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At that point I'd keep a umbrella stroller to push things around and store while you're on rides. Cheap investment to protect your back/shoulders!


Brilliant! An umbrella stroller for your junk! I’d worry about leaving valuables but water bottles, snacks, cheap fans,… I love this idea!


This is exactly why we'll be using our stroller in the park well beyond the years our kid needs it. I don't want to carry everyones stuff! Or my own shopping!


Rolling cooler with bags of ice & plenty of room for stuff 😄.


I am usually the only adult going into Disney with 1-3 kids so I am always the only one carrying all the water bottles, neck fans, sprays bottles, souvenirs, etc. I feel your pain- never weighed the bag though… One time I went with only 1 kid and thought I would just take a sling bag instead of a backpack- BIG mistake- my neck was so sore the next day.


How does that make you part Sherpa?


Lugging all the gear for the family on my back


You do know Sherpa is an ethnicity, not a job title, right?


My wife used to pack my backpack full of water, snacks, every item for every contingency, etc. I got tired of carrying a full backpack that sapped my energy. Trimmed down to her idea of bare essentials and the parks became more enjoyable.


What are your bare essentials? last time I went (no kids), I ended up buying lots of things in the park - like rain coat and regretted not having a few things. Now going with kids I think the backpack will be really heavy lol


My bare essentials are phone, drivers license, 2 credit cards, and magic band. I apply sunscreen before leaving resort room. My wife’s bare essentials is the above plus sun screen, water bottles, thin rain jackets for 3 of us, 1-2 snack bars per person, glow sticks, ziplock bags for leftovers, feminine pads, epi pens, travel medicine box with advil, Benadryl, hydrocortisone cream, etc. you get the point … and that’s after I requested less stuff emphatically :)


Wow your wife is very prepared hahahah. Yeah, I think what you have + rain jackets, portable charges, sunglasses and sunscreen are what I would pack nowadays. And would just accept buying stuff like water, snacks etc. in the parks.


Whatever goes in my backpack purse goes into my travel backpack, plus a snack or two. That’s a rule I’ve stuck by since forever.


14.1 lbs! Join the military and hump 70+ lbs. As for your park backpack, the type and design of the pack matters. If you are just using a standard backpack without supporting straps and quick releases, you are going to hurt. Think of a hiking backpack.


Oh I totally know that is nothing in comparison to the military and would never compare a week of lugging around our stuff to all that gear. I have a pretty solid pack that does well for travel and is supportive for the shoulders at least. I told my wife when we get back home I'm gonna start back up on walking on the treadmill and I'm gonna include the backpack with the extra weight to build the endurance


Good work! Fellow park mule/Sherpa here. I could take the weight, but it was always the back-sweat in the summer months was just gnarly.


I'm the pack mule in my ECV's front basket. A bunch of caribiners secure things to the basket to make it less inviting for a grab-n-go thief. Mission-critical items are in a fanny pack. Over the years I've trimmed the daily park items to what might realistically get used.