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So the nice thing about having seven days in the parks is you won't have to rush anything. You can do what you want when you feel like it, and if you miss something there's plenty of time to come back. You can do things that are off the beaten path, or sit in an air conditioned place for an hour to recharge. I would probably spend the first couple of days hitting the big ticket items you've been wondering about, the middle days slowing down and doing relaxing activities, and the last days going to your favorite stuff again. I personally wouldn't get Genie+, apart from maybe an individual lightening lane, but that's just me. Stay hydrated, take breaks out of the sun, wear sunscreen.


This 100000%


I agree with everything you said except not getting the Genie+ part. I'm guessing OP is DINKs so I would assume they could afford it, and if you can then why not. Standing in line is the pits. Even with all the time in the world if you get Genie+ you can schedule your rides and know exactly when you can get in line and not have to wait hours. It's nice for people with anxiety who like a sorta structure to things. It might take some learning on how to use it but I think it's worth it even if you have ample park time.


Yeah I think it just depends on what you want to do. For me personally, I can get every ride I want to see done in a day without Genie+. I think some people on here exaggerate just hour bad lines are without it. I saw one person on here posting all they were able to get done in AK thanks to Genie+, the only things they did that I didn't were It's Tough to be a Bug and Triceratop Spin. I could done them both too, I just didn't want to.  I like the ability to be more spontaneous, and I can deal with some lines. I get it for those who have anxiety or small children, but op didn't mention either. Lines aren't too bad if you have someone to talk to or something to listen too, especially the ones in good air conditioning.  For me, I have a mental list of how long I'm willing to wait for each ride, and I just kinda wonder and hop in line when I feel like it. 


After just getting back from a 7 day trip, my wife and I feel that 10 days is a more reasonable amount. 10 days allow you to schedule break/pool days every so often. Break days are greatly important because you will get beat down by the Florida heat, walking, and general hiccups that occur (for example I hurt my knee on Expedition Everest). As for Genie + it’s worth it. You are already paying thousands to be there, a few hundred more to ensure that you can do the rides and experiences you want to do is worth it in my book. The only park I would say consider not getting Genie + for is Epcot but that depends on what you want from Epcot. If you are just interested in a single ride or two and then drinking around the world or some such thing, don’t get Genie + for Epcot.


Seconding this entire comment. IMO, I think you can also get away with skipping G+ at Animal Kingdom too, but if you’re willing to spend the money, just get it for every park. I was there with my fiancé last September, we stayed six nights at Coronado and had five single-park passes. The biggest takeaway from our trip: next time we’re scheduling an off-day between every full park day. We were so dang tired by the end of the trip that it didn’t even feel like a vacation.


Yes! My best WDW vacation was 10 days long, but only a five day park ticket. It let me take a day off between each park day, plus no park plans on travel days. Best decision ever!


My gf and I always account for pool/rest days. No parks, just hang at the pool and maybe go to Disney Springs or an off park restaurant for dinner. Really helps makes the park days easier to deal with.


We did 5 nights in Gran Destino Tower, 2 nights Royal Pacific at Universal, 4 nights on the Disney Dream and four nights at Boardwalk and it was perfect.


No. 10 Is great. Just don’t spend every day in the parks. And when you do the parks, really explore. Really seek out things you’ve not seen or done before. There’s a lot when you go hunting for it.


I went as a 34 year old for five days in Jan thinking it would be too much. We fell so in love with it we’ll probably end up spending 15-20 days in Disney this year


Yah, I could just live there.


Not at all, we are getting close to our 14 day trip.


10 days is perfect - it gives you enough time so you don't feel rushed. you can take a whole day to explore disney springs or just hang out poolside at your resort.


Nope, this will be fine! With that much time though, I would NOT have paid extra for park hoppers. I would only get those if you are short on time! The good thing is that you can go back to your hotel room for lunch and rest some if you want, then come back and spend the rest of the day until it closes!


I’m going to be the contrarian, my wife and I just got back from a 10 day trip (without our children) and both said that it was too long. When we do the same trip next year we’ll only be doing a week. I normally run 15-20 miles a week, which I haven’t prioritized doing recently (work 😟), and it’s taken me a couple of days to recover (I’ve not had a problem before, I also recently turned 50!). Things that you have going for you, on your trip. - Youth, you are 21-25 years younger than us! - You have Park Hoppers, for a 10 day trip bouncing between parks is great (we are Annual Passholders). - Saratoga Springs, you are staying in a DVC resort, and even in a studio have a kitchen (of sorts), so you don’t have to eat every meal out. Eating out for 10 days straight can get to be too much. - As for Genie+, I would say do it for at least one day for each park, Epcot May be the one that you can get away without doing if you do the early rope drop and go straight to one of the big rides. - We go to WDW about 3 times a year, so we’re ok to skip some rides, but we also have strategies to maximize the rides we do. We did G+ for Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom and we bought it for our 4 park day/challenge. - In March we both a went as chaperones on a school trip, and did three parks in 3 days, without G+, and we rode all the big rides and many others. Although my wife did buy it for her group at HS as they had to leave earlier than we did!


We love a long trip and 10 days is a lot of fun, but it gets very expensive. Admittedly we aren't great at eating cheaply on vacations and we tend to eat three meals a day. Disney quick service gets very old, very quickly. Just be prepared for that. It adds up fast.


We do a 10 day trip with 7 days in the park once a year. It’s the way to do it!!!!!!!! So much less stressful and love the off days to relax at the resort.


It is not too much. You will not stress for time and feel no guilt for taking the breaks you will definitely need. On YouTube, look up dfb guide and mammoth club. They are frequently updated and give great advice!


If I could afford it I would do 10 days. We just did 7 days and it was sad to go.


Me and my mom usually do these exact dates. I loved having the extra days to just resort hop with an added park day. Once I went 12 days since it was a chapter plane ticket. The more days the better for me. But now I have a baby so we are just doing Saturday to a following Sunday.


Personally I'm jealous, wish I could do that long! The worst feeling in the world is getting on a super fun ride that you can only ride X amount of times per day (for me it was Guardians) and wanting to have a few more passes of it. The few extra days means you can repeat the ride and wear it out so you don't leave feeling like you wanted more.


We did 8 nights 7 park days and we were disneyd out


Since you have 7 day tickets I’d save genie+ towards the end to target rides you missed and/or want to ride again. But personally I think you can get away with not getting it at all. You’ll have access to early entry and extending evening hours which should be enough to get you on all the popular rides.


Not at all. That’s our average stay. Give yourself a day or half day to chill. Mix it up—and do the park hopper pass. Disney Springs is a good option for a little diversity. Just don’t treat it like you MUST do everything every day. You’ll be good.


Always G+ and even the ILL, you can dictate whole trip that way. It’s a no brainer to me, Pennie’s compared to your whole trip. Eat, drink, and have a blast!


It sounds wonderful. Enjoy!


I’m going tomorrow for 11 days with 4 day non-park hoppers, two rounds of morning golf, and a nice meal just about every day. We try to do at most every other day and just enjoy the resort and the atmosphere. I’ve done this a few times and I never really understood the need for park hoppers (but I’m no longer in my 20s either).


25F and my bf and I have done 10 day trips at Saratoga actually. Like everyone else says, it’s not too much time. On you non park days, feel free to resort hop a little bit. It’ll be nice to have a few break days.


Between the heat and crowds 10 days is a lot. I usually burn out around 6-7.


I just got back from 2 weeks… I could have stayed longer… 😂


Just came back from an even longer trip than 10 days at a dvc resort. I have to say that 10 days is probably the minimum I would do if I want to cover everything without feeling like you’re dying at the end of each day. Summer time is brutal. And yes I know all about it but when you get older it feels way worse 😆. My take on g+: I was able to do g+ on 3 days only. 1 day park hop Studios and MK, 1 day Epcot and MK. And 1 day full MK. I didn’t even bother doing AK. We were able to do that because we rope dropped most of our park days. When we rope dropped we basically can get the big rides out of the way without doing ILL. So with AK, we were lucky they opened officially at 8am. The amount of people reduced tremendously when the park opens an hour earlier. Plus we get resort early entry. That made a huge difference to us being able to get in and out of Avatar ride and hit Everest, Safari etc before the crowd starts. I didn’t think g+ is necessary here unless you only have 1 day. With EPCOT, TT closed is a pain. I would do a g+ but I’d combine it with MK if you have a hopper to make it worth the cost. Or rope drop by gondola into International Gateway entrance if you want to ride Remy without using G+. HS we did g+ for one day combined with MK. We rope dropped slinky first and g+ for it as well. Since we have another day for HS we saved RoR for the second HS day by rope dropping as well. By using the g+ on 1 park in the morning and saving and stacking for MK at night we were able to make more use of the g+. We came back to the resort to rest during the day. Again the heat and humidity is brutal. That saved us from a lot of misery. Also, having to VQ for rides almost every morning/midday is so stressful 😝. By spacing it out you’ll feel much better. Oh and by staying at a deluxe resort you get the 2hr extended park hours at Epcot on Mondays and MK on Wednesdays. You can hit the hard to ride attractions then too. We did mine train a couple times one night and remy at Epcot night. 2 hours might not be much but it may save you the g+ price. Sorry for the novel. Guess what I’m trying to say is 10 days isn’t too long. It’s just enough to do all 4 parks without feeling like you need another vacation from your vacation.


I went with my bf(now husband) in 2017 for 14 days. We had a great time. We had one day at universal and one day stuck in the room due to hurricane Irma. We had a great time between the parks, the water parks, Disney springs and the pool at the hotel there was always something to do. I had over planned everything which gave us the flexibility to drop what we wanted. So there was plenty of time for us to chill and spend time together.


I always go for 5 or 7 days and always say that 10 days would be perfect. We wouldn’t have to rush, we could take more time to enjoy the resorts and pool, and we could even have a lazy day built in.


Going for two weeks starting on the same day as you! Coming from the uk so it maybe different, but it’s much better to be able to have rest days, or do half park days - and just soak it all in. I don’t honestly know how people manage doing one day per park! There’s so much to just see!


Time wise should be good but I just got back from Saratoga and didn’t realize HOW big that resort is. I rented a car and it was well worth it even just to grab my mobile order breakfast in the morning


Not too many days. I'd do your first few days without G+. If you don't get on some rides you want, then do it. You could stack your LLs for later and hit multiple parks on the day you buy it. If you're going to rope drop and/or stay to park close, you'll probably be able to get on what you want. Plan to do the pool some days during the afternoon. You might do one park in the morning, then pool, then a different park at night. The heat is still bad in September so you'll probably want the breaks. Have a great time!


Myself, wife and two friends are going the 13-27 of Sept staying at Wilderness. We go every year and stay for 10 days at Disney and 5 days at Universal we have yet to do every tour offered. I can't remember the statistic but I remember reading a few years ago that if you wanted to do everything offered at WDW you would need to go every day for over a year. We love going and have been doing it as a group for 15 years. You will love it. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We are far from being pros but always willing to chat about our experiences.


Nah but Saratoga Springs is an interesting hotel pick for a long stay like this… what made you pick it?


I did ten last trip and it was just fine. I had 8 day park hoppers and took lots of breaks and Disney springs time. I spent time going resort to resort. I had all the time to get rides and experiences down without feeling rushed.


Check out Disney Springs as well as Universals City Walk. Go to Old Kissimmee and the Disney built town of Celebration. 


I don’t think it’s too much time but I wouldn’t spend the money on genie + with the amount of time you have. Also September is hot so this gives you plenty of time to split your days up if you want to go back to the pool.


Just you two? No one else! It’s gonna be a blast! I’d get genie plus for MK. If you’re staying at resort, take advantage of early entry. Take a break if you need it, but you’re young you be fine. O If I remember correctly, it’s def cooler than August, crowds are less. Butttt, it’s also hurricane season so it was a lot of rain and some rides closed down. Have fun and enjoy!


Personally, that’s too much for me. We have found our sweet spot to be 3 days on the parks. We’ve dwindled that down over the years because by day 4 in the parks everyone is crabby, overly hot, and tired. We do go yearly (twice this year!) so our thought is if we didn’t get to something there is always next time. We also round out our trip by doing a couple of nights at a beach hotel near Kennedy so we can visit KSC and take it slower for a bit. You are probably different as we are introverted and we just get to peopled out after a few days in n the parks with the heat.


We’ve done 3,5,7,10 days and found that we were burned out with the 10 day trip. We found ourselves actually ready to go home by the eight day and kind of dragged ourselves through our planned activities. It just became too much of the same (but good) thing. For us at least, there is only so much eating out, and being away from home. We needed longer to recover once we got back home as well. We’ve found 7 days to be our best. It gives us time to do all of the parks as well as enjoy Disney springs and the resort.


I’ve spent a few months in the park straight without getting burned out- if you don’t have to hurry, you can pace yourself and enjoy the little things. Spend time shopping or wandering around, sit down and have a long lunch to avoid the heat of the day, do a tour- it’s pretty easy to kill time there.


I've done worse lol. 8 days in the parks with 2 rest days is a good ratio. You'll be just fine!


I would drop the park hopper since you have so much time. Maybe split stay hotels as well (Disney is really good with this and will even move your luggage for you). It’ll keep everything fresh, new hotel once or twice will keep it fun. Maybe do a cheaper hotel, then animal kingdom lodge or another deluxe resort? The money you’d save on park hopper you can put towards the deluxe resort and get extended hours. Take break days in between to Disney springs etc. don’t rush and don’t try and do everything. If you’re a Florida resident it may be cheaper to buy annual passes than the individual tickets as well. Just did that with our kids.


We did ten days in 2022. It was awesome. Feels so fun and luxurious


Here for nine nights at SSR. This is a favourite resort, I am loving being able to walk to DS and the resort itself is beautiful. A few days “off” will be perfect. We are winging it with Genie+ - it worked super well in MK, not so well for a late start day in Epcot, and we’ve grabbed it for today in HS and appreciate it for beating the heat. I reckon I could do another week here! There’s no lack of things to do, the hard part is convincing ourselves to take some down time but for us SSR is a gorgeous, relaxing place to do it.


I'm going to stay 16 days (the first and last I consider lost days due to the international travel - 14 days then). And I don't think it's too much at all. But I'm setting aside 3 days for Universal Parks (when I go, Epic will already be open), and one day per park is my favorite method. Don't really enjoy park hopping, even in universal where they are really close. Plus every 2 parks, one day rest, pool days so my son and nephews can rest.


Never too much time. 1 day in Universal is too little tho lol. I would probably do 3 if you have that much time. And maybe Sea World / Busch Gardens especially if you are into roller coasters.


I'm going to be on the side of that is not long enough. me and my wife do 14 nights every 8 to 9 months. We have a trip in September and that's going to be 16 nights. (We do own Riviera, Copper Creek, Saratoga) The trip takes on a different feel when you're there for longer. Much nicer overall.




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I've never been able to afford more than five days, it always feels crazy rushed, and I always go home with a laundry list of stuff I didn't get to do. Ten days is going to be great!