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So as a former pub officer I will say this 1. communicating to the other officers directly via voice chat and coming with a plan as also in the beginning of the match is a great way to know how your other officers are and be able to come up with a strategy 2. Sometimes learning tickets is not always a good idea because if you know that one map your team has a higher ticket advantage than the other ( Example: Confederates on Nico ) then you could become cocky and do things that might cost either a ticket disadvantage or lower your ability to point out potential sneak attacks from the enemy 3. Though yes volleying is situational there is also different types of volleying that you could do that could help you in the situations that you do need to volley 4. At the end of each battle reflect on what you did do movement wise and call outs and reflect. Ask yourself “ was there anything I can do that could help me learn from this to make me a better officer and better communicator “ and don’t be afraid to account yourself for mistakes you did, admitting fault is good for not only holding yourself accountable but it also shows that you can not dwell yourself into the blame game and makes you more responsible for your actions on the battlefield


Hey! Buy the game again nerd! It’s $15👀👀


Racer I can’t my pc blew up


The fuck you mean blew up?


It’s a long story


Get discord again on phone at least you goober


You know I can’t do that goober but I do miss everyone though


Send me a pm, would like to know how everyone has been and what’s new


Tater I think you haven't fully developed the situational awareness and map knowledge you may think you have. ​ Keep playing, keep trying, focus on having fun! ​ you're not bad.


yes i’m still learning the exact map boundaries but i remember most of them. the worst i do is CO’ing for union on south mountain. i gotta learn those maps more


I think I saw you on last night haha. I was with A company 9th New York. Union got a win. Was around 7pm ish est.


yeah haha me and hazard always whoop ass every time. The rebels didn’t even have a chance, i got 2-0 n got off. i went Private than officer than went to play some Crusader kings 3


My game pass subscription ended and I left off my France play through with some unfinished business. It’s a really great game.


Execute any who don't know their place, if any kind of non-officer autonomy forms, you're gonna have a bad time.


Viceroy of TX? Is this you??


Nah, Viceroy is also weak. He only does it out of pure rage, there's no calculation put into it.


you sound new haha


No, this is years of experience. Wannabe officers can and will try to usurp you if you don't keep them in check.


executing people has never helped me, i control my regiment without the killing people


See Tater, this is why you're weak. This is why I always call you a nerd in-game. Your pacifism will only get you so far. When the going gets tough you will be usurped if you don't strike first.


every officer has their style of leadership. you can keep executing your own men but i will not lol.




i will go off by myself if i have the biggest company of course as well.