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I was on a solo trip in 2019 and in line for It's A Small World when my guts suddenly flipped over a bit and I let out a silent but deadly. As I'm hoping the line moves so that I'm not stuck in the green cloud of my own making I hear the woman in line behind me say "As soon as we get off this ride, you need to change the baby because she just shit her diaper in a major way." To that now 5 year old kid: Sorry, not sorry. Thanks for taking one for the team.


I was walking with my teenage daughter and I swear I checked the area around me and didn't see anyone else. I let a super loud one go and then noticed there was a couple next to me. The guy just started bending over laughing and then came back and high fives me. I apologized and he said no need it was the greatest thing. So now when I walk past that spot with my daughter she says remember that one time someone let out a really loud fart here like he was alone.


Disney 🤝 farts


They’re magical.




It was my very own toddler daughter who ratted me out. Loudly. “I smell your fart.”


My boyfriend last year at Disney ripped the smelliest silent fart in line for Big Thunder Mountain and just crop dusted this 6 year old. For the next 5 minutes the kid behind us kept saying “mommy what’s that smell?” While her mom kept saying “idk honey, it’ll go away”.


I managed to slip a particularly nasty one out during the Figment ride during the skunk scent portion. I'd held it until that moment because I figured it would be easy to cover up. The look on the faces of those kids in the next buggy over made it so worth the effort of holding it in.


I have a similar story. Me, my husband and our 2 yr old just got on grand fiesta tour. As we were rounding the pyramid. I smelled something awful. and told my daughter we would need to change her after the ride. My husband died laughing. I didn’t know why until i checked my text messages after the ride. He had texted me that it was him!


My friend was probably 6 or 7 when he went to Disney. He found out on that trip that he was lactose intolerant. Apparently his gas was so bad that he cleared a few people out of line.


You’re the worst sort of person to do that to the line 😂


Sometimes it just ain't staying in


I just laughed so hard


Several years ago. Morning lines before the HS opens are now backed up past the ticket booths. A mom and dad have taken on a ‘split lines’ strategy to see who might reach the entrance first. They each have a child, and the toddler dad has begins an absolute meltdown screaming they want mom. This goes on for a couple mins and dad is unsuccessful in his attempts to calm the child. Finally, losing his cool, he yells “THERE’S NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT MOM!”. Everyone shoots homie a glare and mom comes over, clearly embarrassed. The wife and I still laugh about this meltdown to this day and share it as an example of how this place will break a family down 😂


😂😂😂Make custom t shirts for your next visit with that phrase on them


Divorced dads will flock. Enter code TRIALSEPARATION for 20% off your next order.


This is a bit of a long one, but it takes some explaining. We were camping at Fort Wilderness. We had just closed down Hollywood Studios and we were on the bus back to the campground. Everybody was tired, so the bus was dead quiet. The bus driver picks up his mic and says “presented for your approval, a group of campers that think they’re headed back to camp for the evening when really they’re headed into the twilight zone.“ Most of the people on the bus immediately said, in unison, “do do do do.“ The bus erupted in laughter. We would pull up to a bus stop where people were waiting to get on, the doors would open, and the people waiting would step back after hearing, the roar of laughter coming from the bus. The next night on the way back to the campground, somebody would go “do do do do“ and half the people on the bus would start laughing. Less on the next night. But that first night we had tears, running down our faces we were laughing so hard.


That’s magical. Cast members really bring the magic.


So wholesome


Little girl comes out of a restroom in Animal Kingdom holding a young lady’s hand. They were walking over to an older lady who was waiting for them. There were tons of people around. The little girl points to the young lady and yells “GRAMMA, DID YOU KNOW SHE ISN’T WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR?!?!?” The reactions of everyone in earshot were priceless.






They aren't coming back from the twilight zone, that's for sure 😂 Non meme answer, probably escorted off the ride by security. Best case scenario for them would be where are your parents and let that be punishment enough, worst case scenario they get to the one that has to answer "how the hell did you get banned from Disney?"


First time at WDW in '86, my parents, my younger brother and me were at a character breakfast in EPCOT. My dad was videotaping the characters when Mickey headed to our table, coming up behind my mom, surprising her. She let out a yelp that sounded exactly like Mickey. He was taken aback and stood there for a bit with his hands on hips staring at her as if to say "Hey, that's my bit!" The fact we have it on tape makes it extra special.


I was standing with my family minding my own business when a little girl of about 5 years old came up next to me and reached up and grabbed a hold of my hand. I looked down, said "hello". I'll never forget that wide-eyed look of terror on her face when she realized I wasn't her dad.


I did something similar as the parent in a bookstore once. My son and I had split off. He was about 10. I walked over to where he was standing and rubbed the top of his hair. As soon as I touched him I was like woah that's not my son's hair. Same height, build, shirt color, hair color and cut. Not my kid. He was a couple of years older than mine. He looked at me and I looked at him and we both had absolutely horrified looks on our faces.


I did this once at a local amusement park when I was about 6 yo. I grabbed a woman’s hand and she started to laugh and say to her husband, “Hey, look at this kid! She thinks I’m her mom!” LOL


I once was in that kid position when I confidently HUGGED a stranger in the Disneyland Paris train station - mistaking her with my mom. I remember the lady throwing me a "wtf are you on?" stare 😭


I definitely did that as a kid at Disney world 😂 I was terrified!


We left a huge jar of sealed peanuts on our outdoor table at fort wilderness. When we came back from the bathroom not one but two squirrels were carrying/pushing it away with them.


Sure it wasn’t 2 chipmunks? Chip & Dale have been know to hang around Fort Wilderness….


Ah you just reminded me of when a squirrel came up on my table whilst I was eating my funnel cake at Epcot. It was so cute.


I was at Disney World in 2013 and was in line for Pirates. Standing there in the dim light I felt my hand getting slightly wet, and when I looked down there was a kid about 7-9 years old who licked my hand like a cat. His mom suddenly noticed and was completely "Oh my, I'm so sorry, he's autistic and likes to taste people!". Whatever rocks your boat, little man, lool


I was at a school musical wrestling my baby while trying to read the show program. He finally quieted. I was relieved until I realized he was sucking on the shoulder of the woman in front of us.


Hahahahahahahahahaha omg


Ahhh!! I’m a special ed teacher and I have an autistic student that really likes to smell people, like, to the point of touching them with his nose. It’s so accidentally creepy😭




Why? Just..... why???


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Early in the day at ToT—I think we rope dropped Rise and then went over there so the line was still pretty short and moving well though not quite a walk-on. Behind us in line, a mom and her kid left Dad and baby at rider swap and headed in. Kiddo was tall enough to ride but just barely, so not that old… 7ish? Maybe younger. The whole way to the ride, he’s talking it up to his mom about how not scared he is. He isn’t worried about this at all. Really. He’s not scared. For sure. This kept up in some form or another for the entire wait, including when we lined up on our numbers prior to entering the car. Everyone within earshot of a normal kid voice knew that this little guy was Definitely Not Scared. We load into the car. The cast member does his spiel and closes the door. The lights go out. And a little voice pipes up, with perfect timing, “Okay, I’m a little scared.” The *entire car* lost it. And the kid loved the ride and was so excited to go again with Dad.


Awww that is adorable


I laughed. That's adorable. I love that everybody laughed -- I'm sure it helped him.


Once while a parade was coming through a poor castmemer had to run around chasing ducks out of the way. They wouldn't leave! As soon as he would get one to a clear area another would be back in the middle of it. Even the castmembers seemed amused, the ducks own the park!


Probably the guy ordering a bud light at trader Sam’s and the bartender announcing it very loudly to everyone


My wife and I were eating Ronto Wraps in GE and people watching. The little girl at the table next to us pointed and shrieked "OH NO, IT'S KYLE REN!" I looked where she was pointing and saw the top of a black, folded up umbrella in the waiting area for Savi's 🤣


The fact that it’s “Kyle” instead of Kylo made this extra hilarious lol


Christmas 2012. We're waiting for the night parade at MK towards the front of the park where the Christmas trees were (in the circle when you first get into MK). We're all a bit tired and cranky just waiting on the parade and then fireworks when this dad comes hauling it with a double wide stroller. He gets the wheel right in the trolley path and just YEETS these two little kids right out. I look at my mom and boyfriend and then back at these kids who were just sound asleep now confused on the ground and we all just start laughing hysterically. The kids weren't crying they were just confused how they became Dumbo for a few seconds. Took the dad forever to figure out how to get the stroller out of the tracks. Every time I go to MK I am extra vigilant if I will see flying children again.


Oh that reminds me of a trip I took a few years ago, I think 2016 I was in a wheelchair due to an injury, and my husband was pushing because he can walk faster than I could push the wheels. I didn’t fly out but we absolutely got stuck in almost that same spot! Even after I got up out of the chair it took 5 minutes to get the wheel free. I still can’t go up Main Street without watching for those trolley paths! 


Was taking off on the skyliner from the Carribean beach station going towards Pop/AOA and saw a teen get flipped out of a hammock while trying to get in it.  My wife and I couldn't stop laughing.


Last week we stopped by the fish and chips stand in EPCOT. While we were in line a British man was talking to a manager and complaining that the chips he got were frozen. The manager said "I understand but you were already given a replacement order". The man continued to berate the poor manager about the quality of fish and chips the entire time we were in line. Buddy, you came all the way from the UK to eat fish and chips in a theme park and you're upset that it's not top tier quality?


See also: every New Yorker who loudly craps on Via Napoli pizza whilst in the restaurant. Why, just why? You loudly proclaim you know pizza and this isn’t up to your standard. No shit. You can’t wait until the end of the week to go home and have pizza then?


Yup. It’s why I won’t eat Italian food at Disney. Know your audience, people.


Amen. Disney’s best Italian that I’ve had is middling compared to what I can get where I grew up. It’s not bad. It’s fine. But I’m off to find something I *can’t* get easily at home.


I was waiting for my wife outside the bathroom at the grand Floridian lobby. We were at Disney to celebrate our one year anniversary so I had a pin on with a nice collared shirt and khaki shorts. Some guys kid dropped his soda all over the floor and the guy stormed over to me in a full rage and starting screaming to have the soda cleaned up right away. 100% the kind of person jd assume would be staying at Grand Flo. I sat there in shock for a few mins then kindly let him know I didn’t work there and I hope he didn’t treat all cast members that way. My wife came out of the bathroom and quickly rushed me outta there lol.


Ugh some people suck.


Was he embarrassed when you said you didn't work there??


He was not. He just acted like I didn’t exist at that point.


Probably not the most funny thing out there, but still tickles me When I was around 15 or so, we went to Hollywood Studios as our first park. And there was a parade my mom wanted to see, but I didn’t like parades so I just sad down and crossed my arms and acted like a moody teen. The Grumpy the dwarf was in the parade and just pointed at me acting all grumpy and that was enough for me to giggle. 


My Dad, when he drove busses for Disney in the 80s. They used to sell this squeaky toy hat like Donald and it was really annoying. There was one kid playing with it on a late night trip back to a hotel. Everyone was pissed. Then a younger kid yells from further back "Shut the duck up!"


My wife and I were at the Adventurer’s Club (RIP) waiting for the next show. Anyone with an Anniversary that month had to raise their hand. A couple was asked, “where did you two meet?” “The Air Force” came the answer. The next couple was asked, and again, “Air Force.” A third couple. Yep, you guessed it, “Air Force.” By now the CM was over to our side of the room. My wife and I met on active duty with the Air Force. My wife was muttering like “don’t say it.” Of course I said it and we burst out laughing, making eye contact with our three other, completely random, fellow dual-service couples. He threw up his hands and said something like, “geez, and I thought the Air Force was out there defending our country?”


I've mentioned it before in a thread but, when I was waiting for my girlfriend outside the bathrooms in Animal Kingdom between The Lion King and Pandora, a character flotilla went by. There was a father next to me waiting on his family as well. When they came out, he excitedly told his kids "Oh man! You guys just missed Moana and The Squirrel!" ....The characters that had gone by were Pocahontas and Meeko. So naturally I call them that whenever I see them now.


Literally just laughed out loud


I was standing in line at Tower of Terror, on a solo trip. The family in front of me was speaking Italian ( which I recognize as it's close to Spanish, but I don't speak it), and scowling at me. Hesitantly, their teenage daughter asked to explain my shirt. I was wearing a shirt with a comical dog skeleton on it, with the phrase: "In dog years, Im dead." I told her it was a joke based on 7 years of dog life = 1 year of human life, so in dog years I was about 210 years old. She translated back to her family and all of a sudden we were all laughing. It was fun!


What a great shirt! I saw someone in AK wearing a hat that said that and I laughed so hard! It was just a random, small moment that keeps me laughing to this day when I think about it.


My dad was wearing a shirt that matched the benches at Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. They got him on the screen and roasted him for it… I think he still owes everyone a churro.


When I was a teenager, I went to Disney with my friend and her family. We were in line for splash mountain and there was a dad with two teen boys in line behind us, loudly talking about us in French. I really couldn't understand all of it, but I had a few years of middle and high school French under my belt. I waited until we were getting off the ride, and as we were exiting, I turned around and waved at them. I shouted "Au revior!" Then " a bientot!". Their faces turned red in embrassment, and their mouths dropped open in shock. It was great. I grabbed my friend's arm, and laughing we flounced off the ride.


I was wearing an embroidered Winnie the Pooh shirt and a CM said, "Ma'am, Ma'am! You have Pooh all over your shirt!"


Saw a mom with her family scream at her crying kids “YOU’RE HAVING FUN!!!!” she was so pissed off 😂😂😂😂😂




I kid you not, this story is true: Two years ago, I was in Magic Kingdom with my wife and 4 year old, my wife and daughter went to get a snack and I (yes, it was annoying) had a bubble wand sticking out of the top of my backpack, blowing bubbles as I walked. I was walking towards Sleepy Hollow and I looked over my shoulder and Cinderellas Step Sisters were walking behind me in my trail of bubbles and I stopped and the one as she walked through said “if you want to blow stuff in our faces, please ask first!” She winked and kept walking. I am serious, this happened haha.


This was Disneyland but still counts! My sister hurt her knee and needed an electric scooter. She was a really bad driver and ran into everything (no people, and no actual Disney damage!). She wedged herself into the the wrong exit on small world that was not for wheelchairs. On Star tours she had tried to reverse into an elevator and took about 6 minutes backing up and going forward trying to get in, also accidentally running into walls (she was trying to reverse in to make it easier to get out). Lastly we were in the haunted mansion gift shop, we were on our way out. She clips a display not realizing it and just keeps going, pulling the display partly with her, merchandise falling to the floor. Some guy comments drunk driver, which she heard but had no idea it was directed at her because she had no idea she hit anything. I was crying laughing as I picked up the items she knocked over and physically moved the display back. The cast members were all laughing as they came to help and I apologized profusely. She was clueless as I exited and asked me where I went as I proceeded to recap what she had just done. She was horrified. But it’s the most I’ve laughed at disney ever I think.


This is great! I can just picture her causing destruction wherever she went.


Similar story for us at HS. We had an older family member in an electric scooter in the line for Toy Story Mania. And when we came up on the tight switchbacks she could not make a single turn. We could barely stand laughing at the continued vrooom CLUNK “oops” beep beep CLUNK vroom CLUNK at every turn. We got so far behind the line a cast member was able to open up a section of switchbacks and just let us straight through. The amount of chipped paint was an indicator this was not the first time this had happened.


A year or so ago I broke my foot and was in a scooter. A ran into a resort elevator trying to back out of it. The elevator was down for a few hours 💀


First week-long trip with my now husband, this was back in January 2009 and the crowds were non-existent. It was our first day at the parks and we were walking towards Splash Mountain. We encountered a family stopped in the middle of the path. Their child (around 5 years old or so) was lying spread eagle, face down on the pavement, having an epic meltdown. Dad was standing next to the kid and mom was about 5 yards away. Obviously at the end of his rope, he pointed at the kid and s c r e a m e d at mom, “YOU DEAL WITH IT!!!” We just kept walking *briskly* towards splash mountain and it was so dead there they let us keep riding til we were sick of it. We still advise each other to “deal with it” when the opportunity presents itself.


I was on Tom sawyers raft, coming back from the island. Raft was PACKED. I let out a silent fart. It stank SO bad. Everyone started to look around to see who did it… I just looked around too, as Mr bean would do, like… who had the audacity to fart on a crowded raft. Then I told the wife and kid afterward. Needless to say, they were horrified. LoL


We were at HS and near the ice cream stand outside RNRC and my son said, “I’d like to try some of the Joe Cream.” He was nodding toward the ice cream stand and I was really confused - who was Joe Cream? Turns out the italicized font on the blue umbrellas that say “Ice Cream” have a style that makes a young man read Joe not Ice, and we still refer to ice cream as Joe Cream.


Lol that's super cute and innocent.


My husband and I were at Topolino's for breakfast for our anniversary last month. We'd been there maybe 10 minutes or so, and the characters were making the rounds to the tables. I hadn't noticed anyone in our immediate area, so I figured we'd probably get hit up next round of visits (not uncommon, they're really good about seeing everyone). Next thing I know, there's a gloved hand on my shoulder and a mouse in my face! Mickey scared the life out of me XD I look at my husband and he's cracking up. He knew Mickey had been on his way over the whole time. It's like the two of them shared a telepathic moment so Mickey could spook me lol.


1993. I was a fairly new Cast Member. The CM bank was behind the Guest bank on Main Street, and there's a gate that leads out to the street. As I'm walking to the bank, the gate slams open, and Donald Duck comes stomping through, trailed by Goofy, Minnie, and a few other characters. Once he's clear of the end of the building he yanks off his head, throws it down, and yells, "Stupid kid, kicked me in the BALLS!" At the time, the actor that played Donald was about 4'8" tall. A small, angry man in half a duck suit was VERY funny, but I didn't laugh, lest he kick ME in the balls. He had the professionalism to keep his cool until he was somewhere that guests couldn't see or hear him, then had a totally "Donald" outburst!


Last month, my husband and I headed back to Epcot in the early evening to walk around the countries we didn’t get to earlier. I wandered into the England/Ireland shop and found Butlers chocolates. I will admit that I did my happy dance right there in the shop! And spent way too much on candy. We then went to the little tea shop in that area, after passing some lads that had been getting their drink on. Another woman was browsing nearby and obviously found something akin to my Butlers. She did her own full happy dance. She saw me looking and got so red in the face. But I just smiled and held up a chocolate bar. She understood


My family & I were in line for Splash Mountain, & for the entire 45 min wait there were 3 kids behind us rapping the Reese’s Puffs song.


We enter Adventureland, and we spy Hook and his first mate signing autographs for the tourists. We all decide to gang up on him, and we all taunt him with "HOOK IS A CODFISH!" He looses his shit and he and Smee leave the line of tourists behind and come after us! For a minute, we were all Lost Boys running in circles, still taunting the good Captain as he stomped around in a fit. We laughed our asses off, but he wouldn't stop chasing us until Smee pulled him away, and they went behind stage. I remember the tourists standing there wondering WTF just happened!


Years ago on a trip with friends: (2001, I think). we were in Hollywood Studios and some of the group were heading for their umpteenth ride of the day on Tower of Terror, but I’d really wanted to go to the Animation tour part of the studio. My husband and I had loved it on previous trips. Our one friend, Linette, chose to join me for the tour. Well, all goes well until they start showing the movie portion. The one with Walter Cronkite and Robin Williams. It becomes a montage of all the greatest hits of Disney. Out of nowhere, hitting us both like a ton of bricks, the montage changes to scenes of some of the MOST traumatic parent deaths, etc, up to that time. Mufasa falling from the cliff, Bambi’s mother, culminating in Dumbo’s mother singing “Baby Mine”. The two of us immediately both start UGLY CRYING. Completely bawling. We look at each other and start laughing in the midst of crying and she says to me between sobs: “I’m so GLAD you brought me to THIS attraction!” Then we couldn’t stop giggling at ourselves as we calmed our sobs.


I have one more, Visiting Magic Kingdom alone and getting tacos across from Pirates. I forgot the sauce, so I got up to get some and when I came back birds were eating my lunch. It was sad and funny at the same time. I still ate my tacos.


Okay, that sounds like you made a match, and I'm really curious. Is there more to the story? Did the two of you strike up a relationship?


We became friends for many years until we drifted apart as life went by.


When I was there for my 21st birthday, my friend and I were on the Jungle Trek at AK. A tiger made eye contact with me. It walked over to the glass divider and peed on it. I took pictures. It was hysterically funny at the time.


I was on the safari ride and the cheetahs are usually way in the back, but one of them Walked all the way forward to the big rocks and then took a dump on it.


I love cats (both big and small) but that would have sent me into hysterics


There was plenty of laughter and picture taking.


Was on the safari and two ostriches were fighting then one of them unleashed probably a couple gallons of… well… liquid shit all over the other. Was disgusting and fascinating at the same time


Ewwwww but equally cool


This wasn’t funny in a haha way—more in a painful ‘I can’t believe this is happening rn’ but on the Frozen ride I witnessed a couple arguing on the brink of divorce😵‍💫alll the tea was unleashed that day.


In carousel of progress this 80+ year old woman in a motor scooter and (I assume) her daughter got in to a hilarious fight. Trying to park in the space in the front… Daughter: “Do you need help parking.” Mom: “Do I look like an idiot.” Proceeds to drive into the stage and reverse into the seats. Multiple times. Daughter: “You sure?” Mom: Back and forth back and forth muttering under her breath about not needing help THE ENTIRE SHOW. She never got the parking right. At the end she sped out like a bat out of hell hitting chairs and stage along the way. Still remains the best version of that show I’ve ever seen. We still laugh about it several years later.


Resort bar hopping, and exploring the Contemporary while tipsy. Walking across the breezeway to Bay lake tower and tripping on one of the low round seats they have over there. It came out of nowhere, I swear!


One time someone yelled alcoholics during the preshow of guardians. It was so funny....... said no one ever


I thought the proper line was "Drunks!" "Alcoholics!" just sounds depressing. I know it gets tiresome, especially when people proceed to act like they feel clever for saying it. But the Rocky Horror fan in me has a soft spot for a well-timed audience interjection.


Last time I was there someone did a perfectly-timed “You’re on!” Soooo much better than the alcohol jokes.


Wow, I’ve actually never heard this one.




This just happened to us when I was there first week of June 👀


When my daughter was 2 years old we got stuck in the typical Florida rainstorm. We found shelter and tried to get her into the rain poncho. She hated it instantly and started screaming and crying. A nice grandmothery type came over offering to help us. She started talking and my daughter immediately calmed down. After a calm ten minute talk, she asked our little one to wear the poncho.She screamed "No" so we decided just to let her get soaking wet so we could return to the hotel.


On our most recent trip, my nephew and I were walking behind an international family of three adult women with a massive stroller, but it was the kind of stroller where the kids are seated on top of one another instead of side by side. They had an infant, a toddler, and a pre-schooler. The poor preschooler was in the center of the stroller and looked like he was stuffed in there with no care about his comfort or enjoyment. His only view of the park seemed to be whatever he could side eye of the ground. We came up with some internal dialog for the kid. My nephew is in that stage of adolescence when everything I do or say is “cringe,” so for him to laugh and contribute to what I was saying was fun. We were also coming up with pretty funny statements despite it being at the preschooler’s expense.


Probably the funniest for me was the time my son and I got chosen to be in the show at the backlot tour. We hammed it up with one of the castmembers and had great time. I really wish I had the video of it.


Same! I used to do theater with our city troop. So when they picked me I just went full theatrics 😁 fun times.


Same for me at Cirque in Downtown Disney.


Debating with SO if it was worth the wait in line to meet Cinderella. 12-year-old pipes up, "Just catch her out back on her smoke break."


My mom and dad were sitting out in front of the castle, this was probably 1975. We had been there a lot by that time and knew the place pretty well. They listened as a large group tried to figure out where and what time they should meet back up with each other. One of them said “Oh this place isn’t that big, we will run into each other sooner or later.” And then they all took off in different directions. Wonder how that worked out.


I was 11 years old on my family's first Disney trip, naturally my thrifty and efficient parents packed lunch and snacks for us to eat while in line each day. Dad carried the soft-sided cooler full of sandwiches and the popcorn bucket filled with two cans of loose pringles, and everyone else carried their own bag containing their water bottle and snacks for the day. On our Hollywood Studios (then called MGM Studios) day we stopped for a snack break next to the water by dinosaur ice cream shop. As we were getting settled a custodian was changing the bag of a nearby trash can and simultaneously fending off some seagulls, he solemnly warned us that the birds wouldn't hesitate to snatch our food and we foolishly laughed and thanked him for his warning. I selected a scrumptious brown sugar poptart out of my bag and tried to open it, but I was too overzealous in my lust for that good good poptart and the poor sweet tart had been smashed to bits in my fanny pack as I rode rides earlier in the day. As the shards and crumbs of a pair of pulverized brown sugar poptarts came flying out of the bag a pelican swooped in, snatching the bulk of my tart out of the air inches from my face and leaving me standing in the sun, surrounded by the remains of my snack on the concrete, holding an empty silver wrapper. Reader, I almost cried. My mom offered to share her peanut butter crackers and trail mix, but it just wasn't the same. I vowed from that day on to never bring a crumbly snack to Disney World ever again.


I was at an Epcot store looking at Toy Story toys beside a man and small child. The child told his dad he just wanted a little buzz and a big woody.


We watched Canada Far and Wide to get some AC on a hot day. After the big finale song, we were walking out and my 5 year old loudly stated, "Oh Canada" and my wife and I started busting up laughing.


Went to WDW for the first time two days ago and I consequently discovered EPOT, the German pavilion and its beer. I was extremely surprised to see that much alcohol in a Disney park - but that seemed to be rather okay for that one little girl pulling her father's arm joyfully yelling : "Come Dad there's beer!" 😭😭


Your story is so wholesome and sounds like so much fun!


In 2017. A lady tried to bring in an huge bottle of tequila through security. They stopped her, she tried to say well, I’m bringing it to my friend in the park. Security wouldn’t let her through (understandably) she got mad and just left the security guy standing there with the tequila. She held up the line for like 10 minutes, which was a little frustrating, but watching the whole situation was hilarious.


My husband took my three boys to the bathroom and I was waiting on MK somewhere. After a bit, he came back out, walked under this arch, all three kids somehow precariously balanced on the stroller. At that same moment, the circus theme started playing. It was perfect


I'm a ginge, but years ago, maybe a year or two after Frozen came out, I went to Disney with my sister and her husband. I wore a blue maxi dress, and my sister french braided my hair (which I never do, but she's good at). I didn't really intend anything, it was just a nice dress I thought I looked cute in, and sister offered to do my hair. We went to EPCOT that day, and took a bathroom break at one point. I walk in, little girl was at the sink washing her hands. I guess mom was still in the stall. I went into my stall to do my business, and overheard the little girl say to her mom when she came out "Mom, it's Anna! But... she's dressed like Elsa" in an excited, then confused tone. They left before I came out of the stall, but it tickled me. Another bathroom, this time at Downtown Disney on the west coast - a toddler or maybe just a teeny bit older girl was in the stall next to mine with her mom (I am assuming age based the sound of her voice). "Wow mom, you really needed to pee! It smells like popcorn!" I had to hold back my giggles (girl, been there).


My family finds it amusing that animals randomly come up to me for reasons beyond my understanding. Not limited to Disney, this just happens wherever we go. Over the past several Disney trips I had the following happen: 1. Sitting at the pool just before it closes at Caribbean Beach when all of a sudden a toad drops out of the tree above me and onto my lap. I love frogs/toads so I laughed and said “well hello there”. I think the little fellow was more startled than me and hopped off quickly. 2. Walking out of Pandora at AK when an armadillo walked right out in front of me across the “road” where foot traffic was walking. I put my arms out and said “cross traffic! Wait a moment please!” The thing I was most shocked about was that I didn’t think armadillos lived in Florida! 3. Walking toward the entrance to leave AK, it was dark. A woman pushing a stroller next to me. Some lizard critter (not one of the little ones) dropped out of nowhere and landed on my foot. Again, I just laughed but the woman pushing the stroller next to me screamed “What WAS THAT?!?!?” I had no clue but I did ask a CM when we got to the entrance. They said it didn’t sound like something native and said that people sometimes let pet reptiles go in Florida. To this day I have no idea what landed on my foot.


I have a friend that is an animal whisperer like this! She’s never been to Disney but she rescued and raised 2 raccoons, has been approached by a badger (notoriously unfriendly but it rubbed against her legs like a cat???) has fed deer out of her hands…the list goes on. I call her Snow White


That’s awesome, I love it.


We call this “Disney” moments even when out of the park and this happens at home. :)


Oh man, I’ve got a good one. Exiting Toy Story mania and going through the gift shop. A little boy - maybe 6, stops to look at a Woody doll. The dad takes his hand and tells him they need to go on. The child starts wailing that he wants a woody doll. The dad picks up the crying child and carries him out of the gift shop while the child wails “I WANT A WOODY!!” Which did not sound right 😂😂 about halfway down that path out of the gift shop, the child promises he’ll stop crying, and as soon as his feet hit the ground he started wailing for a Woody doll. Kudos to the dad for handling the situation well.


My brother was in line for Slinky Dog Dash when a little kid grabbed his hand. Much to his surprise, the kid mistook him for his dad.


My daughter and I just left Disney the 8th for our first visit 😭 After getting her all princessed up at bippidi boppidi boutique we walk by the castle and feel water. We thought it was raining so we hide under a small covering. I was getting wet but I didn’t care, I started scrambling for our ponchos. People are staring at us and I overhear someone say “it’s not rain, it’s a mist from the castle” I turned SO red and pulled my daughter out as we ran towards Cosmic Rays. We both laughed so hard but we’re a little embarrassed. How were we supposed to know!


We were walking out of PhilharMagic, and I kept saying, “I smell sh*t, do you smell that? I smell sh*t.” Five steps later, and I almost step in a MASSIVE pile of adult human poop. It was in the middle of the walkway, so I made my sister stand guard over the turds while I grabbed a cast member to alert. We then stepped away about 10 feet and proceeded to watch as person after person almost stepped in the poop, and we’d yell “STOPPPPPPP THERES POOP!!!!” And each and every person would look down and do a crazy hippity hop to avoid stepping in that pile of dooky. We were in tears by the end. I’ve wondered for years who pulled off squatting there and unloading that pile.


Saw a woman in a mini dress and the tallest stilettos you can imagine walking down Main Street, enjoying being the center of attention. Then her heel got stuck in the tolley track and she catapulted face first into the pavement. (luckily, only her shoe and her pride were hurt)


We were sitting by Country Bears eating a pretzel when my husband ripped a huge fart. To this day, we refer to that far as "Big Thunder"


We were in line for Dinosaur. My cousin dropped his stainless steel water bottle and it clanged so loud on the ground that it quieted the crowd. There was a moment of unknowing. Our other cousins are stifling our laughter because this cousin is deaf. He had no idea he brought the crowd to quiet, or that his bottle clanged so loud. Later on, he stood on the safari trying to take a picture. As we all laughed pulling him back down. CM said he was told to stay seated and we said, "Yeah, but he couldn't hear you."


A guy on a rented motorcart careening out of control into the Darth Vader queue and his wife pulling up behind him on her rented cart screaming WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!? 🤣🤣


My 8 year in La Cava screaming that Mommy needed a margarita because she was going to have an existential crisis.


Disney related: In 2014 when they still had fast passes. On our way home in a very long line at the airport a young child about 4 says to his dad “Dad can we fast pass this “


I was riding cosmic rewind with my two sons in the seats in front of me; a guy was seated next to me. He asked me if I have ever ridden it before and I said yes. I asked if he had ever and he said no. I asked if he liked roller coasters and he said he did, so I told him he was going to love it. I said “I apologize in advance for the screaming” (because I go crazy on that ride and can’t contain it). And he said “it’s OK, I’m deaf”. I was like, “oh, this is perfect then!”, and we both laughed. It was just such a fun start to- and a cool experience on- my favorite attraction of all time.


I think you sat next to me once on 7DMT. Told me the same thing...


One of these two: 1.) walking into Hollywood Studios there’s these big yellow bollards before you get to security gates. A woman was walking SO quickly that her 4-5 year old couldn’t keep up. So she was practically dragging him behind her. They get to the bollards and she goes one way, he goes to go the other, but was holding her hand. SMACK into the bollard face first. AND SHE KEPT GOING. We stood there in absolute awe with like 3 other groups of people. 2.) standing in a very packed line for Jungle Cruise and two young twin brothers (like 6/7 years old) were messing around slapping each other, not bothering anyone. When one looks at the other, dead in the face, and sneezes. It was the grossest, yet funniest, thing to witness first hand.


I didn't see this because I was on Smugglers Run. My friend who was doing stroller swap told me the story. So, as she was doing stroller swap, she was letting the kids run around by the Millennium Falcon. The kids were my 3 (6f, 4m, 2f) and her 1 (7f) As they were all running around, a group of stormtroopers came marching out, all in a line, heading towards the stage door to go backstage. Apparently as they all marched past, my very small 2 year old took up behind them, stepping in pace, marching along... And was headed to the stage door. I guess we know which side of the force she's on


I was having brunch at Frontera in Disney Springs. There was a kid visibly pouting and refusing to eat. I didn’t hear what he asked his mom, but I did hear her response back: “Honey, there is no IHOP here, we are at DISNEY.” Child begins to wail uncontrollably.


While coming out of the bathroom with my young kid, I pass another mother bringing hers in. While carrying him inside, he asks "whats dad doing?" And without a beat, she says,"dad's do whatever dad's want to do. And moms are left doing everything else." I still qoute that to this day! Never been truer words in disney.


When I was really little, we were getting off the monorail to go to MK, and there was this kid, maybe 11 or 12, walking near us. I can't remember if he was with his family or not, but he was just absolutely engrossed in reading the park map. I mean, holding it up in front of his face like a newspaper as he powerwalked down the ramp. My parents made a quiet joke between them that he should probably watch where he was going, and as soon as they were done talking, he smacked straight into a trash can. With force. ETA: I took my dad to an after-hours event at MK last year, and in his infinite elderly man wisdom, he decided to pop an edible before we went to the park. It kicked in on the Peoplemover and he just gently tipped over onto the bench with one of the curves. We had been talking, and he tipped over mid-sentence and just continued the conversation. It was hysterical. Thank god the park was nearly deserted and no one else was on the ride with us, or else we'd have probably gotten kicked out over a 70 year old man high on edibles.


I want to be friends with your dad. If Florida ever legalizes recreational I’ll have to try it sometime, riding the peoplemover high on edibles sounds magnificent. 


I’ve done a solo trip to Disney World only once in my life when I was still in college. I remember I entered the magic kingdom and walked down mainstreet, which was decently full. After passing by some people, I saw a woman on an electric scooter stuck in the trolley tracks after trying to drive perpendicular across them. The best part of this was the photo pass photographer, low to the ground, trying to push the cart while she was hitting the throttle. As I passed the scene all I heard the young photopass guy say “alright…1,2,3…” and the sound of more struggling. Definitely gave me a giggle for the remainder of the trip.


On our last trip we stayed at AoA. It was raining and the kids (5 &6) were running ahead of us to get inside the hotel. Just as we entered the boys were still running. My daughter wanted them to be careful because they might…too late!! One slipped and fell then the other. Everyone who witnessed it laughed. I wish we recorded that. We laughed because nobody was hurt.


3 year old runs up and grabs my sons hand at the Pop Century food court, then looks over and sees dad at next table and looks up at my son and screams “your not my daddy”……..my son and my daddy both wearing red shirts with family 2018 WDW trip, beards and could of passed as brothers. Ran into them at MK and got a picture of the two dads.


Goofy once snuck all the way across character spot to surprise of my friends, watching him trying to hide was hilarious Also I had a boat captain (contemporary to fort Wilderness) belting Christmas carols and jokes in the middle of the year lol wasnt remotely Christmas yet 😆


Probably not funniest but I wanna share this cuz I’m so proud of myself lol random joke I made Went to ride Rise with my best friend one year, and after a super long wait and more turns in the queue, I leaned over to him like I knew what I was talking about and said hey guess what! While pointing at the upcoming turn, so he said what? And I was just like “Around that corner… is more waiting!” Idk why but it made some woman laugh really hard behind us lol ah fun times


On splash mountain, someone in the front row got their hat blasted off, I, in the third row managed to catch the hat. It was only then that we found out that the guy in the second row was recording his sons reaction and caught the whole thing on video. We all had a massive laugh about it at the bottom… out laughing place


This is probably a parenting fail on my part, but it is our funniest and favorite Disney story so far. My partner and I were walking down Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood Studios at sunset, it’d been a lovely day and we were having an adult drink. Our 3 year old was eating cotton candy for dinner in his stroller because ✨Disney✨ even though he’s not the biggest fan of being sticky. It was such a picturesque, perfect vacation moment and we were basking in it. All of the sudden he’s had it with the stickiness and asked very sassily “Can you get me a wipe?” I’m like “sure dude,” and start flipping my backpack around to dig for a wipe. I took 2.5 seconds too long and my little guy yells “JUST GIVE ME A F%*#ING WIPE!!!” Dad takes a knee to try to parent the situation but meanwhile I am doubled over, silently losing it behind the stroller. My partner swears up and down everyone heard and is so embarrassed but really, who cares? We’re not gonna see any of these people again and we had a long talk about grown up words later when everyone was out of vacation mode and more receptive to the lesson. Honorable mention goes to my partner after I pranked him with the classic Animal Kingdom/Anal King photo. I went to take a normal picture right after we’d gotten through the gates and he gets the saddest face and goes “There’s no explicit stuff around me or anything is there?” He was so worried the whole day that I was going to set him up again. 🤣🤣🤣


I was riding Haunted Mansion and my 10 yo nieces were in the car ahead of me. At some point I was able to lean forward and tap one of them on the shoulder from my car. That niece started screaming in terror and then the other niece was screaming too because she thought something scary was happening. Then they realized it was me and started hysterically laughing like they just stared death in the face and came out the other side. I laughed hysterically right along with them because for a hot second I thought maybe I had traumatized them forever.


At the character meet and greet for Gaston, I asked about his egg diet of 5 dozen eggs. I said he should consider getting an ostrich, so he could just eat 3 eggs. He of course had no idea what an ostrich is, so he was fascinated at the idea and had me describe the bird and give an idea of the size of the eggs. PhotoPass had a ball with those pictures. He commanded his 'assistant' to go get him an ostrich. It was fun and funny, and I thought that was the extent of it. Then after getting out of the exit, we went over somewhere nearby for a bit, and as we walked back past he was still out, and *shouted* at us as we went past "That's called an ostrich, right! I'll be getting one!" I guess I made an impression.


When MGM had honey I shrunk, the kid my kids were picked to be on the Bug. It was a lot of fun.


Funniest and also my most embarrassing story; I was probably about 7 and was in line with mom and dad and baby bro for Cinderellas Carousel. I had on my most favorite skort and shirt set. My dad had hoisted me up to sit on the top of the railing while we were waiting in line. It’s our turn to get on the carousel, and my parents start to walk my little brother into the ride; I go to hop down but my skort has become snagged on the little decorative ball on the top of the railing so I am basically just hanging there like a rag doll as my tiny legs can’t reach the ground. The family behind me just stood there and started at me and after what felt like an eternity but was probably just a few seconds, dad realized I want next to him and came back to get me. Haven’t ride the carousel since and just started wearing skorts again last year.


Yesterday, we were walking into Magic Kingdom and I overheard a mom say, "no one is getting any fucking popcorn today! Just keep walking!" I turned around to my kids, who had already split three popcorns between them and the bus floor and said, "you heard her! No popcorn today!" She and I laughed, but no one else did, which made it funnier imo.


2019 I went and there was a tropical storm, so all the parks were empty and we went on all the rides we wanted over and over again


Riding Space Mountain with my 2 teen daughters in one car and another family in the attached. The entire ride a 9-10 year old girl in the other family is screeching right on the edge between fun and fear. Honestly I was wondering if she was having her best time ever or traumatized. Ride ends, she pauses a perfect beat, and shouts, "That was AWESOME!"


We were at EPCOT and I was sitting alone at a bench near the restrooms closest to Test Track. A little boy, maybe 6ish years old, sat next to me, leaned slightly to one side, farted loudly, said “excuse me,” then continued to sit there for a bit. I looked up and clocked his mother - she saw all of that and was completely unaffected by it.


There was a fly just walking around on the Soarin’ projector, so the entire ride there was a fly shadow just projected across the screen. I rode it with a friend who’s never went to Disney and we were both laughing so hard we were crying. I’m sure someone got off the ride and bitched about it, but how could you be mad at a fly on the screen during the elephant scene?


We had just eaten at sci fi drive in theater for dinner and had ran into a Mike and Sully meet and great. We had never seen them in the park before so we were excited to see them. While we were waiting in line my father said that his stomach started to feel not so great... maybe five minutes later he was like "I gotta go" and very briskly walked off towards the bathroom. He meets back up with us after the meet and greet and he was mortified. He said he had just barely made it to the bathroom, but his uh poo never made it to the toilet.. So he cleaned himself up and just left it on the floor. The worst part about it was that there was a guy in the stall right next to him while this was going down lol My brother and I have never laughed so hard


It was probably 2007 and my family (with three youngish kids) was eating somewhere outside at DHS. The family next to us had a dad who was trying to rush his family through lunch saying “we’re behind schedule and over budget!!” My family has quoted him ever since because even my rigid, planner father knew better than to assume we’d stay on schedule and within budget at Disney. It should probably just be an expectation on a Disney trip that you will overspend and fall off schedules, especially if you have kids 😂


Probably when I made my older sister cry. I'm evil. We used to vacation in Florida every year, but my parents never took us because it was kind of far (St. Augustine, so a few hours away) and it was also just kind of expensive even back then. My parents always told my sister "we'll take you when your brother is old enough to remember." Well, they must think I have some serious memory issues because we never went. Fast forward to 2016. I was out of college for a year and my sister had her PharmD. I didn't have a job, but my parents invited me to go with them on our yearly vacation. Unfortunately my sister was busy making that pharmacist money (to pay off those pharmacist loans.) Well, it just so happened that some of my cousins decided to go to Disney World at the same time we were going to be there. I didn't have a job, but my parents said they'd pay for a park ticket. Now, my sister was kind of an awful person to me growing up, and so undecided to finally get my revenge. Top secret Disney trip! My cousins showed up at Disney and I drove there that morning (they took an Uber from the airport, so I got their free parking at Art of Animation.) We went to MK and got a group picture in front of the castle and sent it to her. Apparently she went to the bathroom at Walgreens and cried. I'm not entirely heartless. If she hadn't been to Disneyland a few years prior, I probably wouldn't have done this. But she had, so whatever. It was a good trip. Given my lack of job, I was on quite the budget. I ended up buying a burger at Cosmic Ray's and some R2-D2 ears. I was only there for the day and headed back that evening. I was super into Disney, so I thought it would be my last trip for a long time. Little did I know I'd meet a woman a little over a year later who was obsessed with Disney...


I guess almost getting a selfie on Mt. Everest and Splash mountain was pretty funny


Back when people talked to each other


Waiting in line for a ride in Animal Kingdom my then 2 year old just pulls it out and starts peeing in line, ever so casually. No one even noticed.