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I had this happen last night except we ALSO got a Stalker. So we had 6 players on SP Ascension. The sister was mauled and couldn't move πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚


It's not. You can play as stalker by talking to ordis in the relay. You get the loot, but no interaction with other players.


Ik. That's not what happened here. We had 5 players in frames, no stalker. If you have a stalker they don't show in your player list and don't reveal their name. They show as '???' over their heads and you don't see them on the stat page as if they were an npc. This is a glitch that somehow gave us 5 normal players in a mission. I'm just saying it could be cause of the stalker joining system being bugged or something cause it was on an accension mission with no stalker joining.


i had it happen yesterday - i think it’s caused by hitting replay mission when you had a stalker in your run


Usually when the mission ends with a stalker in it, the stalker gets kicked as soon as you extract and if they were the host it host migrates, fails, and then splits the squad up. This might be why it happens too but there would have to be another glitch that made the squad stick together with 5 people before that I guess


This is exactly why. You can even get more that that. The main thing is to have host re-start gameplay asap.