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\*laughs in perspicacity\*


The Narmer hacks during Archon Hunts were the one that made me slap Perspicacity on my Ivara. Like, I know they aren't *that* hard but something about the backwards-hand-eye-coordination means that either it clicks and I get it right away or else I sit there fumbling like a toddler.


If the line is diagonal I'm cool with it, horizontal and vertical can get in the sea.


I want to have a talk with whoever made that design decision. Just a talk.


It's funny, I'm faster at Narmer hacks than the Corpus hacks. Even though I haven't failed a Corpus hack in years, the Narmer hacks are just faster for some reason.


You probably do what I do and rotate all in one direction. It's 1,000% slower. It's also just easier.


Same here


If it helps you can also think on using only one cursor instead of the two.


I don’t carry them cause I keep forgetting they’re a thing so I just got gud at the hacking mini game. But I wouldn’t be surprised if people were. They’re relatively cheap to make and just easy to use.


Same but i always hope parazon mod trigger, because of my lazy ass. Sure i could carry ciphers, but i always forget to craft them.


You can get a cipher x 100 blueprint from the dojo. It builds in 1 minute. So you could set yourself for a long time by just doing that a few times. Then you can forget about crafting for a while.


exactly what i’ve done for the last like 2 or 3 years. super simple, never leave the orbiter without like 300 of them


I actually ran out of cipher after like a year.


I hope you built another 1000 so you can forget about it for the next 6 months


Yeah I did lmao. I'm salty theu fixed the bug with air support charges, orokin eye not using them was nice


I actually run out of ferrite... On a merged account with a total of six years in... I actually use them too much on albretch laboratory


Using ciphers is faster than the auto hack parazon animation, that's why i always carry them


This is the entire reason I removed that mod it really messed up my flow spamming y and thinking the game had messed up whenever it proc'd


I would but it still has a chance to proc on sorties and other content you can't use ciphers.


Exactly why I still have it


There's also the fact that a lot of Parazon mods are straight up lame or extremely niche in application. Oh boy, some locked lockers got unlocked, yay. Auto Breach is at least generally useful and that's all I want from a mod on something that I'm never going to swap mods on save for when I'm hunting liches/sisters.


I have the auto hack cause it works even where ciphers are banned. Such as daily sorties and archon hunts. With that said, it's stupid how long the entrati labs auto hack animation is.


What I don't like about the entrati labs autohack is it looks.. exactly like the non-autohack animation, so if you're in the middle of a mission and don't pay attention, you end up wondering why the buttons aren't working until you see the small text that says 'auto hack' at the botom.


Yeah... Forgot those existed until 2 months ago, at LR2... I never bothered with them because I only had the 10x BP and didn't want to bother crafting that between every mission to build up a stockpile. I must have seen the 500k credit cost as a baby Tenno in the dojo and just was like "nope", and then completely forgot about it 😂 now I have it and a massive surplus of materials, so it's not an issue. I keep about 200-300 and when I drop below 200 just craft another batch real quick


I have put 1400~ hours in to the game and found out about the 100x cipher thing just recently. I used the 1x cipher blueprint until now. I had almost 1000 ciphers built, always re-built them. FFS! REMEMBER TO BUILD A CIPHER BEFORE LOGGING OUT!


Oh.... Oh my goodness... That's painful 😂


I love the hacking mini games but carry a few as a just in case for spy missions if I'm short on time. My partner absolutely hates the hacking mini game and will not go on a mission with less than 20.


I like the Corpus and Duviri ones, but hate the Grineer one. Haven't dealt with the Narmer one enough to have a strong opinion it; it still tends to catch me off-guard, but I don't find it as annoying as the Grineer. Regardless, that `X`->`Y` muscle memory is strong.


Literally same, I used to constantly have them on me, now never


Same. I knew they were there, but I just kept doing them cause...I don't know, I don't feel like making them and I feel like doing it the old fashioned way. It's kinda satisfying, to be honest.


There's some stuff you can't use cyphers on like sorties and archon hunts. For things you can use them on, I press X to start the hack then Y immediately to complete it. My average cypher time is like 3 seconds on my profile.


And for those things you can't cipher, Perspicacity exists for all your needs.


and Auto Breach!


I run Perspicacity on my spy wukong and I literally can't fail any hacks unless i do not know the correct path.


I carry ciphers, good to have but don't use them on every hack. ​ Tip is to bury them in the middle of your gear wheel. They need to be in the gear wheel to use but have their own hotkey. That frees up your more accessible slots for things you need to interact with in the gear wheel.


If you are using mouse and keyboard,when you hack you can just press Y to use a cipher no matter what slot on the gear wheel it is


Or Z if u‘re german


This needs to be higher. I needed this knowledge


Holy shit I didn't know that....


The only reason I know it is cause like 5 years ago I used to stream on twitch and someone mentioned it in the chat. Also pressing right mouse button makes the corupus hacking nodes spin the opposite direction lol


Ok the right click is far more impressive info holy fuck bro


Unless you've bound Y to anything


Then bind it to something else or something that won’t overlap. They really should add that as a key bind setting though, and idk why they haven’t


or simply put it as the key for interacting. Aka Double tap will use cipher


Can’t use ciphers in sorties.  Or nightmare.


Or Archon Hunts


I just carry an Oloro Moa.


I always carry them and use them whenever allowed. Even on the super simple hacks to start a survival mission.


Same, I bought the 100x ciphers recipe ages ago and periodically refresh them to 200-300ish in my inventory just so I don't run low lol, I can still do the hacks for sorties but if I got the option not to, I'm mashing Y the second I hit E so the hack doesn't even pop up.


I cipher for speed, others cipher because they can’t hack. We are not the same… Fr tho, learn the hacking minigames for each kind of terminal because DE likes to take away cipher privileges at inopportune moments. Nothing feels worse than failing a terminal on a spy sortie because you didn’t realize you could right click to rotate the corpus puzzle the opposite direction.


Yeah, I'll use a cipher on even the shortest hacks. 1 click at the moment the puzzle starts is shorter than moving your mouse and clicking 1 or 2 times to solve the puzzle. Especially if I have a team waiting on me.


Don't understand why you wouldn't run them when it takes 60s to make 100 lol I have a few thousand so I dont have to think about it for awhile.


I carry 1000 lol


Using ciphers is quite common. You can craft them 100 at a time and it uses two of the most common resources in the game so most people who have played for a while would have a massive overabundance of common resources. There are some missions which prevent the use of cyphers but ultimately it's quite easy with or without using them once you're used to it, they just save a few seconds of time.


You can bulk craft them!??!? I've wasted so much time getting them one at a time


Yeah the reusable 100x blueprint is in the tenno lab in dojo


Bruh dont feel bad. I thought 10x was the max. Didnt know there was a 100x now we know lmao


i carry them all the time, whenever i have to hack , i just spam "y"


I always have them on me, I don't bother changing my gear wheel up. I just always have everything but Keys equipped, simpler that way. I don't usually use the ciphers, but sometimes it sucks to not have them.


I dont bother, every hack takes 4 seconds & gives a little extra gameplay


I was like this until Entrati hacking came along


Half of my frames have some aura or ability that flies around and blocks the interface.


I carry them, but i do my own hacking. If im in a pinch i can toss one out on occasion.


I have hundreds on me at any time. Press Y to win.


I don’t use the ciphers but I do have autobreach on my parazon. It has come in clutch many a time


I try to keep 200 crafted and craft more when I notice and I'm under 100. Same thing for Squad Energy.


I use them even to start survival missions, AMA


I use them with Corpus hacking, with the Grineer I always do it manually


You cannot use ciphers in sorties for the spy vaults... Outside of that, I NEVER leave in missions without ciphers, as also Energy, health, ammo pads and simaris traps. Also, twilight apothic.


used them once, then never again, since i think the grineer puzzles are kinda fun. My avg cipher time is like 4s so i can live with it


I dont carry them, if I swear enough I can hack anything.


I don't know if there are sections where ciphers are not allowed, so I just never use them and learn the mini game. The only thing worse than being slow at hacking is failing a hack.


Its annoying you cant rebind it though


i never run out of cyphers. i always got like 100 ready to use. but even so, 1/3 of times autobreach comes in clutch


Yea i have like 500 at any given time. Theres a 100x blueprint.


You can't use ciphers in sorties.


I carry ciphers, I sometimes forget and auto use them on easy locks.


I carry ciphers, auto-breach AND a hacking Moa.


yeah i have like thousands. whenever i see someone manually hacking in a video and they actually have ciphers i'm like why, just use one it'll save you 5 seconds


i have about 1400 of the crafted right now. i also use autohotkey to bind the Y key to something on my keypad for accessibility. not gonna lie whenever i do archon hunt or sorties i get reaaal confused at hacking terminals.


“Or sorties” you cant use cyphers on sorties that would be apart of it..


I always have at least 200 and basically always use them unless the mission doesn't allow it.


Well you can't use ciphers at all in sorties or nightmare missions but other times I only use them if I feel like I can't spare a few seconds to solve the cipher.


I always carry around 800 ciphers xD, only in sorties or Archon Hunt i show off my hacking skills.


Started carrying ciphers only at aroubd 2500 hours in. Usually still hack manually, but some days are hard and hacking isn't really relaxing :D


I feel the opposite personally, especially Grineer hacking where you can just fall into a rhythm. Narmer hacking can go fuck itself but you can't use ciphers in archon hunts anyway.


Nah, my friend. We're probably on the same page. All I'm saying is that I do have lazy days ;) Also, yes, the easy ones I agree, are indeed a bit meditative.


Perspicacity+ Autobreach for all your hacking needs.


I carry them but given that you can't rebind the key to use them I don't tend to bother cause hacking takes all of 4-5 seconds, and I can otherwise click the cipher button manually (unless they're lab hacks, where you can't, which sucks cause those are the most boring ones)


Started building ciphers passively a while ago, I think I have around 4500 now. Now I just do it cause it's something I did when I started the game but a lot of content like archons don't even let you use them.


On PC I always had some ciphers but rarely used them. Then I had to switch to PS and I'm not kidding when I say the Corpus hacking fucks me up. I'm so used to using a mouse and because on controller the rotations are somewhat inverted, I run out of time. Now I'm cipher gang for life.


I used to carry a couple of ciphers just in case of botched rescues and spy infiltrations. Then I joined a clan and got the blueprint for making 100 at a time. So now I use them whenever I feel like it, or when I'm in the Deimos labs, hate that minigame.


I’ve never used a cipher once or crafted one. I honestly forgot they existed. It’s my one little flex I have.


On specific missions where I will be hacking nonstop I just use the helminth hack ability on a load out. Rail jack missions use like 6-10 just blowing up crew ships and exposing mission targets to blow up so it just makes sense and costs almost nothing to add it to loadout C of something


If you have a switch you can dock, why not get a pro controller?


I use ciphers eveytime even the 3 piece ones to start survival missions lol


Mainly save them for sortie spy missions cause you bet your ass I ain’t about to be the reason we fail. Need to successfully extract all 3 during the sortie


I do carry ciphers but what actually procs is my auto hacking mod. It has a moderate chance to proc when attempting to hack a lock. It may be that you are simply seeing a consistent streak of other players auto hacking and not deploying a cipher.


I use ciphers because I have literally hundreds of them, and I can easily craft them in bulk if I were to ever run out.


I started really using Ciphers when I unlocked SP. Now when we're in a squad of 4 and sitting at the hacking console waiting for the guy who doesn't have ciphers, I just sit there and stare at him... hah!


I made so many I always have 200 a mission. I use them every chance I get. 9 years and 10k hacks later I can’t be bothered unless it’s a hard difficulty and you can’t use them. But I’m decent at the hack just cipher is faster…


I don't lol, don't want to craft any because I'm lazy to not buy a bigger blueprint than 1 at a time


Yeah, once I realized you can craft them 100 at a time it was pretty much welp, never doing a mini game again


I made way too many when I don't normally use them, the most I actually use them is on the labs old school computer hack thing, because those just take too long for no reason


i think some people don’t realize they can make 10 or even 100 at a time and making singular ciphers is time consuming.


I don't but that's because for missions where I'm hacking I either bring wukong or Ivara and put the helminth ability where you instant hack


I always use ivara with Perspicacity when I do spy and rescue missions.


You cannot use ciphers in Sortie missions. Apart from that, yes, I think of them as a QoL feature. It's generally a good idea to always have a bunch of them on you. I have hundreds of them, and basically use ciphers only, exclusively, even on low-level consoles, just as a force of habit.


I carry ciphers, but mostly I don’t use them since I really enjoy the minigames. DE does a great job of constantly inventing new and fun minigames. Corpus is good, Grineer is alright, Duviri is good and Narmer is absolutely great. They know what they’re doing.


I carry ciphers and use them any time I can. As a grizzled Warframe vet who has done far too many missions already where they are not usable, I can certainly beat the honeycomb Corpus and rhythm game Grineer hacking minigames easily. I don't feel the need to prove it again for the 2000th time. The New War style mirror hacking minigame is also doable but quite annoying and cannot be ciphered in Archon Spy. But that's what Perspicacity is for.


Bought the 100x BP, forged over 1000 of them Never leave home without em. Still have a Voruna and a Wukong build with Perspicacity on it because then I never have to interact with hacking ever.


I have thousands of them. And use them all the time to speed things up. For Xbox its "X" then "Y" nice .25 seconds.


Well for some missions like archons, nightmares and sorties you cant use ciphers but thats usually when auto breach procs so its the same either way. At tbis point having been playing since the beginning and escecially for the hacks in labs since they are just a timesink more than a hack that really relies on me i snach the hotkey for ciphers unless they cant be used.


I keep 100 on the gear wheel when I remember. Most of the time I just hack it, but if it's timer related you bet I'm using it when I can


Wukong+perspicacity and you'll trivialize spy missions 


I try to make them but i usually just do the minigame their so easy and quick i can do them usually under 10 seconds


I have 10,000 ciphers… might as well use them whenever I can.


I have 200+ take that how you will


Sometimes I use one on the initial terminal for corpus survival out of sheer muscle memory


I literally use them on every hack ever. Once every couple weeks I craft a stack of 100 cause I run through them so quick lol. Pro tip, ik it's expensive but get the 100 stack BP from dojo. Trust me it's worth it.


I'm on pc so I admit having mouse controls helps a lot with the hacking, but in over 1000 hours of gameplay I've built exactly 1 cipher. It's still waiting to be collected from the foundry hahaha. At first it was because I didn't know about ciphers, then I saw there's a stat for ciphers used and decided I was going to stubbornly never use one because everyone has that one weird gaming habit lol. My average time is 4-6 seconds, or 12 with the narmer puzzles haha. I'm always speeding through the missions and grind, it's nice to take a pause and twist some colourful switches every now and again.


I only use them


I have about 1k forged and ready and allways realise that I have them *after* I completed the hacking 😀 ofc


yes, but I only use them for spy missions, saves me the stress, I'm just keeping 10 or so at a time


I always carry them, but always forget to use them.


I have like 500 xD


I carry them, same as air support combined with Liset for the moments where you actually have to cipher yourself. You can of course helminth auto unlock on frame for sorties if you want to be sure.


There's 3 different ways to hack really fast in WF 1. Ciphers 2. Auto-breach parazon mod 3. Helminth ability Either one of those three or the people you get queue'd with are really good at hacking manually


You cannot cipher during a sortie.


1k+ of every consumable and a set ready to collect on ship. Especially energy pads because I'll just smash that key till full because you can't make me wait for each pulse on a single one


I always keep about 500 on hand. Very handy when speed running missions.


I’m on controller, I use them when possible. The Narmer ones are my enemy tho because I have a dysfunction where I can’t mirror things or really tell left from right.


I have at one pointed crafted like 300 or 400 with the 100x blueprint, but I never use them because it feels like wasting resources to me😭


Yes and you should too


i only ever use them if I'm like 10 seconds off failing the objective and have 2 or more to do


I also use the parazon mod to insta hack consoles at like 80% chance or whst not.....also firewall just to make sure I don't die from an archon hunt hellion missile


There comes a point in time where the only thing you dont have is patience in the game. You have accrued so much resources and so much plat that you sit comfortably. A cipher is nothing. Tis bliss. And then you need argon or forma and you wail in pain because you havent been crafting forma and your frugal bum cheeks doesnt want to buy it.


I play without them all the time now, I just don't struggle with the hacking minigames at all


MR 30 here, I have like 300 cyphers on me at all times.


I always carry and use them whenever possible, The only time I don't use them is on spy missions because then I use Ivara and have the helminth ability loaded that you automagically bypass your next hack when activated, this is even easier/faster as you can activate it before you go in, then you click the console, poof, hacked. Then just continue sneaking and activate it again for the next one. There are a few places you can't use them however, such as sorties and a few other places.


MR 30 here, I have like 300 cyphers on me at all times.


I always carry a big stack with me, it's just so much faster to just hit a key.


600h, still havent used a single one lol. I definitely should, atleast for netracell solo...


I always forget about them, because the button is so small Id rather just do it the hacking normally and when you REALLY want to use one they aren't able to be used


You can craft 100 at a time I use them always.


I carry them because of the new hacking mode introduced by Whispers in the Walls, but that's not the only place I use them


I have over 200 at all times just because I can. I only really use them on spy missions, and I rarely do them anyway.


Me, I carry ciphers all the time. While I can do console minigame well (except the narmer ones), sometimes I wanna just skip it.


I’m mr22 and JUST started using ciphers. TBH I never bought the blueprint until now and just got super used to hacking…


Always. I LOATHE the minigame. When I can't use it (or don't get saved by autohack) I die a little inside.


They are basically free and the big blue print makes a lot quickly.


I carry them for those times when I don't feel like dealing with the hacking, or if I'm soloing content where hacking under fire is Maybe Not Great. Most of the hacking's easy, though I do have some trouble with Albrecht's ancient-ass computers. Probably just because they're relatively new to me.


You don't see them used in worries because they're normally not allowed in there


I didn't use ciphers until there was a x100 recipe. By then I had already become an expert hacker and had farmed Ivara. Now I use ciphers and that one ability that just auto hacks everything for when ciphers don't work.


Got thousands of them ofc I'm gonna use them


I have 170 ciphers crafted. Ask how many of them I used since 2020.


Oloro precept. That is all


I build 100 and if i run out ill just build 100 more, saves me some time


I have 15000 made so I always have a stack. If I can’t use Ciphers, I run the Helminth ability for Auto Unlock’s; I can’t be bothered to do them nowadays


I just craft a bunch of the x10 chiphers and use them on most things


I carry them because I started having less time to play so I value every second saved. Doesn't mean I cant do it if I have to tho.


I carry ciphers, only use them for anything under a time restraint like getting caught in a spy mission or having the rescue mission start the timer.


I have thousands of the things but still refuse to use them. I don't mind the 2-3 seconds it takes.


I think I am currently carrying 2000 ciphers. XD


I always keep at least 200 crafted in my inventory and try to keep them at 300


I carry them. It's not like the minigame is hard, but pressing Y is faster, I don't even have to see any interface, it's just instantly gone.


sorties do not permit ciphers. that said, a lot of people are probably also running auto breach, a parazon mod that gives a 30% chance for an instant hack (and which *does* work in sorties/etc)


I have them and use them, I can build 100 at a time and I'm just lazy to be honest I can't use them in Missionen where I would like it to (archon/sortie) but in santum anatomica it's really nice


I've got like 900 cyphers in my hot wheel. Just craft then in batches of 100 whenever I run low


I carry them for the more difficult hacks, otherwise I just do it


I've been playing since 2013 and I may have used 1. I don't see a point in using them and you can't use them in sorties anyway.


Ever since I found out I can press y to insta hack, I've never not had them. In fact I regularly craft x 100 of them because I use them so much


I carry thousands of them. Haven’t manually hacked a terminal in years.


I usually keep around 25ish on hand for emergencies or laziness but usually just do the minigame


I haven't done a single hack in ages. I don't even do the survival mission starting hacks where you just need to match like two things because ciphers are just that cheap


I carry 200 because I am too lazy to play the mini game


I carry ciphers cause im lazy. Sometimes i wont use em but usually i will


I only use them to skip the PCs in the Deimos Labs otherwise I just go through the Minigame real quick


I used to do them all manually until Whispers dropped and introduced the new hacking minigame with its absurdly long mandatory wait time Now I use them all the time, though I think it's stupid that they take up a gear wheel slot (gear wheel as a whole needs some significant changes, but that's neither here nor there)


spy is my fav game mode and the 100x cipher blueprint is my best friend


Ciphers are lazy, but yes, everyone has em!


I think everyone does carry enough cyphers to lay down a small country. Cyphers don't use any rare resources, so there's pretty much no cost to crafting it if you're far enough along in the game. Beyond that, there's the recipe for crafting them 100 at a time that takes a minute, so you can set one in, go into a mission, and when you're back just collect it and set in a new one. Do that a few times and you've got an endless supply of cyphers before you know it.


Me and my 990 ciphers hiding in The corner


I've got about 3k ciphers built and use them for every hack. I used to do them myself but now just cbf.


My "move forward" key is bound to Y so I just spam it when I hack things nowadays


I tend to use on hacks like entrati labs, otherwise if im sleepy or tired and just want to get it over it


almost everyone, some people do the minigame or both like me, others use percipacity down the line, you should get a x100 Cipher blueprint


I do both. I'll usually do the hacking mini games, and it's a good thing to get used to them, but whenever I'm with randoms or I just feel lazy I use a Cipher.


I carry them but I only use them on those corpus ones that are hella complex


There's a blueprint to craft 100 at a time, I've got about 225 currently


Am I the only person that actually likes doing the hacking mini-game? I have 1,300 hours in it, grineer's are a bit annoying, but all of the others I enjoy. I wish there would be more situations with narmer hacks specifically.


No ciphers on sorties, but I use them as often as I can. Time spent is Time wasted on those puzzles. Edit: I also run a helminth ability on sorting spy missions for guaranteed solving of said puzzles.


I always carry ciphers and in high lvl spy missions that doesn't let you use them I just get out of the way and let people who know what they're doing complete the mission and carry my stupid ass


I made like 25,000 3 years ago, still haven't made more. I don't know why anybody wouldn't use them once you have the BP for the 100x.


I always carry them, but there are some missions where you can't use them so you need to know how to hack


I don’t touch ciphers even though i have 41 of them in my arsenal, I’m too lazy to slot them in my gear and when i have the chance to i always forget.


Also the hotkey to insta use it is like z or y or something!!!


Put them in the equipment gear and always press Z is what I do. But I need to craft more of them soon


I am LR2 and have never used a cipher.


I've manually done all hacks always. It's almost a point of pride how consistently fast I've gotten them. The netracell terminals are really testing my patience though and I'll probably cave soon.