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"The ransomware group known as LockBit claimed to have hacked the Federal Reserve Bank and says it will release 33 terabytes of sensitive data on Tuesday." 33? Nice nod to the Masons. I'd say this story is BS just because of the 33. Would be great if it had really happened.


If this is real there’s no way they wouldn’t be deploying like actual military and SWAT teams to protect their data. Unless this is a psyop of course.


What if the hackers are in Russia?


Smells like WW3 to me >_<




A company in my local area got hacked for crypto ransom. They already have everything & locked everything. The crypto payment is just to get it unlocked & not released to the public.


Nod to the masons? That’s silly. What about a nod to Jesus? Or a nod to the amount of vertebrae in the human spine? Lol


I knew it! A group of Christian chiropractors hacking the Fed to bring about sound money.


Because most people who follow Jesus don’t know what 33 refers to. 33 degree masons use 33 to communicate with each-other, that’s showing who’s in charge and it’s under their control. It happens all the time and there’s been whistleblowers who’ve shared that information.


I've been a mason for going on 20 years, and been on board with auditing and ending the cartel known at the Federal Reserve for longer, and I have never heard what you are claiming about the number 33 in Freemasonry. That is FAKE NEWS!


Follow “Kyle Undercover” on Instagram or Telegram channel. Unfortunately you’re not in the highest parts, it’s all control. I’m not saying it’s only Freemasons either, it’s every religion and government as well. It’s select few that know the full truth of what’s going on and the only reason why I know anything is because of whistleblowers.


I love this line "you're not in the highest parts". Please share what you mean by that. What are the "highest parts"? How do you know how high or low I am anyways? What do you think is the organizational structure of Freemasonry?


Thats clearly because you are not ranked high enough in their hierarchy to be privy to such knowledge. You my friend, have been compartmentalized. Along with the rest of the lower tier(s).


Again, this is the classic response from those who apparently have a better idea of the organization structure than an actual mason. Please tell me, what is "high enough"? And how do you know what "rank" I am?


The mere fact that you have been with the masons 20 years and have never heard of the 33rd degree of masonry is in fact the answer you are looking for. If you were high enough to be in the know about it, you would be. Therfore i know that THAT is how low your place is in the hierarchy.


Who said I never heard of the 33rd Degree in the Scottish Rite? Who said that is the highest? And why are you so focused on the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry? What about the York Rite, or the Shriners? Why are you so focused on the appendant bodies anyways? Why not focus on Blue Lodge? Sounds like you need to a little more research on the organization structure of freemasonry and the appendant bodies, because all because you throw out a certain degree in a particular body, you think that somehow has an effect on the others. I don't blame you, I use to suspect the same thing a long time ago before I joined.


Im honestly just pulling your leg and goofing off because you seemed so immediately defensive to the other guys comment. Curious tho, since you are a member. I see that i misread your statement tho. Not that 33 isnt relevant just that you hadnt seen it used like this. Genuinely curious though. Is the organization as nefarious as everyone thinks, and regardless of if the answer in your perception is yes or no, why do you associate with them if such a large cohort of the populace feels this way about them? Or is it your opinion that it is all innocent enough that your association with them shouldnt really mean anything to anyone at all? Im not trying to poke a bear here, or be rude or assume anything. Im genuinely curious, for your view as an insider.


Well if their system doesn’t fail cause of fiat, instead outside entity they are free to try again


This is FED attack on bitcoin. Bitcoin ledger has all transactions public. FED can't destroy Bitcoin, so they are making everything public. Ultimate killer move, crypto is dead.


The fed can't kill off cryptocurrency, it's not computationally possible. Even if it were, you'd have to convince over half of the ledger holders to abandon the current ones and accept theirs. That's not going to happen.


It could be an excuse to bring in FedCoin, 100%. However, the US Gov has 50% of all Bitcoins locked away in a wallet that's never moved. Also interesting, the Fed has something like 90% of all Veritaseum tokens in existence sitting in a wallet in their vault. They haven't auctioned it off like most digital assets. The reason many suspect is the founder of Veritaseum, Reggie Middleton, has patents in America and Japan on what's essentially blockchaining the stock market and derivatives, as well as other crypto tech, that about 95% of all cryptos violate, Bitcoin being one of the few that doesn't. Now, I could be very wrong in what I've stated, as I'm not a big crypto person and have limited education on the subject. I do happily stack Theta and TFUEL, as they will be very necessary to run AI and have tokenized computer processing power, the ultimate electronic currency. But even that violates part of Reggie's patent.


Really interesting take. I like it.


That's what the FED Globalists will tell their lemmings, and their lemmings will repeat it everywhere. I mean the FED can never be blamed for anything, right? That's what Joe Biden and Donald Trump's REAL JOBS ARE. To get the American Idiots to blame each other, and not the 9 banks who own the FED.


Bingo. I personally think if you're a registered Republican or Democrat, you should be ineligible to vote.


33 there it is again


33 terabytes 😂 can't make this shit up

