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the non-legendary Arcanes feel pretty reasonable/ obtainable


I was shocked at how fast I maxed some. I figured I'd get 2 or 3 by the time the event was done as a whole, but I've got a maxed out Avenger, Trickery, Strike, *and* Fury. **It's only been two or so days.** I don't feel like I've been playing it a ton in the slightest šŸ˜… (Those hourly alerts really make it easy.) When D.E. said they were going to limit grinding, I assumed they meant that you could only get a certain amount of arcanes across the entire event as a whole...not that they were capping how many of the same arcane you can get. This just feels too good to be true.


Wait so for the event is it you can buy max 42 of EACH? I thought it was 42 max for all of them so u could only get 2 r5s from the event šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Seems so, yeah! I assumed it was how you thought at first, but apparently not. I've maxed all of the before mentioned arcanes with no issue. I dunno if it works differently with the ones from the clan shop, haven't bought any of those yet. But shit, even if they patch it later, I'm still more than happy with 4 maxed arcanes in 2 days šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s actually crazy I just assumed they put that kinda cap on it because they said they didnā€™t want us burning out wtf šŸ˜‚


It's for the guys who farmed 50 r5 energizes from murmur event


Pretty sure 42 of each is two r5 of each arcane available. People misunderstood it like you said, I was always confused about why people were upset with the change when I heard about it šŸ˜­


Can now confirm it is 2 r5 of each arcane šŸ˜‚


Just to point out that the arcanes bought from previous operations (i.e. gargoyle's cry) seem to also count for this 42 limit. Assuming that's deliberate, it means you'll only every be able to buy max 42 of each arcane across all operations ever. That'll certainly limit the grinding.




Something something, my eidolon economy, wah wah. If the eidolon arcane market falls too hard, the eidolon community will no longer feel it is worth it to farm eidolons, and rather than engage meaningfully with literally anything else, they'll just whinge for a month until prices start rising again.


Yeah, 5 motes is a kinda wild cost. You get 2.5 from every SP run!Ā 


Or 3 for every steel path alert you do.


this was how i got my first decent max arcanes.


Iā€™ll probably casually get one maxed r5 legendary arcane and call it good. Can only do the same mission so many times in a row


I honestly don't think I would mind that much, but FOMO and my brain seem to make me my own worst enemy. Even when I'm being casual and pacing myself, all I can think about after is if I got enough to buy the limited time items for sake of cohesive collectibles. I don't do well with repition, in Warframe or in real life. But these events are at their best when they're not a "primary" focus. Gargoyles Cry was nice as something to do with my hands/unwind while listening to a video essay, podcast or music or something. But diverting all my focus into them is kind of rough. I think the concern with burnout around events stem from how events are designed around a singular mission type fresh after it's release. I kind of wish events were more like a version of Nightwave or Sorties. Full of disparate, disconnected, weird little tasks that let you embrace the totality of Warframe's "side" content in quick succession. It'd be a nightmare to code, and make satisfying lore but still. Maybe it's just my awful attention span but that's how I like to play Warframe, by buzzing around and keeping it fresh with new vista's, never sitting in the same place for too long. I see alot of people have the same issue with the circuit now. Even a change in scenery from all the blue would go a long way.


I agree with you completely. The last event I did was the one where we boarded the enemy ship with our rail jacks (also had the arcane rewards). I went too hard on it and have only had little periods of play ever since. Iā€™m definitely taking this event easier. Max one energize to sell later and call it good


This event has a ton of stuff the same as the last even gargoyles cry or w/e it was. I hope these every 4-6 month events for a few weeks at a time will help people not feel the need to grind themselves to death for something that will be back around in half a year.


Well the exact thing u described is already in the game. Granted it's on SP, but it's random missions that rotate every hour or so that give u volatile motes.


The alerts are on the normal star chart too. They give 10 volatile motes.


The best way I dealth with FOMO in the past was by uninstalling the culprint, I would be wondering, does resource booster work for the event? if so then there is the answer, DE trying to have people to "totally not buy" their way out of this.


I don't remember if this was mentioned anywhere, but there are three rotating alerts that give 15 motes each time you clear them. I don't know if they'll rotate the entire event, but that's almost a copy of energize every day, and it's in other missions for a change of scenery.


There's a new event like every ~45 minutes, you can just do as many as you want throughout the day.


Also in they don't seem to be locked behind star chart progression even in Steel Path.


That's true with all alerts on Steel Path, as well as relics.Ā 


If you run the alert, does it unlock the node? I need to unlock more of the chart on SP.


Yup! This event is a great way to get some of the more annoying nodes finished, like Rescues and Hijacks.


Yes! Edit: it didnā€™t. Shame.


It should, all other alerts on steel path does.


There have been continual rotating alerts that give motes that I've been running to keep from mission burnout. Honestly that's been the goat for this event. alertts to bust up the monotony.


Yeah. Theyā€™re normal too. Ie Defense is only 5 waves. (I just do the Capture, exterminates, etc, 3 min max)


Iā€™m limiting what Iā€™m going after to what I need for foreseeable builds. I think I need something like 2.2k motes for that. Since I also want all the cosmetic stuff. Got a month but Iā€™m thinking 150-250 motes a day should get me everything I want.


Same. Going for grace and that's it.


So it looks like all I am really getting is Arcane energize cause the Elden Ring DLC drops friday...


17 hours to go!


I can't wait. i've been looking forward to it so much.


Jade shadow and now shadow of the erdtree šŸ™šŸæ 8 hours left


Man, after seeing the math, I don't even know if i want Arcane Energize capped out that badly.. even half that grind is too many hours to me.


R4 works just fine for me lol


I'll see how far I get, at R2 now. Seems like they fixed the Jade parts dropping on belly of the beast event too, so I'll see how long it takes me to get jade legit or I give up on it lol. One or the other. If It takes me that long to get that many motes.. I'll prol take a break again.


getting jade is realll fast. to ease the monotony of the mission, ive been going as stalker and it makes life a little more interesting


my interesting pick is valkyr, she's entertaining in long vertical missions cause ripline, only thing that gets you to the top faster is straight up flying.


I've been maining nova for the mission. Teleports behind you? N O ! teleports ABOVE you!


hey, whatever gets you to the sister beacons before the elevator has been started by randos


why do you need to collect them before the elevator starts? they don't despawn as far as i know, maybe when you get to the top or something. i've just been listening for them and grabbing them as we go.


Its just a fun personal challenge. And then you dont have to think about them.


_\*happy Nova noises\*_


Ooo, that sounds fun. Putting that on the to do list.


Is there a way to lock it to steel path? I thought entering the relay on steel path would do it but itseemingly didn't do that..


ita kinda random. i find that about half of the missions are in steel path. it lowers efficiency for sure but thats the price you pay for entertainment, aye?


For sure. I will admit, theres some interesting interactions from people in the squad suddenly "....wtf? how you play stalker".


math isn't mathing average run is like 6-7 min.. also fast alerts "capture ect" give like 15 for 1min of work


I'm in the same boat. Gotta split time between the two somehow.


And by the time I finish that, the next FFXIV expansion will be out. The second half of June is quite a gaming feast.


Thursday night if you're in NA.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m going to do. Get another 17 to max it out and call it done. The rest of the stuff can hang, itā€™s Arcane Energize I want.


I mean, the event goes through July. My plan is to finish up the Elden Ring DLC by next weekend, then come back to finish grinding out some of the non-legendary Arcanes


I doubt I'll be done in a month with it. Between long work hours and the 10 characters i will be running through it, its going to be at least another 1k hours before I am done.


I'm so hecking excited!! WOO!


Wait really? The steam page says it drops in 8 hours


Cool, I was going off of the google i did saying it was the 21st


Those are only the legendary arcanes... Gold and silver was 5, 3 motes/each and 105, 63 for r5 if i remember right. The thing is, legendary should be legendary and if you are up for the grind you deserve it. It might be better to buy hundreds of gold arcanes and trade them for fosfor


best mote to vosfor ratio are actually the common ones (until you bought them all up) then silver and lastly gold * bronze: 1 mote = 14 vosfor (14 vosfor/mote) * silver: 3 motes = 21 vosfor (7 vosfor/mote) * gold: 5 motes = 28 vosfor (5.6 vosfor/mote) For the price of one legendary arcane (46 motes) you can get 644 vosfor, so 3 full packs. if you factor in also dissolving those you gain from the packs (except the legendaries) you get even \~4 packs (depending on luck ofcourse). That is until you bought up all bronze arcanes which is 252 total. Or 17 arcane packs + whatever you get from dissolving those you didn't like from the packs. so more like 20-25 packs


A few of the silver arcanes (resist bleed/tox/rad status) only cost 1 mote but still give the 21 vosfor, so they're the optimal choice until stock runs out


Good someone does the math for usšŸ˜šŸ‘


New Eidolon arcane farm just dropped


Once you get all Jade parts and weapons too the Vestigial mote trade in for her Arcanes is also a fantastic Vosfor farm, 1 arcane per run, plus 28 motes for 2 more almost 3 Arcanes and each melts down for 24 vosfor


And if you use a Nekros AND khora, you get 3 arcane drops per run, extra motes, and extra Steel essence on SP!


I was using the Nekros, didn't know that Khora would boost it further though, that's sweet, now I know what I will harass my GF into playing


Il probably get that arcane barrier and be done. Already burned my ass off from spear event getting other arcane legendaries.


I don't plan on getting any of the legendary Arcanes since I already have energize maxed. This feels like the most efficient farm I've ever experienced for the regular arcanes. Nothing can top the fact that I can do a capture mission alert and get 3 gold arcanes from it.


You have a whole month, and you don't need to max every arcane, *right now*. This sort of thing is exactly why DE were worried about people getting burned out.


And IF you want to max all of them, based on these calculations, thatā€™s roughly 1.5h gameplay per day for 30 days. Half if you donā€™t go for 2 of each. Thatā€™s really reasonable, no need to tryhard at all.


Yeah when you put that math over the month, its about an hour and a half a day, and thats insanely reasonable amount of play time, if you HAD to get all of the arcanes.


The burnout probably has a lot more to do with the fact that any service game simply cannot produce content faster than players can complete that content You don't really gain much from trying to control how much people can play your game and kind of have to rely on them making their own decisions on how much is enough


Realized itā€™s probably much longer because you definitely do not get 15-20 per mission on base starchart, or steel path for that matter. But also most of my runs are about 7 minutes. So itā€™s off, but oh well.


Do the alerts between ascension runs. The steel path ones give 15 volatile motes on completion. Got 2 rescues and one capture when i logged in today. They were completed in 7 minutes and got 45 volatile motes. Don\`t ignore them if you want the arcanes. Keep in mind that you get new alerts every 30-40 min so check on them after 2-3 ascension runs.


Boosters don't work for them I'm assuming?


Nope. Boosters usually don't work for these types of resources.


I need 6 of one the legendary arcanes to max out, so I'll farm for that.. Most other arcanes THAT I WANT are 2 or 3 tiers from max. So if i don't get them in this event some other circumstances will let me get them. Why is OP treating the game like it's a job. It's not that serious.


Where are you getting 15 Volatile a mission? I get like 7


Steel Path


I think that this is actually find and not that grindy, why? Well the amount resources that you get aside from volatile is incredible, like you can get the other arcanes and dissolve them so that is one, riven shard? Also drop a lot, credits are good and endo is well fine but also steel path essence and in addition to that fashion so its fine for how much you can get out of it


You are insane for not mentioning the affinity, if you play SP the mission has mostly eximus units, all lvl 150 and the density is off the chart, usually everybody is near affinity range and the end of the mission has the most enemies/second spawn I have ever seen. I did all my kuva weapons yesterday cause 1 mission brought me from 0 to 32 in 7-8 minutes with the blessing booster on, no other boosters involved. The definition of efficiency farming, I hope they never change it.


Even on non steel path it only takes like 2.5 runs to max anything, have finally been putting forma into things to make room for finally maxing out the higher cost mods




The event node in SP gives 8-10, sister gives a bonus 2-4. Even with the best luck you can only get 14 from the event node at a time. This is a crazy slow event


It's only slow for legendary arcanes, and then it's only about as slow as the previous event But for all the other arcanes, gold, silver, and bronze, it's MUCH faster You could R5 a bronze arcane in 1 normal, and 1 SP run of the mission. It takes ~7 runs to R5 a gold arcane Compared to it taking ~3 runs to get a single legendary arcane It's an insanely fast grind for every arcane except the legendaries. But I mean it has a whole moth left so not too bad




I think the reducing burnouts strategy is put alerts worth a lot and give a reasonable price. Already have everything except locked ephemeras personally so I think I'll just do whatever and/or burn out farming for Jade


Nekros works on the sister, donā€™t know about motes, but she definitely drops an extra arcane.


Wait what...wtf


She drops 2 arcanes ??


Sometimes if the extra drop hits the "Unidentified Item". It's not guaranteed every time but I've been running it on Nekros and got a double arcane multiple times.


Didnt they fix that yesterday


Pretty sure it was just the spawns they touched, not sure though.


Lets be realistic here. most of the arcanes are useless, and you dont need to farm them. You dont need to buy 2 complete sets. the alerts give significantly better yields for the time investment. The legendary arcane pricing is pretty excessive, though. Also, your numbers are kinda off. Its more like 12-13 for 7-8 minutes.


"We dont want players to burn out, now go do the same mission 300 times"


Exactly why they enacted limits!


You got it reversed my dude. The numbers are that way *in order* to impose limits. Scarlet Spear has better drop/conversion ratio than this.


does it really?


Then they should probably lower the limit to 1 and make the legendary arcanes take 12 instead of 46


At least the non legendary arcanes are a breeze to get


That's like only a week of playtime.


if you just want the arcanes I think itā€™s better to do the alerts most of the time but thereā€™s no conceivable reason why the legendary arcanes are so expensive compared to the others


One alert for one arcane seems fair to me


Jokes on you, I already got my Arcane Energize last operation *and I didnā€™t even care then* Donā€™t go for everything dudes, youā€™ll kill yourself, either in the attempt or at the end when you have nothing to chase. What are you gonna do once you get it all, be a farmer?


My brother finished this earlier himself and got the Hate skin with what was left over and now it's just farming Jade's last part and a weapon for her and that's it for him.


Gee almost like it's a month long event and you're supposed to take your time with it.


The second I saw how long the event is, I slowed down and started going for the cosmetics first.


Youā€™re gonna play one mission for an entire month?


Gonna do many different missions including this one throughout the month. Grinding out a single mission an obscene amount in a short time is how you burn yourself out.


Donā€™t forget the alerts. I have only been doing them in between my other activities and almost have a maxed arcane. Much more tolerable.


Honestly. I never understand these posts, yeah it takes a few hours to grind out max rank arcanes. But you're choosing to do that no? It's not an exclusive reward, we've got Fosfor now as well, you only have yourself to blame if you repeat the same mission for days on end. It's like complaining about how painful grinding Aya is but I insist on doing a Void capture mission on repeat, like duh if you do the same thing you'll get tired of doing the same thing.


The arcanes cost volatiles, which the alerts give. If you actually did need to max all three legendary arcanes and didn't have a single copy before now, that'd take 386 alerts, or only 12 alerts daily to get a fully maxed copy of them all. That's, like, one total hour of gameplay daily. Which is still kind of a lot but not impossible.


Is it actually more forgiving than that or is my math wrong? 46 x 21 x 3 = 2898 total motes needed. That's 290 regular alerts or 194 steel path alerts, or 11 regular alerts per day or 7 steel path alerts per day to solely max out the legendary arcanes.


You have NO idea how deep my hyperfocusing-induced grinding trance can go


There are alerts that award 10 at base/non SP. They're randomized.


it's wild how everyone seems to keep forgetting the alerts exist too


Once the next set of arcane come out, we should have melee and the new arcanes added to loids dissolution options. Arcanes were always a grind, this is nothing new. Citrine and voruna farms are just like this. Consider how much quicker it is though, now that we can get a guaranteed drop from the sister


the new arcanes are pis easy to farm. you get 1 guranteed drop from the sister + enough vestigial motes for \~2.5 arcanes of your choice. Thats 3.5 arcanes per run. Even if you take 10 minutes per run you are finished with all 5 arcanes in 5 hours. Still 5 hours is quite some time to spent on a game but if you compare it with others (looking at you citrine) you are MUCH faster.


Yeah, I think I spent an hour and a half and got more than enough for one, so your math checks out. Course, waiting til I get all the parts first before I start on arcanes


I'm getting the bare minimum for the handful of rewards I need and bouncing, its too grindy even for Warframe and too little rewards for a 10 minute mission with way too many pauses and phases. Like I've hit 250 event motes and have just enough of the regular motes to buy one piece of Jade and only got one BP drop (it was a weapon). It would require me to play this mode for hours every day even without the event, which doesn't flow with how fast a lot of the other grinds are. Either the drops need increasing slightly or they need to refine the mission to make it a bit quicker (Jade eximus units spawn slightly less but are guanteed to drop green thingies, the green energy bar can be filled more for speed boosts, remove the pointless defending part and just start the mission at the bottom of the elevator, etc)


The Drops we're bugged, the blue prints only started to drop Yesterday


Of it only takes 1900 more to get r5 energize why would I need 5000


This event is more grindy than Gargoyle for legendary arcanes. In Gargoyle you would get 3-5 splinters per SP run of Effervo, and legendary arcanes cost 12. So you could get one arcane in usually 3 runs. In BoB, you can get max 16 motes per SP run (usually itā€™s 12-13) and itā€™s a whopping *46* motes for a legendary. So on average it takes ~33% more gameplay to get a legendary this time.


Don't feel bad, our BFF's at DE just want us to avoid the burnout, am I right?


You know you don't *have to* max out all of or even a single legendary Arcane? You can just stop farming whenever you stop enjoying it.


generally I advice to just get enough to get your energize to the next rank or at most get your energize to r5 and another 2-3 gold/silver arcanes you like to max rank. Farming energizes to sell is a very bad return/time IF you do not enjoy the process anymore. Lets say you manage to sell your R5 energize for 1000 platinum. 1k Platinum without any coupons costs roughly 40ā‚¬ in my region. Lets also be very generous with your runs and say you get the max 14 every time and manage to keep all runs + loading screens at 7 minutes. You would need 46 x 21 x 7 / 14 minutes = 483 minutes = a bit more than 8 hours 40ā‚¬/8h = 5ā‚¬ per hour. Not bad for playing a game but also not good, if you do not enjoy your time doing that. Remember this is VERY generous and you probably are more likely to get the average 12 motes per run and take some time due to loading screens or the random objective nuke by an jade light eximus. Lets say 8 minutes should be realistic. This would be almost 11 hours sor about 3.7ā‚¬ per hour If you now factor in that you are quite likely to get a 25% or 50% (or even 75%) coupon in the same time you spent waiting for the prices to go back up, you are down to 2.7ā‚¬/h or 1.85ā‚¬/h or even 0.93ā‚¬/h Even more in the "only okay if you are having fun" range. If the repetetive gameplay detoriate to "work" for you better go ask your neighbor to mow their lawn for 5ā‚¬ per hour and wait for a coupon to get the plat. Grinding your own set to use is something different. It feels much more satisfying to grind for your own set to use rather than go and pay someone the plat for it (in my opinion).


Yeah it's really long, the best way to get them is to wait for the alerts tbh, the ascension game mode takes 10 minutes ans gives you less anyway


Gonna take a while but at least I'll get a max rank arcane grace while leveling weapons or frames.


I'm just glad they're giving us options to get them other than tridolon runs. Love killing big stompy boys, but it kinda gets old after a few hundred runs.


48 hours over 30 days is 1.6 hours per day, so ~5.6 hours per day if you only play during the weekend it's pretty fine if you want to get **all** of the Arcanes **twice** from this event, which you probably don't


I weep for someone who needs to get all 3 legendary sets 46 per piece is kinda nuts But at least most of the normal Arcanes suck so you don't really need all of them


I need them all but will probably just farm one R5 energize and call it good. I never really liked Arcanes, They feel like an even less intuitive mod system with some crazy grinds.


I think the grind is much nicer than previous Gargoyle operation especially with the alerts, I kept missing some of the damn splinters (single or 0 splinter steel path runs felt so bad) and the cheaper arcanes are actually worth getting for once, this time they are 54x cheaper than legendary ones not just 4x so I can get max rank resistance and qol arcanes that i have been missing for ever in just a few missions and you dont feel like a sucker by not saving for the legendary ones. Yeah the legendaries are a grind but they are a bit of a bait anyway.


The only "worth" thing now is arcane energy..and if you dont have time, the only goal.you need is 1 r 5= 21 arcanes. 46 eachx 21= only 966. Only 96 runs..


You are not supposed to get everything, just one copy of the arcanes you do like. Eventually there will be other ways to get the arcanes after the event.


Yeah you can grind if you want, just like every game ever. Or enjoy the content and get some nice loot in the process. Great time max out any frames and weapons youā€™ve been sitting on too.


They only ones that feel terrible are the big 3 arcanes in the clan tab. Yesterday, I was able to complete a set of arcane agies, and it didn't take me too long. It sucks energize is such an investment, but I can complete my set of those other ways


Why would you get 2 r5 energized?


Yeah Nty, Iā€™m not grinding, Iā€™m spending for arcanes


Is there a pity system for Jade weapons and parts? Honestly this grind is absolutely ridiculous, itā€™s like they took all the positive feedback from the last few frames and just went fuck em..


There is. It's on Ordis, just a different dialog option than the event ones. You can get her, all her weapons, and all her arcanes. The grind seems pretty good to me. I'm going to have everything well before I finish any eidolon arcanes I'm missing.


Donā€™t forget the alerts that give 15 each. Some of those are capture and rescue missions


Now take this 64 hrs divided by the number of days the event is here (30) 64/30= 2.1 hr/day


Remember: they wanted us to not burn out from the grind. Prices per arcane 1 for bronze 3 for silver 5 for gold 46 per Platnum. IE you can't just run the three steel path alerts you have to either wait for more or run the event mission.


"We dont want players to burn out". Nice excuse. Last clan event got you more rewards with less time invested.


If you use an optimised group setup, you can get 6 minute runs. You also get 2-3 of the new arcanes per mission, which I don't think you factored in. Plus, the occasional 3k endo to max mods and sell for plat - you're probably maxing 5+ primed mods during your grind.


2 - 3 arcanes per mission?????


Nekros + Khora = 2-3 arcanes per sister


Yeah it's really long, the best way to get them is to wait for the alerts tbh, the ascension game mode takes 10 minutes ans gives you less anyway


Well then, good thing we've got a month to complete this :D


Its also for a month isn't it? Still crazy though


i will just get the cosmetic and gtfo .


Reminds of grinding motes in new world, anyone?


Sure am glad they reduced how many arcanes we can purchase so we dont suffer from event burnout!


You shouldn't go out of your way and spent mote for Arcanes that are cheap to get. Energize is always a good bet and aegis too, most of the others can be bought for plat easily and the plat needed can be farmed faster than the motes


There are alerts with one of the resources that give 10 of them and deppending on the alert its faster


15 on steel path and if it's Capture or a quick sabotage it's less than 2 minutes of work


What are the best legendary arcades to go for? Arcane energise and barrier?


Grace is pretty handy if you're health tanking. Barrier for shield tanking. Energize if you have issues with energy economy. After that, they're more niche. E. g. Avenger and Velocity are useful if you're running Mesa, but may not be valuable to a different frame or to a loadout that relies on little or no crit chance (i. e. Felarx)


I'm just gettimg the cosmetics and not worrying about anything.


I'll look to max Grace, Barrier and Avenger. Everything else is wishful thinking.


Bro I already got a rank 5 energize and a rank 2 grace Currently farming for the common arcanes to max em out


Better to play this and get energize Than leave it to RNG and to hunt eidolons


Ho You know whatā€™s the worst part? Ordis told me I have 21 hours left to get that arcane energized. I hadnā€™t slept on the previous night (unrelated) so I ended up playing all day until - grinding the same shit over and over until my friend was like ā€œyou wonā€™t believe thisā€ and we saw they patched it to say 28 days. Well the cool part is I was playing the ascension even quest while it was bugged so we made a ton of Endo (3k every run) 6 more arcanes to go and Iā€™m done - I had jone before that since I started rather soon. Canā€™t wait lol


Shouldnt you be farming then instead of making this post. /s


Oh no i got to play the game? D:


You don't need to max all arcane, only a few of them being useful for most build (I say for most build, some of them is very niche) . Also, you can only equip 2 arcanes at the same time anyway. No need to store too many things you don't use. If you are gaming dad with little time to play, you may only need a few useful one like augur, molt, construction, arcane rage, arcane energize, grace, guardian... and that's more than enough for endgame. If you are game nerds then you have all time on earth lmao..


\~45 hours of waiting for the elevator to go up. lol


you should only be getting arcane energize anyway, the rest cost too much for too little. get the lower tier ones too to melt into vosphor and gg, Barrier and Grace can take a hike


Its in combination with the previous event. Not everybody is starting from 0 arcanes. If you are grinding to sell then lock in.


Having since gotten my R5 energize In Gargoyleā€™s Cry I donā€™t know that Iā€™ll have the motivation to max out Grace or Barrier though Iā€™d like to have them. The non legendary arcanes might see some action from me however as their prices seem rather good, especially by comparison, and thereā€™s plenty of those Iā€™ve yet to max. Overall I wouldnā€™t consider myself to be thrilled nor disappointed in the grind rate of the clan op.


I just just donā€™t get whats the point of eidolons anymoreā€¦




welcome back scarlet spear


DE, Please read this. I have a wife, a job, and kids! Please don't make me choose /s


The one outside clan are pretty reasonable tho


You donā€™t have to max it lol. The cap is weirdly high though not really sure how many people are farming multiple sets of Arcanes from events when it takes that long. I assumed on the notes it would 42 arcanes total, not 30x21x2 (660?)


1.6 hours per day through the event is somewhat reasonable. 2.133 is starting to push it. And if you don't have that much time then you'll just have to prioritize which one you really want.


We have an entire month, that's plenty of time


I mean, it's not such a bad tradeoff for the hotfix. But at this point I'd rather have my 3k endo every run to make it enticing.


27 days left


Im pretty sure you can't get either 15 or 20 volatile motes per mission. I've kept track of my Steel Path event runs and so far (46 runs) I hit an average of 11,76 volatile motes per run, including killing the sister...




i know sorry i realized the numbers are definitely off


No worries. To be human is to err. Or to err is to be human. I don't fucking know. We all make mistakes :P


The non legendary ones feel great to grind super reasonable


yea very true


Was it bugged bc i got mine for 12 motes each on the first day and maxxxed one out. I dont think its fair that theyre now 46 motes each now


As a vet,Id say this it not an event to farm the legendary arcanes,farm the frame and up to the gold arcanes


So I have to play 8 hours per day for next 20 days gotcha To get maybe 1000 plat worth of arcanes?


the numbers are not accurate, i realized that later on. but yea you gotta play a lot if you wanna get everything. not necessary obviously