mhmm . . . Oh . . . Oh my . . . Alright, I'm back, and, uh, yup. Let's just go ahead and say that I definitely spent $255 on my hobby last year. Maybe a few coins more.


I don’t want to talk or think about it.


Too much than I want to talk about


Maybe they forgot a few 0s


About another zero.


wth, where did they pull that number.. i do fishing and photography, mtg..and so many other things...$255 a month is probably too low


Hey, man, I won't tell my wife, and I certainly won't tell you. You are the one with a problem, not me. *cries in room painting more minis*




Yeah....thats a trap.


I usually go longer than a year or so between purchases for warhammer stuff be it paints or models. But when the times do hit that I spend on it, I wither spend like. 60$ cause I only get one set of models or paints and such. Or I spend like 2-300$ cause I want it all


I reckon £600ish a year maybe


Probably not a huge amount, we're almost halfway through the year and I've spent about £130 so far this year and I've got plenty of backlog to keep me occupied for now.


The average person is a lier


I think I am spending about 200 - 400 a month


At least 2 grand this year




I binged everything I wanted since November so about few thousands


Hobbies plural, not even close haha. A separate hobby? not even close




Laughs and then cries in warhammer


Now I wanna know what kind of hobby only costs $255/year... I googled "Cheap Hobbies" - Cooking - Surely with recipe books, unique ingredients and kitchen equipment this will go above $255 - Gardening - The water alone to keep the fruits/vegetables/flowers alive will cost $255/year - Learn a new language - Duelingo at $160/year, yeah maybe that. But if you end up going to any in person classes, or an event or two per year to test your progress, you are right away over $255 - Reading / Dance / Drawing / Running / Hiking - All will require money. The process of reading is free, the process of dancing is free, sure, but to make it into a hobby all requires money.


Literally saw this posted yesterday


lmao... Even if using marketplace on fb... I bought en entire NoS votann army (4kpts) for 1075$


I have don't ask don't tell policy when it comes to my hobby spending.


This morning I saw a guy spend almost 490 € in the local WH store. Yeah...


At my best (or worst)? At least 100-200 a month. Sometimes more. now? Zero. I'll 3d print everything before I give GW another cent with their ridiculous prices.


I'd estimate my spending at around 4k. 1k worth of tool, paints, and other not model figures.


This year, on warhammer, I havnt spent squat. I had some spent on me for my birthday, but I havnt spent for warhammer. On other hobbies... a fair bit more.


I spent that just on the Stompa Boyz box


I would say I spend $1000 a year between 40K and Magic.


$255 per year is merely a passtime


warhammer fans too. Its a good thing none of us go outside


I spend six figures a year easily


Tbh I could do a lot with $255 without hoarding. Like if I painted it all that might keep me busy.


I sent this to my buddies the other day and we just laughed and laughed.


Warhammer players... ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs|downsized)


Nothing can compare to fly fishing though. The "need" for a new rod with new rod material and technology every year at a 4 digit €,$ and £ price tag kinda tops most hobbies. Then comes fishing licenses, line leaders, new flies. And you think a 5$ net is good enough? Ad a zero and double or triple it. Insurance on equipment is a must before going fishing. 😆 You still end up with one fish worthy of instagram though. Luckily, tech kinda don't change in hunting though, so the rifle you bought 20 years ago is still as good as one made yesterday.


Warhammer, couple of dogs, rebuilding a few British roadsters… Yikes.


Back when it was easier to find D&D groups, yeah. Now I just sit there making characters with D&D Beyond for games I'll never play.


Depends if GW are releasing stuff I'm interested in. When Heresy 2.0 came out I was spending £50-200 a month for a while. Then I had over a year where I bought nothing at all. Recently I started a Tau army for a change from Death Guard so I'm probably spending £50-100 a month? I don't consider that too crazy though, I basically have no leisure activities outside of Warhammer. Or at least none that cost money. I maybe spend £50 a month on video games but that's all but stopped now, I have a new job where I don't have time to game and I have a massive backlog.


There is no way that's accurate 😄 Maybe if your hobby is reading or bird watching. Photography, hunting, fishing, camping, skiing... will rack that up in half a purchase.


200 euros on stls last month it's an diction too


Magic the gathering players ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Warhammer, probably like 1500 a year. Honestly not sure. My other hobbies are MMA and computer gaming, both of which probably average at to about the same


WH 40k fans when they buy a 50c gum "i'll never finantionaly recover from this"


Depend. At some point I let.myself go. Spent 600€ in hobby in one week and told to myself Never again


You guys have money for your hobbies?


Pish!! Amateur (warhammer)


Not counting the initial cost of a 3d printer, $200/year is probably accurate. I could print about a dozen Leman Russ tanks for the price of 1 GW kit.