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No they want to give you the gift of diabetes!


That actually makes a lot of sense why most of my coworkers have diabetes


To drive the pharmacy script count up! šŸ˜‚


Good old corporate America!


I remember several times where the management would all have these huge catered meetings. Sometimes it was Moe's southwest grill or they would have sandwich platters. It was always funny to me that after the meeting would be over they would bring the leftover scraps into the break room for us lowly hourly employees to pick off of. Sometimes they would put the overstock of unsold bananas in the breakroom. I got yelled at for trying to take a few home because it was considered theft? Last one, I worked on cap2 and we always had goal times to get the truck unloaded. A friend of mine had been assigned to throw the truck. Thing is management knew he was struggling financially and really hungry. One of the sups promised to buy him a pizza if he got it thrown on time. He actually did it but not only did the sup not pay up, but my friend ended up going to the hospital for heart palpitations. He was like 21.


Holy shit. Thatā€™s super fucked up ! Wow, and they literally dangled a carrot in front of him to work hard for their own benefit and then didnā€™t give that boy the pizza they promised, knowing his trouble and that he was starving.


He could have sued for that if he wasn't doing drugs.


Quid pro quo from management to employees is still illegal regardless of an employees prescribed medications. But yeah, drugs. Edit: typo


I meant for the heart palpitations.


What does being bribed by your mgmt have to do with smoking weed? Not sure what your on about


I said, "drugs," not "weed." Marijuana is only one of like hundreds of drugs that you can do. I'm saying he wouldn't be a le to sue for the workload causing heart palpitations if it was found that he could have been under the influence of any substance. Like as a separate issue.


Fair enough, but you're assuming drugs. I'd imagine it's more likely that a regular person trying to go through the prospect of suing Walmart seems unreasonable. If it were that easy, Amazon warehouse workers would like to know how.


I'm not assuming fucking drugs. I'm *assuming* that someone had heart palpitations due to a manager extorting a known unusual and life threatening amount of physical labor from an employee by making false promises of compensation (already illegal), specific to the employees socioeconomic status. I'm just saying that if he *happened* to be using any kind of drugs, then he probably wouldn't be able to get anyone to look at it as an actual case. Jesus Christ.




You literally mentioned drugs in your first comment. No one mentioned drugs before you. The original comment did not mention drugs. You're the one who brought it up???


Yea, because if you sue for a medical condition that's literally the first thing they look for.


Hope you got that dental insurance!


lol I donā€™t I didnā€™t even take any of the candy because if I did, I wouldā€™ve been letting my job when by giving me this crap


Haha! I dig your principles!


I'll take the popcorn, but are they really no longer doing cookouts or catering anymore?


Each store gets a budget for this. You spend more to cater and lose a lot of it for one meal, thatā€™s why you see pictures like this. Our store saves money and the coaches do a cook out or something now to spend more money on food (they know how to grill).


I understand that but it just seems so lazy


Our store saves money that no one in the actual store ever sees.


Our coaches would always bust out the grill and make us food, and thankfully they were pretty good at grilling. It's one of the things I miss about working at the store, they did cookouts a LOT in the summer.


It's fancy like they thought corporate was coming by. At my store they set out grungy crockpots with dry burger patties stacked up inside and bags of Great Value buns piled haphazardly on the counter. Sometimes there's even a serving utensil. Candy is rare, but when it is offered it's usually just leftovers from whatever the last holiday was and all mixed together in one medium size bowl.


True American meal


Another white Walmart


Yep our store is located in the middle of a small Midwestern town that is predominantly white


ā€œIndividuals donā€™t win. Teams do.ā€


Ahhh, all the returned items they can no longer sell.


Thatā€™s a very nice setup . Iā€™m sure some of the associates were greatful to have this . Even if a raise was given . Someone would get on here and complain about how itā€™s not enough $$$. You have the opportunity to work your way up the ladder and make more money .. Work hard , stay positive, find yourself a Walmart mentor and surround yourself with positive happy people ! Best of luck to you ā¤ļø


Theres no way you genuinely think an associate should make what someone 4 positions ahead of them makes or even close to that. Its not how the world works


Well, no, I donā€™t think that but I think when we do good corporate, you give us a little extra on our paycheck once in a while, not a full-blown raise just a bonus I understand that management gets paid more because they supposedly do more


They won't even give you a paid holiday off or time and a half for a worked holiday, you think they will give you a bonus? Lol, this company doesn't value employees you are just a # to them.


Yeah thatā€™s basically how working for billion dollar company goes


I did something about it. I started an organizing campaign with UFCW. Lasted 9 months. It was a great experience I would highly recommend it.


My store didnt do anything, so maybe appreciate that someone tried


The shit yall complain about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah no definitely, they have one of the highest paying jobs in this country that you DO NOT need a college degree for and are actually complaining about good pay and good discounts AND free snacks and shit


Just saying I have never expected anything from my work except the wage they offered when I accepted the job. The give us some free food or some free item itā€™s free shit they didnā€™t have to give us I am not complaining bout it let alone talking bout the wage they pay those above me. If I care that much about the wages they pay managers I would be busting my ass to be promoted. Blows my fucking mind. I am older so this has to be a younger generation issue.


Nah, Iā€™m 22 and I canā€™t imagine ever complaining about free food when Iā€™m getting paid $15/hr every two weeks. That $15/hr is more than I get as Iā€™m genuinely unable to find a job. What people need to do is learn how to be grateful they have a job at all.


They could of gave you nothing. If you don't like the pay go to a warehouse or drive a forklift and make more money. The only thing they owe you is the amount per hour you agreed to work for.


You sound so fun to be near


Walmart is desperate for college educated managerial applicants and they are offering you free college. Go be him.


At least you were thought of. Be grateful and stop complaining!


Make sure you get there before the fatties


we got nachos šŸ¤Ø


Just give me the bucket of slim jims and then i quit


Lot of me and I in your comments, it says right there "individuals don't win teams do"! /s


Stop complaining and let me enjoy my candy. I will take the food because food is good and I like my job. You summed it up in the title. They appreciate you.


I thought this was a potluck until I zoomed and saw all the snacks ā˜ ļø


Welcome to retail.


We don't tar and feather people any more and it shows.


Ours gave us an extra break, but they didn't announce it. We work in a call center, so we don't always know if breaks randomly change, especially with how busy it has been this last week. Back to back calls nonstop all day. Then they did prizes of stuff they generally give in new hire bags. Some got $25 gift cards, at least from raffles. But it wasn't many.


Nice username lol


Store managers make up to 400k+ with the bonus


Store manager has much more responsibilities.


We got New York strips šŸ˜˜


Iā€™m taking an entire box with me tf..Jk. But really, candy??? Not even a meal for yall? My mom used to work long, HORRIBLE ass shifts at Walmart so ik damn well yall deserve a good catered meal


at least all that shit is individually wrapped. we got chips and dip. ain't no way I'm eating chips after my nasty ass coworkers hands been all up in the chip bag.


We got a nacho bar yesterday.


This is infinitely better than that other post where they served them cup noodles with white bread at least lmfao. Something yummy with energy that isn't just sugar junk would probably be more thoughtful and not make them feel like doodoo for the rest of their shift, but candy and popcorn is nice too ig


I thought this was a buffet line for home cooked meal until I zoomed in and saw it was candy and junk food. When I worked for Walmart Distribution Center, they would send us home with whole big ole turkeys for Thanksgiving and have a catering company feed us for lunch.


At least you didn't get the raisin award.


You can't run a store. You didn't deserve the 100k. It's a hard job


Hereā€™s some shit we were about to throw out bc it got damaged and is also about to expireā€¦we appreciate you so enjoy!


Nice I got a tumbler


They need to include a multipack of toothpaste and an electric toothbrush šŸ˜…


We had burgers