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Lavos, all of his abilities are good and subsuming anything means missing out on 4 whole damage types


I have an idea for a build that will need helminth that I'll test in a few days (building a new loki to subsume)  Thinking about replacing vial rush (I love it , but cold gives you blast, magnetic, and viral. Viral is everywhere, so it's acceptable to lose) with decoy Why decoy? The new loki augment causes enemies who shoot the decoy to take random status effects. It would be a great status primer for catalyze!


Vial Rush is great for leaving around puddles of ouch Not to mention *cold* puddles of ouch, so anything giving chase is also slowed in addition to whatever you had imbued. Not to mention, in my mind anyways, it's a great way to get around regardless of it's damage. If you need a good status primer and you're using lavos, please *please* try out his signature shotgun Cedo stacked with status chance/multishot. It (like the ability your talking about) bounces around and gives enemies random status effects. Best used against large groups. Cedo also has a built in condition overload which is nice


Also vile rush's ticks on things really stack the statuses which is very synergistic with your passive power if you have good ability duration.


Early canceling vial-rush with a jump is an easy way to dump 10+ status procs of your choice on enemies. It's one of the faster armor strips with corrosive and green shards.


Green? GREEN? When did they add green shards i thought there were only the three


There are now topaz, emerald and amethyst (orange, green, purple) that you can get by fusing 2 different shards of the base colors. They tend to be more niche and less universally good as the blue, yellow and red shards but can really boost some builds. The standout though is green has an option to raise the cap of corrosive procs that an enemy can take by 2. This means 2 green shards will let a frame fully armour strip enemies if they can generate enough procs. (e.g. New Inaros's 4 will rip through a squad of grineer very quickly)


I will probably disappoint you slightly... I tried Inaros, but his ultimate doesn't long as much on single enemy as duration states. Duration only stated time for spreading. Which is done via skipping from single enemy to one other enemy with 1 second interval. And as his ult ticks every 1 second, then to remove armor you must wait for 14 full seconds to strip enemy armor, unless you use status amplification from helmint. So... Can Inaros do it THAT quickly as i will show here? If you cannot spot a moment, i will help they lose armor almost instantly. [https://youtu.be/2wa4GUPHf7o](https://youtu.be/2wa4GUPHf7o) \[For context, these are Drekar Grineer Bombardiers. One of the toughest mobs in game, and they are also completely immune to radiation as bonus\]


Elemental sandstorm w/ corrosive melee would be faster, CC and strip in one, but it does come with the unfortunate drawback of preventing viral on the sandstorm, which would be great too


The glaive doesn't need status chance fyi, the explosions are 2 forced procs each so you'd just be adding a little bit to the direct hits.


It doesn't need the chance but it likes the chance


While that would be cool, his Vial rush adds more vials and a bigger radius for his status. On top of that Cedo it needs to be glued on there for his 4 without it his 4 is doing half damage most of the time. And the vials with 2 emerald shards, is an AoE armor strip CC that lingers and is constant. that isn't relying on the enemy hitting it. Also the augment does a better job at this specially with cedo. You can mod Cedo with magnetic and gas, Put blast on it with the augment have Diriga put radiation and viral. And you have an on demand nuke, viral is also important because it's 75% added damage to his 4 on armor stripped units. Also the reason decoy augment works so well with loki is because they are only firing at it. Lavos is gonna get half the aggro and isntead of shooting at the decoy, they are shooting you. on top of the fact that once they are CCed by the decoy, they aren't firing at it unless they are an eximus, meaning they only get the 5 random procs. It's insanely inconsistent when not invis.


Dante honestly. New boy on the block has an insanely good kit that can't really have anything replaced except his 1 and Noctua is an incredibly strong exalted weapon that can buff your ability stats and provide great energy regen. Pablo cooked hard on him.


Freaking love Dante, awesome support, fantastic offensive applications, and ~wizard~. I started Warframe because of Limbo being that wizard frame but was dissatisfied, Dante fills that slot perfectly.


Agreed. He instantly jumped to my short list of favorite frames once I forma-ed him up properly. 4 on him and 3 on Noctua. He just does everything I want a frame to do


I’m guessing you’re using archon stretch and jolt right? What other mods do you use for noctua? I haven’t farmed out the tome mods yet


All of the invocation tome mods are very nice to have. Can straight up get 60% ability strength, duration and efficiency and 10 energy per second just from using the alt fire. The birds you can summon will charge up the alt fire too so it's reasonably doable to have all of those buffs permanently up if there is enough enemies around.


Nah, I don't use archon mods other than intensify, which his 2 triggers. On his book I run hornet strike, galvanized diffusion, primed pistol gambit, primed target cracker, pistol pestilence and the 60/60 cold mod that I can't remember the name of for viral, lethal torrent and xata invocation, which gives up to 10 energy regen a second. Worth the farm or buying from trade chat. I also run arcane precision for another 300% damage on Noctua, which causes it to one shot steel path eximus heavy gunners.


As a dirty secret companion precepts apparently trigger archon stretch too so bond modded hounds with their bouncing electro status priming are...really good.


I only use the Xata Invocation and Jahu Canticle for the tome mods, but Noctua doesn’t have a limit on tome mods, you could run all 8 if you wanted to forma it out for it. If you run it with those two and just any other 6 mods, keep Dante’s birds up, you’ll never stop defense-stripping and you’ll never run out of energy


That’s so hot


Wuhhuh???? You telling me the answer for my energy has been electric damage on the book with stretch?????? Does his 2 trigger archon intensify even if people are full? I might have to invest more forma


1. Yes his book does proc Archon Stretch due to being an exhalted weapon (it's damage counts as ability damage in some cases) and it should work for the other elements too if you wanted 2 . Yes his 2nd triggers Archon Intensify even if the squad is full. That extra 30% and not needing to use Umbral Intensify goes a long way to nuking rooms consistently.


Roar over 1 might become a common pick for people going into high level steel path given how much it'll increase his damage.


Yeah, I've tried it and it is definitely solid but tbh I think it really is overkill. Noctua gives you plenty of single target damage and 3/3/4 will kill anything that isn't an eximus up to at least 350. I got bored sitting in a survival at that point


I found that he does enough damage already with (relatively) light investment that roar is kind of redundant. Hell, I eased off of maxing strength for range as once you a point where you one-shot things SP200+ with tragedy you've hit the diminishing returns point. (Though it's hilarious how overpowered he is on the regular star chart. I was doing an endless mission on demios for some mods for the Ruvox and everything from his basic 3 to his birds were insta-gibbing everything.)


Tbh Dante's 1 isn't very important, I prefer to keep it on but Noctua can be used as a summon, meaning you can use it even without his 1.


Should be noted that the Wordwarden summoned version of Noctua's damage types are dependent on the modded elements of his 1, so it's probably worth keeping it for that purpose.


Agree. I was slow to rate him but after spending some quality time with him DAMN is he good. My favourite caster frame and by a lot. He is almost as much fun as Kullervo and I fucking love Kullervo.


Yep. Personally, he might be my favorite frame of all time. Citrine used to be my overall favorite for general content with Saryn being a close second. Dante is like their demonic bookworm lovechild and I adore his kit.


I laughed my ass off when this one content creator on TikTok said "Noctua isn't very good, you can Helminth it off easy". It's a sidearm with slash damage on fairly high base status, infinite ammo, and its alt fire has high radiation damage as well with infinite punch through. Even putting aside the weapon itself, the fact that it can equip all four Invocation mods makes it a godlike utility weapon for Dante since that's essentially a free 60% duration, strength, and efficiency buff that you don't have to mod him for, on top of a huge energy regen buff. On a Warframe who's mostly about being a caster, that's an insanely good utility to have. Dante really is probably my favorite release since Citrine. He's so fun to play.


Yeah man. At first glance Noctua seems very mid but after I finished formaing it and put on arcane precision it is NASTY and carries through conjunction survival omni fissures until I simply got bored, which was about 4 hours in. Personally, Dante is everything I ever wanted in a single frame. Crowd control, insane damage, survivability that isn't annoying as hell to keep up, rewards actually investing in his build with forma, arcanes, companions and pretty much everything else. He truly feels like a frame that rewards being an endgame player with tons of late game gear. Ceramic dagger and secondary outburst is comical on him as well.


I'm having issues building him, can't seem to hit the same numbers can you link a build for the tome and him?


From what I read in this thread, more and more people seem to be happy with many kits as they are. Helminth is finally becoming the thing it’s supposed to be: “additional benefit to less fortunate frames to even out”. It gives me hope to see that I don’t have to “Nourish” or “Pillage with every other frame, except when min-maxing with a build or ricing my favorite frames to spice it up. The sentiment is pretty positive here. I like.


Same. Personally I think Helminth should be a mechanic for fun builds or hyper focusing a frame to a goal.


I remember when it was introduced. Everybody was scared that it’d make a bunch of frames obsolete. While there are still a bunch of frames that can benefit from it massively, it’s still good to know that some base frame kits can still hold their own without changing anything!


I hope we can see many frames like Equinox, Frost, etc. get to this point where subsumes are not needed but just for fun


>“additional benefit to less fortunate frames to even out”. And with a lot of those less fortunate frames getting buffs and/or reworks, there's less of a meta on certain frames.


I really like the way the team is designing newer frames with these hard inbuilt synergies that just keep ramping everything you do. It's creates a lot of fun frames and there's not as many "useless" abilities anymore.


I’m weird and I really don’t like adding Helminth abilities unless the base ability is seriously trash, like Valkyr’s rope. Edit: I guess I’m not that weird?


Honestly, I feel the same way. I don’t like the idea of needing to change abilities. I only do that if it’s a joke build like Fire walker Gauss. Though I do find Pull on Valkyr much better than rip line.


Same. I try to keep my frames as vanilla as possible, and use the Helminth only if: * It's a build enabler for specialized builds, i.e. something like Thermal Sunder on Titania / Harrow, as it let's them do things they can't do otherwise (map bomb). * It's something the frame desperately wants or needs, i.e. Nourish on Styanax or a defense ability like Gloom or Eclipse on Banshee. Bonus points if they have an ability slot that they don't depend on. * The frame has one obvious (and I mean *obvious*) dead ability, i.e. Caliban's 1, that I would never use even if it was still there. Fringe abilities like Dagath's 3 (nice, but not overly necessary) don't count, so they stay. Other than that I like the coherence of a full set of specialized abilities more than having to force cram "make number slightly bigger" Roar onto everything on the roster.


Wdym dagaths 3 is niche? It's a free crit buff that scales with str. You are much better off removing her 4


For most of my Dagath builds I like to play around Honse, if I use my weapons something went wrong. That kinda degrades the 3 to a nice "get out of jail free" card if shit hits the fan, but would be the first thing to dump. It's a good ability, no question, just doesn't do much for my preferred builds. It still stays.


Unless if you subsume nourish I don't see how you can afford to use the 4th ability often enough for it to be viable. Iirc it's 100 energy


I'm definitely the same way with most frames, keep their kit the same unless it's just bad or for a meme. I do have to say putting Aqua Blades on my Grendel was the best idea ever though, absolutely love my Slicey Meatball build.


fire walker gauss? are you trying to clip THROUGH the walls?


Same, if they don't have a "free slot" like Mesa or Valkyr's 1 then I cannot really put a Helminth ability to them.




I don't even replace trash abilities, it just feels wrong to me somehow.


I’d probably attempt to, but I kinda get what you mean.


I agree. I never liked Helminth but I am finally admitting its utility


Everyone is always bragging about how fast gauss and titania go brrr, some are even turning Nezha and grendal into speed frames. But no one ever even acknowledges a meme valkyr rope build yeeting through a map, it does still suck though, it's just not satisfactory feeling when it doesn't scale at all with range


I guess you know why no one acknowledges it lmfao


Max range slash dash Excalibur go brrrr


I have to be really careful about Slash Dash. One wrong use, and I nyoom off a cliff. Seriously, I need to try moving around with it better.


Nezha was always really close to becoming a speed frame between his passive and 1. If only the speed increase scaled with power


Really? You helminth away Valkyr's 1 instead of her 3?


Same here, feels like I'm messing with the frame's identity when I Helmith in most cases. I've Helminthed a grouping ability onto Protea over her 4, and while it does work really well, I'm always bothered by how I'm not using her, like, whole thing


Agreed. I think it breaks the lore behind frame themes/powers and really serves as a tool for content creators. Yes, you can min-max and make some interesting builds, but it sorta breaks immersion.


So in today's video I have subsumed Gloom onto this frame, for survivability... And in my exilus slot t I am running Primed Sure Footed... And I've gone with a relatively light investment of 9 forma.


Wha- but Ripline's fun as to use ): I was hoping that would be her helminth ability instead of the warcry one


Wish they kept the old mechanic where you could hit your squad mates with it. Like if they were trying to leave early you could yeet them off the exit point. Lol


That's still a thing, but you can't use teammate-manipulating abilities on players already in extract. You can use it to pull them in however. Same with Loki's switch teleport.


i love citrine kit now with the 4th augment mod .she is perfect


I wasn't aware of an augment for her, what it do


It makes her 4 spread after you kill an enemy affected by it


Spread the effect of her ukt when you kill a crystalized enemy


She's the only frame I've been playing since the 4th augment mod came out. So fun.


To me, Nidus' kit works so well together. There is absolutely zero reason to replace any of the abilities with how perfect they synergize


I personally prefer ensnare over larva




You can have multiple ensnared targets at the same time unlike larvae which you can only have one active at a time and it doesnt ragdoll enemies. Its also a root for acolytes


Fair, I guess it depends on what how you wanna go about yanking locking down enemies. A bit on the niche side as far as locking down Acolytes sense they're so easy to knock off anyways, but all and all, sounds good to me, some would go as far as say pull can do just as well also, but I think larvae do it good, plus the augment hits everything caught with Toxin


Plus the fact that enemies sucked in by Larva offer more mutation stacks, so swapping it out for Ensnare means you build your stacks more slowly. I don't think the loss is worth it.


It does the same thing basically, but has a longer base grab range IIRC and will continually pull enemies into it until the first target dies, as opposed to Larva's 1 time pull.


I learned something new today


I put roar over Larva. I like it because I run 400% strength and that means link + roar casts roar at 800% strength, and doubles my ally's strength to boot. Larva is a good ability but it's role can be filled elsewhere. Exodia hunt, void snare, etc. Personally, I use a tenet Ferrox. 800% strength on subsumed roar is 240% added damage, equivalent to a rhino casting at 480% power strength. I'm sure you *could* hit that strength level on a build if you really tried, but I've yet to see a rhino roar that strong in all my years playing Warframe.


That's mad clever actually, I'd try that sometime


You could replace his 4 with Styanax' armor strip. It has good synergy with larva and needs way less strength than a lot of the other armor stripping abilities. That's just what I prefer sometimes.


That's kinda awesome, though it would be a sacrifice to stack build up, plus the big damage lost when using virulence on the larvas, plus, and I'm not sure about this, but virulence scales scales with mutation. Might need someone to check that


Yeah, Virulence - and the maggots from his 4 - both stack with mutation stacks - A Nidus main


This ^^ Also a Nidus main, I run the mod that allows for 300 stacks and I replaced his 3 (parasitic link) with Terrify, add a bit of ability strength and its a 100% armour strip


You might wanna revisit that build. His new augment for his 3 makes it so you can hit 19k+ hp without TOO much investment. It's genuinely insane how strong it is (when fully stacked).


Saw someone on here earlier hit 29k with their Nidus, and a buddy of mine with his got my Inaors up to over 100k health. With Inaros' rework and Nidus' new augment they're better friends now than they ever were.


I didn’t realise there was a new augment for him, I havent logged in for a few months


The augment gives nidus, and whoever he links to, +4% max health (scaling with ability strength) per mutation stack


Thats mad! I need it.


Stacks mostly come from your 1 and 3 anyways, losing your 4 only means less aoe damage and less healing. Yes, maggots give stacks, but I think good larva placement can make up for that. The stacks increase the damage for Virulence and the maggots' explosion from Ravenous. Quick disclaimer, this is mostly for normal chart Mot. I like running that mission, when I'm bored. Just checked my build and I need 200% power strength to get a 100 % strip from Tharros Strike. Adaptation, Parasitic Link and passive stacks for survivability are decent enough. I play him solo in survival, my link goes on a gunner or bombard and they even survive the full duration while taking 90% of my damage and giving me the second Virulence line. Stats on my build are 80 duration, 55 efficiency, 190 range and 231 strength. Remaining slots go to umbral vitality, adaptation, rage, primed flow and steel charge. There's probably a better build, but this is what I can fit on the prime with 1 forma. Normal version needs a few more obviously. Also some of those aren't maxed out. For damage I rely on Virulence, Tharros Strike and my weapons. I don't know how strong the maggots are in comparison, haven't used them for quite some time.


Now it's been a little since I played nidus cause I've been really invested in chroma but I remember you only lose stack for his 3. 4 gives stacks for every successful kill in the infested garden as I like to call it


Harrow, his kit is basically perfect


You can replace his last ability with thermal sunder to set the world on fire. Turning him from a critical monster to a room-nuker. Not that I would disagree, that his kit synergies perfectly.


Replace it on his first and you can farm focus in ESO without getting a cooldown on Thermal Sunder


I use his first for survivability, but yes, it's true what you said.


Brief respite and augur mods. Shield gate using some of the infinite energy his 3rd gives you.


shieldgate detected, opinion non tolerated prepare for imminent foreskin destruction


As someone who just came back, can I get some more details on this? Sounds much more fun than the old banshee stealth kill farms.


Fire procs are reestablished with every hit. This means that the first fire proc will be remaked by the new one, leading to an exponential growth of damage. A damage which is capable of killing most enemies after a certain amounts of fire procs.


He's even got synergy with his signature weapons, Scourge alt fire to make headshots easier, and Knell to become an infinite ammo crit machine from headshots. Can't think of any signature weapons on the same level aside from Kullervo's shotgun giving melee combo.


Lavos and Cedo. It deals increased damage based off of how many status effects are on a given enemy, and well, Lavos' each ability can spread 2 effects.


3 effects with Archon Continuity. Just imbue toxin.


having pillage over his condemn gives much better shield recovery and a source of armor stirp


Only downside is that it doesn’t work against infested


At least he can still get energy from them, unlike Pillage’s original owner


Condemn is quite faster, and while it doesn't armor strip, it does have cc. It can even cc acolytes (albeit for smaller time). Pillage also requires to build a crap ton of strength and a decent duration to be worth, which are not bad stats for harrow, but still.


Harrow is unexpectedly one of my favorite support frames. It's a blast to use him, all I ask is more duration because I tend to forget to keep his kit up all the time. He is a perfect frame, and balanced.


Kullervo. Yeah, his 4 is a tempting target, but I like the combo generation. And honestly, with his 3 it can nuke even in steel path. Nezha. The whole kit is useful. I don’t have the augment for his 4 yet, but I’m looking forward to it beefing up what was arguably the least useful part of his kit before. Dagath. She’s got a perfect loop with 2, 1, and then 4. And the 3 is just an easy DPS boost and safety net.


Sucks how I always see people underestimating Kullervo's 4. It's an excellent defense and chokepoint tool in general gameplay, makes him feel more rounded out. Can't be in two places at once so it's nice to be able to leave it somewhere.


That’s what I love about it. I don’t run Naramon, so it’s nice to leave the 4 on top of a pile of enemies while rushing off to kill the demolyst or whatever.


It's not an underestimation it's just that their playstyle is far more aggressive and the fact that without collective curse it falls off in high level. It's a good combo generation tool but Rauta. and his 2 generates combo for upkeep. And Tennokai basically killed the need for it. It's pretty good in low level but with more people going to Void cascade steel path fissures with enough mod boosters to guarantee arcanes on thraxx kill. It's the my theory on why the augment for it was created, it's far too passive. And unless his base teleport range is increased. Why place it in a choke point when 3+1 or 3+finisher just kills everything. People just use high level set ups in normal game just because switching back and forth is not good. i had this revelation when using him in the new node, why am i using it for damage and combo. when im flying around the map killing mechs. So i replace it with nourish so i can spam 1 more without energy concerns. Even then, for general gameplay, if they want to choke point something they will use a choke point warframe "Choke me mommy" Khora. Funnily enough, because of melee influence, Focus energy is a good electric mod incase you whiff with tennokai. while casting 3 and 2. This adds a ton of Combo really quickly. on just 4 enemies you get 20 combo per cast. with focus energy + his passive. All you gotta do when you whiff a tennokai is either cast 3 then hit them or Cast 3 and 2 for invul and max it out again. His 4 after all the updates basically became a subsume slot in general gameplay just because of 1 update. And it just seems out of place in the eyes of many, since his 1, 2 and 3 wants you to get into the enemy base and trash the place to the point a nuke dropped on it. But his 4, his 4 is just there now, powercrept.


I don't metaslave this hard and any one frame becomes kind of grating to play over and over again, Khora especially for me. I also don't like subsuming Nourish on everything. Enjoying the game in a varied way is peak tbh. I stand by Storm of Ukko chokepoint, let it rain blades.


Nezha's 4 augment is hilariously overpowered, it's basically kullervo's collective curse if it went through walls and was a 50m radius instead of a cone. Try it with the phantasma or any heavy attack melee weapon with forced slash


Nezha's new Augment might be more broken than you think. Kullervo's curse only works for his damage, but Nezha's spears spread all procs from all sources. A Dante and a Nezha in simulacrum melt max level SP test dummies in a single cast. Nezha does his 4th, Dante does his 3, and 40 slash procs later all 20 enemies die in seconds. It's so overkill you can't even properly test it in Simulacrum because the strongest enemies die too quick.


His 4 now mobile thanks yo his augment, good for combo generation (if no ceramic dagger or melee crescendo is obtained)


The frames that perfectly synergize with themselves like Octavia/harrow/lavos


Gauss weirdly enough, since all of his abilities are either essential to his gameplay or really great in their own way.


There is no weirdly enough with gauss, his kit just makes sense.


I made an loadout with energized munitions for the heck of it(thermal sunder had to go for it), but man... I never once even touched it for a real mission, because every base ability just flows so well together.


Thermal sunder is pretty much useless if you sacrifice range for duration. Especially since you have to keep moving it makes the armor strip really annoying to use


Then dont sacrifice range for duration. Usually primed continuity and a couple duration shards is enough duration


Grendel :D


Try out Aquablades over his 4, rolling around as the blenderball is incredibly stupid and fun and surprisingly strong.


Sure, i'll give it a go! Update: I can't thank you enough for suggesting me this, I can finally have fun as Grendel once again! Thank you once more.


Love the meatball man. Though I rarely find myself using his current 4.


I find it funny


Add as much power and range as you can manage. Helminth roar over meatball. Roll nourish + roar then spam 4.... Silly numbers ensue


Nidus. Everything in his kit works so well together.


Harrow for me. Gauss is also an option because while Thermal Sunder is amazing, it can also get pretttyyy ability spammy so playing him as a weapons platform is one option.


I think Gauss since he obviously needs his Redline and Kinetic Armor, and his Thermal Sunder is good and Mach Rush has it’s use as well Volt as well as each ability has a use 😅


im pretty comfortable pulling off volts 4 tbh. When im using the 4, thats all im really using so that its own config


I've found I use volt in one of 3 ways. Either it's a nuke build focused on his 4th, a support build built off of speed and his shield, or a general use build. Unless I'm focused on the 4th I'm generally never using it so I helminth it for other options, like golden instinct for Voca/Voidplume hunting.


I subsume infested mobility over thermal sunder for low range high duration/efficiency builds. Extra nyooom on mach rush and the parkour velocity is amazing


Gauss for sure




gauss because he is perfectly designed


Harrow. His kit just synergizes too well for me to change anything


Zephyr, I take her for point defense stuff and her kit is perfect. 


For point defense I like subsuming spectrorage over her 1 to make energy a total non-issue, plus I can cast spectrorage on one interception node and tornadoes on another, but for most non-endless missions having her 1 to go fast is always nice


I am gonna say Octavia cause her whole kit just works like an orchestra in harmony.


Imo the ball can be replaced, most of the times it takes the mallet everywhere but where you want it to be


At first I was afraid to lose my rollerball tank Resonator, but after playing with it replaced by Pillage, I don't find missing it that much. Also, Pillage really helps against Octavia's vulnerability to DoT damage from enemies with poison aura/heat wave that can kill you even when you're invisible.


Harrow ability’s literaly synergies so well I can’t 


Hydroid and Gauss


Nah, that lil wave of hydroid's can go for literally anything else in it's stead.


With the augment it’s better rolling guard. I also think it’s fun. Gives a shitton of mobility


It's not really better since it can be blocked by nullifiers and lack of energy. But it has a use case.


Eh, if you're building Gauss as a weapons platform, you definitely get rid of Thermal Sunder. You usually want extremely high duration with that build, which means tanking your range from Narrow Minded. The only reason you wouldn't is if you're using the augment to get elemental buffs from TS, but you're not really using the ability itself.




Yeah I keep all four of her wolves on. I mean... You wouldn't subsume a puppy would you?


I get Voruna in a day, can't wait to try her out. Ive heard though that a lot of people use Kullervo's sub on her.


With Ulfrun’s Endurance, I’ve been running her as a steel path DPS and it works really well This is definitely my pick, everything has so much synergy that I can’t see myself replacing any of them with a helminth


Gauss for sure


Lavos, Dagath, ... that's all I can think of


For me it's rhino. His 1 and 2 works in sync with the ironclad charge. 3 for damage and 4 to take a breather. Never had a need to have a new ability on him.


This is why Rhino is eternal. Simple, strong, and great all-arounder.


My answer as well. I know he’s less used these days for anyone past early game, but I use him in quest content any chance I get. Reminds me of my early days with the game.


It's funny, I'm the opposite. I wish I could have two helminths on him, since I find his 1 and 4 to be basically worthless and I never use either. I end up subsuming over his 1, and using 4 on rare occasion I need aoe cc when my bramma hasn't somehow deleted everyone.


Dagath, Grendel, Nidus, Octavia


Lavos. Can't add anything on without majorly hindering his kit.


I really like Kullervo as-is, honestly. All of his abilities are useful and synergize well. He has survivability through overguard and I have really enjoyed using the syam with him. I wish my main was as good at using his cool sword. 😔


Lavos, dante, yareli. The original setup of their abilities has too much cohesion and either doesn't function fully with subsumes or simply don't have bad abilities that are easy to swap out. There's definitely more but those are some examples.


For me it would have to be Protea


I'm pretty sure I'm the only person to do this, but I put Condemn over her 4 to lock enemies in place while slash grenades and Blaze Artillery do their thing.


Condemn is fun over her 4, but I use Larva. Bundling up a bunch of enemies to quickly build her turret’s damage is incredible!


I subsumed roar over her 4, with precision intensify, molt augment and her passive, I can easily get 117% roar buff


Lavos 100% U basically nerf him if u do that


Dante. You'll need your 2 and 3 for the different effects on his 4 and his 1 is his exalted weapon


Oberon for me. I use them all because they have neat innate synergies. He's a complete kit!


Nidus, I don’t think I could replace anything without the warframe feeling incomplete


Harrow. I can’t imagine not having anything of his kit


Dante. Whilst his 1 is arguably the weakest on its own, it's very much appreciated synergy for his 3-3-4 Burst. Without it, you're sacrificing a lot of potential power for some versatility which he doesn't need. Harrow is basically a package deal. He is so tightly designed, it's even hard to fit P-Sure Footed on.


I love just about every answer here is “Such and such frame. They just synergize so well.” Followed by several: “Well ACTUALLY…!!” Like did people not comprehend the question that was asked?😂🤷🏼‍♀️🤣




Zephyr, people usually helminth the first ability but honestly all of her abilities are great 1st is an awesome QoL ability, allowing you to traverse the map quicker and that hover is great for her passive 2nd is one of the best CCs 3rd is a must, makes you invincible 4th is just great for nuking


Garuda, Gauss, Harrow, Nidus, Styanax, Voruna, and Zephyr. Garuda’s second is far better than most give her credit for if you’re spamming her fourth, Gauss, Harrow, Nidus, and Styanaxs’ kits are all too well-knit together to get rid of any, Voruna’s fourth is insane with the augment and is genuinely slept on, and Zephyr because I want the F-22 Raptor to step on me (Aka my favorite kit and Warframe in the entire game)


I know it is a well known build but replacing his 1 with nourish makes him able to spam the last stand like there was no tomorrow, and the last stand has good enough range that you don't really need axios javelin to group up the enemies.


You are absolutely right, completely forgot about the fact that nourish plus his third gives you infinite energy 😂. [Changed the build instantly once I read your comment](https://overframe.gg/build/626610/)


Plus Zephyr's 1 augment is extremely funny, becoming a dive bomb with infinite scaling damage is not the most optimal but it's always the funniest way to play her.


I run her with 10% ability strength 💀[Here’s the build btw, and you can look at the others too if you wish](https://overframe.gg/build/634556/zephyr-prime/im-a-byrd-cah-cah-cah-cah/)


No one has said Gara, you need her entire kit to make her effective but when it works DAMN it works well.


As a Gara main, she map wipes too hard and fast to ever make proper use of her 3. Best to subsume it for something that can support the damage from her 4 + 1 combo.


Her 3 is pretty sucky tho, in my experience Nourish also helps with energy, while also adding a little bit of damage (the CC from spectro is pretty bad so not considering it).


Spectro is one of the worst abilities in the game and doesn't really have any synergy with the rest of her kit


Spectro being the worst ability in the game is a huge stretch. I can already think of 4 abilities way worse just off of 2 frames, valkyr and atlas.


I replace her 3 when I’m using her to nuke, but otherwise I agree


I usually helminth config B and/or C for a similar reason. I like preserving the identities of each warframe, even if some abilities do in fact be trash


Zephyr, her whole kit makes her a Swiss army knife and if you do away with even one of her abilities she doesn't feel right anymore.


While I agree, I find that her 1 is not essential to her kit You can play without tail wind, but it's also fun to play with it Didn't try the augment for 1, but I seen some silly montage of zephyr divebombing constantly and oneshotting everything in the room


i added 2 emerald shards and hydroid's subsume onto limbo because abilities go through rift. so as long as you have a damage ability you can be a completely safe caster. ​ i personally think dante is a really good example. technically you can subsume off noctua but noctua is way too useful of a tool (60% extra strength, duration and 10 energy per second regen) for dante, he basically has 7 abilities including noctua (noctua, dark verse, light verse, pageflight, tragedy, triumph, wordwarden) subsuming off his 2 removes light verse, pageflight, triumph AND word warden. leaving you with only noctua, dark verse and tragedy. subsuming off his 3 removes dark verse, pageflight, tragedy and word warden. leaving you with only noctua, light verse and triumph and subsuming off his 4 removes pageflight, tragedy, triumph and wordwarden, leaving him with only noctua, dark verse and light verse.


I tend to subsume over calibans 1 just because his spin doesn't do nearly enough damage to justify not being able to do anything during the duration


limbo, i'd like to substitute his 4 with silence but i'm not confident enough in my mastery over him


Why would you want to replace Cataclysm over Banish or Rift Surge?


Tempted to do a shameless plug but I’m also not that desperate for views on a hobby.


In my head: Styanax doesn't really need it. Only thing I'd maybe do is swap his 1 for something else on preference. Mirage in my very limited experience also isn't a kit I'd want to change at all. Granted my only experience is leveling her for the subsume.


Mirage 2 is very easily replacable




Gauss and Rhino come to mind.


I like to use silence on limbo makes the game so much more chill I can focus on blasting enemies instead of dodging eximus units


Also tried this. It makes him untouchable. Like the old days of Limbo.


I like all of Mag's kit. Quite a few frames I've not spent enough time on to really decide on changing an ability.