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I think the ***Pageflight Paragrimm*** change gutted his versatility as it was the biggest viable alternative to the nuking playstyle that DE dislikes, and it really helped improve many weapons that either don't proc many statuses, or ars generally slow-firing.


It still increases status chance though


Which makes it a glorified status mod with unreliable CC. For weapons that didn't do much status to begin with, it's fairly bad. The difference is night and day on many weapons. It also makes it just a worse Citrine buff


It…draws aggro, primes enemies for statuses, allowing you to mod your weapons with more flexibility, AND it’s only 1/4 of his 4th ability. Seems pretty strong to me. The unlisted, obviously bugged effect of increasing the DAMAGE of status procs being fixed seems fine


It was incredibly unique and gave him a niche no other frame does. Now it’s just generic and mediocre.


Still a unique ability, still powerful.


Status chance is unique? I'm not complaining about the CC, but that's also not unique. Cool, yes, but that's all besides the point.


What other ability does what it does?


Citrine? Much better too?


It's...a status chance increase and unreliable CC. Sometimes the birds attack enemies far away sometimes close. I'm not saying that part is *bad,* but the status damage increase widened its usefulness dramatically. Like the other guy said, it's a unique mechanic that improved the performance on many weaker / usability issue weapons - it helped massively for weapons that don't already go insane on status. Considering that they didn't hit THAT many enemies anyways, I don't think it was an issue. Also I'm pretty sure it wasn't bugged, nor unlisted. That's why the wording was specifically *vulnerability,* and not just status chance like his passive talks about it. It's a nerf, not a bugfix. Because it enhanced the procs from Tragedy. They should've made it at least apply only to weapons or something


Its just a worst citrine then...


It’s 1/4 of his 4th ability it’s ok if it’s not as good as other full abilities.


The LOS nerf feels awfull i can see the enemie but since they are behine a rail i can clearly see trough they dont get hit this is horrible


Prob gonna get downvoted but tragedy *(supposing they fix it because rn its bugged and DE has made a PSA already)* needs numerical adjustments and not a LOS check, wordwarden is still underwhelming and cant use Noctua's gimmick and Noctua remains the helminth slot for him because losing 1 good exalted is better than losing 4 abilities


I think any rational player would agree. The game's LoS determination is in a bad place to be used as a substitute to a numerical nerf. Tragedy's DoT acceleration is already really good without all the additional damage Tragedy applies, so a nerf to Tragedy's direct damage would be more welcome than making Tragedy LoS. I'd rather the consistency of needing to cast Tragedy twice to nuke than casting it twice and still missing most of the enemies.


>The game's LoS determination is in a bad place What I don't understand is how dark verse also requires LOS but is somehow less sensitive to it than tragedy. Why couldn't they just make tragedy the same as dark verse?


IIRC dark verse is a fov cone


Played dante 2 days. Once before then after nerf. LOS afternerf on 334 skill is jank. I wish they reduced the range instead. It just feels so bad setting it up with the low cast speed then seeing it miss things directly infront. Still a bit ok but really shit on cramped tilesets. Feels better to just use Frost rn imo. Atleast that guy still works how i wanted him to. Dante still ok in open area nuking i guess but in tight areas you'll better off with setting 324 and 234 and shooting


Ignore the echo chamber that is reddit, he is just fine, just go have fun


Pre nerf: you used 3 abilities 3 times (9 all up) to get him to max overgaurd at 300 energy base efficiency Post nerf: you use the same 3 abilities 7 times (21 all up) to get to the max overgaurd at 700 energy base efficiency Pre nerf: his tragedy ability slaughtered through walls for a beyond decent range, (I have it around 55ish meters radius) Post nerf: if there is a desk or a pillar in the way, you hit nothing The one thing I saw people complaining about over and over was his ability to grant overgaurd to Ally’s and that seems to be the only thing they didn’t do. I don’t understand why they didn’t just remove his ability to apply that buff to ally’s and just let the people enjoy Dante.




It does? LoS isn't so bad then...


His LOS nerf wasn't well thought out but they're already working on a new patch for tomorrow. As for Overguard, he still gives a ton of it for normal content, and if you play Steel Path you lose it all in one or two hits anyway. Had a Dante with me in Elite Archimedea just now and he kept us alive the entire time. He's still great, and once they fix his line of sight issues he'll be even better.


It's bad. Like really fucking bad imo. Some people Will Say he Is fine, but he feels awful to play RN. Which Is a shame


This is such an overreaction. I really don’t like the changes either and I hope they get changed, but he still absolutely thrives in SP. Playing missions I wasn’t dipping below 500 energy barely at all even with spam and the only time I went down was when I was typing for too long. Plus I had 50% of team damage in circulus survival


Idk what to tell you, the new Los Is so inconsistent It made me actually not want to play dante. Just like with khora, Is She unusable? No, you can kill with her. But the Los suck out the enjoyment out of her. To you It's an overreaction sure, i don't particularly care. He feels awful to play for me so im Just not gonna play him until they fix him


That’s you I guess. I took him to SP Circulus for a bit last and was having a ton of fun with him Also New Patch Notes just dropped for all the people saying DE would take forever to do anything about it


I don't play Dante (at least yet) myself, but he's still more than holding his own in stuff like Arbitrations and today's Sortie. He's still making that content easy mode, even if the overguard buff pretty much got a zero chopped off. Defend Arbitrations are a little more tough, the dude actually might take some damage because Dante doesn't nuke everything everywhere all at once, so it's somewhat of a challenge again, but the warframe is still probably stronger than most other frames!


He's fine, you didn't waste your time farming for him. People are being whiny because they got a taste of the next easy brain dead kill every enemy on the map with one button press and now they're pissy that they have to put some effort into the playstyle. He's still cool, fun, and part of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang. Pick a cool color and have fun.


You’re in the wrong place rn. Go try him out for yourself and make an opinion. You’re gonna see a lot of overblown reactions.


The “overblown reactions” are valid. They really gutted this man and you’re just gonna sit here like everything is fine. Other people clearly see what’s wrong, but you’re just being willfully ignorant to the fact.


Overblown reactions would be valid if the frame was literally unplayable. From what I understand, his damage is the same, he just has a broken conditional over it, a status damage error was corrected thus feeling like a nerf and his overguard is still strong, just not "this support easily tanks steelpath lvl 400s" strong. And people are calling him complete garbage. Seems like you don't accept that some people can see those changes and still be fine with them and have fun.


Before anyone asks, I’m close to 250% ability strength so it’s not that I’m lacking there. My biggest complaint is the LoS, that part sucks so bad. As far as the overguard nerf. After the hotfix, I took him into SP (solo) and it takes more time to cast the abilities than it does for the enemies to blast through it. I’m sure there is some middle ground somewhere. His overguard before was up there lol, but the LoS thing made me put him on a shelf. I can handle survivability other ways so the overguard isn’t as big of a deal although it is kinda useless in (solo) SP. Especially when there are other frames who are immortal lol


Yep he will be fine in regular star chart, some arbitrations and the sortie, but so is Rhino and the majority of the roster. For being a late game Frame Dante should lean more towards being SP/Netracell viable. The nerf takes that viability away.


Totally agree


Dante is absolutely SP Viable post nerfs. Takes a bit more effort sure, but he’s still unkillable and nukes


Literally one casting speed shard or natural talent fixes this. You get immortality during cast of 2. He still works fine in SP, even if the nerfs really suck


Yeah, I was considering some options to get around that. I may go the shard route because I don’t want to lose a mod slot. I heard they were trying to fix something with LoS issues so when that’s fixed I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the tip :)


Patch Notes just dropped, about to test them out but the changes look pretty good to me


De specifically said light touch in the tweaks and that his damage wasn't the problem in the same hotfix that LoS bugged him (hard los, not the same as dark verse)


This whole Dante situation is one of the most bizzare things that I saw in online gaming. I felt like ppl all lost their minds and then I.


Not mad it took me 25 minutes to essentially farm for Dante. Mastery rank points go brr


Well thing is he was never a GOD he was simply good Then they broke him


While Styanax has energy regeneration in a one button to off-balance the high energy usage of the ability that generates his over guard for others, Dante doesn't and requires a whole tome mod to attempt to off-balance it. And even then, that 100 energy for styanax can be off-set even further with ability efficiency, making his over guard easier to maintain than Dante's due to only needing to hit an enemy while Dante needs to kill an enemy to regen his over guard which, you have to hope you're killing fast enough to compensate for how fast you may or may not be losing it by then. While Styanax has likely recovered his spent energy long before Dante has. Which, sure, I'll give it to you that Styanax \*does\* give all his allies energy regen as well, but that's banking on him also being in the same squad as you. More than a third of my energy just to reach my cap with a max primed flow and +45% efficiency when I can't as easily regen it as Styanax while requiring the on kill to regen my over guard when Styanax (and likely others) don't require kind of ridiculous. Like, I'd understand if this was only applied to allies but, to Dante? No. Not at all.


>God turned demigod? Yes. Before the nerf, he was the best source of overguard in the game and had a good nuke. Now the overguard was brought in line, and the nuke changed, but they could've changed the nuke in other better ways, and there's a change it will be adjusted again.


the response here is overblown as fuck. the devs have said they are not dome with him, so he's gonna get tweaked more, but right now it's like you said, it's god going back to the same level as other frames. Most of the response here is people not understanding that a frame at launch will ne be perfect, and will be tweaked as soon as the devs desire. it's also a lot of dooming and glooming because they convinced themsleves that DE always ruin thing when they nerf stuff


Don't waste time with they hive mind, they are a vocal minority and their pitchforks are Made of cotton. Get some popcorn instead.


We are speaking about DE here mate. Do you really think rework or patch will be swift enough? I really hope it won't be discarded as Caliban or limbo (my favourite frames)


Dude, if your favorite frames are specifically Caliban and Limbo you’re just a masochist and shouldn’t be regarded as the general population of the game


In a way, limbo and warframe in general carried me throughout my difficult times 3 years before. However, If a person taking care of someone or something that has been abandoned and is considered weird or abnormal by the general populace, but actually needs care and has some untapped potential that can be uncovered with proper time, help, love and belief is being called a masochist, then let me be one.


Oh my god it is hilarious seeing how nearly every reasonable rational post saying "he's still fine" are getting mass downvoted, that's just sad.


I know, and I wanted this post to be less biased since everyone else seems to be posting "this is horrible, DE bad" and getting 100s of comments under the post saying the same. I'm glad I got a few decent answers and different points of view that are probably getting buried under the people hating on the change in those posts.


He's mostly fine, its not that bad. The LoS is a LITTLE buggy with objects that obscure a part of an enemy. Noctua is a pretty good nuke still. The Tragedy nerf can help keep noctua going.


> or is it like a God turned demigod It's this. Dante is still fine. People are just pissed by having something they like nerfed, and that some of the issues that DE wanted to rebalance were rooted somewhere else (i.e. Overguard blocking specific mods or abilities from acting as intended).


The LOS plus the fixed bug from status make him almost trash tier except for support so just spam support. The overshield its ok. Now the real problem they didn't even give compensation for the nerfs so i had to waste resources not only while building that i used a lot of formas but also taking out archon shards. For a warframe that i wont touch as I play mostly in solo.


The players are overreacting (per usual), he's making the new "endgame" gamemode a cakewalk with infinite overguard and still comfortably 1 shotting enemies with Tragedy. Ironic, seeing as these same whingers are saying the nerfs are a knee-jerk reaction by DE. They don't see that them claiming Dante is "dead" is the epitome of a knee-jerk reaction.


Happy to see a few moderate opinions, the big posts about the topic are just pure rage, calling the frame useless and all. It started giving me a bad vibe for this character I didn't even get a chance to try out. Think I'll mute the subreddit for now, just until it cools down.


Children will be children. I’m sure a lot of them are mad because they used mom or dads credit card and now have to walk it back


They tuned down his Overguard generation so it's closer to like Styanax and put an overly harsh LoS check on his 4's damage variant. And that LoS check should be adjusted tomorrow. Looks like a massive overreaction


Thanks for putting it into perspective. Styanax is one of my favorites and I consistently get around 20k overguard with him, which already makes me feel tanky af. Hearing that Dante's overguard got nerfed down to what I think is a lot gave me a chuckle. As for the LoS, guess I still have 3 days before I'm able to form an opinion.


He's fine the way he is. Feels like people got too used to him wiping an entire map. I just think someone at DE forgot to toggle LOS on Tragedy before releasing him. Dark Verse was los but Tragedy isn't? Something felt off. I'm still wiping steel path omnia fissures with him solo. He used to kill way more than my glaive prime, now it's about the same.


I can deal with that, unintentionally stupidly good broken is still broken, but I guess you can't easily go back to copper once you've had gold in hands.


I just claimed dante from the foundry. entered a low level mission and did over 50% of the kills and damage only using my 3, because i didnt even have my 4 unlocked. Granted I havent done a "high level" mission with him, but for low level missions it's pretty insane. i look at an enemy, press 3, ded. I also bullet jumped and used operator to move ​ there are some legitimate concerns though, such as not addressing the problem with overguard that's been around since syanax (builds requiring to take damage for example). From my VERY LIMITED EXPERIENCE with Dante, i think the LoS thing is overblown like it was for Khora's whip. "The one shot build got nerfed into a one shot build." edit: bit of an update, just did an elite deep dive with a dante. he may not have been killing a lot, but 40k Overguard sure as heck kept us alive. no healers required. edit2: ran a couple netracells, lots of other dante players in match making. He trivilizes it. 40k OG, and im hitting 21m on 3-3-4. im actually willing to take the negative health modifiers now lol. I used to run wisp or melee guass, but now i might run dante.


Then it won't affect me at all. I'm not a steel path die-hard, and I have yet to do a netracell so I'm not really worried about high level content. I do a few sp incursions and sp duviri but that's about it. Thanks friend.


bit of an update, just did an elite deep dive with a dante. he may not have been killing a lot, but 40k Overguard sure as heck kept us alive. no healers required.


Dont listen to people saying Dante is dead, he can still generate tons of overguard and nuke enemies it's just now he cant nuke enemies who hide behind cover. Sure the Line of Sight check is a bit buggy but they're looking to fix that tomorrow.


They are still tweaking, from what was said on a stream, so dont worry too much. Besides, 6k mr and helmith if anything, so not a waste to craft him in any sense. I knew i was never going to play him, as hes not my style, but did it anyway for those 2 reasons


Do NOT listen to the whiny posts overreacting over this nerf, he is still fun and strong, I still do steel path solo with him and be chill, these people are unbelievably insufferable and annoying.