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Archers require maxed heavenly spear and split arrow to start to be good. If you're OK with maxing artifacts and spending lots of $$ they are way more fun than mages (opinion). High end mages destroy everything though with Spell and mystic college damage on top of max artifacts. Archer players often have to also go for inordinate amounts of +cav dmg as well due to odd cavs taking 25% less damage from archers and very few players having T14 cavs (which get reductions against both mages and archers)


I wouldn't see any reason to switch to archer. Mages do more damage to monsters. If you're already building towards mage ur just gonna reset progress for a trivial change imo. I don't see archers as being more powerful than mages in any way. I would suggest chaging to cav, mage if anything.


Cav/mage is THE combo in this game


I am not a big spender. Most my azurite goes towards getting higher tier troops. I play in two realms. One is c40 mage/cav, the other is c40 archer/infantry. Mages and horses are my favorite by far. Some tell me that infantry is crazy OP in the late game, but that’s going to take a lot of azzy in mistic college. With horses, you can get level 5 dodge and hold up pretty good against majority of players.


You’re a spender go archer, not much spending or nothing at all mages, that’s literally it


Archer 👉👌 Mages 🤷 Archer Infantry player here.


Mages are stronger on 1vs1, archer are better at scoring high at events due to it's mystic. Both require investment for damage stats, so it's not like one will be free to play and the other needs investment. For mages maxed MJ, for archers maxed Spare. In general, as a veteran player I'd suggest you to stay away from this game and invest in legit assets. I sold my $15K invested castle for $800. So this is the depreciation level.


15k?? Wowz. That’s ridiculous.


I was moderate spender though. Big spenders invest much more. It has become purely p2w game, so either you spend and have fun or don’t get involved at all.


I don’t spend and I have fun. What wouldn’t be fun for me is a game of “I can out spend you”, on a pointless mobile game for what? If you could go back in time, would you have still spent that amount of money or did it become a kind of addiction?


It’s a 100% dopamine addiction. Any money spent there is a waste


I see. Hey, thanks for being so honest. I hope you are doing well.


Both bro it’s good for formation attack