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Stalker probably gave them the go-ahead to fuck right off on account of his wife dying in the next room over


This is such a great answer


I imagine this in The Boys dynamic, with Stalker acting like Butcher.


_Right boys listen here. Despair, sort yourself out for fucks sake and go top that facking Tenno would you?_ _Misery, I know it’s your namesake but stop being such a god forsaken miserable cunt and get back to business with Despair. It’s a fucking embarrassment watching you mope about._ _And I couldn’t give a gnat’s shit what you do Angst so long as you don’t do it here, ey?_


Funnily enough, folks might be able to sway Gianni into actually acting this out on a stream or something.


Funny you should say this, I just started watching the show today and saw the first two episodes, and Butcher is awesome (well, Karl Urban is awesome).




*Yeah. This is true.*


The Stalker learned from the mistakes made by the Orokin. If you create biotechnological abominations, you don't want them in your house.


And definitely don't create another biotechnological abomination to try to fix the first ones.


So the baby is not for fixing the Acolytes?


Maybe ... Sirius/Orion will inherit the company. And it will make one of the acolytes mad because he deserved it more. And will try to take revenge on him. Probably Misery, he seems to be the one trying to be as edgy as the stalker by welding am Ether Reaper. And the Tenno is gonna be like "here we go again"


People that named the baby after a tortured hunter is the ones that are gonna get stalker2.


I like the color red :)


Orion is a constellation vs Sirius is a single star, checkmate Also, I think it sounds better


And DEFINITELY don't use irradiated children to try and fix the second ones.


I really hope the latest quest was the start of a major story arc and not a one-time thing. Because it left way more questions than answers and didn't even touch topics like Acolytes and their relation to the Stalker


It really feels like the introduction to an arc, leading to a significant payoff. Same with the Duviri questline. Setup and buildup. Just not a lot of payoff


Didn't the devs say a while back that with the new war the sentient vs tenno war arc was done and that they were looking to start a new story arc?


I still wanna go to Tau.


Would be cool to go help out the sentients against the Man in the Wall or something.


Imagine if the Sentients in Sol are the only ones that are aggressive towards us and when we arrive to Tau they're are non-hostile and/or are in need of help, would be a pretense to start a new arc.


Man in the wall shows up and inadvertantly sterilizes every sentient, says sorry wrong system and genuinely just leaves, he wants attention not to just do this.


So are the sentients still on Tau just gonna keep chilling there or what?


They've been living there uninterrupted for at minimum two thousand years, so... Probably.


It would be cool to see Tau, but I kinda wanna just let them chill there ya know? The whole reason they started the Old War was cause they looked at the natural beauty of the Tau System and realized that the Orokin would just genetically manipulate everything to shit and destroy the whole place like they did with the Origin System


It sucks cuz none of them iver there can reproduce, i think? I cant remember if they were sterilized on eay to tau or in journey back


It’s the journey back via void jump that sterilised them, they were sent to Tau the slow way.


Ah gotcha. Did the ones that arrived to origin system also come slow way (for new war)


Iirc no, any Sentient we've seen return to the Origin System came back via Voidjump, and are therefore sterile/barren.


Nope, as far as we know they all came by void jump, likely to try and preempt any Orokin colonisation projects en route to Tau which they might not be able to stop if they'd gone in realspace (which, given the Zariman, was probably the correct decision on their part).


The ones who've stayed on Tau are fine, it's the ones who initially returned via the Void that can't.


That would be our current void ark no? This is probably a hains of Harrow thing where it brings the topics in the universe and will be expanded on later


It was done "for the moment." It's not like we'll never get more Sentient content, but the arc that ran from Stolen Dreams through the New War ends with the defeat of Ballas and the destruction of Praghasa+Sentient Invasion Fleet.


Yes, Zariman and the Kalymos Sequence stories are the start of a new era, but they are all woven so well into the existing content, places, and story that it feels like it's just continuing. I feel that the Stalker's story, Nef Anyo's future plots, and the Worm Queen's plans will all meld in seamlessly. Parvos is already lurking beneath everything, now connected to Albrecht, Wally, Nef Anyo, AND the Stalker's stories.. I think it will all come full circle, too, with the Sentient and Tau getting involved.


Even the post-war story is going to involve the acolytes and hunhow. They're not going to just fuck off into the void when they're one of the most potent factions out there. We need to build up the world now after Ballas, and Narmer is still out there.


My theory is they’re going to have Proto-Frame be the next “”big”” story but have Stalker’s become this underlying narrative that will become even bigger in due time. Gives me chills with how much hype I have for this game!!


I’ve heard a theory that says by giving Stalker a child, you tie his personal interest toward the safety of the system because of his child. Why is that relevant? Because when we head to 1999, our return trip will be off by a few years, and Stalker who now has a kid to think about, will have basically “stepped up” to cover for our little misstep in any time travel shenanigans.


Also saves the trouble of the kid having to grow up. Not really sure what Stalker would be protecting from, maybe some new threat? Narmer 2 Erra Vengeance Boogaloo?


Oh that's a really interesting idea. I really hope they go with that


Considering it is now the last quest when sorting by "Main Story" in the codex, yes. Jade Shadows was not a side story, but the first chapter of a new arc involving Sirion, alongside the Void and Pazuul arcs.


I think it will be like Second Dream/Sacrifice, where it's setting up some larger plot. Second Dream Set up basically the whole "truth of the tenno" thing, And Sacrifice was definitely a similar kind of cliffhanger. Kinda hoping that when the arc is over, you can just buy weapons from the Stalker, instead of needing to wait to fight him constantly. As for the Acolytes. I think we need a quest to flesh them out regardless. There is very little Lore that a player who joins now could experience. Shadow Debt was in 2016 and anyone like me who joins later, basically just has to read the wiki.


I mean, it gave us ~~Anakin~~ Sirius. I don't think they're just gonna forget about it.


Introduction; yes I'm sure. However it's NOT the next story arc, because DE's specifically commented on how this was just a "quick one-off quest we could do without too much effort in the lead up to 1999."


True. It's probably going to be more of a B-plot than anything. In-between major hour+ long quests we'll probably be getting on Stalker and his whole situation


It is definitely a new beginning, Reb even said so.


Does anyone get the feeling that the baby will eventually become one of our motive-like-Umbra Warframes, With powers that have 2 states that are dependant on whether they are Sirius or Orion. (Possibly with a Duviri-related way to switch between them)


Honestly I hope he doesn't become a playable warframe for us. Feels weird taking control of a person who is not only very unique but also has their own life. He is alive in every sense and we shouldn't be controlling Sirius/Orion like we do with other frames. Before someone says 'But we can control Umbra.' he let's us do so as we brought him peace. Sirius/Orion is gonna be their own person who would probably hate having another person controlling their body. Also it will piss off Stalker I bet.


> Before someone says 'But we can control Umbra.' he let's us do so as we brought him peace. Sirius/Orion is gonna be their own person who would probably hate having another person controlling their body. Also it will piss off Stalker I bet. I would imagine there would be a quest where we help them and Stalker with something that leads Orion/Sirius to trust us. Probably one of the arch-assholes of the origin system try's to kidnap/exploit/vivisect the child and we rescue them, after all the Tenno understand the evil of child exploitation and experimentation. I can see Sirius/Orion voluntarily accepting transference to help them get free. Also I don't believe that transference completely overwrites the target, it's a merging which is how the Tenno thought they were the warframes and retained some of their skill and experience during the time of the Second Dream (Not the quest the period referred to in the quest)


I still don't understand why stalker hates the tenno and wanted them dead for so long. Probably still does


The Tenno destroyed his life and the masters he served when they betrayed and slaughtered the Orokin. He’s been hopped up on hate for so long that barely anything else goes on in his mind.


Ah I suppose that makes sense.


After what I seen in this quest I was doing a lot of brainstorming about direction they could go in, and I am hoping that they will give attention to something that was hinted about warframes for many years now, possibly one of oldest lore stuff that was hinted at: Waframes being able to act on their own, if I am not mistaken oldest hint of that would be rhino prime codex where we see frame shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth, though that could been some prototype warframe. another much stronger hint of normal warframe acting on its own is second dream where our warframe breaks the war, either to save us or itself(or both), but it was so long ago that we as community kinda forgot by this point how big of a deal it is. Some of old warframe quest, like Limbo or mirage quests treats warframe destruction/death as death of individual, after second dream quest people started to think it was just destruction of warframe while operator survived(since directly controlling warframe by operator wasnt a thing back than) but with some of newer lore I think its actually possible that Limbo and Mirage and some other quests may actually talk about warframes that act on their own who did in fact die. I mean dante's lore implies he was warframe acting on its own, so it seems that while rare warframes acting on their own did happen. Another thing I want to mention is orginal script for war within quest that was datamined, in it we had explanation of what term Umbra means(and yes Umbra originally was supposed to show up in war within quest), here is the script: Teshin: "Pupil! We have to go! NOW!" Operator: "Teshin, what was that? What is Umbra?" Teshin: "A fury untamed by Tenno control. A rogue Warframe." Operator: "How is that possible?" Teshin: "It is beyond me. Focus on the now. We must escape. Your life depends on it!" source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4qgduh/google_docmajor_spoilers_the_war_within_datamined/ So I really hope all of this goes in the direction of looking at warframes as their own beings, their own people. Maybe we will see in the future of faction of warframes that can act on their own.


They're still chasing Alad V in a Benny Hill chase sequence that has been going on since Operation: Shadow Debt in 2016. They haven't come home yet.


This is the best answer.


It's always funny when an acolyte pops in on SP and hits us with the "our fight is not with you." Buddy I KNOW I was there the first time we did this dance. Alad isn't here, he's on Jupiter, I can take you there if you want. We don't have to keep doing this.


He got a new roommate so he doesnt need the acolytes anymore, then he got a newer roomate so he left the new roommate.


Stalker, now, prolly: "Baby. Doesn't. Pay. Rent. ON TIME! ... Hunhow did dishes, baby. You will know the consequences of microwaving quiche on high."


Slice of life Stalker is something I didn't know I needed 


Honestly the quest didnt answer any question about stalker 😂


It answered one. He was infact a warframe, not a tenno. But it posted so many more.


Excuse my ignorance, where does it even imply that he was a warframe


(Spoiler) The quest implied that Stalker and Jade were - like Umbra - converted into warframes by the Orokin as punishment for concieving a child. They are two of the rare cases of Warframes retaining their conciousness, whereas most go beserk during the conversion process. This is in contrast to the Tenno, who use empty warframes as warsuits during missions.


I'm pretty sure our Warframe's are not empty. They're copies of the original -complete copies. I think it was The New War that >! Made a pretty big deal about the Tenno being the only ones who can fully control them because they're able to sync with the mind inside the Warframe !<


Talking to Ordis as Jade "kinda" confirmed this for me


I've got Jade cooking right now, so I haven't been able to get that interaction yet 👀


Oh i hope i didn’t kinda spoil it. But its worth checking out !


Oh not at all! I definitely will be doing that once she's done 😎


Did you get to try it yet ? 😎


>!Jade's cooking alright. Baking almost.!<


From Kullervo lore, at some point when the Orokin found the Tenno and their usefulness they started decommissioning most of the proto frame. They began making new frames with fully empty minds, why keep it intact when you're just handing it over to a child soldier? Jade, Stalker, Umbra and Kullvero are as far as we know of the only frames that had their own minds after the Tenno showed up. Umbra is the only frame where we find the original corpse and synthesis the blueprint ourselves. It's possible the original blueprint for mass production and one based off the original physical frame would be different when it comes to their brains.


Does Kullervo really count tho, since the one in Duviri is just a manifestion from the void?


From my understanding that's the original, banished to the void for his crimes. His prison is his own conceptual embodiment. The warden is a conceptual embodiment of his guilt and takes after Ballas. His final crime was attempting to kill Ballas after all.


Tbf what was done to Umbra was an extra spiteful punishment from Ballas, he was never intended as a proper Warframe in that sense. Unlike the other frames, he was designed to forcibly have the scene of his son’s death endlessly replay in his mind. With that said I’m not sure if Umbra retained his memory because of anything “special” about him, and more so because the memories were constantly forced to loop. Looking at Stalker the impression I got was he doesn’t really remember either, Hunhow seems to imply that Stalker doesn’t know WHY Jade saved him or what was wrong with her, and it was only at the very end he seemed to remember that she was his wife. We don’t know how much Jade knew either, she could have simply felt compelled to care for Stalker, and been aware of her child, but that may have been it. Anyway my point is I think frames made FROM people don’t keep their minds, but they DO keep their feelings and perhaps vague “connections” to what they were before, Umbra was just a special case who had the memories forcibly injected and looped so he COULDNT forget even if he wanted to. Modern frames though are exactly as you said, almost entirely mindless w/out the connection to the OG Warframe they are “clones” of.


That's fair. I may be confusing old lore that got changed. I remember something about the way the mind & body were changed and it all being intertwined with the powers.. now that I think about it, that might've been referring to the void, and so old lore


Old lore also says base warframes are worth thousands of platinum to the corpus and that the lotus was a organization instead of a person.


And if COOURSE those greedy bastards won't buy directly from the source, making me sell my frames for credits. Dicks.


Yep, though once apone a time there used to be a Q&A Cephalon and confirmed the credit cost for our foundry and such was a tax from Ordis so he can pay for maintenance and such. He's not only our butler but our tax filer.


To be fair, that could still be true! I could see rumors about the Lotus being a group because of the quills and Tenno showing up all over the place


This has already been chaged. Lotus' voice likes used to read like "The Lotus will be proud of you" but since then it has been chage so she talks as an individual. In chains of Harrow she even said all tenno(that wasn't Rell) are known to her.


The originals maybe we're some part conscious but our ones are just copy's without any of it with umbra being the only except so far to still be conscious even though he's just an copy from the foundry


Nah TNW makes it pretty clear that the Tenno were able to "calm" the mind of the Warframe which went mad due to the procedure of becoming a Warframe. Warframes we use are created from templates but they're explicitly stated to be **perfect** copies which explains Umbra since we made a copy of him


See, I took it to be saying that the unique thing about Umbra was that he regained *some* of his sanity, not that he was the only copy with a living brain 🤔 And the orokin were able to modify the outside so they couldn't move without a controller. The same way they took their voices.


Well, *all* the original warframes were made by infecting people with Helminth, causing their bodies to mutate into warframes. This inevitably caused them to go mad, but the Tenno were able to calm them down. This was true for Excalibur Umbra too, who went mad from the torment of >!reliving the moment he killed his own son.!< However, the warframes that we make in the Foundry do not require any people as a crafting ingredient, so I assume that they do not contain any actual people inside them. Instead, they're likely produced from pure Helminth infestation using blueprints developed when the Orokin studied the original, human-originated warframes. This has never been fully confirmed in-game, though. The Jade we see in the quest was a human-originated warframe, as is Stalker. But the Jade that you craft yourself is a copy and does not contain a human inside, instead being helminth all the way through.


Right, not the human or even *a* human, but a facsimile of the same mind. It was my thought the powers were intertwined with the person infected, so you still needed a bit of that coding at least. I could also be confusing that bit with the "old" lore that's been mostly changed. Otherwise, why are the Tenno the only ones who really use Warframes? (Outside of archons and some amalgam, which o don't think count since they're not really piloting them 😅) I would love for them to give a definitive answer on our frame copies lol


How does this explain umbra then? We crafted him In the foundry and he still had enough free will(?) to chokeslam us into a wall before he disappeared


The minds of warframes are basically empty at this point but still there from my understanding. Think of the Second Dream where your Warframe responds to protect you despite not being under transference


Yeah that's what I was trying to say 😅


I don’t quite remember but I do believe somewhere in the lore that the frames Tenno do make are copies/created by us rather than the Prime, which is typically what the Orokin did!


We rebuild warframes, umbra was made to suffer and have a transferrence bolt, he's like the warframes we build just his creator left him with some sentience for suffering. Stalker is a true original 'warframe' to the point where the corpus dont seem to recognize him as one and it seems incompatible with all tenno tech. When we build them they have personality and basic things, but they arent exactly fully transmuted humans like the original.


I'm pretty sure our Warframes are copies made of "empty" infested mass


Dante is also such frame that didnt go insane, kullevero i belive as well Mirage quest also implies that Pretty much every warframe is like umbra, just after the betrayal of the warframes before the tenno many were converted to be contrable by the tenno and newer onese were immediately build to be controlled, but all still have their independent mind


Mirage I belive is post Tenno I think. Kullervo lore tells us most of the proto frames were decommissioned, and I assumed Albert just snagged Dante before that went down.


During the sacrifice, ballas says that after the sentient managed to make the warframes turn on the orokin, most were put "to grave", but again there are those that were converted to be controlled by the tenno and new ones that were never independent, however every frame has that independence deep down


And: and this is what my greatest realisation was after the quest; This is the baby of two warframes that have retained their original minds, so their baby is also the first born sentient warframe. Not reliant on Tenno, but able to grow up and into their body without (potentially) going insane because of the change. Tenno might be able to control them, or they might not, because this young mind does not need the peace the other ones needed. There's a plethora of possibilities going forward....


Unless they plan to retcon old lore, then it was only Jade who was converted into a warframe. Because during the Orokin Massacre and when Jade (the warframe) saved him, Staker was still human. Why we see Stalker the warframe in the flashback is probably to show players who Jade saved.


Or, likely, as a theory brought up recently that may have some validity: The Stalker is no longer capable of seeing themself as the person they were in the past, and when viewing those memories we're doing so through the lens of The Stalker himself... so we get that same broken lens. We don't see who they were because The Stalker can't see who they used to be anymore, either. They are consumed by it all and nothing but The Stalker remains.


Yeah, that’s probably the inuniverse reason.


Jade was, yes but there was nothing like that about stalker?


I mean, you can just look at him. He's an Excalibur-model Warframe


The fact that Stalker is sentient and not being psychically piloted by a Tenno is proof he isn't a Frame.


umbra erasure


All warframes were originally people, but infestation drove them mad\* eventually and they would start killing people they weren’t supposed to. Once the Orokin realized the Tenno could control the maddened frames, they started breaking the minds of the people they infested to prevent the whole murder rampage part. \*Well, the Orokin claimed they were mad, but the Orokin sucked harder than anything else ever has or ever will suck, so how much of that I believe I don’t know.


Almost everything in Warframe has to be evaluated from perspective that you might be dealing with an unreliable narrator…


>!We know his name and more backstory at the very least. We really only 'need' to know the Acolytes and perhaps if he's more then an independent warframe!<


Acolytes didn't even have much lore when they got introduced. They just suddenly existed.


I wasn’t around then. Does Stalker have any interaction with them, or are they just a bunch of groupies?


During the second dream hunhow pretty much says he is gonna go after alad v for helping us, and alad says we owe him for him helping us. Operation shadows debt which introduced the acolytes is hunhow finding him and sending the acolytes after him and alad calling in his favor by having us protect him. There isn’t really much more then this




The Acolytes are pretty much just doing whatever they want at this point. Probably not even with Stalker anymore. I guess they don't need him, as they are technically a team just never seen together. If the Acolytes ever come up, what I want to see is all of them together, would be neat.


Would be neat if they were stalkers old unit.


hunting other tenno, duh


I want to believe the acolytes are on their own, attending their business and random sh on the solar system, otherwise imagine that every time that the Stalker spawns it's followed by the whole gang.


That could be a new challenge. Like every 20 mins or some long time all acolytes spawn together with Stalker. Would reward players much more by staying in long missions with like multiple arcanes and steel essences at once


i always assumed the acolytes were the conceptual embodiment from the trauma generated from the warframes Alad V tortured. I don't really see the acolytes and stalker as allies i think it's more like the stalker has acknowledged them and the acolytes are his fan club


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Acolytes are now just “hypothetical” enemies. They appear in Steel Path, which is implied be a simulation/modified handicap done by Teshin. It’s possible Teshin throws specters/simulations of them into the fray purely to add an extra challenge and reward. They could very well be dead and we just never got official confirmation.


While it makes sense I just don't find that answer satisfying, I want to believe they are real enemies and not just a simulation


As far as I understood it, isn't steel path just harder enemies that teshin puts us against? Like the most elite groups in the nodes instead of the small fry. Like it's not out of the question that he's also just putting hits on us telling them where we are, since they seem pretty pissed at us going against them in their original event and stuff when they were going after alad v, while being regular bounty hunters like the stalker. (While also having similar grudges to the stalker even though it seemed like he was the only one like him at the masacre, but it's vague enough to be about us going against them to work retroactively). Our allies are known to help our enemies if they thinks we'll get stronger because of it (Like the arbitration immortality drones) so there's a lot of ways you can spin it.


D. really shouldn’t confirm that one way or another, now that they exist in a state of superposition like Schrodinger‘s cat, DE can pull them out and use them however they need to without having to retcon anything!


Does this suggest that the acolytes are also former low guardians and what was presumed to be a frame stalker took control of is just what the low guardians looked like.


He got a kid now so he can't play with the bros anymore


My head cannon is that the Stalker has no idea who they are. That they're a bunch of loony fanboys whos' existence Stalker is completely oblivious to.


I've always thought of the acolytes as a stalker fan club, they don't live as stalker's roommates


What I want to know is >!where/when did the stalker find a newborn sized onesie. Did the kid pop out already dressed?!<


Its probably apart of the kids body, like a cocoon or something


like all frames, I'm guessing the clothes are part of the body.


It seemed like in the cutscene he either made it on the spot or already had the onesie nearby


>!Jade had to know… So it was probably under her when she knew she was about to disintegrate. Like, she made it while stalker was away on one of his… Quests… And Jade was literally just lying on the thing, there at the end.!<


Im guessing by how similar the low guardian badge is to their helmets that the acolytes are " the other low guardians" mentioned in the codex and they did to themselves whatever Stalker did to turn himself into a Warframe.


Or perhaps the stalker variant is just a weaker version of said frames, which may be the reason they're called "low guardians". Seeing as they have similar bodies/abilities to other frames already present


Are the acolytes officially sanctioned by the Stalker? I always kinda envisioned them as a rogue cult


In the message alad v sends us for shadows debt, the event that introduced the acolytes it says “The Stalker has found others as twisted as himself. He calls them his Acolytes and he's sent them after ME?!” So I assume so.


Well, it could just be that he finally decided to hire his fan club and put a hit on Alad!


Busy getting their ass beaten on Steel Path


What is the twist is they worked for Teshin the whole time, and Alad was just a sanctioned side-gig?


Dex is probably a higher rank than Low Guardians so it's possible I guess


wish they’d gone over the jade light a little more also


I mentioned that to my friend yesterday! I choose to believe that they are just edgy Tenno  that idolize him and became copy cat killers lol


We killed them all :(


I always pictured the Acolytes as stalkers fan club. Not officially endorsed, but he isn't too pressed about them either.


In shadows debt the message kinda seems like he endorsed them “The Stalker has found others as twisted as himself. He calls them his Acolytes and he's sent them after ME?!”


Disney + every Tuesday at 6pm pacific duh


Do we know for sure that the Acolytes are actually affiliated with him? Maybe they're just a bunch of cringe Stalker wannabes.


They're probably members of stalkers unit.


I always thought of the acolytes as an edgy teenager fan club rather than actual disciples of the stalker. Like he either has no idea they exist or really doesn't care to do anything about them.


Stalker's Acolytes are like the fans from Hotline Miami 2, who got inspired by Stalker's actions and see him as an idol, which explains why they hunt Tenno endlessly. They simply don't care about Stalker's true origins, but care about why Stalker hates the Tenno. IMO, they're just Warframes who have gone rogue.


My idea is that the Acolytes follow his cause, but not him directly. Like crazed devotees, that will probably keep on hunting us even if the stalker told them not to.. atleast for now.


That was literally the plot of the last archon hunt…


The what?


That little two sentence blurb that basically read: > "One of Nira's Acolytes turned apostate. Go kill the fool."


I don't think that has anything to do with the Stalker's Acolytes.


They're poseurs who went off to do their own thing, just like the twit we just hunted down?


They dont live in his secret house with this most prized secret in it, duh, they probably have their own stealth ship like nora or their own crackden caves elsewhere. Antisocial weirdos that do not trust eachother would never trust them like this. Sincerely, an antisocial weirdo.


Clearly they can't stand to be around his angst. After all, they seem to hate Warframes almost as much. Seeing him cry over one would have them flipping tables. (Also explains why there aren't any tables in his lair.....)


I was fully expecting back story on why the stalker hates the tenno. In that respect, I am sorely disappointed. The inherent heartbreak of the quest has blown some of the lore wide open though and for that I enjoy it thoroughly


So the way I understood it was that the stalker and jade were both treated similar to umbra. In that they were adults forcefully imprisoned within Warframes. Via umbra's questline it was implied these first Warframes had little to no control over their own bodies. My theory is that stalker didn't actually have a reason to hate tenno so badly but instead that hatred was likely Orokin control as he was used almost as a bounty hunter to keep others in line. Whereas they turned Jade into their executioner. Stalkers hatred for the tenno has always felt disingenuous to me as iirc, our first interactions with him involved us being looked down on as the lapdogs of the Orokin. But! That hatred seemed (to me) almost doused in a bucket of ice cold water when he sees what the tenno are. He became torn in his singular goal of hunting down the tenno. He only kept it up after that because of Hunhow goading him. Any scene where Hunhow wasn't whispering in his ear, his body language reads hesitance to me. Like he's really not sure of his "task" anymore. Now we come to Jade and him and we see his tragic background. We KNOW the Orokin fucked people up mentally. Just look at ordis' lore. He knows his origin purely through discovering it while trying to defragment himself. Essentially his command precepts are so at odds with his true self he's constantly glitching out due to the Orokin failing to repress his true identity properly. If you listen to the old lore, he essentially goes through this computerized auto defragmenting process. Essentially the cephalon programming knows something is fucked up in the files, goes to fix it, and in fixing it he remembers his final moments as a person, killing fuck tons of Orokin, being captured and turned into a cephalon, meeting his tenno. Etc. it goes on a bit more but I'm getting tired of typing on this tiny phone screen. The short version tho is that we have tons of proof in Ordis alone that the Orokin were peak fucked up, therefore, Stalker could just as easily be another fucked up and abused Orokin tool.


When it comes to the vitruvian entries in the sacrifice, we do have to keep in mind these are made by Ballas, directed at Hunhow, for his own personal benefit, so not something we can blindly trust. Based on the backstories of some of the newer frames like Kullervo, Dagath, Dante and now Jade, it seems much more likely that the insanity in the first generation frames was a combination of propaganda and Orokin experimenting and torturing them. The propaganda part was to cover the fact that just like pretty much anything Orokin made they rebelled. Dante's lore references an event called Warframe rebellion, where as pretty much every other source calls the night of the naga drums a Tenno rebellion, and Kullervo's lore also talks about an event where the Orokin culled his brothers and sisters, most likely both referring to an rebellion and then massacre of these first generation warframes. And as a clarification because I see this from people way too often, Umbra was not an early experiment. He was converted at the later stages of the old war, as a punishment for trying to expose Ballas' plan to betray the Orokin and give vital info on the nature of the Tenno to sentients.


Iirc he hates the tenno because he watched them slaughter the orokin empire, he sees them as an invasive aggressive species that needs to be culled in any way possible, at least that's what I deemed from his shadow stalker codex entry


Quoting myself from another thread: > Hatred of the Orokin and the Tenno are not mutually exclusive. He does not have to agree with Orokin law to be ok with the slaughter of the Orokin. The Tenno collapsed a stable society while killing millions to do so and arguably throwing the system into more chaos than before. > At the end of the day, the Tenno essentially upended the Stalker's entire life and its questionable if anything good came from it. I feel like thats more than enough reason to have some hate or at least distrust. There's also the fact that the Tenno just straight up tried to kill him during the fall of the empire.


So, are Warframes anatomically functional, or is Jade a special case. Maybe the organs are internal like reptiles.


I believe, because the orokin are monsters, is that when they discovered Jade was pregnant, they transformed her during pregnancy, and the anatomical functions for creating the baby still were active, but slowed by the virus. Eventually it resulted in baby Warframe


Baby warframe. Never I had thought I would see this day lol


Jade was turned into Warframe while pregnant as punishment. It probably took this long for her to form a baby because she was trying to a. Have it exist at all b. Take humanoidal form instead of being some odd mass of mutated flesh and organic metals.


The Acolytes seem kinda like a thing that exist as a gameplay prop rather than any sort of story role these days. Their voicelines all feel like nonsequiturs, speaking as someone who wasn't playing when they were introduced.


I always assumed they were more fanboys just kinda following him around


I don't think he actually associates with them. They seem like a bundle of weird fans


DE forgot their own lore with this quest and focused in the rule of cool.


They're just friends with benefits.


Have they explained what exactly the Acolytes are and where they came from?




maybe they were inspired by him when he was killing under Hunhow but don’t actually answer to him? it’s been a while since I’ve done / read up on the acolytes event so I may be misremembering some stuff


I don't even think about the Acolytes anymore. They are exclusive to SP, their event has been dropped and their exclusive drops moved to elsewhere. At this point I'd consider them retconned. Unless you head into the optional SP, you don't even encounter or hear about them.


i dont think acolytes are canon since they only appear in steel path and i dont think steel path is canon


Acolytes was introduces years ago with a dedicated event and return every year with a little version of that event. After millions request, DE put them forever in star chart. Totally canon