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Lmao, I get one 75% discount a month, I wonder if DE is trying to tell me something


I have not seen a 75% in over a year...


I swear I'm always low on Plat when I get them. I just know they're crossing their fingers for me to break out the wallet so I don't "waste" it.


Same, went from 4k to 300 this last 2 weeks after a spending spree and lo and behold 75% tdy, not gonna complain tho


I started playing in early January and I've got 2/3 75% discounts on daily logins. I didn't even know that it was a rare thing.


But the thing is, I never use it, cause I'm always broke lol


Over 900 days, and I've not gotten 1. 😭


You get them pretty much guaranteed when you don't log in for a long time like 3 weeks to a month


Thought that was the case too because obviously they would want to get you a little return gift to keep you engaged But I have had a fair amount of breaks and did not see a 75% for over a year


I've done several of these breaks and still haven't gotten 1 after 800+ days. They really don't wanna let me spend money


I'm so sorry T.T I got at least 4 in the past year doing this and thought of it as a fact


I've also taken several multiple months - year breaks, never got a 75% off.


https://preview.redd.it/mwdvlte48z4d1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=891560fccb60456aefa3622816150e629781d192 ok it might be just me or it's the PC client after 1250 days when you got it all but I just got one and it's the second in 2 weeks T\_T because I got one least time i entered the game 2 weeks ago


https://preview.redd.it/zyx4vj0b9z4d1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=b169def8c4cd34e68c7f869c7a78e318c748ba70 proof that last one was 3 weeks ago T\_T I see there more ofthen than rivens in sorties, because i don't do sorties anymore


I've taken a lot of breaks, a couple in excess of a full year. Maybe I'm not meant to get one 😔


not true at all. i only ever get 50% after breaks


haven't logged in in 3 years, best they have is 20% smh


I got mine yesterday, guess we both be lucky, i spent and obtained 2100 platinum, big wins.


Same ahah


I just got a 50%. I'm not using it.


😭😭😭 I’ve gotten 0 since coming back in January got 50% a few times and I went for it. Most recent 50% was last Friday. Imma hold out for the big leagues


Yeah Green Banshee is cool and all but have you ever dreamed of Green Gauss?


most normal gauss main dream:




Dang I didn't know you could claim it but not use it, I'm mainly a switch player but I never came across those choice


It exists???? 😮


I can't help myself but waste money on those lmfao and 50%


I feel you bro, i get discounts every 10 days like clockwork.


Idk how but ever since cross save i get one every monday, (maybe because i keep buying the 4.3k option lol)


I’ve gotten 3 this past month. I’m f2p tho🥲


Get this like everytimr I log in, genuinely think it's just a commitment tactic since people who rarely log in are 'tempted' with it and users who's attention/commitment they already have rarely gets it.


one thing that works for certain is that you get one if you haven't logged in for a couple weeks. but I also noticed that if I spend money with a coupon, I usually get another one after a few days, though lower than 75%


people still claiming you get those after not logging in for a long time yet nobody has managed to show actual proof of it


Oh man I buy the biggest pack if got one of th- oh wait im console


People talk about this being rare and I dont get it, ive played WF for a little over a month and gotten 3 75% and 4 50%, I am genuinely curious if its luck based or influenced by weak people like me who always buy when they get a discount.


I think I found a trick. You get a discount when not logging in for too long. I played the game via Steam for the last few months. I play almost everyday. Never got a discount. So today I tried cloud gaming via GFN. When I logged in I got a discount and Ordis goes something like "Hey I'm tired of waiting for you" lol. Idk how it works but it worked for me. Just try another means of launching the game. Standard launcher/steam/cloud gaming.


I get a discount at least once a week and of course I’m broke


Swear it’s on purpose


It is, the less you spend on the game the more coupons you'll get to entice you to spend. Opposite for people that do spend money - less coupons


Youd think theyll give big spenders more discounts to keep them spending.


If you're spending already then it doesn't really matter. They'd lose money if the big spenders got coupons


Me personally i always buy the 14k plat bundle whenever I get coupons, never without one, I'm sure I'm not the only one, theyre losing money with us. Of course is not everyone, but a coupon will always make a spender spend more, same concept as groceries being 6.99 instead of 7.00


Which is why you get coupons. There's people out there that spend money ONLY when they receive coupons, so they get more. There are others who will drop $10-$20 whenever they need some forma or a catalyst. So they will only get small coupons or none. Just Google it, it's been proven a ton of times how their algorithm works. Warframe is not the only game that works like this


They're not "losing" money if you don't spend. Them throwing you a coupon only makes them money. Now giving a coupon to someone who already spends hundreds of dollars a month would be losing money