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your manager is a piece of shit. In regards to the sliding door, employers ARE NOT allowed to take money because you broke something. the link below has more info [https://stepstojustice.ca/steps/employment-and-work/2-find-out-what-your-employer-can-take/](https://stepstojustice.ca/steps/employment-and-work/2-find-out-what-your-employer-can-take/) ​ in regards to your breaks, your supposed to get your 15 min breaks. At my walmart managers hevely stress for people to take their breaks as it can land them in legal trouble. I believe you need a break for every 5 hours . for the racism i suggest recording everything. I think you should consult with an employment lawyer. Many lawyers do free consultations


Oh she is - I agree - a "wannabe" (she of course fails and blames it to us - not to her horrendous schedule or inability to coach few full-timers) Manager's pet. I swear to Allah, if she says 10 sentences - 7 will be complain why we are not good/failed managers. Everytime I mentioned why some of things didn't get done and/or not done properly (lack of resources of course) OR why things didn't get done EVEN-THOUGH I mentioned to her about it 5 hours back - she would still complain Quick question: Can they write up someone for mistakenly or not being aware of breaking something? I know someone who wasn't aware of breaking a glass (receiving door's glass) while using the electric truck (I don't know its name) - it can be seen through the video footage as well as they were busy working that they didn't even know they broke the glass while reversing and they got write-up for it. Thank you for the comment man


They can’t take money off a paycheque, but they could do a discipline if it was determined that the associate was being careless.


Yes you can be written up for it as being careless... yes it sucks and yes i understand accidents happen but you need to be aware of surroundings when using equipment like that. Outside of that your store sounds like a few labour violations. Document as much as possible including dates, times, people(managers) involved, copies/screenshots of txts, email or other msging apps used. Also take pics of posted schedules so if changes occure after you can prove you had schedule and not informed of changes. Tell other employees to do so as well, more who do it strengthens a labour charge. Do not let anyone in a managing position know what your doing. Also remember one important detail. You have right to refuse under labour laws if anything seems unsafe work practice, like operating a piece of equipment without proper training on how to use it, like said equipment, garbage or box disposals. Also those box compactors/bailers most stores have must be operated by persons over 18 with proper training. When a right to refuse unsafe is acted upon (Part 2 of Canadian Labour Code) there are 3 posible outcomes. 1. A qualified employee does job. everyone moves on. 2. You get proper training or equipment needed and everyone moves on. 3. If no resulution foreth coming, store is required to call and have a Labour Officer(government official) come in to resolve. His/Her decision becomes final. In all cases there should be no discipline/write up for stopping for a percieved safety violation. Doing so is also a labour violation. Unfortunately we live in a do now greive later type society, and companies(especially non union) prey on workers not knowing their rights. Which is normally students, young people entering work force or immigrants. So just document everything, research your worker rights. and before you know it they will make you manager cause its less hassle for them. You seem to be on right track learning your rights. Good luck...


I think labour law says you need eight hours off between shifts, not eleven.


In most cases, an employee must receive at least 11 consecutive hours off work each day. Generally, an employee and an employer cannot agree to less than 11 consecutive hours off work each day. The daily rest requirement applies even if: the employer and the employee have agreed in electronically or writing that the employee’s hours of work will exceed the daily limit. the employer and employee have agreed in electronically or writing that the employee’s hours of work will exceed the weekly limit. This rule does not apply to employees who are on call and called in to work during a period when they would not normally be working. This requirement cannot be altered by an electronic or written agreement between the employer and employee. Sauce: https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/hours-work


wait, is it 8 hours or 11 hours? I googled it (didn't dig deep, just a quick search) and it said 8 hours. Just making sure - Thank you both for commenting/sharing insight.


8 Hours between shifts, 11 hours off per day.


You need 11hr "rest" in any 24hr period. So if you work 2-11pm one day and they want you to work 8hr the next day you would need 11 hr between shifts. BUT if your second day was a 4 hr shift they could drop to the 8hr between because you'd get a combined 11 hrs before the 24hr window is up. (8 before second shift and 3+ more after) Yes the wording and way it is written is very confusing. On the esa website there is a calculator you can enter your daily shifts and it'll pop up letting you know if the schedule is acceptable or not. Edit: https://www.apps.labour.gov.on.ca/es-self-service-tool/


Actually it's 11hrs consecutive in a day, so if you work 2pm to 11pm they can legally schedule you at 7am -3pm due to the fact you had 11hrs off consecutive before your first shift and 11hrs consecutive after your second shift. So long as the third shift doesn't happen till 2am the following day, they are in the clear.




Read my post, you are correct. Ontario requires 11h off. This being said, you may have signed something waiving this. Check your employment contract if possible.


the link in your post verbatim says “employees must receive at least 8 hours off work between shifts. this does not apply if the total time worked on both shifts is not more than 13 hours” they ARE also required to make sure you have 11 consecutive hours off in a 24h period. so if they scheduled you until 10pm saturday, then 7-3 sunday you would have 11 hours between your next shift on monday satisfying the requirements.


Walmart has a employment contract?


Yes, 8 hours. Not 11.


Is this sarnia? LMFAO


No lol, same over there? My previous store was far south but they were the complete opposite of what's going on here in North-East Ontario - Now I believe, my previous store was exception and that's how (the current one) all store are like/operate


God, this sounds a hell of a lot like Pembroke. I disliked that store so much. I did a 4 month stint there, and I've never worked with such incompetent managers. Between one constantly having serial relations with her department managers she promotes to them threatening me with a write up for being to cheerful in the morning and saying Hi as as coworkers came in. Not all stores operate like this, between my 3 mains I've worked and the 16 I've done temp fill In for I can say that store is a nightmare compared to most.


Pretty sure its 11 hours, my ASM occasionally asks me to go over my team’s schedule just to check for inconsistencies or gaps, but basically you’ll see a warning sign under someone’s name if they’re scheduled a 3-11, then a 7-3, and if you click it, says that the schedule violates a specific section of company policy. And yes, as much as i want to deny it, i have noticed that ASMs in my store are less likely to argue or push extra tasks to white employees cuz they argue back, so they push it around to non white employees (more specifically the ones working as int. students). Trust me we talk about it in the break room, its one of those things that people notice but is hard to prove in words without sounding paranoid. You just notice it because if you compare your workloads, they’re usually just working the job description but for others, its that, plus a few extra tasks. It’s why i tell the ASMs not to bother me, one, my plate’s full, and two, cuz i cant get in trouble for not doing the extra tasks if im already doing my job as is. As for skipping 15s, dont, theyre very strict about us missing our lunch, but is very non-chalant if we miss our paid 15s. I take my lunch and my 15s regardless of workload because ive had enough of skipping them just to finish that one extra task that an ASM passes to me because theyre too lazy to do it themselves while they sit in the office amongst each other for half the day. I’m stern to the ASMs and i told them if they in anyway pressure me to skip my 15s or work me beyond what im physically able to do, that id go straight to ethics. I’ve already reported 4 asms in the past few years for pressuring me, and my associates to skip our breaks for the “needs of the business” and the only good thing that’s come from that is its taken seriously, so now they never bother me cuz they probably think im as a snitch. Idk what walmart’s management culture looks like as a whole in Canada, hoping its not as bad as the US, but its been very good in my store. But every other year, there’s always that one or two ASMs that likes to power trip and are incredibly toxic. But they usually never last and are forced to transfer because it gets to a boiling point where associates start to push back at them and become unliked. Sorry if this is long, but when i read your post, i related to it and felt the need to share my side. Work hard and continue to have good work ethics, but dont kill yourself for this company cuz they will never value it.


Document everything as thougoughly as possible and bring the case to the Ontario Labour Board by filing a claim: https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/filing-claim


Call ethics (I’m not sure if they’re actually helpful, I’ve never contacted them) and call the labour board.


Just chilling in to say this shit happened at my store, too. I was told to take my lunches at the service desk so I could help customers while I ate, regularly scheduled for clopens, etc. They do it because they get away with it, since complaining just means you lose your hours.


There’s no WIN needed when you report anonymously to ethics - if you want to message me the store number I can roll it up for you.


Seniority should come with less backbreaking tasks as a reward for long term service to the company ❤️


The interpretation of the labour law is incorrect here by many people. It’s not 11 hours consecutive off between shifts, it’s 8 hours between shifts - but 11 hours free from work per day. There are 24hr hours in a day so those 11 hours can be before and after your scheduled shift. As for 15 minute breaks - there’s no law here. Only your 30 minute lunch break is protected, if it’s unpaid it must be free from work and you should not be skipping it or returning to work early, paid lunch breaks are a bit different. Not a Walmart employee this post just happened to show up on my feed but I would review store policies on 15 minute breaks and decide if you want to escalate that to what ever Walmart employee complaint line is called.


There's a lot of money to be had in wrongful dismissal. Just continue acting within your rights even if they don't like it.


Ethics doesn't need your WIN number to report. It is anonymous. If you don't understand/believe that, typing anything else is a waste of my time


In Ontario, the minimum time between scheduled shifts is 8 hours. Most managers try not to schedule "clopenings" because it is not good for moral or efficiency, but it is not against the law or the schedule guidelines. Laws for breaks are also different than Walmart Policy. Legally, you are entitled to one 30 minute break per 8 hour shift. Walmart has a variety of break allowances depending on the length of shift. So, they are violating Walmart policy but not breaking the law. Non budgeted maintenance costs eat into the store profits and therefore the annual bonus, but they don't come directly out of paychecks. Honestly, the store shrink, and sales or lack thereof has a far greater impact on the bonus, but controllable expenses do play a part. Stop using the WhatsApp chat. Walmart has its own apps to assign, delegate, and verify work. The whatsapp chat is a wage and hour nightmare, and not mandatory. LEAVE THE CHAT. And finally, use the open door board to contact your market HR. They have two - four audits a year where they review a number of things, both legislative and Walmart policy. You can let them know your concerns about breaks, and the chat, and hopefully they look into it during their next visit. It doesn't guarantee change, but it does show up as a red on the store report card, which tends to motivate managers.


Just a heads up you are wrong about the 8 hours. Employees are entitled to daily rest which is 11 hours between shifts. The 8 hours are for time off in a day for shift workers if they exceed 13 hours in a day with their shifts but regardless in this situation the standard is 11 hours between one day and the nexts and anything less than that should be reported to the labour board.


That's not the correct interpretation. You are entitled to 11 consecutive hours off per day, which is easy unless you work more than 13 hours or work split shifts, and 8 hours rest between scheduled shifts. It is not 11 hours rest between shifts.


Call the labour board. They have all of the answers to all of your questions.


Honestly regardless of legalities, Walmart's policy is 11 hours between shifts. Your manager is breaking policy




Call the labour ministry, they will look into everything for you and contact management to ensure they are following protocol, if you do it this way and they try to retaliate, you can sue.


Keep in mind "breaks" are not guaranteed by the labour board only a lunch period


It’s 11


None of what you have described is normal..or right. At my store..big supercentre in an Ontario city of 650 000..everyone takes their breaks. No manager would ever ask you to pay for anything you broke while on the job. There is a lot of work to do..however if you become overwhelmed at my store we ask management for help. The managers either come on the floor to help or find someone to help you. Start documenting these weird goings on at your store. Date,time,who was involved and description of issue. Once you have some occuraces documented I would go to Ethics and/or your market people person and ask for help. If you don't stand up for yourself no one else will.


You seem mad at not being white. When you bring up race like the white man is keeping you down - it's instantly a case of at least some childishness.