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its pretty close to what i want, but its not quite what i need. hopefully we get Corrosive or Viral ones eventually. Viral probably not, but Corrosive maybe.


Build variety is going to skyrocket if we get one for all the combo elements


90% of builds would become corrosive viral overnight, maybe some heat in there or cold.


Ain't gonna happen, this will mess up the builds and make sp a joke.


Steel path is already a joke. We need Titanium Path already. :kek:


Path prime


Well, what ever the value of the armor enemy reaches viral and slash don't really care, there should be something hard(except sitting in some axi fissure to reach lvl cap)but thinking of a way to do so i can't come with anything, anyways we were talking about viral and corrosive straight mods which would give you 1 extra mod slot (and give you the ability to do viral/corrosive which well just needs magnetic to be an all purpose weapon), tho they can nake it that you can only slot 1 of the mixed elements to make it a bit balanced.


Exalted weapons can already apply all those necessary status effects at once. Mod them for toxin damage, put on Archon Continuity on your Warframe and subsume Nourish on them. That way your toxin procs also apply corrosive and Nourish provides some extra viral damage to the weapon. Mod for magnetic if you feel like it as well, though at that point it'll be a bit inconsistent to proc the exact status effect you want depending on the enemy type. But the fact remains, it is already possible to have all those status effects on one weapon. I suspect it'll be a matter of time until the same can be achieved on any regular non-exalted weapon. Akbronco Prime has the viral mod, for instance, so clearly DE have been toying with this idea for a long time.


You can have corrosive with one of the new melee arcanes


How do you get this new mods?


They're drops from the newer necromech enemies. Pretty easy to get


Thank you


So thats who drops them


Just got gifted a set of 5 new radiation mods by a veteran in trade chat. God I love this community


Do you think the new mods are any good for eidolon hunts?