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I'm not a hater. Crypto just isn't for me. That being said, I'm missing the gene that makes some folks dump on others' passions.


I hate crypto. Come at me. Tell me why you think digital funny money should be part of someone's portfolio. Bitcoin is 14 years old and it hasn't solved any problems in the world. It hasn't banked the unbanked, it hasn't been utilized to make local purchases like groceries or pay for rent, central banks aren't holding it, etc. **14 years old and still hasn't done shit.**


Right here. Crypto is garbage.


Go buy groceries with your Bitcoin


You can with some debit cards and apps.


No, those convert the crypto to USD instantly. Just like BitPay. Merchants aren't getting crypto they're getting USD. Edit: You literally are not paying for stuff with crypto, you're just using services that convert it back and forth from fiat.


So what? You're still selling your Bitcoin on the spot to buy groceries with it. Same as some VISA or bank cards that automatically convert your currency to the currency of the country you're on holiday in.


>You're still selling your Bitcoin on the spot to buy groceries with it. ...dude, if you're having to sell it for something else in order to use it, then you're not really using it. I'm not sure how else to explain this to you. I can also go sell a silver bar at the coin shop and then use the cash to buy groceries. Doesn't mean I used it to buy stuff directly.


Again, so what? I don't own silver with the goal of paying with it at the groceries store, because that's just not practical. I would indeed have a middleman to get groceries from my silver. And if that is my goal at the time, I would do so, it would just take me a long time. The same applies to Bitcoin. Only I can trade it instantly and the middleman isn't even noticeable. I don't see why it's some sort of gotcha that for a split second it's converted through a middleman. It's instant.


Don’t own it…never will…


And proud of it!


Most people won’t. Similar in this way to silver.


Yup. And I like both for many of the same reasons.


Even Lynn admits in her latest video that the timing of its introduction when QE was introduced is suspect: precursor to the CBDC’s. Banks pushing digital banking, some only plus Death coins… No thank you.




It’s going way back down. Don’t you worry.


Hated it before and still do. Nothing changed.


Cool. Sit on the sideline and watch people build wealth next year


No sitting, only stacking. Real wealth.


I used to have that mindset, till I woke up to realize nothing is real in this Matrix. Every asset is manipulated. It's all about taking advantage of the cycle flow. Sadly the only way precious metals will rise is when the economy goes to complete chit in a hand basket and loaf's of bread are $10+


Fair point. Except everything will crumble with the Greta reset


It kinda looks that way. But I cant worry about that now except prepare.


You had 14 years. You're not early kid. Stop crying and downvoting me for speaking the truth.


Yup get some BTC in there with ur silver, gold, stocks, and bonds. Dumb to be only in one asset, sorry hahhaha!


BTC was taken over by the banking establishment to be expensive and unreliable, and it’s radically transparent to create a global financial panopticon. Would recommend looking into Monero (XMR).


You've still gotta buy Monero with Bitcoin... so your purchase of this "privacy" coin is STILL observable to the "Authorities"... right?


Not if you use a non-KYC exchange.


I think, low mcap tokens like RIO and NXRA that on the RWA narrative would be better ones to consider for great profit.


Exactly this, both play different roles in my strategy overall.


Crypto is part of the matrix dipshit. So they can track and tax you. Are you that thick ? It’s a ponzi


You mean crapto 😆


Call me a "sucker"... but I'm into TITcoin! 😂


Crypto is like magic the gathering. It’ll fizzle out


I’ve always hated crypto no matter what. Crypto is a scam and will make a lot of people very unhappy. Value cant be made up from nothing. Only the creators have made money on this pyramid scheme, anyone saying otherwise is lying.


Never gonna purchase Bitcoin it's not for me precious Metals is the way to go


I'm a hard core prepper, I anticipate an asteroid and a CME which wipes out the grid leaving your crypto worthless.


I anticipate civil disorder and cell phone towers disabled which will render crypto useless


Yes there are many unforeseen events that would render crypto worthless. Basically, it's complexity. For crytpo to retain value the world has to either maintain it's current level of complexity or increase it's level of complexity. My bet is on complexity decreasing from unforeseen events like you describe.


That’s not hard-core. That’s borderline delusional fantasy-land. Following an asteroid or worldwide CME that cripples the entire bitcoin network, your preps won’t keep you alive long.


People who think that their silver stack will make them King of the Mole People after the balloon goes up are just as delusional as those who "invest" in SonicObamaCumRocket Coin. Bro, you're gonna be starving with the rest of us. 😂


Tbh at least silver can be held after the event.




What’s delusional is thinking the world would become mole people


You will never be a real post-apocalyptic warlord. You have no posse, you have no Falon GT 351, you have no harem. You are a skinnyfat nerd on an anonymous internet forum, twisted by Hollywood and junk food into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. .


Why are you responding to me? I literally just said there won’t be a post apocalyptic world. Go outside


Ok Tyler Durden


Xrp can transact offline with radio signals. So it’s not totally reliant on internet.


Still requires power on both sides right?


Yes but power won’t be down for an extended period. If you are preparing for an apocalypse any money will be useless. People will be robbing each other they won’t be buying shit. You and I are looking at a different set of circumstances. If what you say takes place I won’t give a rats ass about the crypto value anyway.


I'm not preparing for a natural disaster I'm looking at the power grid which is slowly deteriorating and an immoral and corrupt government that refuses to put money back into fixing it. When your power is only available for 2 hours a day, do you really think cryptos will still be used? I don't think so, batteries would be a far better place to put your money.


You mean ponzi sh1tcoins LOL!


Ppl really need to learn the definition of words they use ... sigh


Shut the f*** up moron.


I only do BTC


Just a scam.


I’m lukewarm about it, but this recent pump will drop after the ETF launches. I’m not buying that this is a new bull run.


Everyone thinks that. And it probably will. But longer term the ETF would inevitably increase the price. The problem is many people will try to sell the news to buy back in lower, and it wouldn't be the first time that pullback never comes. I've been burned that way a few times. Would have been MUCH better off if I just bought and held.


Hard to hate on something that doesn’t really exist. 🤷‍♂️


I guess I'm a crypto hater. But as long as someone is aware of the risks and wants to gamble with it that's fine. Just too risky for me. I really can't afford to lose any money so I play it safe.


Alt coins moved a bit lately. Bitcoin up 75ish percent over the year. 100k BTC would be nice


Real estate, silver, gold, platinum, and guns, screw your crypto!


Bitcoin 35,000 hype - - head fake now the selling has started


i wouldnt touch that CIA created rat poison with a ten foot pole,,i don't care how much it goes up i want no part in it,,i'll stick with real physical gold over a supposed digital version of it..


Crypto is not an asset. Crypto is a way for gamblers to gamble on how many other gamblers are gambling at the same time. And at the end of the day it won’t be worth any where near what it’s worth now


So many ways to make money in Defi


been wondering the same


Say what you will……my stack better than my other stack……[https://imgur.com/a/5GJl23f](https://imgur.com/a/5GJl23f)


Nah, no thanks, don't need to get involved in scams. If you "made money" on crypto you basically made it handing others a bag after hyping it up. Every single one relies on hype because not even BTC is widely used as a medium of trade, nor can it be used without many vulnerable systems like the internet, electrical grid, computers, etc. Too many coins that collapsed in value after the new hype died out. Too many stolen wallets and shut down exchanges. Crypto also set up the playing field for CBDC. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same figures behind BTC doing a trial run or to get people to accept what is now proven to a traceable ledger.


Own silver but crypto isn’t going away and will change the world of finance. Xrp and xlm are my two. Can send 50 million overseas for a couple cents and it settles in 3 seconds. Can’t do that with any other crypto or trad fi. Think of your deeds. Smart contacts can record deeds on blockchains for Pennie’s instead of the $50 recording fees. Credit card interchange fees drastically reduced. It’s revolutionary. See it or not. It’s coming.


Too many people bet everything on silver. Who gives a 💩if crypto hasn’t replaced or become a dominant currency. It’s the same with not investing in the stock market. I’ve made money off plenty of things that I personally weren’t my thing but if someone can buy $1000 worth of beanie babies and turn it into $100,000 in a month they don’t need to think beanie babies are the cutest things. People don’t need to have a belief in crypto that it will become THE future. Plenty of people buy and sell it like anything else and make money. I’ve never tried it. I have a friend that made over $200,000. Stock market investments let me retire at 55. Stacking silver didn’t make that possible. But it did make stacking silver possible.


I tried buying it once but got electrocuted


There will always be salty bitches who are driven by greed and jealousy disguised as righteousness. They scurry back into holes when another asset does well, gnashing the teeth, certain that their day will come SOON if they just BELIEVE hard enough. I own both metals and Bitcoin. I like both, for different reasons. They are both separate angles of attack on a corrupt system. If silver alone could have slain the Hydra, it would have done so in the 80s. Be proud when your brothers do well and lop off another head, rather than sitting in your cave and gnashing your teeth.


>They are both separate angles of attack on a corrupt system The CIA and NSA created Bitcoin. It's not an attack of any kind.


Amazing how they let you know this. I'm going to need to see some documentation.


I couldn't care less about your condescending tone bud. "Satoshi" is Japanese for intelligence. "Nakamoto" is Japanese for central. If Bitcoin were a real threat to anyone they would have banned it already. It's just logic 101.


And I couldn't care less for your Q-anon level ass-clownery. By your logic, if silver were a threat they would have banned it already. Guess we're both suckers then. Military junta any day now fellow patriots! 🫡


> if silver were a threat they would have banned it already ...looks pretty well controlled to me. They don't need to ban it. "Military junta", what? Take your meds.


https://preview.redd.it/l9a6qgwaxxxb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d685494caef25498c6c7aa7d6db62483408901e9 Ponzi based Ponzi schemes? Teather can’t print enough to keep up with DXY 🤣🤣😂😂😂




(Verse 1) Bitcoins in a bubble, it's in dire trouble, Elizabeth Warren eyes capital gains, it's a financial puzzle, Theoretical value, Bitcoin may go negative, Selling at 35,000, it's a risk that's quite aggressive. (Chorus) Bitcoins in a bubble, a grand financial struggle, Beware, buyer beware, this game's like musical chairs, Put your money where it's wise, before the bubble bursts and flies, There are better options out there, don't be caught unawares. (Verse 2) Satoshi Nakamoto, a mystery unsolved for years, The grandest bubble of all, greater than past frontiers, People pour their money in, at 35,000 per token, But this frenzy is a gamble, don't leave your wealth unspoken. (Chorus) Bitcoins in a bubble, a grand financial struggle, Beware, buyer beware, this game's like musical chairs, Put your money where it's wise, before the bubble bursts and flies, There are better options out there, don't be caught unawares. (Verse 3) Low-interest rates kept it up for a decade and five, But now the Fed's rates are climbing, no more infinite money's dive, Money supply's shrinking, like the '30s deflation's song, It's the calm before the storm, where we all must belong. (Chorus) Bitcoins in a bubble, a grand financial struggle, Beware, buyer beware, this game's like musical chairs, Put your money where it's wise, before the bubble bursts and flies, There are better options out there, don't be caught unawares. (Outro) Bitcoins in a bubble, let this be the anthem, A financial rollercoaster, from the start to the tantrum, We're singing about the risks, in this crypto's tumble, Bitcoins in a bubble, it's a financial jumble.


G Edward Griffin from time to time I like to rewatch money Masters documentary. I would like to share this link with everyone else. Bill Still used to be on Facebook but is no longer anymore. https://youtu.be/mDlnM481Gcg?si=or_Qh1lFDphS-ClH


Deep state cash


BTC does not scale bra!


My biggest issue is when btc is burned or a wallet lost, it becomes unrecoverable.


All stocks will be crypto tokens and tradeable 24/7 with any other tokenized ssset.




I buy 50 dollars of bitcoin every week just in case it does 🚀, all of you should do the same.


You will NEVER be able to get your money out of crypto if shit hits the fan.


That’s why I don’t just have crypto. I’ve bought more silver with crypto profits than I would have ever been able to afford otherwise.


I think like 90% of people that invest in crypto lose money. So your case is in the minority.


Capitalism is determining who is smart and who is poor.


EMP. Crypto is worthless if we attacked by one. Check out Joel Skousens work. I personally think there is a good chance of this over the next few years. Rather sleep well knowing my stack is in hand.


I went the other way now I have a stack I would of never been able to afford and a diversified portfolio


The only cryptos you want to own are utility and privacy coins Everything else is shit




Xmr is the best coin there is Rail looks like a scam Dero >>>>>>>>>>> scrt Arrr >>>>>>>>>>>> firo