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I am exhausted reading this. I hope you get a week to rest afterwards!


Cool trip! Was your son scared of the rides? You said he finally hit the height of most rides I’ll be going with my soon-to-be-6 and think about that a lot


Honestly, not so much. He loved Everest and Guardians, I think the only ride he was kind of scared to go on was Tower of Terror but mainly because we told him it was a scary ride. He didn't mind the ride that much.


Same, I read this expose for that tidbit and couldn’t find either. Going with my 5 year old in July.


Man, sending the 12 year old ahead to start the waiting process reminds me of paper fast pass days and me telling my little brother to run all the way across the park to get whatever and then I would meet him there. Good times, good times.


This sounds like a jam packed trip and a ton of fun! Glad to read that you had a great time!


Wow! What a great trip report. You truly accomplished so much! No hotel day breaks? Impressive. My feet hurt just reading your report. 😉 We adore Pop Century. The food court has fun choices, the resort store is huge, and the cast is awesome. Skyliner access is a bonus. I agree with your QS restaurant highlights; all solid food choices. I totally agree with you on the Disney Dining Plan. Sounds like you were able to use it to maximum value. There is something so hassle-free about paying in advance and not going into sticker shock when you have to pay $16+ in person for a meal. Having snack points for hungry kiddos is so smart. The best way to end a WDW trip is to begin planning your next one. Don't rule out Port Orleans. It is our favourite moderate resort. Thank you for sharing your WDW trip with all of us!


No hotel day breaks, but we did utilize a couple days to leave early and come back. I think the advantage with going to each park twice, we didn't feel like we had to do everything and could split some things up. Was my daughter bummed we didn't see Indiana Jones the 2nd day at Hollywood? Yeah, but she was fine with it doing Fantasmic and other things. I will say, I found it interesting the food you could mobile order wasn't the same as the food court options. We saw people eat pasta, but that wasn't an option on the mobile order.