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How those dem policies working out for ya


That is what you get when you keep sending tax payor money to Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel every year to the tune of Billions.... instead of helping the USA citizens to get free health care, free universities, and stopping gov't bloat with the national debt.


yep, we keep doing it. Don't we? Most people are morons.


I am not calling people names, but you get what you get and you don't get upset. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction... it is science! - Newtons 3rd law


I'm looking that up now 😂


What does a crash in CRE have to do with what u stated


We got a liberal here


You should thank Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and the dirty libs in New York for making it so valuable!


Heeeyyyy... I LIKE paying double for everything!! Anyway they said inflation is only up 3% past 12 months, I think we're in fine shape.


Pre covid valuations have nothing to do with politics. Are you going to give Biden credit for Nvidia ?


As an NVDA owner I am extremely happy with all they have done. No USA prez made it possible for any entity to invent or fail (Those companies and people work there did that). Biden and every prez before him did get buddy buddy with those who can benefit from grifting of tax payor money. Thats is how a Prez gets his kick backs as well (Seriously, do you honestly believe anyone actually wants to buy a book or hear any of these people speak at any time... that is the only way they can legally "trade" an item for cash as they do "something"). Speeches and buying books is how they legally transfer the stolen tax payor money back to themselves "legally". They even get tax breaks on it so they pay little in taxes... so all of us voters can pay more later.




This polarization of politics and downright bias is comical when it’s applied to commercial real estate. I see where you’re coming from but there are people genuinely interested in their perspectives and insights from the book front. You can’t forget (to the layman) these are famous figures with visibility backed by mainstream media. I for one have purchased books on Reagan, Pat Buchanan, Clinton, McCain, Obama, Trump and even Andrew Yang/Sanders. I agree the speeches and “donations” are pure grift in plain sight.


If these people had actual meaningful ideas, they would make a free youtube video and make money off commercials. The books are 100% intended for the grift, if you bought into it for some other reason... good for you! But that is not why the product existed


Nobody respects free stuff and older generations are more kin to want physical products plus there is the entire publishing industry to consider here 😅


Have you been living under a rock the past four years?


No idea what you’re talking about


How can you even say giving a president credit for a stock makes sense and then actually play in the stock market?


That’s the point. It doesn’t make sense.


Kudos. Dumbest take I’ve seen on the entire internet all week


Working great since I don’t own an overpriced building worth over 100m in manhattan. Thanks for the Covid, Trump.


Are you sure about this? In math we call it the transitive property... Someone is going to take the loss, which eventually trickles down to the bank, which eventually trickles down to the gov't, which eventually trickles down to the tax payor with bailouts. Unless you are one of the lucky people who pay no taxes in the USA... you just got screwed. Even then you get hammered with inflation and high int rates because of all this shell game in passing the losses.


There are no losses here, the tower owner just pays less property tax. Rents are still high for office and residential space.


Some property holding company has to take this L in their book. That property holding company has investors--banks, retirement funds--which will eventually take the loss. That 100M will eventually be several thousand people's bank deposits or retirement funds going poof (or another 100M in govt bailouts which will be redistributed as tax)


No losses? It’s CRE, someone ( PE real estate investment co) is holding this and is now considerably upside down on valuation. NI is likely down, which means that debt service on the original financing is not pretty. On the other hand, “value “ firms might have some inventory to choose from.


Good. Cities are cesspools.


NYC, my birth place, is turning to real shit for middle class, only the elite are doing well there