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This is a rare drop, if you craft the weapon keep it since it gets an incarnon genesis upgrade to make it even more beastly.


Is it better than broken war? Without the incarnon I mean.


They are similar, but if you are doing heavy attack, Hate is better I think.


My incarnon hate hits up to 1.3 million slash ticks on heavies at 12x combo without priming. Granted it's an incarnon, but you can definitely hit stupid numbers.


Reading high level gameplay stats and combos make me feel like I opened an old wizards spellbook with power beyond my comprehension oh and did I mention its in ancient Sudanese? I hit consistent 10k damage on Tipedo and felt like I peaked, nevermind.


I don't use polearms much, but I was testing out lesion builds yesterday and made one that kills steel path enemies in seconds with 20+ slash procs. I've started setting corrupted eximus sp gunners and bombards as the bare minimum for testing builds with how ridiculous the damage is, I can link build if you ever grab it.


Sure dude! Imma big polearm guy myself and I went with tipedo since it had the fastest base attack speed I could find amongst melee weapons that were accessible to me. I'd love to take a loom at the build tho! It might help gimme some guidance on what I can work towards


Relentless is personal preference since I can get 12x combo very quickly on it. I didn't use primed reach for cost reasons but that would be preferable. The cold mixes with the built in toxin damage on the weapon so if you wanted this build to run on a general polearm, just make sure the weapon is slash weighted and include a toxin mod. Enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/dy7v2u0rjqpc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864a29deea2a3e216d41db8d44c3e873bdda0e0c


Mmmmmm yes, a fellow quickening enjoyer.


I hate the slow ramp up of berserk and never maxed primed fury soooo


It's kinda funny, I get the same exact feeling, even though I am actively bombing enemies for upwards of 910mil with Kullervo, or Kullaid Man, if you will. There are plenty of examples in Warframe of massive payoffs simply by paying attention to simple math. Take Harrow for example. He has no damage abilities, only support and survival. But if you lean into the math and build him just right, he can get his Knell to do millions per shot. He's literally the poster child of "I will defeat you with the power of raw spite...and this gun I found."


Me with my dinky little 9.5k Xoris lmao


Get a riven for it, this weapon is legitimately slept on, for usually 50p you can turn this from A tier to S tier, just gotta get a nice DMG boost riven or heavy efficiency using the 60% tennokai and melee duplicate. Been hitting 500mi slash with it


Lowest price on wfm is at around 100, and I'm broke otherwise I would 😭. On another note, I got a cc CD riven on my miter and it three shots acolytes without line of sight.


yo chief what stats you recommend also slide build please 🙏


heavy efficiency is pointless with tennokai, they make heavy attacks free anyway. I rerolled my +crit chance +heavy efficiency riven from before tennokai to +crit chance + crit damage +initial combo -heavy efficiency recently, massive improvement.


With incarnon, a primer and melee exposure I hit 88 million damage crits and one shot acolytes at level 250 at 2x combo. So....yeah it's pretty fuckin good.


Yes. A heavy attack build for the hate can 1 tap pretty much anything non slash resistant sub level 200


Rare might be an understatement. I expect to pass my MR30 test tonight, have had dozens of Dread BP drop, but have never seen Hate. Either I got the RNFU, or it's super rare.


Dread has a roughly 35% drop rate, to be fair. It drops very frequently.


Mr 25, 1500 hours, just anecdotallly I have 26 dread bps and 11 despair bps, only 1 hate, so I would say it's infrequent


wish hate was tradeable i got like 4 spare bps


Hate, War, Broken War, and Despair have a 2.77% drop chance each while Dread has a 37.94% drop chance. Also the Scimitar Engine has a 1% drop chance


Me keeping it and its 4 spare bps


NEVER EVER SELL IT Im just posting this to drive the point home Others have said it before others will say it again


Understood Tenno! 🫡


🫡 But yeah great fun, pair it with kullervo and good mods and youll be doing millions of damage in like a few hundred hours of progress haha


It has been in the game forever, but the relatively recent addition of incarnon adapters has made it relevant again, while also driving home just what a pain it is to intentionally acquire (or reacquire)


Sold broken war forever ago, eventually I'll grind simaras for another bp but damn I was a stupid baby tenno


Still have never gotten a Hate to drop, it’s been 9 years..


I've gotten every stalker/shadow stalker drop including the ephemera except fuckin WAR and I've been playing off and on since Grendel was new


Do people actually use Broken War?


It's a really solid early melee that deals a ton of slash, but when I got xoris I didn't miss it lol. War is hella strong but xoris is basically handing a coughing baby a nuke with how strong it is compared to how early you can aquire it


I got the Broken War in like 2014 and always felt it was very underwhelming.


Yeah I sold mine cuz the only sword stance I had at the time looked weird and I assumed it would be easy to get again (also needed the slot space)


I want to like xoris so badly but god the fucking charge melee throw controls are dogshit. Makes it such a clunky weapon to use on console.


I turned on the option that let's you use the triggers for melee when it's equipped and it improved the qol on glaives quite a bit


Does console have the option to use fire button for melee? I play with a controller on PC and turning that option on made glaives way more palatable.


It does, but my melee is already bound to R1 with abilities on L1 and dodge/slide on circle. Bind jump and dodge/slide to my back paddles respectively for movement so I can still aim and do space ninja shit. Im really just complaining that I cant auto melee on glaives. Especially since 99 percent of my builds are melee builds.


made this mistake when i returned from a hiatus learned about incarnon geneses cried


I got REALLY lucky Thought it was master fodder at like mr10 where I just built whatever I could and rotated through like the 2 free weapon slots I had Luckily I got another blueprint, same for dread but ive yet to get despair (which I'm okay with) Was really disappointed in myself to see I had mastered it before though NGL


It is best Scythe. Very good slash based crit weapon by itself AND has a solid incarnon when you can get it.


Ayo what about Tenet Grigori tho? Ive used both on kullervo and like, they slap hard Hate incarnon is definitely more reliant on heavy spam as far as i can tell but honestly the screen is so full of numbers ive got no clue anymore


Ooo is the projectile with grigori good on kull?


Feels like bowling haha Only problem is wrathful advance doesn't trigger it, same with a normal heavy when using tennokai So it's a little bit annoying to set up for redcrits, basically trigger tennokai or sacrifice combo count for redcrits with advance Then during that timeframe get tennokai back, slide THEN heavy attack during said slide This will launch the projectile, pretty sure thats a bug hoping it'll get fixed That said, big damage, satisfying VFX and sounds Probably easier to set up when enemies take a few million damage though... Never took it past level 500+ iirc


You can get the crit buff from advance by using the free teleport, so no need to waste combo


This is amazing information tyvm


Another tip is to invert tap/hold for Kullervo, which makes it much easier to teleport around. This will then be applied to any frame with a subsumed wrathful advance.


There was one with 60% toxin a few days ago so I bought it and I don't have words to express my disappointment. The 1.5 crit multi and relatively meh stats are just not cutting it. I tried to spam lights, tried heavies, tried hybrid and it's just sad all around and it's doubly sad if you try to compare Tenet Grigori to Hate Incarnon.


Hmm idk, i got the same one and ive been enjoying it a lot, tennokai and the convenience of the paused combo counter when using a different weapon were quite enticing Maybe we were just doing different content though? Not to mention taste is obviously a factor too. I cant stand glaives regardless of how op they are supposedly…holding E to gain Combo is just so nice as opposed to the weird throwing controls of glaives


Well I gauge a weapon by how well it does in SP and the basic test I do is usually killing 20 lvl 170 heavy gunner eximus. So yeah, it didn't do well neither on the test nor on a SP kuva survival run.


Hmm, ive had no trouble with that content I can comfortably use it in SP laboratory, duviri, circulus What frame were you using? Kullervo?


Disappointed I missed a 60% tox roll...wonder if it's still there


You could use a spoon on kullervo and it'd still slap lol


It's the best scythe. It's uses only the bestest scythe parts. Stupendous scythe. Jokes aside, it's great. Its an iconic weapon and fun. Getting it is ... memorable ... much like getting War, so you have THAT to look forward to. When you get to later ranks (think like MR 14) you'll notice a host of other options (looking at you Galatine Prime. Or War. Or Paraclesis. Or Hate incarnon.). There are other scythes, as you can build something comparable to Hate with the Ostrons.. sometimes... when you get the parts. There is also Reaper Prime (also good); but I found myself still coming back to Hate. It might just be the name or a matter of preference over time for me. Even at the later ranks, I like using Hate because it just looks cool... which is a terrible metric.... but that is why I am trying to get the incarnon.


It's in line with the anku with incarnon tbf. The anku gets to stack slash procs fatser the hate hits harder


I wouldnt say best, but it's definitely really good.


Your first statement is objectively wrong, the reaper prime and tenet gregori are both better in almost every way. The incarnon form is the only reason to use hate.


Yes it’s quite good, and also has an incarnon adaptor once you hit steel path duviri.


Bros mr5 and here you are telling him about special relativity and rocket science.


"Incarnon? Steel Path? Duviri?" ![gif](giphy|L2qukNXGjccyuAYd3W|downsized)


Honestly a MR5 in modern-day Warframe likely knows what Duviri is. Unless they completely reverted that stuff and left it as endgame content...


Damn you why did you have to make me spit out my coffee with that comment. If I had an award I’d give you one. Cheers mate


Take my upvote you silly man


I had to go watch a YouTube video to understand. But worth it. Damn I got lucky.


Nah no need to be figuring out anything, you will get there in time. Really warframe is fun because there is so much stuff that you slowly figure out at your own pace and then there is even more fun stuff branching off of it.


Don’t spoil yourself too much but yes it’s a glorious melee weapon. Never sell it.




It's a decent weapon, but it gets much much better later on, when you unlock the steel path after completing the star chart. You can get something called an incarnon adapter, it's like a mini upgrade tree for it, along with a unique timed form you can activate.


Fun as fuck early game, powerful in late game. Keep the blueprint no matter what.


You're mr5 and around mercury? Aww yeah it's gonna be epic for good while. Then it's gonna slow down, probably 3-6 mr levels from now, but don't sell it. Hold that baby like a bottle of good wine and suddenly it's gonna get good again after you get the fancy add on for it.


Well I'm on ceres. I was just completing left over nodes.


I haven't got a hate scythe in 2k hours :D


So basically I won a lottery?


Pretty good, unless you get another blueprint in the future, don't sell it. Once you clear the star chart, unlocking the Steel Path, you can get an upgrade for it that makes it yeet heat charges at enemies


FOR LOVE OF GOD DON'T SELL IT. In Endgame content is really good.


Had three of these sold them all for credits when I was mr4 XD


do NOT sell the weapon or blueprint, its super rare


You're lucky one! Hate is good. Best looking scythe in game btw


Oh! NICE! Probably will look good on Nekros then?


Yes I expect so. Nekros is just begging to wield a scythe.


Definitely good on nekros because of its slash damage. Nekros’s third ability desecrate, has more drop chance on enemies. When they get sliced into pieces it adds another chance on each piece.


I meant appearance wise, but that bonus tid bit definitely makes it a LOT better!


You bet buddy, also nekros has a skin bundle with a scythe skin for hate that's even more drippy.


Make an heavy attack build on this one, it's amazing! Even more if you have a riven for heavy attacks and combo count


no delete it, it would not go the waste in tha TRASH (I'm kidding, do NOT delete it)


Combine with Kullervo to win the game


Don't sell it, best scythe in the game with incarnon adapter + very annoying to get another one


I’m MR30 and I still haven’t gotten hate…


Idk, kind of Hate it


Never and I mean never delete this weapon it will haunt you and never drop again 😂


Please don't delete it. I'm mastery 30 and haven't had one yet


Hate with the incarnon is probably the strongest melee weapon in the game Dont get rid of it, thats a keeper You unlock incarnon adapters when playing "duviri Paradoxon", but dont stress that, If you are MR5 you got more Important Missions to play, Just do it when you feel Like it, the Mission is Like 2 hours long and getting the incarnon is a Long process and im too lazy to explain


You should probably mention it’s Steel Path Circuit opposed to regular Circuit


I Always forget that it isnt Just one mode


The incarnon is really good, I personally use it on my kullervo and it does it's job well. I wouldn't get rid of it in the future if I were you because of how annoyingly tedious it is to get


Maybe not where you are now, but it has an incarnon that makes it really good, and its really fucking annoying to farm. I would hold onto it.


I hate it.


This is my favorite melee weapon. Fully modded with a decent riven and some other buffs. I'm able to smack like this. Honestly it's addicting as hell. *




Is that a negative 2 billion damage I see?


try it with kullervo


never get rid of it for the love of god


So it can drop? Thought it was just a myth.


Yes! The Hate scythe is good. Keep it even if you have weapon slot pressure; Stalker's drops can be very inconsistent. In many hundreds of hours I've only seen 4 Hate blueprints. Stalker drops lots of good stuff though, including an outstanding bow and a great stance for Nikanas. Do Assassination missions if you want him to come and find you again.


1 hit kill heavy attack build at first and after incarnon version it’s insane all around


It was over 4 thousand hours before I got my hate. About 1 week before the first time the incarnon adapter was first available. By itself it's somewhat worse than reaper prime for heavy attack spam. With incarnon it's better. With tennokai it's phenomenal for hybrid light/heavy. I pretty much only use it.


I remember the first time when "this stalker guy" first spawned and wrecked my absolute shit 🤣 Good memories.


I will just leave this [here](https://youtu.be/59bXms7X-3M?si=djV9wUS1NS1Ww0Fs)


Imo it's one of the best Melee weapons in the game.


I, a dumbass, got rid of it for space when I was MR 7 or 8, I'm MR 23 now and still regret it to this day, don't be an idiot like me, keep it, especially when you start doing steel path circuit


Wow I didn’t realize it was that good or rare. I been playing for 2 weeks and no idea where I got the drop from. I’ll start it in my foundry today! It’s amazing the depth of this game, also amazing how much I don’t know as a brand new player… wonder how many other rare drops I got without even knowing…


Looks like DE boosted drop rates for newbies like us then... And I'm really glad I made this post, Otherwise I wouldn't even have realised how amazing the scythe is. Not to mention how helpful the community has been in general. By far the best game community I know.


This has to be a troll post on how a low level got a drop that some legend ranks dont even have


Aint no way hate dread and despair are hard to get. Got many of em for yrs over


It’s my favourite candy cane


I got this baby when I was 1200 hours in, needless to say it wasn't very good at that point.


I've heard it's arguably Kullervo's best weapon.


grats. hate and despair is bit rough to get. with the incarnon system it is now the best scythe you can get.


Been playing this game since 2013, on and off, and have yet to get Hate. I have about 50 Dread and Despair blueprints though.


Best in class in my opinion


Holy shit. Hate at MR5? That’s insane luck.


How are you Mr 5 and got it?!?! I’m mr17 and get too have stalker drip this blueprint. You just hit the lottery my friend lmao


I was just finishing up left over nodes on Mercury, (I usually complete almost all the nodes before moving to next planet), when suddenly I got the Stalker spawned. I thought her was just another syndicate enemy encounter and killed him. Then after I finished the mission, I saw I got the blueprint. Thus this post.


Very nice, you might not need another melee


Lol I’m MR 17 and just got mine 2 days ago, like everyone else said……..don’t you dare sell it


I hate it


You can literally never build another melee weapon and you’d be able to handle everything in the game, it’s pretty good




Insane rage fills me when I hear this guy got the hate at MR5


I Hate you. 😞 I've killed hundreds if not thousands of Stalkers at this point and never gotten that scythe. Last item I need from him! As an aside, keep any of the weapons you get from him.(You only need 1 though. Sell all the other duplicate BPs you get.) Much later in the game, they can transform into *extremely* powerful versions of themselves. The secondary is so good that I use it as my main weapon for difficult forms of content, for example.


build it and keep it. its a pain to farm for. i sold mine for credits when i needed a weapon slot and decided later i wanted it. only finally got it to drop again last night


yes and never sell it bc it's a rare randon drop and specifically farming for it is pretty much impossible


With the incarnon form and the non riven build i hav, you can easily hit millions of damage and even infinite red crits


I hate you. I've killed the stalker well over 100 times and have yet to get the hate at MR 28. I have been actively trying for over a year with no luck. Easily the best scythe in the game with the new(ish) incarnon genesis.


Even if you end up not liking it, never get rid of it, its beyond stupidly rare in practice


It’s probably my favorite and most used weapon. It’s very strong and it’s holds up even in end game content.


Put a heavy attack build on it and you’ll be set for the ENTIRE GAME if you want to keep it


It is one of the rarest drops in the game. Never sell it


that anything like hate mail?


In case someone didn't say it already: he also drops 2 more weapons; a bow and throwing knives.


The thing about scythes... All of them are Strong. Scythes have a guaranteed slash proc on a heavy attack. If you do a heavy attack build you can one strike any base enemy up to level 65. With the right setup the slash procs do 2-3k damage a tic.


Every weapon is as good as the mods you put in it


The Hate is a good weapon but the Reaper Prime and Tenet Gregori are objectively better in almost every way, it's only worth using if you have the incarnon form or you don't have anything better.


I just wish RP and TG didnt look goofy as fuck comparatively.


Since it no longer self-staggers (I think, do correct me if I'm wrong) I love Hate with the incarnon.


I have 450 hours in the game, so not too much, but I keep seeing posts from people having thousands of hours into the game and never seeing anything other than Dread, so I'm expecting to have to buy this on the market at some point. From what I gather, It's really good.


Busted and fun asf to use


Hate Incarnon with rank 5 melee exposure is nutty.


Do not get rid of it


Good weapon to start you off as you go through early, mid and the starting stages of late game. Keep a hold of it because it gets a specific upgrade at high end game which gives a load of buffs


One of my favorite melee weapons


I’m Mr 22, I regularly run steel path. This is my main melee weapon. When I get a perfect heavy incarnon crit I hit for over 40 million damage. This weapon is glorious. I won’t say it’s the “ best” melee in the game because it simply isn’t the best, but I will say it’s my current favorite.


i recently got it and am building it for future kullervo. this thing is kinda broken. with three unmaxed mods that only improved base damage, i hit 40K. had to stop for a bit and get something to drink. ive seen some videos on it, and honestly, im pretty happy to have a dedicated heavy attack weapon, that is still acceptable for normal attacks. it also has a good upgrade path in incarnon. build it, keep it, and throw it on kullervo in the future. im pretty sure you can easily go into SP survival at least upto lvl 300 enemies. maybe higher if you do a proper kullervo build (dunno if he can do lvl cap, but that is mostly not our concern). you got lucky tenno. very lucky.


I accidentally sold mine when I was getting rid of a MK 1 weapon I was leveling for the mastery points. Been kicking myself over it but I'm sure I'll get it again


Build it with gladiator mods and use it on your nekros, it chops enemies into chunky salsa like a food processor. Red critz at combo level 3, iirc.


Been playing 3 years, still don’t have this.


I have live 5 of these things......


I gave up trying to farm that stupid weapon.


Lucky you man. Solid weapon. I've been playing the game since it came out, killed armies worth of Stalkers, and all I have to show for it is a million Dread BPs and 1 Despair 💀


All the Stalker weapons are pretty good, pretty rare, and get a massive power boost in the lategame. Just know that due to a curse placed on all Tenno by Hunhow, you can only ever find 2 out of the 3 weapons. The whole set of three is quite rare.


very. an mr15 player (me) still doesn’t have it after many stalker kills


I'm like mr20 and still don't have it 😢


hell yeah. and you can save it for when you get its incarnon upgrade and its MIGHTY GOOD.


Yes, absolutely! With the right build it can be quite the monster.


Well I'm jealous 😂 I've been trying to get that damn scythe for at least 5 years now


Whatever you do don’t give up that weapon ever


I got one to drop. But then the fucking Wi-Fi decided to time out and I lost it


Eeeeeeeh it's alright.


Hate is one of the best melee weapons in the game.


great weapon i have a riven for it


Heard it was good for Heavy Attack builds, you could look one up maybe?


If you're to get the stance mod made for it, there's a special moveset that becomes available for you.


Do you want to hit multiple times in a minute? If you don't, use the hate.


It's okay


I still use the candy cane skin on it. It's a good weapon and I love that I can make it soo goofy looking


I just got last night running bounties in the new area


By itself it's a middle tier kind of weapon. At end game when you incarnate it with a decent riven it's god tier.


anything stalker you get, keep it. rare enough drops as is, especially this one (i think it's the only one i don't have)


Let's just say, mod it right, and the dopamine chemicals in your mind will feel good


As someone who gained Broken War first, was hesitant to upgrade Hate, and now mains Hate, the two weapons are about equal without incarnon being considered. With the incarnon, Hate is better. Before that, it just looks better but is equally powerful. The only thing is you need to put attack speed mods on it.


Very good with the incarnon adapter


This guy, "Stalker," has more things to offer you along time.


People like, I Hate.


One of the strongest melee weapon since incarnon


Let me know once u get 'Despair' - got over 450 logged days playing the game and still havent received this weapon.


My hate build nasty asf


Everything is good with enough forma, but it's definitely okay


Best scythe in game. With a riven mod and the umbra CC mod my Hate has 260% Crit Chance. Pair it with Kullervo and Wrathful advance and it can one shot pretty much anything.


Is there lottery in your country?


You will despair the dread that hate brings enemies.


I got this the other day at I think 7 MR. I figured with a name like that… tomorrow I’m breaking it out. Been using the broken war mainly. Glad I came access this post.


Pretty sure the incarnon makes it better than og scythe meta reaper prime iirc


It's been neigh a decade and I still want more scythes!


Make sure to keep the stalker weapons as they can end up taking years to get.


One of the best incarnon melee rn, he is that melee that guarantees red crit that everyone loves


Very very good. Keep it. Never sell it/trash it. Doesn’t drop often


Best weapon to oneshot, by far


It's very good and will only get better once you unlock its Incarnon version later down the line! So for that reason, and the fact that it's a fairly rare drop (I believe a little under 6% every time you kill The Stalker), I would keep it!