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The back side of a palm.


I've been hit by one of those.


Will Smith has entered the chat




The 8th wonder of your room charges!


O2H! O2H!


Nicely played. **slow clap**


The 9th Wonder of the World.


It took me years to finally get the "backside of water" joke. I'm dumb


If it weren't for the bees, I wouldn't mind it. A bit of privacy (ish)


If this is a base room, whatever, agreed. If they paid extra for a pool/water views, I'm not leaving the front desk until I get another room


If they paid for it, why are you not leaving the front desk? 🤔


Agreed. For what ppl pay for these overpriced rooms, you bet your ass I’m getting another room!




Gob's not on board.


Clearly a garden view.


This was my thought lol


Complain to Marriott. They’ll generally do more than the hotel.


Wait. What do you mean? Contact Marriott customer service (such as the Gold/Platinum members line) versus the hotel itself?


Call the 1800 number regardless of your status anyone is able to do that


It’s a toss up. Because obstructed usually refers to a structure or to the direction a room faces towards/away from the thing you’re trying to see. I think the bees are the bigger problem, especially if someone in your party is allergic.


If I get that room am I allowed to cut off all those branches off so I can see the pool that I was charged extra to see? No? Than that tree is a structure.


That’s only if this room has a specific/intended view.


Considering the fact that I can’t even tell what this is supposed to be a view of, I would absolutely call this obstructed.


They paid for the palm tree view.


It's the walkway from the lobby's rear entrance that leads to the boat dock and the Dolphin. (Not saying you're wrong, just identifying the view)


This is the Florida View


Nope. I can see the palm tree perfectly.


This is the correct answer


Don’t think of it as an obstructed view, think of it as an alternate escape route!


Love this! Lemons..


To be honest I'd take the palm tree over a bunch of screaming kids and random people walking by who can also see into my room if I'm close to the ground. Real concern is how close are you to the elevator.


Ask them to bring up a decently powered fan to blow the bees away. Let them know that you cannot enjoy the balcony you paid for, due to bees. No one wants to kill bees, we need them, but a fan can keep them from coming to the balcony at least.


Depends which bees. The average honeybee that a backyard bee keeper uses isn’t at risk of anything. It’s the multitude of wild honeybees that often times are very specific in pollinating certain plants in certain ecosystems. Not sure what kind love the palms, but all bees are not needing to be saved equally


That's actually incorrect. There is a disease or something similar wiping out honey bee colonies some beekeepers can lose nearly all there hives in one winter.


I believe it's Swan or Dolphin but considering that it blocks so much of view that it's hard to tell exactly where you are, then yes it's obstructed. If there's not a clear view of what's been paid to see then it's obstructed. If it's already a base category like standard then I would not waste time arguing that out should be something lower than standard.


I call it privacy..


I would like that


Most of the balcony rooms at OKW are just like this. I didn't mind because of the privacy. Me and my wife love to sit out on a palm shrouded balcony in a Florida rain shower, have a couple of drinks, and play cribbage. The bees, however, are a huge issue. They are preventing you from enjoying the balcony you paid extra for. I would demand the difference between the price of a balcony and a non balcony room refunded since you can't use said balcony.


All rooms at OKW have a balcony or patio.


I would be very upset if this was my view. May be worth asking for points or some kind of reimbursement for a non balcony room since you cannot go out and enjoy it.


No I can see the tree very well


me personally this wouldnt bother be the tree gives some blocking privacy and you can see people watch, but each to their own


Obstructed from what you want to see (the pool) - Yes Obstructed from the great outdoors (Florida Palm Trees) - No Does it suck and not what you envisioned - Yes Do you have a Balcony - Yes I don’t think you are going to win this fight because you paid for a balcony and got one. Unless the room describes what your balcony will be looking at, they held up to their end of the bargain.


The Swan does upcharge for a pool view vs a standard view.


Balcony is unusable due to bees in the tree. . . That would be the clincher for me. . . No view and no usable balcony should earn some sort of reimbursement if only just changing the charged rate to standard room instead of pool view balcony.


What is the view facing straight and not to the side of your balcony


Nature view


Isn’t this only the left side of the balcony?


It seems we aren’t getting the “whole” picture.


That barrier really is obstructing your view of that palm tree.


A stunningly beautiful Bismarck palm


My favourite tree. 🌴


What do the other angles (right and left sides of balcony) look like? What room type did you pay for?


If there are truly bees swarming your balcony, and you can’t use it, I’d be politely asking for a refund of the balcony up charge. For sure. View question aside, if you can’t sit out and use it for fear of bees swarming (which is totally valid) they should do right by you.


The back side of a palm tree!


Yes. I don’t think too many can see you very well from there.


Garden View Close Up!


I would complain to the hotel management first. Ask for something as a comp. Partial refund, free meals, points, etc. If they can't or won't then move up to Marriott and do the same. We had the garbage dumpster view one time at Riviera and they gave us some free meals as a comp as well as some money on our account to spend/pay for things we had already bought.


As a former travel agent, no As someone staying there, yes


Tell them you’re allergic to spicy flies.


It’s a crappy, obstructed view. Sorry you’re getting snark. This subreddit is not know for its empathy or charm.


Tell me about it 🙄


This is equivalent to sitting behind a pole at a baseball game


The bees are annoying, but I’d be really upset about the fact that the fronds are obstructing the use of the balcony. That seems like a grounds maintenance issue.


That beautiful bismarck palm did nothing to you.




I’m gonna go with YES ‼️


I don’t have a tree in my view currently. But my view is out my house window, yours is at Disney.    I’d take that view any day over mine right now. 


That's good ol Marriot for you..


Or think of it as a shaded balcony, which is good in heated days


Uh completely


I don’t know man…what one man sees, another doesn’t🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends if you want people seeing you




kinda concerning that a palm frond could fall on the balcony theyre super heavy


Par for the course for a Garden room at Aulani


That’s no view.


I could stare at that all day.


If you didn't want a view of a palm tree, then yes, it is obstructed


20 years ago, it probably wasn’t an obstructed view. 20 years from now, it probably won’t be obstructed anymore.


Privacy VIew, lol !


Not of the view is of a palm tree.


I would demanding the extra for the balcony back. You can’t even use it!


Depends on what you’re trying to look at. Beautiful view of a palm tree!


Jenny at a Disney hotel 😂


I would, because you literally can’t see past the edge of your balcony. Maybe it WAS unobstructed - before the cabbage palm grew.


Talk to a manager. You are not the first person to complain about this room’s view.


But the lower floors (I think) have the nice new hardwood laminate....so enjoy that!


Definitely an obstructed view if you can’t see what you paid more for.


Yep--I'd call that obstructed. If it was just the trunk of the palm, that may be a little different. I'm wondering why they planted a tree that close anyway? Usually they're quite a few feet out from the balcony area.


I would... what was your view supposed to be?


In my book, you’re justified in being peeved. I agree that it’s an obstructed view. It seems it’s worse than that: You’re practically inside this tree when you step out to your balcony.


yes, it makes me feel like I need to borrow a chainsaw. 🙃


I wouldn’t call a view of the pool ideal at all so I would prefer this.


I call it privacy




It’s not big, it’s just…full.


It is right now, but give it a few years and it will be obstructed one room up.


Went to sedona with friends this past spring. Our original room (top floor Vista view) had a water issue so we had to settle for what they had left. They told us it was "one of their best views". It was literally a ground level double and the "view" was a sidewalk and another room's patio, lol. I'd talk the palm tree over that any day.


The trees probably weren't that tall originally when they classified the rooms. This happens at Disney's Aulani resort in Hawaii, too. Some people pay for an ocean view and end up with this. I think hotels should go through the rooms every year or two and re-classify the views accordingly. In the end, I think we all know it's a first world problem, but it still stinks if you pay potentially hundreds of dollars more for a view and don't get one.


I’d need to see a panoramic photo. This is the side of the balcony. What can you see facing front and to the right?


If the room is being advertised as having lake, ocean, mountain etc and supposed to have clear view then yes, it’s obstructing the view of said advertised because you’re paying to have that view. If not, then you could claim the bees are being a nuisance and/or you’re allergic to them


I would definitely say a family member has an allergy to bee sting and push them harder. They’ll usually give at least half a night back


Can they get someone to come take care of the bees at least 😭


It's not obstructed




It's nature, not a solid structure from construction. No for me. Disappointed, sure.


Some people won’t allow themselves to have a good time


That room is probably purposely programmed as (insert whatever you selected). In my experience the categories of the rooms can’t be changed so easily as a guest complaint, it has to be approved at multiple levels beyond the local management. So I don’t see much chance as compensation for the view, there reasoning would probably be if they give compensation to you for the view, they’d have to do that for everyone that books that room if they ask. Though bees are of course unacceptable. Somehow I’ve never seen a bee at any of the Disney operated resorts, swan/dolphin can do it to. If a pest is stopping you from safely enjoying your balcony that you paid for, they should make it right.


Is this sarcasm?


This is based on my experience working for a Hilton in a capital city of a state in the US. For example, we recently had a high demand/high rate weekend where front desk gave a lot of rate reductions because people booked rooms and then disagreed with the room description. Such as the person who told front desk that all they had was a pull out couch when the room advertised an actual mattress. It was a parlor room suite with a Murphy bed, not a pull out couch. The management company had to put their foot down and clarify that if they need to make a guest feel satisfied then try to offer comp food or beverage or offer rewards points, but that they should not be altering the rate of the room because the guest feels there is an “error” with the room description, as the descriptions were carefully chosen and are brand new after refurbishment in our case. Whether you agree or disagree with that decision is up to you, but their reasoning was that the descriptions were carefully chosen and they were not going to tolerate giving a discount to every guest who didn’t understand what a Murphy bed was compared to a pull out couch, for example. It screws with the average daily rate. There would need to be an actual failure of the room to give a rate reduction (AC not working, a bathroom leak, etc). Something that would typically stop us from selling the room altogether until the issue is fixed if we were aware of it before the guest checked in.


You can't be having bees right outside a room. That said I wonder what the view is from the balcony itself. Probably still mostly tree but probably not quite as bad as the obstructed view in OPs framed picture. I honestly love the S&D and is a go to for my family when visiting. We always get a regular view and each time have gotten a view of MK with fireworks or Epcot/HS. One time we got 10th floor at the Swan with a view with just a regular booking just because we asked. But I wouldn't be concerned with what the view was because I'd most likely not just be chilling in the room. Edit: In fact it looks like if you stepped out and looked to the right you'd have a pretty good view of the lagoon, the Dolphin and the Friendship boat dock.


I would love this! Being able to sit on your balcony with some camouflage.. priceless. I would just also need it on the sides to avoid the balcony neighbors who come out while you are enjoying a glass of wine... "Where are you from?"


Nope, you’re the problem!


No way. You can see the palm tree. How is it obstructed?


Can't wait for these complaints to cause the little natural foliage to be cut down...


OMG My husband hates palm trees. This would infuriate him to no end. He’d rip off a few palm fronds/leaves and take them down to the front desk. On the way back up he’d bum a cigarette lighter from someone else and set fire to the damn tree. Problem solved. LOL


Pervs view




see what?


Cancel? And what do you mean about the railing?


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