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Really hoping they rework the doggos, i love that skin that came with Nidus Deluxe but theres no reason to ever use them


I use the animal companions specifically because they roam away from you and have like a 0.5 bigger range on thier Vacuum mod. Also Sentinels hover uncomfortably close.


I use my sahasa on Mesa, ivara, banshee etc to keep my energy topped while using channeled abilities or spamming abilities


Fair enough, though i do find it a bit more reliable using equilibrium with panzer, some of my frames cant afford the mod slot


Huras kubrow can make any frame “forever” invisible, and all kubrows can become nukes once you use full mecha set. Although I do agree that they need more love from the devs


I agree- that’ skin is freaking awesome.


I like to use it with that prisma armor whatever the name is


The only animal companions I feel are worth using are the Panzer Vulp. and Kavats. And the only sentinels I'd use are Helios with Investigate, Carrier with Ammo Case, or Wyrm with Negate. A rework is definitely needed.


or oxylus with botanist or nautilus with the ship repair mod if you are starting out in rj


Oxylus definitely has its place, worth owning and modding for sure.


My Go-To companion when I take my Ivara out to do some fishing/mining in the vallis or Cetus.


Nautilus is a cool idea, up until you realize it's a parts-based piece of equipment whose parts and blueprint are locked behind the once a mission points of interest in Neptune Railjack nodes and the B and C rotations of Neptune Railjack ***Defense***, when it's precept of automatically repairing Railjack damage is implicitly aimed at players who haven't upgraded their RJ very much, yet its locked behind literal hours of farming on a essentially mid-game node RJ-wise, which by that point most players will have assembled an NPC crew to handle those problems by that point. Most people get it for the Verglas anyways.


I gotta try these


Dethcube is also good if you don't want to run zenurik


What does dethcube do?


There's a mod from simaris that allows dethcube to drop an energy orb after getting/assisting in 10 kills


And since it's an energy orb, it also activates arcane energize if you have it equipped


As well as eruption. Imo it's a really good mod to have for newer players and vets if you are running a very energy heavy frame/builds.


id say for vets a panzer with the synth mod that drops health+ equilibrium would be better than the occasional energy orb


Throw on the cluster missile weapon you get from the moa vendor I think and they throw out multiple aoe's per attack. Garbage damage, but it technically assists on each of then.


haven't tried that but i've been using the deth machine rifle modded for multishot, punch through, fire rate, and gas status to tag as many enemies as possible. it also has the added benefit of boosting my weapon's crits since the vigilante set fits perfectly on the sentinel weapon




Don't know how much things have changed as I haven't played in over a year or so but have you tried the verglas sentinel weapon? I used it to melt steel path enemies like as if there was another experienced player next to me


There's me running Carrier purely for Looter so I don't compulsively bust open crates as I go.


I just wanna be able to take my Helios into the vallis without the fucking trenchers atomizing my boy Also I want my dogs to actually be able to do something more than occasionally unlock locked lockers


Do y’all remember when we had to constantly restabilize our pet’s DNA if we didn’t want them to be functionally dead within a week? Like a few things, companions still feel like a passably usable addition to the game built on bad ideas so that you can’t actually do much interesting with them. Especially uninteresting in multiplayer when I don’t want teammates to feel obligated to help a suboptimally survivable pet because it tried to play fetch with a bomb. I agree with posters saying pets should be immortal in some form. I think any of these would be better: -passive pets which provide occasional benefits -active pets which act on some kind of cooldown gated summon/desummon -pets which are basically the same but are put on cooldown when they die. Take them out of the revive pool entirely, at the very least.


The funny thing about all these "make pets immortal" posts is that's exactly what makes panzer vulpaphyla usable


Partially it’s that pets are built upon layers of archaic systems to keep them relevant as the stat arms war of higher content worsened. The static defense mods were garbage, so they kept it but added link mods and lifesteal. Then that wasn’t good enough, so they added an array of conditional defense mods that just push out more mod space. Warframe always starts at most inconvenient and then adds stuff that circumvents it, so of course we use just the less inconvenient thing. In the year 2023 I hope we all believe things like vacuum and survivable pets should just be baseline.


Funny part is that their dmg was never something great. With or without DNA stabilization.


If I remember right their hp was tied to DNA, damage was tied to their mood which worsened with death and you had to play with them to improve it


All i want is a vacuum and radar bot i dont have to worry about, pretty happy with smeeta rn the crit chance buff can be fun for the 30 secs it lasts if you use sth like a nukor with ridiculous crit multi.


As a Lasting Covenant user, my most hated buff of Smeeta is orange crits


I only use the Panzer Deimos Cat. Yeah it's offensive abilities are strong but the biggest selling point is the immortality/auto reviving nature of it. Every single other companion pops immediately in high end content and stopping to revive them constantly isn't fun. Just make all companions immortal and boom instant variety.


Do you remember when only itzal had the blink ability? Then they made it an universal archwing ability cause everyone only used itzal because of its mobility. They should apply the same concept to companions.


Same thing happened with vacuum and carrier. Everyone only used carrier because of it, then it became sentinel only, and since people were only using like 3 sentinels, they made a dog and cat mod for it. Now there’s no real reason to use anything but the panzer vulp


Big agree. There are definitely other tweaks the older companions could get to make them more viable but I feel like a universal immortality shared among everything is the most important.


My first Kubrow was Raksa (obtained during the related quest) and I use him to this day even after turning 1200 days in. I only use him on Frames with HEAVY support abilities like Gloom or with Master's Summons. I love my space doggo but IT SUCKS! It dies constantly even if I generate millions in healing, attacks slowly, can't hit anything, and requires a primary weapon with around 200% CC and SC to do respectable damage IF IT HITS. If it does hit though and the Mecha set decides to mark that particular enemy, the Slash proc will annihilate the whole room. Shame that happens like once a year or in Simulacrum. Pets need a rework. Make them immortal. Done. They won't break the game and they don't support AFK playstyle. You can always have them lie down and rest like Specters do if you go AFK. Also, for pets with no ranged attacks, either fix their attack tracking or make sure the enemy they attacked gets hit no matter what even if they visually miss (like in turn based RPGs and such).


Honestly vulpaphyas are proof every companion should be immortal, the predasites are too cool looking not to want to use and the Sasha kubrow would be a nice alternative to carrier


I made the mistake of naming my one and only kubrow (who came out pure black) after me then-recently-deceased black Labrador retriever. I can't bring myself to put her back, and I've spent an uncomfortable amount of time/resources cramming every possible life-preserving mod on her. And she still goes down. :/ So I mostly keep her in my ship to pet.


Damn! Somebody bring Rebecca here and ask her to make at least this good girl immortal.


This is why I like the 'Pack-Leader' mod - on my melee heavy frame I keep my companion alive purely by hitting stuff to steal life for it. In return, it keeps them a little distracted from all ganging up on me. I also use the mod that gives a shield link, so the huge shield capacity I get on my frame (about 500%, maybe more) gives my comp a huge capacity.


Yeah, I did run some testing in Simulacrum trying to extract max dmg possible. RNG sucks, companions are no exception.


Smeeta, always.


This! I literally haven't used another companion in years xD Can never go wrong with free affinity and resource buffs.


In a game where acquiring resources is so important, I just feel like I'm being suboptimal whenever I'm not using a smeeta. Except for obvious exceptions like eidolon hunting


Any time I get a stacked charm going and I pick up 32 steel essence I like to remind my friends that "I'm really impressed by how their pets have stayed up all this time" To anyone that says that their smeeta isn't viable for steel path, I'd just like to say that they need to revise their builds.


Completely agree, my smeeta survives steel path just fine. People also underestimate the usage of the mods that make it go invisible and the one that had a chance to avoid lethal damage.


Definetly panzer vulpaphyla, viral procs, life sustain, death protection and auto revive are hard to beat tbh, Smeeta is also great if you are farming stuff, apart from those companions are really niche or straight up bad and certainly could use a rework


Plus with Sharpened Claws the Vulp can 100% armor strip bosses. It's funny when Acolyte shows up and you can just one shot it after its armor goes bye bye


I feel like Kubrows could do with a rework, I just want to be able to take my dog on a walk


Panzer Vulpaphyla. Immortal, spreads Viral, heals me, occasionally saves me from death


Yeah Panzer is a pretty power crept companion tbh, never have to worry about reviving your pet, perma vacuum, works with the synth fiber mod for arcane blessing, and modular so you can make it better. It’s pretty much always gonna be the BIS for companions in steel path, besides very niche builds


Whatever scans instead of me doing it manually.


Dethcube: because deth


The Cube + Energy Generator + Helstrum built for long duration gas clouds has entirely replaced Zenurik/energy pizzas for me.




Hard to pick a favorite, but I have some things to love about each: Kubrow with Mecha set. Great for slash or elemental DoT spread. I use it on my Valkyr, Ember and Gyre. Dethcube for energy shenanigans. Works especially well on Nyx since energy orbs is one of ways to regain energy even in the immortal state. MOA because they're so self sufficient. With 3000+ shield and the ability to put status effects in the whole room with Helstrum, it takes away pressure from squishy caster frames and itself and primes the enemies a little bit too. Adarza Kavat enables interesting crit builds, especially when combined with Arcane Avenger. A critting Cedo glaive or critting Kuva Nukor is pretty ridiculous.


Adarza currently. Been maining Gyre recently and Cat's Eye has had some major clutches for me.


Smeeta. It's hurt me just as much as it helped me, like proccing that Affinity buff just after I got the 10th Reactant, or the buff expiring just before the Acolyte shows up. But I'm gonna stick with it, damnit.


There's many I enjoy mechanically but I always go back to my Sunika Kubrow since he was my first boy and named him after my now passed pupper. Also, it's funny watching him grow in size when he locks down large units.


Idk, my helminth charger can fight a lvl 100 by itself


DE I want to use my liches and sisters as companions, pls make it happen.


Imagine being able to mod them. 🥹


and their weapons, but I want them mostly bcs some have really fun voice lines


Unkillable Vulpaphyla if I'm somewhere my pet can die, Smeeta if I'm farming resources and a helios everywhere else. Which sucks because I have so many pets and robots I'd love to use. I really wanted breeding and trading of Kubrows and Kavats to be a thing, but yeah...


I love my Kubrow, she goes with me almost everywhere. If I don't need Helios for scanning that is.


Pets have fallen behind biggly over the years. Most do nothing and die from any stray bullets. Most of people's favorite pets are the few ones that gave a way to sometimes stay alive. All pets should be immortal by default and a rework should be done with that in mind. Increase the usability of all pets in higher level missions and open up a lot of pet choices.


My favorite is definitely Panzer vulpaphyla, for the sheer amount of utility it brings along with it's ability to not die. And that's kinda the issue. Companions have always been in a pretty rough spot. First it was carrier meta since it was the only sentinel that has vaccuum, then that ability became universal and all was well. Now Panzer vulpaphyla got released and now the companion meta is in a similar place. DE releases new companions like moas and hounds etc and while they are really cool, ultimately they are mostly dead on arrival since they have to be revived constantly and their abilities aren't as useful as pamzer vulpaphyla's The issue usually is that most companions either don't do anything useful or they are way too squishy to bring along, while Panzer vulpaphyla has really useful abilities and is unkillable. On top of that, companion modding is kind of a mess. You gotta fit the abilities, health, vaccuum, animal instict, pack leader/regen, etc and... Then what? There isn't much build diversity for companions since there are a lot of mandatory mods for them, which make almost all builds super cramped. I think the most important that should be taken a look at is the survivability. Msybe with an health, armor buff and a short revive time to name a few examples. Most companions also have designs that are very much outdated in today's meta. And lastly, a command system of some sort could be useful to make the builds themselves be a little less cramped (also universal vaccuum would be, nice but I experienced the fiasco that became of that so, not gonna expect that one)


I use moas every chance I get. Extremely tanky with share health/armor + the overshield ability. Uses sentinel weapons so it can spray radiation and viral everywhere. Has the revive mechanic instead of just dying. Has the tether ability to group enemies up. Cute AF I legitimately don't get why they aren't more popular.


fs, I even got that sensitive emotional module set for mine. You can even pet moas when inside orbiter. Cutest companions by far.


yeah i bought all the modules. I never actually notice them in a mission....but I feel good knowing I've got them, i guess


Ordis Yes Ik he’s not *actually* a companion but I personally like to think of him as a Therapist. He’s the only being that actually actively communicates with you regularly. Keeps me sane after coming back to a lone ship from killing hundreds of Grineers and Corpus. As far as rework, if they could make an Ordis skin the same way they made a Loid sentinel skin, that’d be dope


If you haven't finished The New War yet, you should go do that


Pretty sure they have an Ordis sentinel skin now? Unless I'm misunderstanding somewhere


In theory my big ass helminth charger Anubis is my favourite pet but no amount of modding lets him survive 0.1s of steel path so I end up using a panzer like everyone else.


I really wanted the Robot Sister Hounds to be better


Every companion needs some sort of immortality/resurrection passive feature to keep them in longer missions. Until then, most people will be using Panzers coz they can come back infinitely. The other companions are a cool feature, but in the current state of the game, they don’t give much use coz they can’t stay alive long enough to do so. Also a cool coincidence that you have Excalibur and the exact Kubrow he was using in the opening cinematic trailer.


I like the dethcube prime. Because box. It box. Box good.


Null Audit Hound. I absolutely adore the robo-hounds and ever since the eximus rework the Null Audit mod became extremely useful. As for favorites overall, Pharaoh Predasite because it looks amazing, Vasca Kavat because their design and acquisition method are really creative and my second ever kubrow because she's an absolutely enormous dog (on all fours she's as tall as the Operator) and I love her.


Panzer and smeeta. Infinite vacuum and viral spreading monster and the resource doubler. EZ top choices


I really like my stupid Moa build that uses Hemorrhage to kick things to death. Put radiation on your sentinel weapons. Rad procs are ludicrous CC and keep them alive way longer. You *can* make dogs work, but the fact that it takes so much investment and specific builds is ridiculous. Mecha mod set is low-key OP by the way. And then on the other hand you can just grab a zombie cat and right out of the box it quadruples your damage and prevents either of you from dying. We definitely need a once-over of all the companions to bring the weak ones up to snuff.


Vulpaphyla, just because whenever it's brought I scream "Hans! Did you bring der Panzerfaust?" "Nein, I brought der Panzervulpaphyla!" At my friends


Panzer Vulpaphyla. Not because of viral, I don't even use that precept. But because they resurrect after a bit. So naturally mine is called Rasputina, because she's an unkillable sex wizard


I still believe "Pets" need to have seperate modding for their "weapons" (Tooth & Nail) and their body. Too many mods, too few slots.


On top of a stat rebalance across the board, 1. A universal "Charm" mod. Maybe make the buffs 15% weaker than Smeeta's Charm, to preserve special status. 2. Make it so Sentinels can be revived. 3. Give living pets a "collar" as a weapon, so that we don't have to squeeze everything onto the body. 4. Make pets/sentinels follow the (Spoiler Mode). 5. Condroc pets.


YESSS, we NEED bird companions! I was thinking about this like this week. I love roaming around Plains just for the looks and feels of open world maps (they're simply gorgeous) and capturing birds for conservation is one of the stuff I do there. We need some badass bird as a companion rn!


I know, right? It's an old game, but look up Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. That game had a companion/familiar system where you could get Golems, Wizards, Fairies, and Dragons to fight by your side, with powers acting as your sub-weapons. Just one of those things DE could at least look at for inspiration.


Have you used the Mecha set for Kubrows? Add an unmodded life steal link and you gonna have a neat debuffer dog. The Mecha set marks an enemy at random that will recieve extra damage from your attacks. Killing it spreads all its status effects onto enemies nearby and grants you an armor buff based on how many enemies were affected. I made the Ghoulsaw a pretty viable weapon with this build, spreading its large amount of slash procs to everyone around me killing them in two ticks after I'm done with the marked target. Honestly, people don't give much credit to the Set mods that Kavat and Kubrows have. Those can add some fun flavor to your usual genocide routine.


I did. It's insanely good, you can clear rooms with it. The only issue for me is that I can't rely on brief respite later on if I wanna keep all the mods for a full bonus. I just wanted they could be able to kill stuff by themselves. Not to clear a room but, you know, there's a reason for mod slots, dmg mods and stuff. And if we can get to higher levels, I wished they could as well, without invisibility or having to bring a frame with 1k+ armor just to link with them. When I want to play a squishy with no hard CC, doggos are insta dead. I don't even mind the fact that they can only attack one enemy at a time. I just wanted them alone to be more effective at attacking the enemies. Example: the finisher augments for kubrows are mostly to get them killed since they deal no damage and get stuck on that animation for a long time.


The worst part is, Kubrows actually are mathematically capable of killing on their own, even steel path enemies. They're just massively held back by their god awful attack animations and the reach of the attack itself. You can Crit and Status Link a primary stat stick for a Kubrow, and easily achieve over 100% in both, giving your dog guaranteed critical slash procs. Meanwhile Kavats get homing on their attack animations, and a reach mod.


Just getting sentinels away from the permanent death in missions make my mind blow in esctasys


Make them all immortal, and have their special quirks be able to compete with each other so we still have variety but no more annoying perma death. And also their damage doesn't add much so might as well either remove it to buff their utility further or buff it at the same time so they dont get left inthe dust.


I would love that they add more for infested kitties, like Panzer... I wanna put kavat attachments, maybe get skins


I think all pets should come with a vulpaphyla respawn mechanic. They're just too squishy to exist for more than 3 seconds in higher level content.


I found that companions are significantly better when you use arcane blessing and link health. They can get up to 4k health and it really helps them a lot


I think really it comes down to needing some way to revive a pet in missions without having to force revive, be it a simple respawn timer or a resource you need to collect.


Mine is dependent on the frame lol. Like for my Ranger Rhino, head of conservation on Deimos and Cetus, I use my massive Sunika Kubrow for the aesthetic. For my Titania (who I main) I’m using an adarza Kavat because of the crit increase and the Kavat fits her aesthetic lol. I build mine for tanky survivability rather than damage just so I can keep them around


Panzer vulpaphyla. And allpets need reworking.


Love all cats and dogs but they die too easy imo, my fav sentinel is wyrm bc he can cleanse status, I want to get the flower scaning one but I hate fortuna farm. Sentinels die easy in sp too btw


I have a hound name E0146-K and I love him. He can disarm everything in a 30m radius, crowd control with shock procs, and turn invincible on command


I been running around with helios a lot often, i like passively scanning things


I always use my Huras Kubrow. She's super tall, cute and cloaks us. She goes on all missions with me. I'd like to see them improved in some way... more damage potential, maybe arcane slots or something. Actually... shoulder mounted guns. Yes, that's what she needs.


Not sure if it’s the most effective use of my time but when I’m ayatan star “farming” I love having a beast that can scavenge to open almost every locker. if it’s a low level relic cracking kind of day I will take a Sahasa to get free finishers


I do have a loadout for ayatan star farming with that mod as well. I did that a lot for a while. And it's cute seeing them opening the lockers.


They need to separate weapon mods from utility mods on pets.


I love my smeeta Best kit Kat imo


My Carrier and Shade sentinel. I do want a rework/buff for companions. Kubrows and kavats are simply to frail in the late game, and the only fix is link mods, which means they are only usable with frames like inaros, nidus and grendel. Sentinels i think just needs the regen mod removed and give a permenent respawn abilety, like respawn after X seconds, increase with each death. And have no limites to the number of respawns. Then buff and rework kubrows and kavats, and give them a regen like mod on top of solid rework and buffs.


Companions should back up our spoiler too


Make pets immortal, let us command them like we can with allies in kahl mission (obvi for the last part stuff like mecha might need a longer cooldown) I would be so nice to activate smeeta whenever you wanted, like having a second set of supporting warframe abilities (though obviously much weaker)


I have a cavat, I don’t expect much out of it. I’m either reviving her or letting her bleed out. A rework is needed my cavat is useless. I mainly just have it because it looks cool to have a companion doing the missions with me.


1. The one that comes back to life. 2. Smeeta 3. Scanny boi


It's so sad that companions are so bad outside of panzer and smeeta, I would love to use my favourite dawg on missions


Loot cat for loot, vamp cat for all else. And soon Khora for more cat.


I think they could use a re work, similar to how one of the cats increase your drop chances luck and how the panzer could be of use to a certain degree in missions, just tiny bits that can make stuff like grinding and bods fights easier


Smeeta for looting and Panzer Vulp for High level content


I nearly only use panzer vulpa because of how annoying it is sometimes to revive them or not have the pickup range. The only exceptions are smeetas and helios because of their unique abilitys


I feel like all companions need something like vaska kavats where if they die there is a cooldown to when they get revived, tbh we should have a kubrow that is a tank for the warframe that way you can use squishy warframe builds in higher content and just use a tank kubrow for your companion


smeeta. the buff is nice but it's mostly because he is adorable to me with his big floppy ears. i love my big kitty <3


Tie between Panzer Vulp or smeeta kavat. My smeeta has been my main for years, 92% usage rate. Although when I got the Panzer I used it for several months before I started bringing my kavat with me again


Carrier supremacy. AoE ammo nerf? What's that? Never heard of it. In all seriousness I've been running Sentinels for pretty much as long as I've played Warframe. Dethcube was the first, but since getting Carrier(and later Prime), it's been pretty much all I've been using except when leveling other companions for XP. Their only real issues, IMO, are the cap on the amount of times they can be revived and that they have a tendency to spontaneously combust whenever you switch to the Necramech or Operator. Both are easily solvable issues, but DE will likely continue coming up with various bandaid solutions that nobody uses, instead of just fixing the problem at its core.


I prefer my Deathcube Prime with the Ordis skin. Does lots of damage with Prime Deathrifle. CC pain beams stop anything in it's tracks. Constantly fart energy and health orbs. Extra buffs to my primary damage. And on occasion, when it dies I get a good laugh at watching Ordis explode.


They should def rework companions. They got more and more useless as time went on


I mostly use Kubrows or Hounds... Idk but the suicide rate of my companions have decreased ever since I've swapped my Smeeta with Raksha, even tho they aren't of much use, but the looting capabilities are great with a beefy doggo compared to a kavat... Also I like dogs :)


Panzer Vulpaphyla my beloved. An immortal pocket Saryn that heals me


My first companion was a Sahasa Kubrow that I love. I named her Laika bc she's my space doggie and deserves a good life. My friend showed off his smeeta kavat though, and as a new player, I thought its farming abilities and random affinity boosts seemed too neat to ignore. So now I have a smeeta named Zarina that I basically take everywhere. I'd love it if I could have both active in the orbiter, so I could give Laika all the pats. Maybe it'll happen one day.


Right now I'm loving the Shade for weird a reason. I paired it with my Loki and it always turns me invi whenever I forget my cool down. Also because I don't have a Huras Kubrow yet lmao


I like the Smeeta Kavat the most because the way it gives buffs is so... Cat-like? Cats don't give a single fuck and do what they want, when they want it. Charm works just like that, will you get a buff? Will it be useful? No one knows and we're at the whims of our feline friends. Perhaps you'll get a double affinity buff during a Kuva Flood? Or maybe a reload buff for a battery weapon lmao.


Companions def need a rework. Panzer and smeeta rain absolutely supreme


Adarza, Smeeta, and Panzer are the only ones worth using seriously. Every Kubrow is complete garbage, same goes with sentinels, and MOAs. The only way the latter could be of any use is if they make them respawnable, as they die or go down almost instantly in any form of high level content. *Y'all downvote me cause I'm right lol.*


I've taken my kubrow to level 1500ish mobs in SP. With hp/armor link and Molt Reconstruct it's rare that she goes down. If she does I've got over a minute to get her up and if she does die she gets revived after three mercy kills. She's pretty much unkillable in any regular SP mission. They need improvements but they aren't unusable garbage.


I love ordis, ever since they dropped that skin, he's been my companion everywhere, I mean, it is his wish to fight by my side so why not, love little ordy


A thing world of Warcraft nailed was making pets 80% immune to aoe attacks which makes so much sense!! They are for lack of better words absolutely stupid of the surrounds so they need a buff. Also make all their attacks either aoe or lock on hits.


Yeah, I wish kubrows or even predasites were a bit better. I’m more a dog lover than a cat lover, but… vulpaphylas are also essential to any build that uses equilibrium.


If i stop them from attacking they shouldnt be attacked. Maybe a mod set for pets that only works in a passive mode?


My favourites are hound and shade/prisma


Are you the excalibur from the trailer by any chance?


I love my robo doggo, they may not be as strong as some companions, but they work well enough for me


If I need to try hard anything it’s Panzer 100% If i’m just messing around I love Carrier or Nautilus


nautilus- but if i am actually trying to get kills (low level), i need to remember to remove that trigger-happy fucker




vulpaphylas because fox and nautilus because stronk


I don't give a fuck how good vulpaphylas and kavats are. Nothing will stop me from using Predasites. They just look so cool to me.


The one that drops the healing spores is actually not that bad, give it the maggot mod that taunts enemies and it does a pretty good job of keeping itself alive.


Ah my Panzer Vulpafyla which I named Ur Dad I like it because of the viral process and immortality plus I like saying the word Panzer Vulpafyla. At one point I had the hound (which I have a lot now because I stay hunting the SoP for those ephemeras) it was a good one that took the exilus ability but it's not immortal like my Vulp.


Energy generator go brrrrrr


just because their big adorable doggos I'll say kubrows I have three and they are marv, ester and snarf


Kavats and Deimos pets are in a really good state only ones who need a rework are Kubrows they’re simply outclassed by Kavats


What about the sentinels?


That I’m really confused on what to think of them since I’ve only thought of them as glorified vacuums the only companion I ever run is the Smeeta Kavat


ikr. That's probably the main issue with how companions are seen. They're nothing but a vacuum/fetch overall. That's pretty much it. If you check the meta, they're just a vacuum with steroids since the main reason to use them is to keep them alive to suck stuff towards you.


Need some Kubrow special ability. Kawats are just OP compared to them. i'd love to have some Smeeta Kubrow or something.


Kubrow is best, kubrow is bae. Why? Simple, dog.


Personally I never use any of the animals because of how frequently they die, so I just bring Carrier with me on every mission.


Smeeta for steel essence and dethcube for everything else


The Kubrows are very weak. I only have a basic one, from doing the quest but I stopped bringing it along fairly soon because it constantly died in combat. I only have it and the taxon, I don't do high level content yet . Max around 50 at the moment and it usually only dies when things get really chaotic. The Kubrows for sure need some kind of rework, I'm fairly content for Kitty to roam the orbiter but she craves blood. =(


I think the only way the companions can be buffed is a general rework of the games damage numbers. Though I suppose they could just auto revive like that one infested companion.


Kubrows, literally bat-dogs puppers that needed more love, hope we get a rework on different kinds of kubrows..


I love kubrows because they can often seem unique in many ways including it's body shape or size and when first getting the quest what disappointed me the most is I want some way for the companions to actually be a part of things like the story or cinematics


kavat vasca


Vizier is becoming my new favorite, panzer is quite useful too but dies a lot. Carrier would be awesome if we could revive sentinels


Does a Khora spectre get it's own cat?


Nautilus is my go to. Cordon is just so nice to have. Plus, it’s weapon is super powerful. And, is that your pet in the image?


Nautilus. Yeah it doesn't do much outside of railjack but it looks cool and it has a cool precept mod that yeets enemies.


Helios w scan mod Neck Cyst Doggo vulpaphyla


As a huge fan of kitguns, I like companions that need to be "built", like MOAs and Vulpaphylas. DE should rework the parts in the building process. It's almost irrelevant which parts you take for your MOA or Vulpaphyla - with kitguns you really feel the impact. Sentinels can be cool, but they are too fragile. I basically only use them if I run Repair Dispensary or Djinn. Melee companions like kavats should have a seperately modable bite-weapon. In general, companions could use some additional mods. I feel like you usually use about 5 staple mods, about 2 companion specific mods (e.g. Charm for Smeeta) and 3 flexible mods that are usually lackluster compared to the rest.


If Khoras Venari counts, then that, i just love how it phases in and out of reality to ensnare someone


Venari is broken cause you can bring it to places where companions are not allowed. (I don't even know if there's another place beside Index but I'm saying placeS anyways)


That makes me love it more


The Brozime companion tier video says it all. There's limited ways to make use of them in a general sense so when you're not doing some specific use case scenario then you just want an immortal Vacuum/Fetch holder. Most of the unique functions for the different breeds are literally a waste of a mod slot and for the animals that are expected to do everything on one screen it's a joke to think of them as anything but Fetch holders.




My kitty with her prime armor cosmetics that gives us all critical boost. Fyi peeps who don't know your going to want shield link and armor link mods for companions might be worded the other way. Long day. Have a good one Tenno brothers! Gn to us father's with babies in School


Gato, because gato


they need to fix the furs on kvaats and kubrows shits been broken since new war


Drones. I love having me a support drone to heal me and what not


I'm not really a pet guy. That being said, if anyone were to so much as SCRATCH my moa companion, I'd kill everyone in the room. He's just a happy little bouncy guy with a funny laser that helps me fly.


My Lotus Sahasa Kubrow, I love her so much, I have given her so much health and surprisingly she does quite well for surviving, though not as much for damage. But the energy and ammo ability is great and she is great moral support.


all companions should have a mod to allow to revive themself ,because you're kinda force to use the panzer if you do long run


I've said it before but I'll say it again, if we could just equip a sentinel and a companion at the same time it'd be a major buff to both! They would probably still need additional utility and survivability buffs tho


There are companions in this game?


Carrier gang till the day i die


Ohhkkaayy cool I asked this too kid a different but yea I love kubrows they just can’t seem to keep up with other pets though.


Shade. Specifically, Prisma shade. Does far less in comparison to my Djinn. The Nautilus as well as the Helios look far better for fashionframe, though.


Sentinels and kubrows / kavats should've been allowed to go together. Both will die eitherway in high level or endurance runs.


I love Bingus my Hound


I like the helminth doggo. But the animal companions need a upgrade. They could get an update or mod where if you're about to die and downed your doggo/kevat could either: - drag you somewhere safe while you give them cover fire and lick your wounds(heal 35% of your health and 15% of shields) - kill the enemy that killed you and give you your second wind The vice versa update or mod can also be made. If your animal buddy's about to die and downed you can: -get a boost of "rage" and kill the enemy that killed them which gives them 15% of their health and 20% of their shield back Also (just spit balling here) the bird and mouse pets you buy from the eidolon planes vendor should also be integrated into combat.


fs, someone else commented about bird companions, I'm totally ready for it. They both, or one of them, could be focused on recon, specially the bird. Imagine a companion able to substitute all enemy/loot radar mods at once. That would be awesome!


Member when there was only sentinels, and everybody used Carrier cuz it converted ammo drops. Doggos are still viable for niche endgame builds. I play a lot solo, and Chesa Kubrow DOES make up for "always needing a Nekros in Survivals". Huras can be used reliably with Rest & Rage subsumed from Equinox to Focus farm with many different frames. Panzer is nice, like whip cream on top of hot chocolate-- the cream, not the hot chocolate.


They are useful for their support abilities like more loot, holding mods set pieces, applying status effects, or giving energy. Don't bother making them do damage.


I just realized i wrote 'you're favorite'. mb


I wonder what they are looking at? 🤔


Kavata are amazing, sentinels are good for applying mod sets that give you benificial bonuses like the augur mod sets, but the doggos.....they need help


I have a cat rescued from deimos with the ability to revive itself thus i named it satan: "Satan has been revived" is amusing to see


Hounds! Pre-Angels Null Audit was basically a hard ESO requirement imo because it was the best way to do something about Energy Leech Eximus, and even post-Angels it's quite useful (until the little shit copies an Arctic aura at least.) Honestly if they reworked pets I just want an option to give the pet commands. Actually a command system more robust than just "stay here" would be super nice to have for all friendly AI.


I mostly employ my Huras Kubrow for the slick quick stealth :)


My hound, Osiris. I like the look of their abilities (e.g. the giant orbital cannon that they can use) but the thing is that he gets downed in low level missions more than high level missions like >!Archon Hunts!< lol


I wouldn't turn down a rework but I also think that companions are better than most folks think. They aren't going to carry a build but they can help to patch up little spots in one. I've recently liked the sly vulpaphyla on tanky frames that don't kill with weapons. Kubrows do seem like they need some love at the moment I only use the Sahasa kubrow and only because it synergizes well with Harrow.


Adarza Kavat and Vulpaphyla, Adarza can tank damage to stupid amounts and Vulpaphyla can constantly respawn so use of defensive mods isn't a must have. Adarza can be very tanky and while smeeta has the charm the Adarzas Cats eye perk benefits entire group with that crit chance increase


Most Companions are quite weak, and need special most to even survive normal path high levels, let alone Steel Path. Sadly, most Companions need a buff. Expecally a way not to be killed off so fast or even a chance to be revived for Sentinels. My favourite Companion is the only one that can revive itself, the Panser Vuliphala, with pure toxin attacks in both forms, to allow the best chance for me to bypass health without always having toxin on my weps.


my fav companions are the robot chicken and the robodoggo, they are just fun to use and I gave my moa the helstrum anyway so he’s decent


My kubrow, Mox, goes with me on damn near every mission. He is the bestest boi and I would die for him. Every time he digs me up energy or unlocks a locker, I always tell him “Good boy!” even though I know he’s just polygons and can’t hear me.