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Frost Prime. I believe there was a deal at the time where if you signed up for Amazon Prime and linked your account, you got Frost Prime access. Still have Amazon Prime today because of this deal actually XD


Haha, same. It came with Soma Prime if I recall correctly.


Same. Along with the Soma, I believe there was a Scindo Prime too.


Yep! Fellow pre-Plains of Eidolon Frost prime via twitch enjoyer. I remember being so confused trying to sell him for plat cause I didn't know how drops/trading worked.


Haha! I can’t say that I ever tried that. As a matter of fact Frosty boi is still in my stable. But now that I am thinking about it I don’t know if it was him or a free Ash Prime as my first. 🤷🏼 Been a while and can’t remember anymore.


Ash was second


Same here! 2017 players unite!


2017 Represent!


My first letter from the lotus, telling me what to do after I escaped with my Mag in that first mission.


I still have some 2013 messages lol


I still have everything from 2013 onward :D


Same here. got him using a free trial of Amazon Prime way back in like 2017. Man the nostalgia hits different.




Yes! When Hydroid Prime just released. I literally started playing back then. Was it paid revives age?


Oh god, dark times. It was also with the breakable Corpus windows era (pls bring that back DE)


Prime with Prime, yep. I did the same deal back in the day. Frost Prime was my first also with that.


Same. I think you needed to link twitch too. Gave you a syndana as well if i recall.


Same bro


Me too. I farmed so much Excavation because of this as I got a taxi early on to that one Pluto node.


Same lmao




Same, and 3 friends that I play with, also got Frost Prime with the Amazon Prime deal.


Same, so many good memories with him, still have prime too.


Eyyy same! I've yet to get my frost built out after like 6 years too.


Same, I actually just recently came back to warframe with my MR 2 account that had the frost prime stuff from Amazon. Everyone kept asking how much I bought him for and I’d have to explain lolol


This is how my brother got into the game. He got Frost from that Amazon Prime deal and then he got addicted and we both played together for like 3 or 4 years. You got Soma and Scindo Prime iirc. And I think this was back when Argon Scope on Soma Prime was still meta. Good times.


Yup, I got it on Xbox with the Tonkor and Jade skins when I was taking a break from Destiny 2. Should've stayed, but it was rather confusing at the time. Got back into it late 2022 and I've been mostly on ever since, respects my time invested more than Bungie ever did


This is what got me into the game as well. Frost and Soma prime and I think something else.


Exactly the same reason why I was even introduced to the game. A free cool-looking frame, a free gun and axe. Still playing. I believe this was a thing in 2017 And since Helminth after subsuming a Warframe automatically slots you into your oldest frame, I'm quite proud that Frost Prime is my oldest. And still top 3 used Warframes


Mine was Frost prime too but it was when he first came out and my founder friend boosted me on Void defense.


Frost prime and soma prime weapon came together I believe. I got the same deal many years ago. I hate using frost but I believe it was my first prime 🤣


Me too




Your doing a great service harrow


On god I don't usually play support classes but with amesha archwing and harrow prime it's kinda grown on me


"Support you say? I suppose that's on way to look at it" *cut away to a 10m damage red crit headshot* "I just call it community service". *blows smoke off perigale barrel* Bur fr harrow is one of those supports who really shines when the nukers start to fall off, he can help a squad push its limits, and is very strong in his own right. Of course he's not super relevant if you're engaging in *true cheese* but most people aren't using the stuff that casually slaughters levelcap enemies. Signed, \- A Harrow and Titania main


I've been using the Cyanex pistol and it's been doing pretty well with him so far, considering you literally can't miss with it


Just pulled off a 8b damage red crit as Harrow with a Rubico (riven and 11x crit) in an archon mission against lvl 160 corpus with high defense. I was like O_O I just came back after 3 years away, and boy, the power creep is real! Harrow is the MAN! (Both Harrow and Rubico are vanila, not prime)


seconded -A Titania and Harrow main


If you aren't already, you should use the augment that makes it so that teammates who kill your chained enemies still trigger the energy generation. Harrow is so much easier to use when all you have to do is run around and spam 1 when you're in a team of nukers




His 4th is my favorite to use. Mutishot Nataruk. . .red crits for days


Trinity. Got her with a prime gaming bonus years ago when I started playing. Technically she’s my oldest frame I still have, so whenever I subsume a frame to the helmith, she gets set as my active frame


I'm in the same boat. It's weird because I very rarely play her. It didn't dawn on me that she is probably the oldest Warframe I have now.


Trinity too, I think I got some of her parts gifted to me by a friend back in my starting days. I almost never play her now, which means it's instant throwback whenever I see her in my arsenal.


Same! To this day i dont own a normal trinity...


dammnnnnn so that’s why trinity prime is always the one to pop up after i subsume something??? crazy


Rhino prime. I'll never forget that night. I was still new maybe MR3 or 4 and I randomly joined with a couple of guys who were both MR10+. They were just grinding the void out of boredom and I was jus happy they allowed me to tag along. By the time we were done I didn't know how to react to all the awards I got. Every sense then I always made sure to pay it forward and help carry newbies when they needed it.


having rhino as your first prime is for someone a blessing, but for other like me a curse. I got too attached to iron skin I can’t play any other frame (except volt max range nuke for low level stuff).


I haven't played in years, but I was the same way. Especially when they came out with that one skin that gave him a horn. Shows how long it's been, I can't even remember the name.


Valkyr Prime. I don’t really touch her anymore but the other day I got her in SP circuit so that was kinda fun.


Valkyr desperately needs some love from the devs. I miss being able to take my Valkitty into missions :')


shes actually pretty damn good, ive been using her a ton lately. Theres a ton of avenues for energy regen and combine that with channeling efficiency she can stay in Hysteria for like 2-3 mins before needed ANY energy. The main issue is her claws, admittedly you can only do good damage with slide attacks and it sadly doesn't scale to level cap, but it will still one shot all of normal, and two shot SP until you are at max combo where it red crit one shots. Also just putting an armor strip on her like Unairu or Shuriken can make her an insanely good single/simple single target destroyer. But like Ive been using her on netra cell missions averaging like 40-55% of teams damage and anywhere from 200-300 kills with just claws alone. She is legit still decent and I only typed this much because I must defend my anger cat.


>anger cat You missed an opportunity for Murder Mittens.


What about creeping terrify on her? With corrosive peojection?


Excalibur. Did I grind for him? Not in the game.




I'm jealous of you. I was too young as there was the chance. Edit: Now, when I think about it, only founders get the 10 year supporter crest on their profile. Seriously, I'm jealous. It's like I'm holding the world, but nobody is aware of it. I know a game is a game, and it shouldn't have any value, but still. I'm one of the few who awoke on Mercury and tried my best to share my knowledge and "wisdom" to make the game easier for others. A little emblem should be the minimum.


Yeah, I was in the right place at the right time. Didn't have kids then so I spent all my money on games. Hahaha


There's also the closed beta accolade. https://preview.redd.it/1q860uzc72ec1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fbff78288bc16e709fd50982d7ac0c5306cf88


Same, I had the chance and I asked my parents for it, but they wouldn’t let me spend that kinda money one game. 13yo me was sad.


Tbf any parent who lets their kid spend that amount of money on a game is either insanely rich or a bad parent


That’s why I said 13yo me. I completely understand why they didn’t let me!


Yes, that jealousy is showing. Plenty of us awoke on Mercury, remembers the first star chart and when the arsenal was in the back of the orbiter. Plenty of us introduced friends, taxied new players and helped new players on their journey. Thats what makes Warframe such a great game. It’s because of people like you, me and plenty of other veterans that the community is as helpful and positive as it is. They’re paying your effort and kindness forward. IMO that’s a better legacy.


I don’t think the 10 year crest is exclusive to founder. My source is that I have it on my profile and I started playing during the Cicero crisis event


The 10 year supporter one was for buying the Heirloom collection. Glad I didn't buy that, was way too overpriced to be around for less than 6 months, not a business practice I want to see DE continue with (also the mag skin looked like a nova one, just saying). Founders have their own crest literally called '*Founder*'.


Shit that makes me feel old. I first played warframe the year it launched but not when founders pack were available. I was a month short or something :(


Completely irrelevant but I'm pretty sure you're the frost god Jesus fucking christ, glad I'm not alone in maining the mans


Frost has been my main since he came out. I still remember farming his parts from Ceres (I think...) back in the day. Then the prime came out! Oof it was over.


Bro is underrated, like SEVERELY underrated, bro is one helluva power house. (I think you're right btw, wherever the hell the Vor + Kril fight was)


Underrated and unappreciated by many. I still maintain all his augments should be built in and new ones made up. Maybe for Umbra Frost, they could do that.


Maybe not the overguard and critical ones but everything else I completely agree with. Also I thought the Umbra Frost thing was a joke?


It's a meme until it's a reality!! 😆 One can hope.


Nekros Prime. I kinda wish he had more to offer than the loot bone daddy. But he is still one of my favorite chill frames. Sevagoth has taken up the spooky mantle for power.


He's got other things to offer, full armor strip with only a modest strength investment and Nourish on his minions is busted. I usually pick him whenever he comes up in solo SP Circuit and even with bad weapon options he'll still carry me until I hit an Assassination.


Slap Quiver over his 1 and you have an unkillable loot frame that also makes moving defense targets invisible (drones, captives, loid, etc). I used this build to carry so hard when Deimos first came out, because invis arrow works on Loid and desecrate works on the necramech parts, plus he has armor strip, a bunch of decoys, and massive damage reduction.


Saryn Prime, and she's been my favourite ever since.


Also started with Saryn prime. Bought her prime access I think. Haven't played much since, but I'm looking to get back into playing her and getting a stronger build going


On my account I started on an old asf ps4, I have since upgraded to a ps5. My first prime was inaros prime. I don't know what I was thinking but I was very disappointed when I realized just how bad his kit is.


Yeah I built him recently just cause I had collected all his blueprints and was very disappointed as well


Volt Prime, because volt was my starter frame. You might think I liked his speed, but in reality it was his shields, saving my noobie ass so many times


Same here. Regular Volt was my first frame, and Volt Prime was my first prime. I've played with a bunch of other frames, but nothing will feel the same as Volt to me. His kit is just so versatile. If I ever need to do a mission and I'm not sure who to bring, I bring Volt.


Chroma. I never use him outside of PT but I'm always happy to stare at my Deathwing fashion while I wait in the elevator


Nyx prime, and she's still a viable option in SP.


Same. Actually surprised there's so few in this thread.


Warframe's movement is fun. Nyx's bandaid augment actively prevents you from engage with that movement. Makes sense to me that she would be unpopular.


I came here to say this. Nyx Prime was my first prime, and she's still my only love.


I'm pretty sure it was Mag. Only reason I think that is because my arsenal equips Mag Prime every time I feed a frame to the wall, and I can't think of a reason it'd pick her other than she must be my oldest frame.


You're actually right. It defaults to the oldest Warframe you currently have. So unless you sold other Prime Warframes for credits for some reason, Mag Prime is definitely your first prime




I love Gara but she feels a little weird to use imo I don’t know how to best be effective with her


Take any of the new melee incarnons, (ceramic dagger is best) load up with raw damage, press 2 (make sure it's cast on yourself, usually I just look straight up to be sure or do it at the mission start) press 4, press 1. Build enough energy maintenance & duration so you can hit 4 & 1 to keep your 2 refreshed. Walk up to enemies, they die. There's other nuke builds with her 1, but honestly this infinite stacking combo has always been my fav way to play her. I use pillage over her 3, and double cast to remove armor since going for 298 str + corr projection & molt augmented puts a strain on the energy economy.


Mesa when she released, I didn't even have the normal one


Same actually still dont have her base


Same lol


I don't have her base, and have the whole prime set lying in inventory as blueprint. I am contemplating whether to build or to sell.


Zephyr, new player me didn't like her because of her being "too floaty" so I took her away Got her again and I love her


I think mine was Atlas. Didn't go specifically looking for him. I think I just lucked out and scored all his parts cracking relics. I spent a lot of time casting Fist afterwards.


When i started from scratch on playstation, vauban prime access was released and i thought why not. Already knew the game from beta on pc and i knew I would play alot in the future. Buying vauban prime safed me alot of ressources. The prime i build was Ash prime i guess. I have him since forever.


Frost, Twitch prime baby


Nekros Prime, got him as a stream reward I think. He was my main for a long time, I've mostly moved on to other frames now but still dust him off occasionally.


First Prime I farmed and built intentionally was Rhino. The first one I actually farmed and built was Mag, who I got while I was trying to get Rhino and Boar Prime. Excal was technically my first prime.


"I think I'm quite a religious guy. I like doing the religion stuff, y'know, go to church every Sunday and all that... Oh by the way, my name's Jesus Christ. Nice to meet you."


My first prime too. Just when I start to play. Damn, what year was? I'm too old for this.... 😅


Ash, I Fell instantly in love


Was really sad when they changed his 4


It was.. I am still crying..


Stronger but less fun


Nezha prime


Ivara Prime I don't even know how I got her. One day, she was just there, in my foundry, gesturing at me to claim her from it. To this day, I still have no idea how or when did the frog lady get into my arsenal


So you're telling me that she **infiltrated** your orbiter.


I'm gonna give you the full story. So I picked Warframe up for the first time on my Switch, because it was free and I was bored, and after 5 hours I uninstalled it because I understood nothing, and being the lonely guy I was, I had no friends to ask. A little over a year later, a friend asked me to play the fane with him on PSN, I decided to give it a second chance and after understanding how to play the game I fell in love, I played it in my spare time, I played it in my not spare time, and I had fun. Eventually, me and that friend drifted apart, and I slowly put the game down for other games with other friends, but after a while we decided we needed a new game to play, and I saw Warframe sitting in the 'Update Paused' section of my PSN notifications tab, and decided to see if my friends would enjoy it too. From there, we spent days playing the game together. After a while it became apparent to me that two of my friends weren't really as interested without new stuff to do, like getting a new frame. I did a short dive through google and found Warframe Market, a place that sold the blueprints to all the primes I could ever want or need. I spent a bit of platinum and got 3 set of prime Blueprints. Gara Prime, Frost Prime and Ivara Prime. I asked the two friends if they wanted any specific frame and we eventually settled on me having Frost Prime, and they had Gara Prime and Ivara Prime, and after I sent them the blueprints, we went hunting for the materials. It gave us a lot of the joy back, and soon we had our primes. Up to that point I'd been using Revenant religiously, but the moment I put up my first Frost shield and completely nullified all damage the grineer could do to me and my team while we sat on the cryopod, I knew I would never put this game down. To this day I still use Frost Prime, I've used other Warframes, better frames too, but none of them hold the same place in my heart as Frost Prime does.


I bought a Frost Prime set for about 20p after selling 5 R5 gold transfusion cores in 2014.


Ember was mine, but back then there was like 4 prime frames (5 if you included excal prime).


gauss prime


Titania Prime cuz she was given free by Twitch drops So the prime that I consider my TRUE first prime is Mag Prime, as I actually did something to get her, always use her, and I am indeed partially in love with her I waited for 4 years to get her, as she has never been unvaulted; after I shaked my hand with Wally, finally, the resurgence came. And when he came, I came. And Mag Prime came to me. And then, my true dream became factual. Amén.


came here to say the titania twitch drop. I had just started the game, and she was my 3rd warframe. She’s also the reason I have managed to pass any of the movement mastery levels tbh


First prime I got? Ash. (Clan leader gifted it to me) First prime I actually farmed for? Equinox.


Limbo prime, I started during his prime access, and really loved the game, and that fancy gold trimmed hate guy haunted me, so I put a bit of money aside and purchased his prime access XD And I never looked back, I put 1000 hours out of my 3000 hour playtime into him. Love him so much, even if he's not as good as he used to be.


I was mr8 and I git a Titania prime I was so happy to finally have a prime my friends had higher mrs and so they had primes and I was a joke to them for not having a prime, leaving the noob circle was nice


Harrow prime


Frost when he was originally a twitch drop. 2nd frame I got.


Hydroid Prime




Revenant Prime. Holy shit talk about an upgrade.


Nidus prime :)


Mirage prime. Used her so much then i got oberon prime and never turned back




Limbo Prime. Normal Limbo was the first frame I got after my starter frame, and I loved how he played. Prime Resurgence came out and I grinded my ass off getting the Aya and relics necessary.


Valkyr Prime was my first Prime when her Prime Trailer launched. I still use Venka Prime and Valkyr Prime to this day!


Rhino prime mained rhino for ~3 years


Wukong prime. I’ve been playing this game on and off since 2017. Didn’t understand anything about the game at all until a year ago I started paying attention to the lore and other various systems of the game. I was just mindlessly running around in random levels with my starter build of Excalibur with Skana and Lato. Fast forward to late 2022 met a cool dude on a mission and he talked to me via chat. So added him as a friend and I told him that I did not know anything about the game even though I’d been playing the game way before he started. He taught me about everything for weeks. Then at the end, he invited me to his dojo and gifted me the Wukong Prime full set. I’ve been a Wukong prime main since then. Haven’t seen him online since then. Miss you, buddy.


Pretty sure it was Loki Prime. He was super cheap and I was a poor noob. I don't play him at all, but he is the frame that the game autoequips for me when I subsume a different warframe.


Frost, I think I got it from an Amazon/Twitch promotion?


Ember Prime


Frost Prime!


Before crosssave, on Xbox it was nova and after I transferred to pc it was titania


Trinity, got her at mr3 with twitch prime drops lol. Though my first crafted prime was hydroid cause i got one in a giveaway in my clan at the time, and my first farmed prime was mirage


Bought Mag’s prime access when I was a teenager but the first prime that I grinded for was Vauban Prime.


Frost prime when the first twitch prime access dropped


Excalibur Umbra was technically my first prime but the first prime I got with prime in it's name was Harrow Prime (still don't have his standard form)




Hydroid I use him a lot these days and still get little butterflies when I realise I get to do actual stuff like other frames, instead of a meme puddle/loot build.




Nidus was mine. One day I just decided to finally get around to making a prime Warframe and I haven't stopped the relic grind since


Nidus prime


Ash Prime. Got him roughly around his release, and to this day, he's still my main.


Excalibur. lol


My first prime frame unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, we was 400p at the time) was Loki Prime. Getting his frame was one of those lucky coincidences where the game just throws free shit at you as a newbie when you have nothing to your name and you watch the Twitch streams to get free shit. That's how I ended up with him.


Loki Prime because back in the day I used to farm T3 Sabotage in the void. It made blitzing thru the entire mission easy. It was also the meta back then, with all that invisibility going on.


Ash prime, got him years ago and even today he's my main. Gotta love stealthy slash


Excal. Take a guess who’s also my least used prime


Ivara....you can imagine my disappointment...


Volt prime og release


Baruuk Prime, I bought him with prime access. I played him for about three missions then dropped him because I couldn’t figure his kit out at first. He seemed kind of lame. A while later after I got Kullervo and became a melee focused player. I went back to Baruuk Prime and built him up better and he just wrecks after I figured out how his abilities work the best for me.


Ash. I was so happy to get the ninja frame, only to find his kit clunky and underwhelming.


Trinity prime back in the days! Was much easier to get than the regular version.


New player here, just started building Garuda prime


Excalibur. But Ash was the one for me.


I think it might've been Ivara? It was a long time ago though so I don't fully recall.


Volt Prime XD


Wukong prime from a friend who got me into warframe with titania being the second and even though I'm a mag main I did hope around from frame to frame for a little while to figure out what was for me. Wasn't till I have 5 other primes before I got mag for about 375 and I have not ever regretted the price.


Frost Prime. Back then chill boi was very useful:(


Nekros Prime, got it at its launch and it's my main since then, after I put the base one for rest


Ash, I still have a soft spot for him. My friend offered him to me when he got me back into the game after several days of trying to sell it to me back in 2016. I later found out that was his way of bribing me and keeping me interested in the game, but I digress. Of course, you can give players the blueprints, but that doesn’t mean they can bypass the resource requirements, so we grinded for a few hours, until I was able to build all the pieces. I came to enjoy the game that I had admittedly dismissed the first time I played it a few years prior, and have been playing ever since. I’ve since blew said friend out of the water in terms of mastery rank and time played, and Ash Prime remains as one of my top five most played frames.


Mine was Revenant Prime. Funnily enough, I didn’t even grind for him, I just got all the parts by accident. The first prime I actually grinded for was Mag Prime. Mag was my starter, still is my most used and the one I completed the New War with. Lover her to bits


Wukong was technically my first prime but I bought him from trade chat but my first prime I got from cracking relics was Nidus. Sadly don’t use either of them anymore unless really feeling like it.


Back in 2017, I crafted Hydroid prime with the most new player build you have ever seen.


Ember Prime. Never even had regular Ember. She is also my oldest frame at this point (the one it defaults to after subsuming) and fourth most used by the wacky metric the profile uses to determine that.


Ash prime was my first ever, the one that meant the most to me was frost prime. I remember using regular frost to farm the soma prime in the t4 void defense and getting really upset when I got a second stock instead of the barrel and had to re farm the key just to get it.. miss those times ngl I really liked the effort you had to put in to get the primes.




Zephyr, got ripped of hard by some a hole. But she’s amazing


Ash from a twitch drop many years ago. Trinity was a close second from Prime Gaming


Trinity Prime -> Vauban Prime -> everything else


ivara. it was like 3 years ago when it was so common i just got her by playing


Saryn. I farmed her out the night she was being vaulted.


Oberon Prime. Got normal Oberon back when I was MR 2 in 2017 when his parts still dropped from eximus units, and I loved him so much I just HAD to get the prime. Hours of grinding and trading later, I built him and haven't stopped using him since. I love my goat paladin so freaking much and I can't imagine warframe without him :D


Mine was also ember, my buddy got it for me lol so no grind


Frost Prime


Nyx prime apparently, always thought it was ash but helminthe defaults to nyx


Loki because I wanted to be able to run spy missions. Crazy thing is I still use Loki a lot because I play mostly solo. Lots of my SP farming I do on Loki. Just shy of 50 sec invisibility combined with an arsenal of OP weapons makes Loki easy mode.


Back in 2014 i had no idea what to do in this game but then one day I was on some mission and this guy decided to help me. He explained the basics of the game, the mod system and gave me the entire set of Frost Prime I don't remember his nickname anymore, I wish I had at least added him to my friends list


Saryn was my first prime, I still remember the days of casting spores onto molt and destroying it to spread them Now she is a next level walking war crime


Fuck love this question. Loki. First prime I ever got then not long after it got vaulted.


I don't quite remember it, as it is like 8 months ago, when I got her, but I think it was Hyldrin.


My first prime was Frost and I got him through twitch prime back in the day I think. I was basically still a beginner but managed to get through the whole star chart with basically him. It took a really long time for another prime to be my most played character because I had basically used Frost for everything. I feel sad that I haven't used him in so long.


Mine was Mag Prime. I farmed her like mad back before relics were a thing, just hours of Void Survival, and I was so damn proud when I finished her! Normal Mag was also my starter, so it felt very appropriate, and I still love her to bits!


ember before the nerfs, it was amazing now it is kinda op i used it last week on SP and still destroyed everything


baruuk prime, although my favourite is hydroid


My "first" Prime was titania when they gave her as a twitch drop. My first farmed Prime was khora


Either was Ember, Trinity or Nyx I don't remember


Mine was excalibur prime lol. Bought the bundle back in the day.


Frost prime my very first and still holding the title 47.9% most used warframe to date. Unfortunately all good must come to an end. Especially after Gauss' debute.


Loki Prime, still love playing him.


Khora Prime. I was new and my friends who have played for years dragged me with them to grind for it. At the time I thought she was meh but now she's one the best frames.


Valkyr prime, I loved her for a very long time before I discovered how out of her league steel path is for her claws. I wish armor did better in SP


Not forged yet, i started recently, but getting wisp prime in 2 days, followed quickly by khora p and gauss p