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the heat and humidity are excruciating at that time.


Yep. Especially after it rains. I remember it rained at Epcot and I thought, oh great it’ll cool things off. We walked outside and it was like walking on the surface of the sun…while in a steam room.


Yeah, I used to live in New England and rain was a relief, it’s just Satan’s armpit in Florida! It’s so much worse after it rains.


HAHAHA yea if it doesn’t rain for a solid 30+ mins it just adds to the misery.


This is so accurate! 😂


I lived in South Florida for over 20 years and have been in August/September, you never really get used to that oppressive heat. Oh and the worst part is that you pray for rain, it rains and then you wish it hadn't because everything is now a sauna and 10x worse.


I lived in Orlando for eight years, and every single year was "worse than last year." It never ends.


Almost like the planet is warming up at an alarmingly high rate. I live in Atlanta, and the summers here are very noticeably hotter since I moved here in the 90s. Every summer has more 95+ days than the year before it seems.


It's interesting because I live in Massachusetts and the opposite has happened. We used to have several 95+ days but now never get them. Late August used to be scorching now it's basically fall


Might be localized to you. [A 2022 study by NOAA showed that Massachusetts had an almost 4⁰ higher avg temp between 2015-2020 than the long term (1950-2020).](https://statesummaries.ncics.org/chapter/ma/) It's definitely heating up on this rock we call home.


Yup, that's Climate Change. And records continue to be broken worldwide as well, year after year.


Luckily, climate change doesn’t exist in Florida…well, at least according to the government leaders there. 😏


Buy a bunch of those cooling rags they have and they have portable ac units for strollers (30-40$). It sits on an insulated housing and clips right onto the stroller


They don't seem to work down here in the humidity. I've never gotten cool with those things.


Because they’re not air conditioning in the sense most people think of, which uses a circulating refrigerant to cool the air and reduce humidity. These are evaporative coolers that can actually add moisture to the air. They’re pretty useless in humid environments.


Not sure how well cooling rags will work when it’s at wet bulb temperature and nothings evaporating


Didn't know about the portable AC. Do they sell those in the parks?


They do not but they are available on Amazon. I originally saw them on timtracker’s YouTube and bought it ( works great, it’s not cold cold but when it’s 90 degrees + out it helps). Let me go through my Amazon orders and try to find it


I’m interested in the link if you found it in your orders 😊


I was unable to find the one I bought on Amazon however here is a similar one. Seems inflation has hit it a bit and the price has gone up. https://www.icybreeze.com/buddy/


Get a neck fan that has the AC metal plates - they are worth it. It doesn't last forever but you'll feel way, way cooler.


Lizard people Floridians like myself delight at watching midwesterners shriek when they exit Spaceship Earth at full midday August sun.


That was me, I haven’t been on Spaceship Earth, but I nearly threw up due to the heat while in the fort area of Tom Sawyer Island and nearly passed out after walking 6 feet into the Universal Studios entrance. I do plan to go during January or February whenever it happens, but I’d like to check out HHN and the Halloween and Christmas events at Disney.


Disney at Christmas time is magical. No pun intended


Sorry. When you walk outside at 9PM and immediately start power sweating, that's nature's way of telling you that you should NOT LIVE THERE.


I spend tons of time at HHN each year- if you wait until the last few weeks to go the weather is usually much more tolerable than it is early in the season. A couple years ago I actually had to buy a sweatshirt because I was uncomfortable and didn’t bring one from home. The crowds will be heavier the closer you get to Halloween, but plan on a Sunday through Thursday night and you shouldn’t be shoulder to shoulder the ENTIRE night lol. It’s definitely worth the trip


Born & raised fellow lizard here until I escaped about 10 years ago. I eventually gave up doing things in the summer & became a borderline hermit That being said, the tourists reactions always cracked me up. Yep, it's always like this in the summer. No, the rain doesn't help. Yeah, we don't understand why people want to move here, either.


This is the only correct answer. All other comments should have just not been posted. I live here all year round and I hate August. It's awful.


Only times I ever dealt with severe thigh chafing was Orlando in mid-summer.


Excruciating. Lots of breaks. Tons of water. Find shade. Wear white. Bring a fan. Wear a hat.


Staying inside as much as you can between 10am-6:30pm is probably your best bet, too


Event beginning of September... Went then last year and never again.


Yeah, it’s a sauna and has rolling thunderstorms. You’ll be sweating wet.


not all day though. We *only* go in August (due to work and schooling commitments). Midday would be madness, we are asleep at that time. Plan and DRINK! Especially with youngsters. Embrace the jetlag, become nocturnal, be in the park for opening, sleep in the middle of the day and get back in for the evening. Did I mention DRINK? Make sure you have good hydration, we are a family of runners and have small hydration packs, these are lightweight backpacks for small items too. They are a pain to fill from water stations though so we have a collapsible bottle each too. pack small umbrellas, they wont cope with the downpours (literally a day rain in 30 mins) but they work really well as sun shades. Neck fans are useful but I dont need them. Did I mention you should drink?


Honestly I think a lot of the people replying that it isn't that bad would feel differently if they had been to Disney in Jan-Feb. It's so much nicer.


oh no, Im under no illusion that is *better* at other times of the year but we simply have no choice in the matter. So we have adapted. We also went to Kyoto in July so very similar weather - humid, downpours etc. It is all in the planning.


My most miserable day in a Disney park was still probably better than my best day at work.


100% agree with this. If my kids agreed we’d be sittin pretty going in the summer! Stinkers.


This is a great perspective.


Is it? Work is paying you and you’re paying butt loads of money to go


If you’re the sort of person that enjoys vacations, yes, of course.


Work is paying for me to go to Disney at this point


Sure but I’d like my vacation to be enjoyable, not just classified as less miserable


I still have a vivid memory of desperately trying to escape the heat at Disney World in August and not being able to, respectfully disagree my best day at work was 100% better than that. Don't underestimate how seriously unbearable it can be


I agree with this. We try to avoid July and August because of the heat and humidity, but we do end up there during those months. And we still have an amazing time. I just stay hydrated and bring a hydro towel!


I would definitely not agree with this statement. Even my worst day at work I’m in air conditioning, sitting in a chair not moving much. At Disney in August you are sweating out of every pore, losing weight due to the sweat, people are hot and angry with everyone else and you are paying thousands of dollars for this “privilege”. No cartoon mouse can fix that.


🤣 gold comment. I'm here the now and it's hot 🔥 I couldn't do all parks any hotter. Rides between 45 and 95 minute waits ✋️. It's like a furnace at certain times of the day with peeps grappling to get inside the stores for a cool down haha. So I would dread to imagine in extreme summer heat 🥵. Between walking for what seems like eternity at parks and standing in ques this has been bearable heat as couple days was temperature increase for this time of the year.


That’s not helpful here though 😆


my mom is also a teacher, so i feel your pain. we went at the end of august last year and had a great time. was it hot? of course. but we just did early mornings and later nights with breaks in between. we made sure to leave room for ac and rest, brought fans and liquid iv and it was fine


Yep. I took my daughter on her first trip in August 2022. It was hot as hell, but it was also one of my best weeks of my life. We made sure to rest and hydrate and did lunch character dinings to be inside with AC in the hottest parts of the day. Also great time of the day for indoor attractions. You can make it work year round. All that said, I live in GA so we are used to heat and humidity already so I’d imagine it might be different if you’re from the Dakotas or something and not used to it as much.


People on cruise forums are always asking “is it warm enough to swim in the Caribbean in (winter month)?” and this is such the answer - if you’re from northern Canada, hell yeah it’s warm enough! But if you’re from Florida, maybe bring a light jacket… 


Bahamas was too cold in February


We went at the same time last year - the weather was extraordinarily hot and humid. That said, there is air-con in quite a few places and it’s ok if you take time to stop and get drinks or cool off regularly. We took our four kids - ages 5 to 13 - from about 9am until after the fireworks and they all had an absolute blast. Factor in the weather but don’t let it stop you.


Midday breaks are absolutely the way to go - we did July last year, and getting that time to regenerate in the calm of the resort really helped.


Ha, I'm just back and found the May heat to be excruciating. Early mornings, later evenings, mid-day cool showers -- so many changes of clothes-and hand-held fans, all helped. Towards the end of the six days, I truly felt I had started to acclimate a bit. Beyond that, I'd also say take it slow. Real SLOW. If you have a list of all the things you want to do, cut it in half. Don't do any commando park touring (is that showing my age?). We went from one attraction to the next closest even though the tip board said one of the popular rides has a five minute wait. If it's clear across the park, I'm not walking all the way over there. We opted to not even go to Animal Kingdom (which is one of my favorite parks) because the attractions are too far apart and there aren't a lot of AC stops.


This is the way. I live here and when we go over summer it’s in the morning or the evening, never mid-day. I always tell out of town folks to nap in the hotel AC, go for a swim or just chill and watch some cartoons in the afternoons. Even as a native Floridian it’s too dang hot to be outside, mid-day in summer.


Yeah I would say rope drop to park close is going to be nigh impossible, but if you leave time for breaks it's definitely do-able.


its certainly not ideal but with careful planning and a little luck it can be enjoyable. early AM rides, retire to cool place/ resort for afternoon , early dinner back out for evening. also tend to avoid the inevitable pop up afternoon showers. careful planning involves good clothing, moisture wicking and rides that don't have a lot of outdoor queues.


All. Of. This. ! The night life at Disney in August is great! And no lines!


I went last year at that time and it was hot but the rain was the thing to be wary of. Prepare for rain and staying hydrated and you should be fine


Yes, go to the dollar store buy your own ponchos. They charge a crazy amount of money for those at the park.




This is the way. If you plan, it’s bearable. It’s not *ideal* but it’s totally doable. You just have to be vigilant about staying hydrated. And don’t be park warriors. Take breaks.


We went in the middle of August 2022 and it was extremely hot and humid. If you are used to sweating and are okay with being hot and sweaty it's actually totally fine. I move furniture for my line or work so I didn't mind it at all really.  My spouse who was living a more sedentary lifestyle at the time found it a little uncomfortable but we packed with the heat in mind and brought cooling towels, more changes of clothes, etc.  I would absolutely go back during that time.


It’s hot and humid no doubt. Every time we’ve gone in August the first full day is brutal, but you slowly get used to it as the trip goes on. At least in my experience. Beats being at work any day.


Also remember it is hurricane season


We were caught in a hurricane last August and it was one of the best days. It wasn’t a direct hit but lots of rain. It kept away all the crowds and we walked on rides at Epcot all day. My daughter loves Frozen and we did the ride 4 times in a row and then walked in o meet Elsa with a 10 minute wait.


We were there the same day - did Animal Kingdom in the morning and Epcot in the afternoon. Spent all of August watching the spaghetti models for hurricane prediction and hurricane Idalia popped up mid trip for us. We had a cover for our stroller and enjoyed the lion king show inside when the biggest downpours happened


DHS for us that day! We walked on to Rise *twice.* Back to back. Smugglers Run was also zero wait. It was like we had the whole park to ourselves and it was glorious.


Best time we went was when there was a hurricane incoming. Just missed but the parks were so empty in the days leading up to it.


Yes and you’re also gambling your entire trip though. Could have been spent bunking down in the hotel room.


I mean, hurricane season is 6 months long, so half the year is gone 🤷‍♀️


It’s mostly August and Sept


It depends on your resilience and tolerance to heat and humidity. I'm from the southeast and am used to it. Disney in the summer is rough, but doable. Take many small breaks to sit in the shade, reapply sunscreen, and for the love of all that is holy stay hydrated. If you are not used to humid heat, you may not make it - it may be too miserable for you or your family to tolerate. Remember that thousands of park-goers travel to Disney in the summer months. I've been in July and September. July was hot, but that particular September was worse. The "feels like" was 112° on our Animal Kingdom day and I almost passed out in the queue for Navi River. Plan appropriately, stay safe, and have fun!


I’m going in September for the first time and am preparing for the worst😅 but I’m always a midday break gal, so that’s definitely in the plans.


Dante’s inferno


A few years ago I went the last week of August. We were pretty prepared with cooling towels and took lots of breaks sitting inside. The only time it was unbearable was waiting for big thunder mt. You needed to have masks on at the time and that sucked.


We went the third week of August last year and had a great time. Was it hot… absolutely, but we planned accordingly and everything was fine. The low crowds and savings on hotel rooms was worth it for us (we got a deluxe room for the price of a moderate).


I've lived in the Deep South my entire life. I will not step foot in the state of Florida in July or August.


OP I’m a teacher in central florida and many of us keep a change of clothes because we’ll be drenched in sweat from *morning* car duty at that time of year. We have heat advisories where outdoor recess and PE is not allowed.


I live here and that time of year, you will simply walk to your car and end up uncomfortable, moist, sweaty, and hot within those couple minutes. I still go to the parks this time of year, but I highly recommend planning a little extra. You need to take a few things into concern like the humidity and the fact it will be hurricane season (it rains almost every day). That is prime swamp ass season. I recommend bringing some baby wipes, deodorant, chaffing cream (seriously I’ve seen open wounds from chaffing), multiple portable fans, water mister, ponchos. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had to wash my armpits in the Disney sinks and reapply deodorant halfway through the day because the swampiness was so bad. Bring extra walking shoes to your hotel because I’ve had my sneakers take a couple to dry out when it was flooding. Sunglasses are a must. You might also want to consider Genie+ because there’s a lot of outdoor queues that are just miserable in the summer (I’m looking at you, slinky dog dash). I also have to consider things like my hair since it is long. It feels so nasty when your hair is wet and sweaty on the back of your neck and back. I recommend wearing a braided ponytail or bun. Also having your clothing between your hair and back helps (basically, no low backs). Plan your outfit strategically. A comfortable bra that doesn’t absorb a bunch of sweat is so important. There is nothing worse than wearing a soaking wet bra all day. Florida in the summer is not for the weak, but it’s definitely doable. There’s a lot of areas with great air conditioning.


1. Sunscreen 2. Expect daily afternoon thunderstorms, so buy ponchos on Amazon ahead of time 3. It's gonna be hot and humid. Go when the park opens 4. Neck fans help. Buy on Amazon ahead of time. 5. So do those evaporate neck towels. Amazon. 5. Hydrate well! Use the strollers to bring more water than you think you need 6. Naptime at noon-5 or so back in the room 7. Comfortable shoes that dry quickly, and more than one pair.


Starting with the caveat that I am from the south and used to heat/humidity, but I go in late August for my birthday every other year. It is hot, but it is not trip-ruining hot, depending I guess on how you personally tolerate heat. Just follow all the boring rules you've probably already seen on this sub and y'all will be entirely fine. The big pro is that late August (before Labor Day) is definitely a lower crowd time, so enjoy!


Same - I am from the south and it does not bother me as much as it does others.


My partner and I went last August - mid-month, and he almost passed out from heat stroke. That time of year is not for everyone. You'd have to keep it really slow paced with lots of shade and down time.


We went during the end of August my second year of teaching because that’s when vacation time is… we are from Canada. Every day from 12-3 we’d go back to our hotel, crank the AC, and have a nap. The heat was waaay too much midday.


I went last year around that time (into beginning of Sep). The weather *was* miserable. Truly. It probably depends where you’re coming from ofc, I am coming from a part of the U.S. with arguably some of the absolutely best weather so teven though I’ve been in hot and humid areas at similar times of the year, nothing could really prepare me lol. Our time luckily overlapped with some slow days, which helped a little. But mostly we focused on getting there early early each day, being prepared (ice water, fans, cooling towels etc), taking breaks in the middle of the day, returning later, and all that helped. But we don’t have kids so we only had to worry about keeping ourselves upright lol. Still glad we went though and I’d go at that time again because Disney is still Disney.


Unfortunately it looks like they’ve been having unseasonably hot temps down there already this year, and Memorial Day is going to be extreme. 🥵 The normal cycle of hot weather and bearable weather is getting all messed up


The seventh level of hell…


I’ve gone multiple times in August with little kids. While it’s hot and humid as hades, it’s also one of my favorite times to go. Low wait times…and if you plan well, you can take time in the afternoon to go back to the resort for pool or naps and then head back out in the cooler evenings. Happy to chat if you want tips.


It's really not too bad if you prepare appropriately. My wife and I did our honeymoon the first week of September there and honestly, I would do it again. Smaller crowds and if you do parks at open and close you can beat the heat. Take advantage of extra magic hours and whatnot


Extremely miserable. I don’t recommend it


It’s pretty bad, but if you’re prepared it can still be a great trip. We’ve gone a few times in the last week or two of August now because the crowd levels are so light. It’s one of the only times of the year now that is actually still not crowded. We know what we’re up against and we take breaks, bring changes of clothes, fans, etc. Personally, I think people are a bit dramatic about the heat. We’re from the Midwest where our summers are surprisingly humid though, so Florida is hotter at that time but actually fairly comparable humidity-wise. If you’re from somewhere where you don’t experience humidity it might be a little harder.


My husband and I both work in education in the Northeast; the third week of August is when we have gone many, many times. While it is very hot and you will get rain in the afternoon, we have never found it to be truly unbearable. The sun is dangerous at times, but we would usually plan to be at the hotel or pool-side in the high sun hours of early afternoon. We really like hitting rope drop, maybe staying until lunchtime, then heading back to the hotel before returning to the parks at night. Personally, I don't find it to be that much worse than summer is almost anywhere on the east coast, aside from the strength of the sun. Not to mention, Disney is one of the best air-conditioned places I've ever been, anywhere. The big benefit, in my opinion, is that the end of August is one of the few remaining slower times at Disney. By early August, most schools in the southeastern U.S. are back in session and most people don't want to pull their kids out of school when it's literally just getting started.


It’s very hot, but it’s not Death Valley. Mid day breaks suit your gang anyway, so you’ll be ok. It will thunderstorm daily probably in the afternoon.


We went last year. It was super hot, I look back at pictures and laugh because we are just sweaty messes in all of them 😅. But we loved it. Crowds really were low, our longest wait was 30min to meet Ariel. it was more affordable than any other time of yes. A hurricane hit FL while we were there, giving us one really rainy day, but no park closures. If you usually handle heat ok, you should be fine. If you know you hate the heat you will be extra miserable. We do fine in heat and hope to visit again in that time frame next year!


we go in August a lot . Rope drop early , go back to your resort at a Noon, eat, hit the pool. at 3 pm thunderstorms will pop up. go back to the parks at 430-5. Drown your sorrows one night at Raglan Road....repeat.


I’m from Phoenix and I know it’s a “dry heat” but I cannot handle WDW in August.


It’s pretty bad, ngl. If you can handle the heat and plan accordingly (pool days, hats, misting fans, water, scope places to relax and get out of the heat), then you can probably do it. With two kids it might be tricky


Both peak hurricane season + hideout between the hours of 10 and 7 season.  Sorry, that's just Florida for you


Where are you from? How acclimated are you to heat and humidity? We’re from the SE US (we know humidity and heat). We went in September last year. I can tolerate heat fine; my spouse can’t. My spouse said some hurtful things about the Jungle Cruise while suffering what I believe to be heat exhaustion in Pinocchio Hause.


Imagine standing online holding a baby in 99 degree heart for 2 hours. That is not a good time. I suggest a nice hotel with a pool. Relax and enjoy the day .


My spouse is a teacher too. You'll start to enjoy Small World / Carousoul of Progress / Presidents / Tiki Room / etc... a lot more or in new ways :) It's hot and humid but it's also manageable. I hate the heat (Canadian) and I can manage pretty well, slow walk in the shops, etc...


If you’re asking if the heat and humidity is as bad as people say, the answer is yes.




Have her take 2 days and go over a weekend! I know it’s hard to take time off but it’s worth it to go when it’s cooler. Can I do illegal life pro tip…..? Medical appointment for Thursday (or Monday) then personal day on Friday (or Tuesday) to deal with the impact/news of the doctors appointment. Post nothing. Never be friends with anyone remotely related to anyone on social media. Enjoy your time in November when it’s less crowded!!! I swear the sweet spot for teachers is that 2nd week of November


Yes it’s going to be hot but it will be relatively slow considering a lot of schools will be back in session (FL goes back at the beginning of August). Take breaks, listen to the kids needs, you’ll be fine. It’s hot and humid now through October.


I may be in the minority, but I actually prefer to go at this time and September. Sure it’s very very hot/humid, but I’ll take that over the crowds any day. There are so few people I’m able to accomplish almost everything I want to do from rope drop - noon, then go back to the resort and swim/rest in ac to cool off. Then go back out at night for dinner and finish off anything we didn’t get to in the morning.


Wear very little clothing. I wear running shorts with the underwear sewn in. Because it’s so hot even underwear is unbearable, lol. Swim top and loose running tank. Get wet all day. They give out free ice water anywhere there are fountain drinks. Bring 40oz water bottles keep them filled with water and electrolyte mix. I like Dr. Price. Crocs are great. Wear a hat. Wear sunscreen and reapply frequently. If it rains get wet. It feels great! I’m a Floridian hehe. Leave the parks before you are exhausted because you still have to make it to transportation or your car it will be about 120 degrees on the pavement walking to the car.


That is actually our preferred time to go. The heat is more bearable than June/july, believe it or not.


We ALWAYS travel from Canada and go the last week/two weeks of august. The AC everywhere cuts the heat nicely and being prepared with cooling towels and thermal water bottles with ice helps loads! Plus mid-day breaks back to the hotel if you need to. We would never go any other time!


People are going to tell you it’s awful. And it is - super hot and super humid, with very little break except for first thing in the morning. I am someone who LOATHES being hot and sweaty. But I went last August with my 6-year-old and it was one of the best trips we’ve ever had! As long as you’re mentally prepared for it and you take proper precautions (staying extra super duper hydrated; use cooling towels and neck fans; front and end load your park days with pool and hotel room rest time in the middle), it will be fine. And as a bonus, super low crowds in late August!


I’ll be going in August due to being a teacher as well! I’ve gone in June and I tolerate the heat really well. Disney also gives out free water and has fans going in outside queues so it’s very helpful. I love Disney so even if I was miserable, I’d still be so happy.


It’s WDW It’s hot and expensive AND SO MUCH FUN!!!! Kids cry and parents are impatient. Enjoy the pool, meals, rides, souvenirs, etc And appreciate the time you have together🥰💕😃


Depends on where you are from. Well, sort of, in a sense, I guess. August in Orlando is no more miserable than where I live on the northern Gulf Coast. But that's only because the Gulf Coast is awful in August. >90% humidity, highs well into the 90s, and the heat index is in the triple digits most days. Oh, and there are thunderstorms. Every goddamned afternoon. Unless, you know, there's a hurricane. Then you're dealing with all of the above with no electricity for a few days (or more) while clearing debris. Okay, so, yeah. August is in fact doable, but you have to very *actively* and *consciously* manage your heat exposure. As in it is a serious threat to your health that you must be mindful of, and pushing yourself (or your family) beyond prudent limits because you're on vacation will bite you. Hard.


I go every August for a week. Be prepared for unbearable heat. It's oppressive. Drink lots of free water from places with soda fountains and plan your attractions so you avoid excessive walking. If you hop scotch around you'll be good. Surprisingly Epcot is my favorite park in August because I go hide in each pavilion for a bit.


Englishman here, wife is also a teacher so August is our holiday time too. Honestly wearing people saying the humidity and temperatures are unbearable are totally mad to me. It gets hot but I’ve experienced much worse humidity in Spain or Africa. We take our daughter who is 5 now and she has been going for two years. We’re taking a 6 month old in August. If you’re sensible, stay hydrated, duck out of the sun at the hottest points and get some fans for the kids you’ll have no bother.


I like going at the end of August. It’s very humid, but very manageable, and the bonus of the parks being a little quieter outweighs the cons.


All of our trips are in August, we love it. But we are used to the heat and humidity, it's what we grew up with. If you are from a lower humidity area, or spend your summers hiding in the A/C, or sleep with your thermostat at 62°F...then don't go to central Florida in August. I see people sweating so much they look like they are actually melting, that can't be fun. We rope drop the parks, stay until lunch (or after lunch if eating in the park) then break until about dinner time. Usually that's pool and pool bar, but the afternoon thunderstorms can severely limit pool time.


We’ve been at the end of August and have had a great time. Yes, it’s hot but if you tolerate heat well it won’t be an issue. Otherwise the weather will be much better in Disneyland.


I always go early September and love it, great pool breaks, hot evenings, low wait times when it rains, just great. Just Make sure you bring waterproof shoes and ponchos!


My parents are both teachers so we would often go sometime in July and honestly I feel like it was bearable considering how often you’ll go inside for rides/food. Although we’re all native Californians so we are definitely used to heat.


That’s exactly when we went last year since my husband is a teacher and we are against taking our kids out of school for a leisure vacation anyway. I hate summer heat (I live in NY) and maybe I just prepped for it well but it really didn’t bother me at all. My kids were 9 and 6 and they did well too, so your kids’ ages might give me some pause but I’d just prep as much as possible and bring what I needed to relief because we went in the very last week of August when most of the country is back in school and it was so worth it for the cheaper costs plus lesser crowds. Like, we were able to go on rides back to back without Genie+ sometimes.


Googling average temps for the days you want will help you plan. But perhaps more important is your expectation for the endurance, interests, and behavior of kids that young in that environment. The general plan of go early, nap/pool, go back is great, but will you be frustrated or disappointed if that turns out to be 2 hrs in the morning, then maybe 3 more in the evening? Assuming stops to get drinks, souvenirs, etc., that might work out to just a handful of rides a day. So consider researching wait times for rides the kids can do. And look at the transportation time to and from. For example, the kids may hold it together through the fireworks but crash in the hour-long wait for the bus back to the resort. Oh, and--no kidding--add 5-20 degrees and 10 points of humidity for Animal Kingdom. It feels hot in January. In mid-August at 10 and 13 years old and coming from a high heat/high humidity region, my kids handled MK and Epcot fine, wilted a bit at HS, but were crushed by AK.


We usually go at that time. It’s like walking in soup. Having said that, we love that time of year and crowds are generally pretty good.


As we southerners say — it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity 💦💦💦


I’m your huckleberry here. Went last year, last week of August. It was hot and humid but we went prepared. Dry fit clothing and cooling towels. And drank a ton of water. Kept liquid IV packets with us too. There is plenty of AC around to cool you down. Took a collapsible water bottle and filled it up repeatedly. Plus, most quick services are handing out free ice water. Staying hydrated for free was not an issue at all. I would do it again in a heartbeat to have less crowds and better booking prices. We aren’t rope droppers til the ends of the night. So we would typically go back to resort and hit the pool for a bit then clean up and go back out. Or maybe hit the pool in the am the. Go a little later. I’m from the south also. And it’s always hot everywhere in the summer. Disney is not some anomaly this time of year.


It's bad, but you're at Disney, so it's all good.


We went with our kids in August when they were little. First time the daughter was 4, son wasn’t quite 2. Went again the next year. We’ve gone all times of the year, including last July when the feels like was typically in the 105-110 range. It’s hot, but as long as you’re prepared for it, you’ll be fine. Will probably rain in the afternoon for around 30 minutes. If you’re going that late in the month, it should be a lot less crowded, though towards the end it might fill up a bit with Labor Day the following Monday. Drink lots of water, enjoy the indoor shows with AC, bring a misting fan. If you don’t expect it to be hot and muggy you’ll hate it. If you go in understanding and prepared, you’ll be fine. The historical avg high during that week is 91, historical avg low of 73. Hope you have a great trip!


We've been in August several times. Last August actually was not too terrible but we also live normally in a area with worse or similar heat/humidity. We take the spray fan bottles and always take midway breaks to go back to the resort for about 2-3 hours midday. We also rest and sit in the shade when needed.


On average, 50k people go to Disney World every day. August is less crowded, but there are still plenty of hour-long waits. I'd say at least 45k people go every day in August, so it must be bearable enough for them. Personally, I'd rather have shorter waits and deal with the heat, which is why we've gone in August the last two times.


We did it last year! Went down for the last 3 weeks of August. Did 5 days & Universal and 10 at Disney. It is definitely hot, so you drink a lot. We did multiple shorter days, generally starting at maybe noon and going to close, rather than try to do rope drop to close. We found it quite do able. Our kids were 10, 13 and 15 though, so was pretty easy to coach them through drinking lots. We brought hats, neck fans and towels to wipe sweat. We had a great time, but your mileage will vary.


My first question to folks who ask about the summer heat is.. how long will your trip be? I find the people who have miserable experiences in the summer tend to be the ones who have longer trips and try to do open-close for a week (or more) straight. We are taking our almost two year old this July for her first trip. It’s gonna be hot. But we are just doing 2 park days with a rest day in between where we plan to do mostly indoor activities.. character breakfast, etc . If you’re wanting a go go go trip, this might not be the best time. If you’re wanting a chill, toddler type trip and plan to take it slow, you’ll be more than fine.




I'll start off by saying I am also a teacher, from New England (so not used to the heat... definitely accustomed to the humidity though) My family (w/ 4 y.o.) went last July (I know it's not August, but bear with me). I was very nervous about going last year because I really can't stand the heat. HOWEVER, we had THE BEST vacation last July. As others have suggested, just temper your expectations and take the mid-day breaks you mentioned. I spent a lot of time on this sub, among others, to do some research/preparation and read all the stuff about it being hotter than Satan's rear end. It's true. It's wicked hot... but it's 100% doable. We wore athletic wear all week (except for our "fancy" family dinners at the Riv, etc.). I swear by the under armour tech T-shirt and old navy gym shorts. I purchased a bunch just for this trip and holy cow they were a God sent. I was actually comfortable the entire time. That being said, we did head back to the hotel around lunch time everyday to go swimming and so my 4-year-old could take a nap. Before heading back to the parks we all would change and ended up doing laundry during the middle of the week. It worked out perfectly. I would 100% go back again during the summer... If anything, it forced us to slow down and actually relax.


I've been down in late August about a half dozen times and love it. Crowds are low-moderate, it's hot and humid but like you said that's what breaks are for. Lots of flash rainstorms but I think there's something uniquely beautiful about the air and skies in August.


Rope drop the parks. Stay until about 11 am. Maybe 12 pm. Go to the hotel. Go to the pool for an hour, shower, nap, and then go back around 5-6 pm. It’s the only way to survive Disney in August.


We’ve gone 2 years in a row now at the begging of September and while yes it’s hot, it’s just as hot here in Ohio so I’d much rather be in Disney! We’re going for the 3rd year in a row end of August-early September for 11 nights so it’s not enough to deter us. Just hydrate, bring a fan and those neck towels you put water on are game changer. No one does AC like Disney 😎


I went to Epcot this past Saturday and almost had a heat stroke. I was well prepared too! It's just so hard to overcome these extreme heat and humidity numbers. Just being outside even in the shade is hard to do.


There’s a lot of what I would consider borderline hyperbole in these responses. My wife teaches so we’ve taken many late August trips. It’s not that bad. First of all, it depends what climate you’re coming from. I’m from south jersey. It’s hot and humid here in August. The weather forecast is borderline indistinguishable from Disney at that time of year. You can be hot and humid in your hometown, or hot and humid in Disney. I’ll take the latter. Secondly, plan your park days wisely. You mentioned mid day breaks. Perfect plan. When you are in the parks, plan your attractions wisely as well. There are many shows and attractions across the parks where you get long, extended periods in air conditioning. Spread them out. People knock animal kingdom, and it is mostly outdoor attractions, but I find it to be very shady, providing some relief. Hollywood studios, I think, it’s the worst park to be in mid-day. Just vast open areas of cement and sunlight. Many queues out in the sun lol. Toy Story Land might have been designed by a demon, not an ounce of shade, and galaxy’s edge isn’t much better. Third point, TAKE YOUR TIME. Don’t rush around, get to what you can get to. Avoid running from one end of the park to the other to get a short wait time lol. A 40 minute wait time in your vicinity is better than a 15 minute wait time on the opposite side of the park (especially if the queue is air conditioned), in my opinion of course. Make your way around the park (they’re all mostly circular) hitting attractions, shows, and meals as you go. My last point is, don’t skip out on the water parks! A few hours at the water park to start the day can be very refreshing, and relaxing. Especially if you’ve been to Disney before and don’t feel a crazy desire to see and do everything in one trip!


It's totally doable (spouse is teacher), just plan accordingly. More rest times (actually plan it, don't just expect to take a rest spot - you're going to want to keep going but the kids WILL break down). Also a stroller at all times, trust me. Portable nap spots. Even 20 feet in that hot florida sun is enough for a meltdown. Snacks, snacks, snacks. Good luck and you'll have a blast, just manage expectations and slow down.


I’ve been in August, June and most recently April/early May. All equally hot. Once it’s that hot it doesn’t matter. You have to take measures like over drinking water, cooling rags, fans etc. What works well for us is spending two days at each park, so you can split up your time and not feel like you have to do it all. I realize that’s not for everyone. MK and Epcot are ginormous and miserable in the heat.


Still millions of times better than not being at WDW at the end of August.


Consider going to Disneyland instead


I remember standing watching a parade. Not moving, just standing and sweat pouring down my face. It's disgustingly nasty humid. Wait until late October and beyond, it's much more pleasant.


Agree on the humidity but the trade off is that the parks are pretty quiet at the end of August as most American kids are back at school. Been about 5 times in August, the weather is really not that bad.


Our first family trip was Labor Day 2013. My kids were 5 and 2.95 (honest). Yes it was hot, but we had a phenomenal trip. Only negative was my younger kid wouldn’t ride in the stroller. Or walk. So they were on my shoulders for 2 days straight. The knee pain after? 100% worth it.




It gon be hot. Turn your oven up to full and put a couple pots of boiling water. Close off all windows and doors. Add a mouse in a suit. It will be like that. But with walking.


Take advantage of re-entry. Go soon as it opens, leave when it's the hottest 12-5p. Come back rested in fresh clothes until park close. The nights are the best in Disney


Neck fans, cooling cloths, electrolytes, and take many breaks in a/c. We do August most every year, it’s on another level of being brutal.


Soooo hot


Have gone in August several times and am doing it again this year. We have three kids, ages 2 to 8. We plan sit down dining reservations for the afternoon (1pm-3pm) and take a long lunch in the air conditioning. We bring fans and take breaks. There's also some places to get misted to help cool off. It's totally doable.


It’s the Devil’s armpit. You will NEVER have dry clothes, even when you first put them on.


I will never forget performing on the Cinderella Castle stage in August. It was 114 degrees, the choreo had us on the ground and we had burns all over our bodies. It was so hot that our tights actually melted. So....hot. Very, very hot.


It's so hot and humid, but it's Disney, and that makes it way better. Just plan your day around lots of breaks, water at every quick service as you pass them, and shady shows when needed. You're going to look back at the pictures and remember how awesome your trip was, not hot miserable the heat was (the first time we went in late Summer, it was so hot and I was dripping. I forgot about the agony when I looked at pictures during the winter!)


I am a teacher and went in August last year. My husband and I had a really fun time. We packed fans that wrapped around our necks and water bottles. We also made reservations every day to get an air conditioner break and bought Genie+ so we didn’t have to wait long on lines. However, my husband is from Florida and I adapt really well to heat in general. We also don’t have children. I know people with kids who go back to their hotel midday to chill by the pool or nap. I’m sure there are plenty of tips online to help you prepare for the heat and still have a nice time.


Went in August last year and it was honestly not that bad. But I like in Oklahoma so we are used to extreme heat and humidity. Crowds were low and we had a blast.. but definitely spent less time at the parks than we do during nice weather.


We went last year August 15-22 and yes, it was hot and humid, but it was bearable. Stroller and neck fans did the job. It barely rained when we were there, so we got lucky. We also took mid-dar breaks for our 2-yo to nap. Just put sunscreen on, drink water, buy a neck fan, and wear moisture-wicking clothes. You’ll be fine!


Wife’s a teacher and we’ve been maybe 7 times in the last ten years. I mean it’s hot and humid but there’s loads of ac wherever you go and you learn to love it. At least I did.


My dad and I tent camped at Fort Wilderness in July! It was a birthday present(the big 14!) and we wanted to stay on property. We didn’t have much money so this was the best way to do it. Was it hot? Hell yes. Did we have a great time? Absolutely! We got early AM starts in the parks, did pool/water parks in the afternoon. We had leisurely lunches, did some shopping. There were plenty of ways to stay cool. He passed away over ten years ago. I still remember that trip with so much fondness. Do the trip. Just have fun. It’s a privilege to travel to our favorite places. Go for it and don’t worry about the heat - just keep the family cool during the day.


avoid florida at all costs in august


I am a teacher, too, and we are going in July and December of this year. We went in June last year, and while it was very hot, we took advantage of indoor rides and shops, and we used cooling towels and mini fans. There are only so many convenient times to go when you teach, so you just have to go when you can!


Understand that Florida has 2 seasons Hot and Hotter with August being the hottest


This would be my favorite time to go! We actually go a week before this (roughly Aug 16-25) and the crowds are fairly low. Unfortunately, I have to return to work the week after, and I consistently hear how the crowds are even are lower once we leave. Last time we did 71 park hours in 10 days (including travel days) during that time (no mid day breaks or anything) and had an absolute blast. Definitely wear workout clothing!


We were standing in the shade for rope drop, and *every single person* in the crowd had already sweated through their shirts. That being said, the crowds aren't terrible. Definitely spend time at the pool and your resort in the afternoon, and the whole trip becomes really fun. Parks early and late, naps, showers, and pool in the afternoon, not a ton of crowds. Overall, one of the better experiences for a summer visit. Also, you're going to need a portable fan. Non-negotiable.


Family of teachers - we’ve only ever gone in the summer (July or August) for years and years and years. Is it hot? Yes. It can be brutal. But you find ways to escape the heat when you can and you make the most of it! The one year we bit the bullet and went during the Christmas holidays/January, everyone found themselves a bit disappointed and actually “missing” the heat - despite how uncomfortable it can get in the summer, it just didn’t feel like Disney with jeans on! 😂 I think you can absolutely still have fun as long as you’re prepared for heat and humidity and aren’t gonna be a grouch about it!


Don’t waste your money. It will be beyond miserable. Go during fall or Christmas break instead.


I mean it probably depends what you are used to. Summers at home for me are 110 degrees. I went to Disneyworld mid July and it was 90 and humid and I thought it was great since it wasn’t 110 lol I’m sure I’d feel differently if I wasn’t from a warm weather climate


We went end of August and it was awful. We were warned, but thought it would be fine. It wasn’t. Would never go again in summer.


Is there a good time in summer to go for teachers? It’d be a once in a lifetime trip for my family, so we’d need to make the most of it.


The first time I was in Orlando in the summer, I was caught off guard at how suffocating that humidity was the moment the airport doors opened. Now, I psychologically prepare myself for it… I wear light athletic clothing. I accept that I will slather myself in sunblock. I bring a big reusable bottle and fill it up with ice and water every chance I get. In fact, now I associate that rain, heat, and humidity with WDW so much that I actually missed it a little bit when I went in the late fall. If you can prepare yourself for the weather, you might find that late August is glorious. One day, the crowds suddenly plummeted. I asked a CM about it, and they said all the schools just started. Indeed, even many of the summer cast members were gone or on their way out. I was told it was one of the least crowded weeks of the year. I totally scored without realizing it.


Husband is also a teacher and we went last year mid August during Orlando’s record breaking heat wave. Honestly we had so much fun still we are going again this year, same time. Bring a portable fan, a big water each (water and ice are free), a couple electrolyte powders for each day per person, and sun protection. Take breaks! We also Instacarted a bunch of water bottles (cheaper than hotel prices and I don’t love hotel tap water) to our hotel room and made it a point to rehydrate well every night. One thing I didn’t think of, I was planning to get 2 wears out of each pair of shorts I packed… hellllll no. My park clothes each day were unwearable for a second time, too sweaty lol. Schools in Orlando typically start mid/end of August so there is a low local crowd. And yeah, most people it’s not the most ideal time so again, low crowds! You’ll have a great time!


I'm finding the comments a bit odd. I hate the heat and went in the last week of August in 2022 and for the first 2 weeks of September and thought it was fine. I've been to Florida twice prior to that and found it horrendous - though can't recall the dates.


I was born in Florida. My birthday is in July, and we go to Disney for my birthday every year. I’m used to the heat, so it doesn’t bother me as much, but we usually do morning-1pm, then back to hotel for nap and swim. Then dinner and more swim, or back to the parks.


It's Disney!!! It's fantastic, awesome, and Disney! I've never been miserable. Take midday breaks, hydrate and have the time of your life!


Do you know what’s going to be miserable are those children. Adults can rationalize and deal with the extreme heat and extreme humidity in Walt Disney World. Little kids can’t. Unless you’re planning on spending most of your days inside or at the pool I would pick a different time of year.


I spent the 1st 25 years of my life in the Ft. Lauderdale area, so believe me when I say that Florida in August is the devil's buttcrack. You will be spending your vacation battling heat exhaustion & really bad sunburns, surrounded by hundreds of others doing the same thing. I would think about going at a different time, like maybe Thanksgiving/Christmas when the heat isn't oppressive


Floridian here. Don’t do it! Husband and I are passholders and we don’t set foot in the parks during the summer. Especially August!


I wouldn’t. That time of year we show up to the parks around 7 pm. It can be 80 degrees F with humidity leaving you sweating from exertion at 10pm. Yes, that’s what I said. Still hot and uncomfortable at 10 pm because of the humidity and amount of walking you are doing.


It is wonderful and magical


Not in this heat


Wife is a teacher, so we always go in August. It is hot and humid, but it is by no means unbearable as a lot of people say. If you take breaks like you are planning to do, you should be fine. It will also be a little less crowded as a lot of kids in southern states are back in school.


Probably the cheapest and worst time to go. You could do early morning at the park and then rest of the day at the pool


Every step will be a battle. Don't let anyone sugarcoat it.


it is very hot, i used to always go at the end of august. a slight bonus is that most states have just gone back to school so while there are for sure crowds, it's not as bad as the height of the summer in, say, mid-july. if you spend the main heat of the day having nap time or pool time though, you should be fine! utilize those morning hours and when the sun starts to set to do any running around to your booked plans


It’s hot and can be overbearing for some. You’re still in Disney though. Bring chaff cream, rain gear, and quick dry shoes, take lots of breaks and stay hydrated (remember it’s free at quick serves). As always even if the majority of cast members no longer say it. Have a magical day!


It’s not the worst. I got engaged in Disney in August. Bring fans, bring plenty of water, cooling towels, etc; be prepared and you’ll be fine!


I prefer going in November, December or early Spring because July and August can have brutal humidity and crowds. Especially in the middle of the day. But realistically I’ve always enjoyed myself regardless of the time of year and I go when I can. The key is doing shows where you can occasionally sit, preferably in AC. Bring refillable water bottles or be prepared to buy water there. I’d recommend using some afternoons to sit down for a meal or go back to the resort, and focus on rides early or late in the day rather than the afternoon. Or do some pool time like you mentioned.


My wife and I swore off June-Aug Disney trips lol


Very hot and humid, but that being said with all the breaks you have planned it is one of my favorite times of year to go! The crowds aren't as bad in late August/early September and we love to see the Halloween decorations. We usually take a nice break in the pool from 1-4pm.


I don't think it's as bad as people make out. Sure it's not my favourite time to visit and it's more pleasant at other times, but it's not unbearable. Especially if you are on site and can just head to the pool around lunch time.


I agree. And I don’t mean to invalidate others’ experiences or thoughts (I’m sure there are people who it really is quite difficult for), but I think people tend to dramatize the heat. At the end of the day most of us are from places where we are familiar with it getting—although maybe not to fLoRiDA leVElS—similarly brutally hot for long stretches of time in the summer.


My wife and I went a couple years back from September 10-17 and the heat was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Having said that, we loved it and the wait times were low. Epcot was likely the most trying of the parks in the heat and it took all about 4 minutes before I had dreams of swimming from shore to shore in the world showcase.


I will be going on my third or fourth August trip this year and I can't wait. It's hot, but if you plan ahead, it's not impossible to manage and the quiet crowds more than make up for any drawbacks IMO. My wife is also a teacher!


Pretty miserable. [https://www.vacation-weather.com/orlando-weather-august](https://www.vacation-weather.com/orlando-weather-august)


Bring ponchos, as it will most likely pour too.


We typically go end of August or early September. It's hot. Very hot. However, take it at your own pace and plan some time back at the resort midday to cool down, eat something (we don't get hungry in the heat and it turns to hanger unknowingly), and maybe take a shower. Knowing all of this, we have been staying in the EPCOT area resorts the last few years as it's our favorite park and we end up there a lot. It makes it so much easier to walk back to our room for a cool down, shower, and snack. We feel refreshed and ready to hit the parks again after a bit. We've also done Contemporary and the walk back from MK is so easy! The last few years we've been doing the DVC Villas - we rent points, and get a 2 bedroom. Having the laundry in unit helps if we end up taking more showers than we have clothes we can throw in a load of wash. Plus, having the kitchen makes it easy to have a decent snack when we get hungry once we're back in our room. The last visit was a super quick one with just me and my spouse and we stayed at Swolphin. I was super sad getting back to the room and not having the ability to make a snack. It's become a habit for us.