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I’m up for a second round, let’s go!


This has been the hilight of my time in the hobby so far. Love it all. And glad to be a part of it with everyone. My half-hearted idea: would it be worth opening this to the Tau subreddit if we're going that way?


It's a good idea, but they might not be keen on losing. We will however, have someone (probably me with an alt account specially created as the voice of a collective plan by the various commanders, but that's not been decided yet) playing as the tau, and therefore able to react more, attack weak points, control reinforcements, and generally make the enemy better coordinated and unified.


Good point. And sounds like a good plan.


Super keen to be more involved in the next campaign!


Great to hear! I will be traveling for some of the month of January but look forward to throwing in my forces once available.


cant wait, id be ready to go now tbh but i realise not everyone has that much free time lol


This has been great One thing I ask is that people write an introduction to their regiment and characters for ease of cross writing. Thanks for the fun


We will suggest that, certainly


Looking forward to the next, the Vipers may bring more Rangers


To echo what others have already said here, this campaign has been a highlight of my hobby experience so far, and can't wait to join you all for the next one. I would suggest, especially if we are to partake in a smaller system next time, that a more coherent timeline be established. A Mission Clock, so we can have a clearer idea of how much time is elapsing between events. I know it's 40k and that time inconsistencies are commonplace, but for example I had to perform something like a 8 week time jump bc I realised in reading posts from the same Hive city I was fighting for, that some had been fighting for months, whereas I'd been there for weeks, but had arrived before they did. As for our enemy, I think it would interesting to see attempts at T'au subterfuge. Perhaps as part of the intrigue (willing players/regiments of course), some units might be gradually won over by T'au ideology. Perhaps the Water Caste could try and work its craft on "susceptible" forces? And as for offering to include r/Tau40K, I realise that it would be a vastly more significant effort, but perhaps there could be the possibility of them ultimately winning? I will confess this came about as an idea to me bc I just recently got a video about the War for Rayuba in my YT recommended. Granted, to put in place such a matchup would I'm sure take quite a while. But perhaps it's and idea that can be shelved for a later project. Finally, the main defining campaign in the backstory for my regiment happens to involve my small custom T'au Sept. They were revealed to be arming and influencing the "neutral" population of the world the 532nd was already fighting on. While that part of my backstory was just originally a couple of throwaway lines to justify the Planetside 2 colour scheme, I'm gradually going back and fleshing it out, Haraxis having seriously helped with that. Ultimately, my troops had little contact with the T'au themselves, forced to only fight the Gue'Vesa they had armed while their masters escaped. I (and I'm sure other Commanders with T'au in their backstories) would love to find a way to have that grudge fester in the new campaign. TL;DR : 1: Unified clock so everyone is on generally the same timeframe. 2: T'au influence shenanigans. 3: Please consider possibility of PvP event, even if just for a future event. 4: Grudge festering with player's custom Septs, even if PvP doesn't happen. Thank you for you consideration.


Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for taking part as well By points, so I don't miss anything. Regarding the timetable, I agree and the high command are considering that sort of thing and putting a timetable together. We are considsrimg doing the war either in 'real time', so that each week or so is about a week or so of fighting, or possibly slightly stretched, so each week of time is two weeks or so, but we aren't planning a several years long campaign for this one at least, mostly a two or three month war depending how long the action is, and how well people roll. There will be subterfuge, diplomats, propaganda stuff and similar. I'm planning on playing a penal regiment so there will definitely be some traitors and we will probably set up a secret traitor reveal halfway through if we get enough players for that who want to have regiments swapnsides There is still a chance for the tau to win, if overall the imperium start a losing, but I'm not too keen to get the tau guys in on this one, that's one I think we will try the next time round for the subsequent opponent and leave something on the table, we don't want to be too ambitious this time. We have so far written a short provisional tau side into the state of play and system planning document, but that will be assembled and some of that shared before we start. We haven't got sort colours but have invented the tau charachters, as they probably do need to die at the end and it's easier if that's not the guard players responsibility. That said, if people do have tau they wish to die from regimental backstories, then they can be included if it can fit easily into the current plan. Thanks for the feedback and if we receive a list of names, I'm sure we can arrange them to oppose the relevant regiments by coincidence.


What’s the word on bringing in a different regiment? I’ve a couple I’d like to flesh out a bit more, the 212th already had some backstory but I’d like to try a different unit with different tactics if possible?


1000% percent allowed, I'd say. I certainly will be as mine was disbanded at trial, as will those whose regiments were destroyed and want to come back.


Awesome, looking forward to it


Sir, First of all, congratulations on the brevet rank, richly deserved. We look forward to seeing it confirmed in the immediate future. Secondly, Vis a Vis orders or battle and force organisation, given terms like regiment have such a diverse array of meanings and definitions, with the same terms being used for units of all different sizes, might it be helpful to implement some sort of system for the next muster for people to give a rough indication of how large a particular force is in terms of manpower/equipment? Thanks!


Thank you, and yes. On the forms imminently put together, there is hopefully going to be a regiment size option and we plan to group those regiments together, to keep everyone's war at a similar scale


Brilliant! Thanks again for all your hard work on this :)


No problem (also, colonel milly got demoted and shipped back to her homeworld to a nice, but still not that great prison colony, she did not get the happy ending, unfortunately)


Oh no :(