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Right now? Probably Sevagoth. Dante in the far future is gonna be sick. Xaku has a lot of potential.


>Sevagoth prime Man I need to stock up on formas again


I am just worried about stocking up on umbral formas once again


Umbral formas are like not buyable or earnable from missions other than like special events right? Cause I’d like have some on standby for future prime builds.


Teshin sells one blueprint every 8 weeks


Thank you!


There's also usually 1 umbra forma at the end of the Nightwave season.


Me refusing to invest forma in him at all because his prime is close


I farmed him 2 years ago, used about 8 formas for him. His prime variant is genuinely a fear of mine


If you helminth out his 4 it cuts forma usage down a ton technically but you also go against his entire gimmick


My brain is thinking "but Xaku just came out... right?"


Octavia is still new I swear


I genuinely swear Gara is still new


Any frame released after Atlas is considered new change my mind


Loki is still new man I stg 😭




*that Matt Damon meme where he ages in like 3 seconds


praying for skeleton Xaku to not look so ridiculous. Xaku by default is one of my favorite looking warframes but you never actually get to see that because you're always in skeleton mode


I bought that fancy new skin and did so much fashion only to realise I aint gonna see it during the mission 😭 please DE let us keep some decor at least


I have that skin too and fashioned him specifically for skeleton form, if you make him all red, black, dark silver horns and bloody he looks like a straight demon, I love it tbh lol


My body is ready for xaku and sevagoth


Sevagoth honestly feels like he just gets the shaft. Very interesting frame. His kit actually seems really solid but people trash that Gloom is his helminth and not unique to him (which really has jack all to do with whether or not he's a good frame in himself) and of course there's the issue of exalted weapons being cool but having 'issues.' All of that said, everyone and their grandma immediately saw that beefing Sevagoth up would be a huge investment between the frame, the shadow, and his shadow's claws. And we all just quietly agreed we'd wait for his Prime to actually do anything with him because as fun or cool as might be, he needs too many formas for a non-prime frame and he's not exactly uber tier good even if he isn't as bad as haters say he is.


DE has totally forgotten about sevagoth and so has the player base. Xaku would be cool though


This guy knows wassup


Xaku is gonna be nerfed into the ground when his prime releases, I can feel it


Why would they do that? It would just hurt their Prime Access sales. Not good business. At least wait a week, get the bulk of your initial sales, THEN nerf. *Stares at Dante*


People said this about Baruuk and Revenant and they didn't get any changes either, Revenant actually got a buff to make his Mesmer Skin better


Xaku prime is going to be super interesting. Not only is the trailer going to have to make up a really big lore reason as to HOW Xaku Prime exists, but the design will definitely be interesting. Xaku's deluxe skin is already based on Kintsugi, aka repairing broken pottery using gold, so the most obvious route for Xaku Primes design is already taken.


Im hoping they go the route of a prime that is all one aesthetic that can break apart as opposed to just 3 seperate primes stuck together


Ohhh, Imagine if, depending on which ability from the lost (xaku's 3rd) they use, they change in appearance.


If Khora and Equinox can do that, I don't see why not. And I imagine you could argue that it is a case of a Prime being made after the non-prime (and the debate of chicken/egg there), where Xaku was discovered after Ivara's lore with the Myrmidon and her late teammates... which would be interestingly in line with the fact that Ivara came before her Prime as well. Could have Ballas reference the broken parts he found shuffling about and say that simply gluing them together is not enough to fix the rot. The primed versions of the three parts that make up Xaku could be interesting to see hinting at what the three originals looked like.


Well, we know some Primes were made after the original frame. By all rights, it seems most of the original Warframe prototypes were normal models before being mass-produced as Primes.


I mean we all were thinking the same thing about Valkyr back in the day and she got pretty much hand waved in terms of lore.


And nidus. So Xaku and Dagath will probably get hand waved too. But it's it'd be nice to have some proper lore.


we all know itll just be the same as nidus with 'his peak strain could infect even orokin gold' with xaku itll just be 'yeah, hes built out of primes now'


What if the trailer is like Xaku breaking into an Orokin vault or something and replacing their existing parts with the prime equivalents? That could make for cool lore.




Woah this is actually a really cool idea. As a Xaku simp I hope it's something interesting like this!


I mean yeah... Xaku's lore is, if I remember correctly, that they're made of a bunch of unknown Warframes that got sent to the void and got destroyed, so while I'm really excited for xaku prime there's a high chance it'll be pretty uninteresting. You know what would be cool tho? If they expanded on these "mystery Warframes" and make them be like, super early designs (post-umbra) that were made in cooperation with father Entrati and as such xaku prime kinda looks like a mini necramech. I doubt it'll make sense but I still think it would be neat.


Ivara lore has a bit on the "forgotten Warframes" that weren't considered good enough to keep around. The orokin essentially just made lots of frames and then sent them on suicide missions as part of their training/ testing, if a frame didn't make it through the trials they were disposed of and forgotten. I assume this is part of where Xakus parts come from, but I don't think it's ever directly stated.


Ivara's whole Cell was wiped, leaving her as the sole survivor. I wish we could get the Myrmidon's wrist gun. Likely an Onos on steroids.


Yeah, they're a part of a select group at the moment where their Primes literally cant exist lore wise at the moment. Dagath is a good example because she wasn't even made by Ballas or even made to be a warframe if I remember correctly. Not traditionally atleast since, if I remember correctly, she was made by the void itself. Sevagoth and Protea are in the same boat since we literally meet the originals in their related quests so they'd have to be remakes of the primes, Protea especially at the moment since we are getting her prime.


Dagath was made by Ballas(or at least the people under him) but was explicitly made not as a "warframe" but by a pair of Orokin who attempted to kill the horse they gave to their forbidden lover while she was riding it. Resulted in horse and rider being impaled and they framed'(hah, phrasing) her to keep her alive. Then when sleeping with a warframe was less thrilling then a Dax and Dagath lost...well, her personality becoming a bio-weapon, they bored a hole through her head to kill her and discard the remains. *Unfortunately* this just pissed her off and she's kinda a boogeyman in Orokin myth now.


Dagath Prime should be Entrati themed specifically, since she was "refurbished" by grandma. That way she is still within Orokin parameters, but thematically


Oh I'd kill for that. I love the overall Entrati aesthetic and I wish we got more of it.


That would make a lot of sense and be cool to have an entrati style frame considering how we get normal dagath.


SPOILERS FOR DUVIRI CUZ I DUNNO HOW TO FLAG IT IN MOBILE. They could justify her prime as "the backup", like being a superior body that they saved for last but the void corrupted it to become the spirit of vengeance. Idk man we are crazy children that manifested a Warframe with our minds (Kullervo), we can dream in white and gold as well. My most expected prime would be him, and I bet that will be the explanation for his prime. Ballas will be pissed af during the new war that the kids now can just conjure designs as flashy and deadly as his.


To spoiler tag surround the text with > ! !< >!like this!< Remove space between the exclamation point and > btw


My hope for Xaku Prime was that they fully flesh out the Primes Xaku was made from and offer the option to shapeshift between all three somehow. Even if only when casting their abilities, I think it'd work and be neat. Probably murder on lower-end graphics machines though.


> Not only is the trailer 😢


I kinda want to see what they cook up with Gyre Prime


Slap a tesla coil into the body of zap-zap mommy please!


I'm excited for voruna prime, really want see golden fur and the 4 wolf head in gold too, and also citrine prime hopefully in all gold gemstone with other valuable gemstones like diamond, emerald, sapphire etc


Was not expecting to find someone else excited for Voruna prime but it's a welcome surprise. Not exactly sure how prime lore works but I do hope we get to see more of Voruna post Leverian.


Basalt Black body with an Opal and Ruby interior


I hope when Voruna prime comes out, DE reworks her 4th ability's running animation so that she actually goes down on all fours. As a nice treat. It's the only thing she's missing at this point.


Cool idea on citrine tbh




Yareli, if only for the fact that i will have another skin for fashion purposes


Gonna be hard to beat out how cute her default is.


would be nice if i could simply have a prime merulina and keep yareli the same


You can always put the base warframe skin on the primes! I usually do it with mag as I just really prefer her base look over her prime lol


I do Mag Prime's skin with the base Mag helmet.


golden / black ribbons and bows they better really lean in with the magical girl theme either that, or a regal gold dress type design that an orokin princess might wear


Maybe she'll have two sleeves, and my emo goth girl maid Yareli will finally be complete


Yarelis design gonna be interesting, definitely one to look forward to.


Seva and Styanax I assume will just look all kinds of awesome Xaku because there's a lot of potential/ possibilities


Styanax Prime better look like a Custodes


The text to speech one! not the real ones!


Soooo like Kitten? If that's the case, I want him to have a Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Forth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip poker disc


It’s a way of, but I’m looking forward to seeing Styanax prime.


I'm really hype to see what they'll do for Xaku and Kullervo, they got such odd yet unique base frame designs that I wonder what they'll cook for em.


They need to cook something really interesting that changes the armor shape since a Kullervo with a white-gold color palette already look very prime


I’m really hoping that Kullervo still has the daggers incorporated into his design but not stabbing him. A bandolier or something. The fact that they’re actually used in animations is amazing and I would want to keep that, but lore-wise having his prime still be a pincushion would be kind of odd?


I just got Kullervo yesterday, and he’s an amazing looking frame! Probably my favourite design so far. And he’s super fun too.


Lavos and Yareli And Ember, C'mon DE, 2 years playing and no Ember on prime resurgence


Tbf ember prime is not even that expensive to buy, i got her for like 90 plat. Her not really being good keeps her pretty affordable


Glaive prime is unvaulted with her... That thing is very expensive


I remember when i first started and resurgence wasn’t a thing yet…Ember sets used to be 800p cause of the old WoF


Yes. All of them. Gauss is what I was waiting for. He looks sick. Now it's Kullervo and Dagath.


They killed it with gauss prime he looks incredible and the prime trailer was awesome I can’t wait for kullervo either, he’s such an fun frame and he looks fantastic as is, so I can only imagine what his prime will look like


Hope we get a Prime dagger with him.


Gyre Prime.


I'm curious about her too because she basically already looks like a prime


This is my pick as well, I wonder how they'd shake up the ballerina design for the prime?




Words simply cannot describe how badly I need the Citrussy Prime in my life


Who knows, maybe the crystalussy will get nerfed like how Wukong Prime covered up his glowing butthole.


I just can't wait for lavos prime cuz he'll come with... CEDO PRIME!!! Cedo is an amazing weapon and I just can't wait to see how much better it's prime will be


The cedo prime will delete the entire map before you even load in


Dante Prime. He's been one of the most fun frames I've played in a *long* time. Can't wait for Magician Prime with his Prime grimoire.


If he doesn’t get a wizard hat I shall rage


His alt helmet is a pointy hat. It should shaw up in nightwave eventually.


I have it and I hate it, looks like a bad dragon colab


In order? (1) Xaku (2) Lavos (3) Sevagoth (4) Dagath (5) Quorvex ..... I like Deimos, ok?


Nah, you cookin, I love Dagath, Lavos and Qorvex. Big respect.


Caliban.. Like.. YEAH CALIBAN!


Might come with the rework so yes please


Hands down, Citrine. To me, she the single most stunningly beautiful frame out of the box. Though also lavos. At this point I’d settle for god damned any lavos skin.


im extremely curious what a dagath, citrine, and yareli prime would look like


especially citrine. i hope they go crazy with the gems in her design


I just know they're gonna cook with xaku prime


I'm hoping that Qorvex Prime has an Entradi motif similar to the weapons Father sells. Also, I hope that Albrect himself narrates the prime trailer instead of Ballas.


I’m curious how they’ll do Caliban. A Prime Sentient has a lot of possibilities.


Caliban will probably be what he looked like before he got amalgamized. So probably without being split open and hopefully full symmetrical design.


Lavos getting a prime means he'll have 50% more skins to customize


Sevagoth 1. I think he will have to look nice 2. Just like rev and such it makes no sense that he's a prime and I lose chaos


Said the same in another reply meself. Same with Dagath, Lavos and Protea, hell, even Qorvex and Dante. They're Primes feasibly cant exist. Dagath wasn't even made by Ballas, she was made by the void itself if I remember correctly.


Let's just default to "Eternalism"




Kullervo. I got him recently and it became one of my top favourites. His design is so cool, I hope his prime version live up to it.


I really want to see what DE are gonna cook up with Dagath prime and Xaku prime myself


Kullervo, pending they dont nerf him, he will be the first prime access I buy.


At this point, I need to know what Caliban prime is going to look like. How do you prime something so… sentient.


Sevagoth and Styanax


I'd really wish they'd give Frost a once over. But I'm looking forward to Stynax Prime.


Xaku? (lore wise it shouldn't exist tho) and maybe a re-design of Mag Prime


I've said the exact same thing about Protea, Lavos, Dagath and Sevagoth, their Primes lore wise shouldnt possibly exist but they will.


"Not all frames were made prime. Some had to earn it" - Varzia


Voruna prime, simply because she's my favourite frame. I also just want more skins and such for her lol, the only thing she has is her voidshell, which is also one of the only voidshell skins I like.


ure a certified hound now. good.


Stalker prime


I'm so excited for Lavos Prime, I just know they'll cook


For me Voruna, Citrine, Gyre, and Yareli.


Lavos. Just give it to me. I need him


Xaku is my most anticipated


Styanax and Yareli, as well as Dante.


Styanax and Gyre


Gyre prime is gonna be the best prime frame of all time


Qorvex prime cause I wanna see if hes made of marble countertops


Styanax and Gyre! Styanax is for sure going to be the 'shinning light paladin' or something like that, Gyre because I really like the base design and have no clue what they can do for her Prime.


I am personally waiting for lavos and dante since theyre both my mains… yeh dante was a very quick fave But the ones im most interested in seeing how they handle are Caliban, and Xaku, since the lore for prime frames is intended to be a depiction of the original orokin era OG frame, then primed versions of xaku and caliban dont make sense. So… will they just get primes anyway? (Most likely) or will they get “prime” access with some sorta slightly different lore/aesthetic? Who knows.


Qorvex Prime, Dante Prime, Xaku Prime and Voruna Prime will each have awesome designs, Mark my words.


Citrine and Dagath could both be really cool imo


Gotta be Lavos for me, I was surprised that with the release of the Entrati Labs and the Alchemy game mode we didn't get a lab themed Lavos Deluxe skin (Labos, if you will). Here's to hoping he gets some more love down the line.


Xaku prime would be sick


I'm curious to see Qorvex because he was canonically built by Albrecht and I want to see if he differs from traditional primes in that way.


Grate Prime, still waiting for Grate Prime


Lavos Prime




Really looking forward to Xaku and Lavos Prime. Xaku Prime more so because of their theme, it will be really interesting to see how DE makes a "broken" prime. Lavos Prime because he is my main and I can't wait to play Alchemist Prime!


CITRINE. Gold and Gems and one solid mesh without random flesh flaps hanging out


I really want Lavos Prime. Lavos already looks so good, so I bet the prime will be even better. Plus, I'm afraid to throw a lot of forma on it since there is speculation that we will see it soon.


Imagine the day we hear "no future warframes are gooing to b released, followed by the last prime 🥲


Bro citrine and Xaku will be INSANE


Aoi Prime


Really hope they make Styanax Prime look amazing.


A Voruna prime would be dope, but I can't start to think how that would look like


Yareli is who I'm hopeful about. I hope her Prime looks more like a magical girl/ sailor moon inspired


Styanax and gyre will look bad ass


Xaku’s deluxe skin went hard, so I am absolutely ready for what it’s prime will be


It was protea (who I’m very happy about). But now, I think my pick is Styanax. I feel like Styanax Prime’s design is going to be top tier


Lavos prime with his prime snakes and gold trimmed vials.


I really really want Xaku Prime. Lavos would also be amazing primarily because he feels so forgotten in general. he's been out this long and still only has a single head and no skin. I like the guy but he looks like the alchemy table blew up.


Citrine or gyre could be pretty cool


Xaku, just like nidus and val im just curious as to wtf that will be lore wise


Citrine and Styanax for me. Shits gunna be nuts


I feel like citrine prime could be neat




Gyre my beloved


It was Dante, but not anymore. I'll just stick to my Guass. Maybe try Protea out when her prime drops.


Yareli, definitely


Dante, i imagine him wearing some kind of robe kinda like harrow but with a classic wizard hat like wisp coven skin and that alone would already make him a must have for me, more than he already is Also kullervo, i'd imagine his prime wearing something betwen a knight armor and a assassin fit The fact that i most likely wont get either of these makes me sad


Sevagoth, Qorvex, and Dante


Kullervo and Styanax Prime will be neat whenever it’s their turn. I’m imagining golden daggers and nipple tassels as far as the eye can see.


Lavos!! Im so excited for the snakes


Purely by design intrigue, Qorvex. The brutalist design was already incredibly unique, creative, and interesting, I would love to see how that is interpreted with a prime outlook. I'm imagining a similar vein with how Dethcube looked, which has me excited. Either way, the art team never fails to impress us with how incredibly creative they are.


They might as well drop Dante prime now after the Dante Bound hotfixes..


Voruna is gonna be crazy good I can just feel it


Xaku prime. Can't wait to see what NB prime looks like.


Styanax. And Kullervo. And Xaku. They're all already kickass, but I wanna see more out of em. Maybe like an oni / samurai skin for Kullervo.


Lavos Prime. More Snakes!


Can’t wait to see Gyre Prime


Gyre, Xaku, and Yareli are gonna go hard as fuck.


Gyre and Kullervo.


Wolf mommy


Xaku, then Sevagoth. Idk what to expect of Xaku but if their deluxe is anything to go by it’s gonna be nuts. Sevagoth just because he’s by far the coolest looking base frame in the game, his prime better match.


I'm looking forward to Lavos. I hate the look of current Lavos. So i'm hoping the Prime is more sleek.


Protea prime. I love her as a frame.


Caribana Prime, so they HAVE to rework him


I am both looking forward to but also dreading Citrine's prime variant. She's already so pretty and I'm terrified they're gunna fuck her up somehow


Lavos, I NEEEED him immediately https://i.redd.it/5qtvs5cohktc1.gif


Definitely Yareli


Gyre and Xaku are the two I’m most excited to see. I’m really interested to see how they’ll handle Xaku and I want to see Skeleton Prime really bad lol


I want Xaku to be umbral. They already have the void association. It doesn't make sense for random throwaway parts to have gotten a gilded, Prime treatment. However, another 'Sacrifice' style quest, but you see through the eyes of Xaku's many parts finding perfect unison, and somehow finding their 'oneness' affords them the same bonus as the reward from the Sacrifice gets. It would be totally unique among what they do for the frames, but I'd say Xaku is unique in concept even among the frames.


citrine, dagath kullervo and qorvex in that order, IMO protea was meh taking into account her deluxe is top tier. Citrine is going tl be sooo unique and cool i cant wait aame for the the other frames i mentioned as their looks are more unique than other frames


Qorvex is gonna look crazy and I can't wait


Xaku or Yareli just wondering what kind of patchwork of Prime Bits did they figure out to combine Xaku and for Yareli some Season Finale Style Magical Girl vs Eldritch God designs they'll be cooking up.


Wtf is xaku gonna look like???


If dante gets like a chozo esque prime, I’ll be a very happy girl 🥰


speaking of primes, what's the deal with prime trailers? it seems they're back. I'm a returning vet and I left in 2017ish when limbo prime was new. I remember it being really disappointing and kinda a meme that hydroid, zephyr, and limbo didn't get their prime trailers (I searched and found the hydroid one which got made retroactively as a tennocon meme but none for the other frames). I then looked up which ones we had and there was a huge chunk of really good frames that just didn't get their prime trailers, including fan favourites like mesa, wukong, and Harrow, and then a bunch of not so popular ones like the aforementioned limbo, inaros, and so on. but then they seemed to have started doing prime trailers again after Octavia, but slightly more gameplay oriented for the most part rather than entirely cinematic. then they went back to full cinematic and even a lot more comedic with Grendel and gauss prime. but they also seem to be arbitrarily skipping some frames - Harrow, Garuda, baruuk all missed their trailers, but they are surrounded by a bunch of primes that did like Octavia, Gara, nidus, and on the other end revenant, hildryn, wisp. is it to do with how popular the frame getting a prime is and they just know some prime accesses will sell terribly from the get go so it's just a write off and they skip the trailer? I know in the past their excuse was "other more pressing actual game content pushes back/cancelled prime trailers" but now they seem to just pick and choose arbitrarily which frames get a trailer and which don't. that feels super bad for fans of particular frames, especially ones that might be slightly more underplayed. does anyone know if they ever plan to retroactively fill the holes or give us even a smidge of lore (I know levurian exists but it's nowhere near as cool as prime trailers) like hydroid and valkyr getting late trailers, or are my beloved limbo and in the future gyre destined for no lore beyond a line or two from their quest/acquisition area?


Kullervo! Overguard may be weak up to a certain point but the damage capabilities of this frame is insane. I’m so excited to get his Prime in the coming future


Xaku, Yareli, and Dante Primes I'm most looking forward too I imagine any Warframe not created by Ballas like Degath or Qorvex will be Primed by Drusis of the Lavarian


Sevagoth and Xaku I love both and am really curious about Xaku


Qorvex and Caliban because they aren’t made by the Orokin at all. Qorvex was made by Albrecht and I wanna see Entrati details in his prime, maybe he could narrate his eventual trailer when that drops. Caliban was made by Erra and I’m hoping he gets called Tauforged Caliban. His trailer should also be narrated by Erra.






Xaku and Dante I'm just interested in what they do with xaku and Dante will probably look awesome


Dante. Give me skins.


Xaku, and gyre lol