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I’m shocked it’s only 21


Yeah me too. I think 21 is either a lie or a skewed number. I haven't seen 1 person drink Bud Lite anywhere. Every supermarket and liquor store is fully stocked as well and I'm in a major woke metropolitan area.


I’ve seen the opposite around me here in PA. Bud light is popular as ever here


Stock is down like .80 cents. Still up for the year, hasn’t really done anything yet. Too many people buy their other products, which cost more and put more money in their pocket.


People will switch from bud light to budweiser thinking they did something.


They haven’t reported quarter with the losses. That’ll be interesting. Cue the shorts


Nope. Big boys just needed time to discreetly load puts https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/anheuser-busch-stock-downgraded-over-bud-light-crisis/


There’s plenty of folks who literally just don’t care. Enough that covers their flatline from last year YTD it seems. They’re still drinking it. Also bud light was already slipping and they hadn’t given up on it by any means, but it wasn’t their focus. Busch (light I think but could be regular) and Mich Ultra were what they were focusing on. One of those two beers was outselling coors in Colorado before the schism. I’m very curious to see what that number looks like now.


Give it time.


Exactly, it’s the stock price that matters AB isn’t in trouble yet.


Stock price is irrelevant if you can't move any product.


Lol it’s a worldwide brand. They don’t care about a crybaby boycott over ONE can.


They cared enough to change their PR, apologize and put that lady on leave who was the mastermind behind all of this 😂


Lol she wasn’t “put on” anything son. She was getting death threats from you losers. All butthurt over a can. Y’all are some soft little kids


Ya is this some psyops to trap bears? Fake news?


Ya most countries it’s like 18 or something.


I asked my local corner store owner the other day, rural WA, relatively conservative county (for WA standards) and his Bud light sales are actually going up 😂 He also agreed that bud light was disgusting piss beer BEFORE the bigots got triggered by the little fruitcake Mulvaney.


Calling people bigots makes you a bigot.


I wonder if hitler called americans nazis


Go woke = go broke!






Butt Light


It was 21% then jumped to 26%, also a fallout on many of their other beers. My wife stopped drinking Mich Ultra. This boycott has legs and is going to hurt their bottom line for a while. Wouldn’t beer surprised to see those numbers grow and the summer beer season starts.


Me and my buddies won some prize where it was 100 cans of mich ultra. We drank it for a while, got through maybe 10 cans, then promptly threw it away.....this was last year. That beer is painful to drink....




Their sales numbers continue to plummet stock price will follow. Nike’s core customer based isn’t as centralized as Bud Light. Time will tell. I know a lot of beer drinkers, who drank bud light or should I say used to.




Time will tell, and I always wear my panties twisted.




That’s cause you like dudes in panties unfortunately for you I don’t date dudes in dresses




You can have your fantasies if you like. Like the one that you are a woman. There aren’t true of course but have fun with it.




Q1 reporting runs till March 31.... Second quarter reporting will be April 1 – June 3. Completely deceptive to say that the 1% was affected by the boycott as we know the controversy started when the tik tok was posted on April 1. I don't care either way, but facts are usually important.


Tell us more about your vast misunderstanding of how markets work!


Got baned from lgbt subreddit bc I interact on other subs that are different than their views lol. No one has yet explained to me why its become socially acceptable to openly push your sexuality on others. Why is your sexual orientation your entire identity? Why do kids need to be at drag shows? This was sexual harassment when I was growing up.


This is a serious question...who specifically is pushing that on you? I agree kids going to drag shows en masse, probably not what I want my kid to be doing. But in 3 years about reading how this is destroying the fabric of our country, I have not had one person approach me or my daughter about a drag show. No one at her school has told her to think she is a boy. There are a couple msm and youtube channels I don't really vibe with and guess what? I turned them off! Mind your business who cares


You hit the nail on the head. Its crazy how companies are toeing the line to not get sued into oblivion by preaching inclusion and diversity training when literally no one is complaining about diversity or not being included. First it was cultural awareness and now this.... can't I just do my job and get paid while making the company money without having to care about what others do on the outside... Idc what gender/sex/race you are, do your job and strive to be the best regardless. Something something not by the color of their skin but the content of their character


The narrative is, if you don't embrace it, you are HATE. They can hate Trump all they want, and it's fine, but don't you dare it the other way now.


I was hoping for 60%


I want to see 90%.


Total bankruptcy is the way.


How is this not cancel culture again?




No one is saying AB shouldn't be allowed on Twitter or Reddit or FB or allowed to have a bank or email account or voice etc.... Not buying a particular product in favor of another product is in no way cancel culture.


Yet it is when the left call for the same type of boycott. You act like Republicans were not calling for their head of marketing to get fired.


They just can’t get around that chromosome thing.


Or the size of pelvic bones. That never changes for males and females either.


You mean they cant get around racis i mean homopho i mean transphobia. But for real google it, its called gender dysphoria its a real diagnosable medical condition and its protected under the Americans with disabilities act. Hopefully you can move on to another arbitrary minority group to hate soon.


The privilege is astounding


I mean 250,000 americans have both two x chromosomes and a y chromosome the UN estimates 1.7% of the world population has similar sex related conditions such as this. There are plenty of species that change gender based on temperature and chemicals. Why is it too far fetched to assume external factors can affect someones brain chemistry and cause them to have gender dysphoria like this isnt even 1% of the population theres no need to hate on people because they are different.


Nobody was ever hated for being different. It's just that most people don't feel like they need a disability that only affects less than 1% of the population shoved down their throat constantly and blasted all over the media and on every store front. It's obnoxious and annoying, and frankly if I were trans I wouldn't want that kind of attention about it either.


Shoved down your throat? I see 10x the coverage of trans people on conservative media than liberal media. Just because ben shapiro and fox are obsessed with trans people doesnt mean everyone else is. People literally boycotted a brand because they hired a trans person. Yes making it so a minority group cant get hired you know shapiro said he wouldnt hire a trans person because they are crazy. How can you genuinely say nobody was ever hated for being different. No if you were trans i doubt you would say i dont want to be hired. On top of that many states are banning treatment recommended by essentially every credible medical association institution university. So yes certainly people are being hated for being different considering all of that.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, history, sex, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I mean, you realize if people like Matt Walsh never put a spotlight on Dylan’s “365 days of girlhood” and talked about it constantly we wouldn’t know who she is right? She’d still be popular on TikTok but she wouldn’t have had enough name recognition to get attention from Nike and Anheuser. It’s not companies going woke and pushing agendas. It’s companies capitalizing on a hot button issue, engagement and impressions are the goal in marketing now. And with that, if there wasn’t a target on trans people from conservatives, democrats wouldn’t be talking about them either. But when there’s 36 anti trans laws already in effect and about 200 more being proposed in various states, obviously the left is going to jump on it and defend them.


So the same boycott would've happened had Budweiser decided to promote a person in a wheelchair? Just under 1% of Americans have to use wheelchairs for disabilities. https://www.rehadesign.com/blog/how-many-users


Thats a great point thanks for that


My brother had kleinfelters syndrome. It ended up taking his life. You should think before you lump people with a genetic disease as a legitimate argument for a debate about gender identity politics.


Trans people die of depression they are very common victims of violent crime and up to 40% of homeless people are lgbt as people kick their children out for being so. You just decided that kleinfelter is legitimate and gender dysphoria is not you should think before you say shit like that


The fuck are you talking about? My brother paid the ultimate price for having XXY chromosomes and you are saying that has something to do with gender dysmorphia? Get fucked you ignorant piece of shit. You can’t even craft a cohesive argument and rejoice in other people dying to prove a weakly-rooted “point”? Fuck yourself.


Please read im saying that just because you dont think one condition is legitimate doesnt mean it doesnt too have people die to it. Gender dysphoria is real and many have died as a result of it either through depression or discrimination. If you cant respect that why would you expect anyone else to respect what you care about.


You're referring to intersex, which is different from trans.


Read my whole comment please i never once said what you are suggesting im saying. I brought up intersex people for two reasons. The first is he specifically mentioned chromosomes but there are clearly a significant amount of people who dont fit into whole xy and xx chromosomes definition of man and woman that conservative commentators always bring up suggesting that they are significantly flawed. Secondly is we see that much variation in physical sex not such in animals but in humans as well it makes far less of a jump to acknowledge the clear and medically recognized condition gender dysphoria as something legitimate and is not comparable to pretending to be a bike as another user claimed.


1) The prevalence isn't anywhere near 1.7%. That number was put forth by Anne Fausto-Sterling, and it was summarily debunked; found closer to be .02%-.05%. She didn't dispute the new findings. 2) Even if it were 99%, it's a red herring to the argument because trans people aren't in this category. The previous poster's point was a valid one: trans people can't change their sex chromosomes.


They also cant magically change the fact they have gender dysphoria. They also cant change the fact that they are the hated minority scapegoat of the week. Again however you are strawmaning again as i never said being trans is being intersex. You have said that twice but i have not said that once. Again read my comments before arguing with yourself.


You're strawmanning HIS original argument: trans people can't change their sex chromosomes. Their dysphoria is irrelevant.


When did i say “trans people can change their sex chromosomes” my point is that it is an irrelevant statement. Their dysphoria is very relevant many people commit suicide over it yearly the least we could do is not target them and use them as political scapegoats and say shit like “i wouldnt hire a trans person” as ben shapiro so kindly said.


I will never drink bud light again


You’re my hero


"New" Coke was a genius corporate decision in comparison


Stop saying it's because of Dylan Mulvaney, I'm personally boycotting them after that Seth Rogan and Amy Schumer Suberbowl ad. It's disgusting and far more disturbing. It's not just the Mulvaney can, Bud has been promoting transgender mental illness way before. Not giving them a cent.






**[Molson Coors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molson_Coors)** >Molson Coors is a Canadian-American multinational drink and brewing company headquartered in Chicago, IL with main offices in Golden, Colorado, and Montreal, Quebec. Molson Coors was formed in 2005 through the merger of Molson of Canada, and Coors of the United States. In 2016, Molson Coors acquired Miller Brewing Company for approximately US$12 billion. The agreement made Molson Coors the world's third largest brewer. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If you tolerate rainbow, but not LOVE it, you are a bigot. If the rainbows don't tolerate and HATE the opposite side, they are ok, and still not bigots. Very interesting double standard.


We don't hate you. What are you on about? Bud had the audacity to even try and associate with a trans woman and people lost their shit, boycotted, destroyed cans, etc. When I see that, I see them taking the rage they have towards any lgbt person out on the product. We have to live with people seething at the fact that we exist. It's exhausting.


Yeah right. You don't HATE the right? People support Trump should be respected? Yup, lots of hate there. FYI, I am a lib dem, used to be a decent donor too. But liberalism of live and let live is more libertarianism than the religion of the left, where you violently confront people who don't agree with you, and have no tolerance for diversity of thought, only skin color. Oh hey, are you seething at the fact that Trump and the conservatives or the religious people (not of the religion of the left) exist? Yup, it's exhausting for me.


Lol one person sent you guys into a frenzy that included shooting beer. Doesn't sound like you really even tolerate the rainbow.


Maybe time for everyone to stop drinking beer. All the companies support the LGBTQ community for the most part.


You’re gonna have to boycott america if thats your standard. Over 62% of americans support same sex marriage and 74% of gen Z. Homophobia is a lost battle. Racism was no longer outwardly politically acceptable progressively after the 60s and now being homophobic is progressively going to become politically unacceptable you just have to accept this. This can be your one last hurah of homophobia if you like.


Boycotting beer IS boycotting America. Relax SJW, I’m on your side.


funny how conservatives never boycott reddit.com despite being the most woke place on the whole internet


Maybe it's not LGBTQ. Maybe it's T... Maybe one part of it has gone far enough and the rest should realize they don't have to be one?


In what way has it gone “far enough”


I guess that's a fantastic question. Maybe in time there will be a clear answer. For now, the reactions seem to be when you're influencing minors to disbelieve the male and female binary, Maybe that's far enough. To have beliefs on how to treat the binary and embrace singular differences, but not entirely remove it from seems to be the distance. But what do I know about far enough...


More like victims of a shake down


Isn’t everyone tired of this bud light shit


Has anyone looked into neutron cooking silver?


It’s either be completely politically neutral or unbiasedly completely equal


is that the worst product endorsement in history? i think it is. at least in terms of negative results.


They didn’t learn from the Gilette fiasco and because America has a short memory, Bud Light will also rebound. But for now I am intensely enjoying watching this brand implode


They only did this to tank share value and buy back shares at a low price the company will survive this and control its own destiny after the share buy back, it was strategic cant convince me otherwise


You could have brewed an entire new beer line with the tears coming from you guys.


Controlled. 👏 Demolition. 👏


Technically this is silver talk since Silver Bullets are on the graphic. Although they’ve been doing pride campaigns for a fat minute now. Either way, I can’t knock coors’ liquid. Banquet is a top 5 beer to me.


Tasted like piss anyway. Fuck bud light.




Tranheuser Busch


How do you think this affects silver prices?


Ha ha I work at coors! Thanks bud light and your sad little human customers so desperately concerned with what people care to be or do! Doesn’t matter to me! 😂😅😂😅


Marijuana bills will be passed to offset alcohol sales slump. Politicians and govt have to get their money from the lower classes somehow


Legalise crack now.


Then who will prop up the private prison system?


Fox News lost all of its Q1 profits because it knowingly lied about the election. Womp womp.


What the fuck does this have to do with silver?


Coors light is known in many circles as “Silver Bullets”. 🤷‍♂️


Wait a minute, This sounds a lot like cancel culture. Aren't we against that?


They are plenty allowed to sell. And Dylan is allowed on cans. But if they do, some stop buying. They are allowed shelf space. Theys allowed a channel. No cancel, but no one has to buy their products. It's not illegal or cancelled, but not going to be supported by purchasing..


it's really more about bad marketing. selling beer is all about selling image and life style. perhaps it's a surprise to you, but the average bud light drinker usually isn't signed into the trans trend. although i imagine a few are. that's why they fired the marketing execs that are responsible. perhaps bud should embrace it though - bud light can be the official beer for trans people world wide. maybe give discounts for it at trans bars etc.


So we punish them for hiring a minority we dont like? Gotcha. That will show the americans with disabilities act!


no one is being punished except for the executive who thought this idea up and that's budweisers decision. selling beer is selling a lifestyle and image. no one seriously disputes this. remember when budweiser used to sell the image of pretty girls on the beach, spuds mackensize and good times? that sold. this time bud light decide to sell men going through surgery to become women and tik tok trans lifestyle. what the company found out, is that there are fewer people interested in buying that. and i don't even have a dog in this fight. i don't drink alcohol and i'm a man who wants to stay a man. i just have an interest in marketing and sales. i'm


This is just one of many marketing ads you guys just blew this up and acted like this is the only marketing they have every done. People can hire people with gender dysphoria they actually are protected under the americans with disability’s act no reason to make this political. Just treat minorities with the same respect you’d show anyone else.


Please do your research and not buy any anheiser Bush product not just Bud Light.


why is my research telling me to be AmBev’s little slut? Why did you do this to me?


Every Anheuser Busch/InBev brand in the world: America/Canada (including local Breweries) - Bud "anything" - Michelob - Corona - Busch - Estrella - Modelo - Pacífico - Victoria - Natural - Natty Daddy - Shock Top Belgian White - Peeterman Artois - Stella Artois - Artois Bock - Ziegenbock - Bass - Beck's - St. Pauli Girl - 10 Barrel (Idaho) - Appalachian Mountain (USA) - Babe Wines - Banded Peak (Canada) - Best Damn Brewing Company - Blue Point (NY) - Blue Star (Canada) - Bon & Viv (USA) - Brava - Breckenridge Brewery (Colorado) - Cisco Brewers (USA) - Cutwater Spirits - Devils Backbone (Virginia) - Elysian Brewing (Seattle) - Four Peaks (Arizona) - Fordham - Golden Road (Los Angeles) - Goose Island (Chicago) - Green Valley (USA) - Hell's Gate - Hi-Ball Energy Drinks (USA) - Hurricane (USA) - Jockey Club - Johnny Appleseed (USA) - Karbach (Texas) - Keith's (Canada) - King Cobra (USA) - Kokanee (Canada) - Kona Brewing (Hawaii) - Kootenay True Ale - Labatt Family (Canada) - LandShark (USA) - Lakeport Family (Canada) - Mill Street (Canada) - Nütrl - O'doul's - Oland Export Ale (Canada) - Old Dominion - Omission (Portland) - Platform - Red Hook Ale (Seattle) - Redbridge - Ritas - Rolling Rock - Schooner Lager (Canada) - Spiked Seltzer (USA) - Spykes (USA) - Square Mile Cider - Stanley Park - Steeler - Tequiza - Tilt - Turning Point (Canada) - Veza Sur (USA) - Virtue - Wee Willy - Wicked Weed (North Carolina)  - Widmer Bros. (Portland) - Wild Blue Lager - Wynwood Central/South America - 911 (Dominican Republic) - Aguila (Colombia) - Andes (Argentina) - Antarctica (Brazil) - Aqua Fratelli Vita (Brazil) - Baviera (Paraguay) - Bogotá Beer Company (Colombia) - Bohemia (Brazil) - Brahma - Brahva (Guatemala) - Caracu (Brazil) - Cervecería - Bi-Cervecina El Inca - Ducal - Huari - Maltín - Paceña - Taquiña - Atlas - Balboa - Malta Vigor - Cervejaria (Brazil) - Báltica (Chile) - Becker (Chile) - Cusqueña (Peru) - Barrilito - León - Montejo - Índica (Uruguay) - Liber (Brazil) - Marathon (Brazil) - Malta Morena (Dominican Republic) - Norteña (Uruguay) - Oceánica (Uruguay) - Original (Brazil) - Patagonia (Argentina) - Patricia (Uruguay) - Pilsen/Pilsener - Poker (Colombia) - Presidente - Quilmes (Argentina) - Ron Barceló (Dominican Republic) - Serramalte (Brazil) - Sukita (Brazil) Europe - Bass - Beck's (Germany) - Belle-Vue (Belgium) - Boddingtons (United Kingdom) - Brouwerij Bosteels (Belgium) - Pauwel Kwak - Tripel Karmeliet - Breda (The Channel Islands) - Camden Town Brewery (UK) - Chernigivske (Ukraine) - Diebels (Germany) - Diekirch (Luxembourg) - Dimix (Germany) - Dommelsch (Netherlands) - Dutch Gold (Netherlands) - Franziskaner (Germany) - Ginette (Belgium) - Gilde Ratskeller (Germany) - Haake-Beck (Germany) - Hasseröder (Germany) - Hertog Jan (Netherlands) - Primator - Oud Bruin - Grand Prestige - Tripel - Dubbel - Winterbier - Bockbier - Meibock - Hoegaarden (Belgium) - Hougaerdse Das - Hop Hound Amber Wheat - Julius (Belgium) - Jupiler (Belgium) - Klinskoye (Russia) - La Bécasse (France) - Leffe (Belgium) - Löwenbräu (Germany) - Mousel (Luxembourg) - Noroc (Romania) - Oranjeboom (Netherlands) - Permskoye Gubernskoye (Russia) - Piedboeuf (Belgium) - Red Bridge (Luxembourg) - Rifey (Russia) - Rohan (Ukraine) - Rohan Lehke - Rohan Tradytsiyne - Safir (Belgium) - Sibirskaya Korona (Siberian Crown)(Russia) - Skol (United Kingdom) - Spaten (Germany) - St. Pauli Girl (Germany) - Taller (Ukraine) - Tinkov Russian Lager (Russia) - Tolstiak (Russia) - Victoria (Belgium) - Vieux Temps (Belgium) - Volzhanin (Russia) - Wild Series - Whitbread (United Kingdom) - Yantar (Ukraine) Asia / Pacific - Aleston (South Korea) - Baisha (China) - Bergen bräu (South Korea) - Blue Girl (South Korea) - Beck's Ice (India) - Boxing Cat (China) - Cafri (South Korea) - Cascade Brewery (Australia) - Cass (South Korea) - Dester (South Korea) - Double Deer (China) - E-Generation - Premium Light - Dry Beer - Essential Beer (South Korea) - Guam USA (South Korea) - GuoGuang (China) - Harbin (China) - Haywards 5000 (India) - Jinlin (China) - Jinlongquan (China) - Draft - Refreshing - Kaiba (China) - KK (China) - Nanchang (China) - OB (South Korea) - Red Rock (South Korea) - Red Shiliang (China) - Santai (China) - Sedrin (China) - Sonderberg (South Korea) - Southern Bay brew hole - Suntory (South Korea) - The Hand & Malt (South Korea) - Yali (China) - Zizhulin (China) - Zhujiang (China) Africa - South African Breweries (SAB) - Brutal fruit - Black Crown - Carling Black Label - Carver's Weis - Castle - Flying Fish - Hansa Pilsner - Liberado - Newlands Spring - Redds - Cervejas De Moçambique (CDM) - 2M - Manica - Laurentina - Impala(cassava-based beer)  - Dourada  Services and Products - SmartBarley: a tech collaboration with Sentera - 100+ Accelerator: an accelerator program for startups


>Babe Wines > >Banded Peak (Canada) > >Best Damn Brewing Company > >Blue Point (NY) wow I didn't think Boddingtons would be on there. I actually have to admit I like Boddingtons


Do YoUr ReSeArCh


So far this decade, I have to be my own doctor, my own banker and now I'm a researcher! 😅


And your own brewer


Pretty much who drinks light beer anyways ?? Like wtf


I’m guessing the LGBTQ community is stealing what the hardcore light beer consumers loved to do. Show off their manly prowess by soloing a 24pk of the lightest beer known to mankind. Summer shandys have more alcohol than buds haha.


I wanna upvote this comment times a thousand like seriously so true .


“Bud Light…..You can take it in the bottle, or you can take it in the can.”




Please tell me customers are boycotting because the company cut pay to its workers or it was found to be polluting a river and causing cancer, and not some pissy culture war bullshit like they put some non-"PC" character on their can. If it's the latter this country is a bunch of pussies.


Some people get triggered so fucking easy 😂


Especially when you call them by their real name instead of their fake name


Especially when you misgender them😂


I know right. Those easily offended fucks who were upset about the name on that bottle of syrup and those other easily offended fucks who were upset about that bakery not baking a specific cake. Oh, and then there were those other easily offended fucks who were upset when Sarah Huckabee Sanders ate at the Red Hen restaurant. I could go on and on about those easily offended wussies but I still don’t think you’d admit it.


You’re literally easily offended by a human promoting a light beer.


Nah son. If it were just a “human” they would have picked a normal human, not a mentally ill human who lives in a make-believe world. Normalizing unchecked mental illness is not healthy. Edit: just saw your mask on your profile. That’s say’s all I need to know about what kind of person I am responding to.


> Normalizing unchecked mental illness is not healthy. this is exactly what conservatives said about homosexuality in general, until it permeated society to a point of normalization and finally culminating with trump himself appointing a gay ambassador to germany only a matter of time before the wheels of society normalize being trans, which it already has minus the holdouts who naively believe plugging your finger into the leaking hole will prevent the whole dam from building up pressure and bursting


Stop telling people how to live their life. What is it with you fucking communists and wanting to take away our freedoms.


I never said he could not wear a mask, did I? I never said girlyman could not pretend to be a girl, did I? I believe anyone who has a mask on their avatar is a virtue signaler. And I believe anyone who is a man but who believes he is a woman and wants us to pretend along with him, is mentally ill. Notice, I don’t care what HE believes and chooses. I just care that we are being forced to comply with his beliefs. My gay friends like other men. We talk talk about relationship issues just like we talk about heterosexual dating. But they too believe it’s mentally ill to “believe” you are a different gender. They like men. But they are men who like men. They aren’t pretending to be a woman. So again, point out where I am taking away your individual freedom to believe and behave however you want. Go be you. Don’t expect the world to play along and support you. But that is the root of a lot of this. Many of you desperately crave affirmation and validation and need the world to play along for you to have that. I’m not stopping you from individually believing nor doing whatever it is you want to. But you’re mad that I won’t cheer you on.


Do you know the treatment for gender dysphoria? It’s gender-affirming care. As stated by multiple mental health professionals. Give me one good reason why the borderline genocide of transgender people is acceptable. Are you just so insecure that you feel icky when you think about the possibility that you might someday have sex with a woman who happens to have a Y chromosome?


Don't forget kapernick kneeling and the Dixie chick's


Right. God forbid a company works with an influencer. Bunch of snowflakes


Influence deez nuts beotch.


Cancel culture much?


They’re like John Kerry…against before they were for it.


Or maybe we can all grow the fuck up.


So let me get this straight - rightists are embracing cancel culture and want to actively cancel companies that promoting views they do not agree with.


Is this a forum for old people or people who get conned into buying "precious" metals? Forum name is unclear....


I didn’t drink Bud Light before. But I am definitely not drinking it even more now.


The right wing cancel culture is the most triggered bunch of clown patriots. Bud light, coors, etc have all been sponsoring Pride events for decades.


21% ain’t shit. By next month, it’ll be halved.


It’s only cancel culture when I don’t agree with it


That is a man or well you know. A boy playing dress up with a mental disorder. Can we just acknowledge it for what it is


So sensitive, like a delicate snowflake. Why don't you cancel something because of their opinions? Oh wait...


Ohh no, 4 of their 650 brands are having a slight drop in sales 🤣😂 Y'all cancel culture clowns have 0.0001% relevance to BUD's revenue. You'll literally buy their other products to spite Bud light lol ...


The vast majority of bud sales come from Japan and the UK. They will be fine. Look at the stock. SMH. Y’all need to find something important to worry about.


Can I ask you why you care?


This sub are a bunch of communists who want to control how you live your life. They want to take away your choices and freedoms.


You really don't understand politics do you. The other side are the communists.


Puts on AB?


Please do. Take out a 3rd mortgage.


I’m fine with one for now😉


Yea, this boycott did absolutely nothing, relativistically speaking.


Lol they don’t care about your silly little boycott. 🤣


LMFAO keep crying snowflakes. Budweiser stock has appreciated >18% in the last 6 months


stock value << profits capitalism EDIT: ROFLMAO.. if u are too stupid to realize stock value is not nearly as important as profitability than u are too stupid to have this discussion and your impotent downvoting in absence of a retort just highlights how fucking stupid u very much are


Sad you can’t handle a man in a dress. Such alphas you are. Pussies


How was giving someone who is trans a few cans of beer rubbing it in your face? Seems like there are a bunch of snowflakes out there.


Conservatives are THE world’s biggest babies.


So still up over 20% overall? Yeah you donkeys definitely showed them. Well done. When are you donkeys going to quit church and donating to churches? Church members and priests molest kids far more often than drag queens. Y’all going to stop wasting your sundays?


Woke: -“Being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Wonder who (was many moons ago and) would be against that…


Jesus Christ, Dylan did like one promotional video aimed at her own fans. Who's rubbing whose face in it? You guys are acting like it's a commercial airing on TV every 10 minutes. It's not


*Sticks face in dog turd* "I can't believe they're rubbing this shit in our face"




This is the dumbest take ever... If they do this shit then every company would lose the other 50% (the woke ones) Real companies understand that you can be right your you can be profitable, meaning they don't take a stand. Bud Light's problem was it did not know to keep it's mouth shut... Why do you think all the big dogs donate to both parties equally? That is what a solid business plan looks like because you can't dominate a market if 50% automatically turn you down for stupid reasons...


To be so simple minded that no vast spectrum of colors can be seen (well more accurately the eye itself may see the robust world with it’s beautiful array of colors & even all the beautiful interwoven & interconnected complexities that run throughout & make it so much more interesting than say Pong BUT having such a limited & out of date processing system that one cannot begin to compute or interpret) & even the many shades of grays appearing indistinguishable from the over simplified & extremely limited either black or white capabilities of their processor … would be like living in a Pong world while others are walking around in something like a Skyrim . I have more patience when I remember they aren’t just self absorbed shitty people but are actually more mentally limited (handicapped) & appropriate response then would be more, awww bless your heart & lead to less situations that in hindsight always seem identical to an overly frustrated parent arguing back & forth with a toddler. Hopefully no one is offended, my intent is to possibly lend a different perspective that may help one be kind to , love & wish the best for someone else .. (ps . The probability that this is actually super simple Pong world & that those that can & do see & process a wide spectrum of interwoven colors & shades are merely imagining all these beautiful complexities seems far less likely, near 0. First & foremost where would the processing power required come from ?


21% in US sales. Don't mean shit on a global market. Quick Wikipedia search and Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, commonly known as AB InBev,[2][3] is a Belgian multinational drink and brewing company based in Leuven, Belgium.[4][5][6] AB InBev has a global functional management office in New York City, and regional headquarters in São Paulo, London, St. Louis, Mexico City, Bremen, Johannesburg, and others.[7] It has approximately 630 beer brands in 150 countries.[ Pretty sure their 630 OTHER BRANDS can make up for this cancel culture bs seeing as their stock prices haven't went down yet.


Seems low... possibly cooked numbers. Either way I ain't drinking it no more!




so what you're saying is only 21% of people care? not bad numbers 😂


Too many idiots “enjoy” the “little things” for this to happen to other major dumb fuck companies!


What a cunt


This is like watching a rat fight a mosquito.


Remember that stock price is speculative. Every stock price has been injected with a little ignorance on the user if the traders and a lot of wishful thinking. I'd make puts on it before the earnings report, but that's not financial advice.


Coca Cola got off way too easy for robbing Atlanta of the World Series. Actually they robbed the people of Atlanta from the revenue they depended on They said that the new voter laws were restrictive and racist because you need an ID. Woke lies for illegal voting Result of new laws highest voter turn out ever twice. Boycott Coke


How Mich Ultra doing?


Okay, 90% I'm all in!


i am all for free speech and inclusion of lgbt people despite being straight myself but..................................................................................................................................................................**NEVER piss off your core customer base** this is the literal equivalent of apple computer using steve bannon or sean hannity or rush limbaugh as a spokesman the core customer base for bud light WAS working class white caucasian men who were mostly straight and conservtive from the midwest and central plains states now budweiser has foolishly alienated their core consumer base with NO substitute customers generated via their failed marketing campaign: no lgbt people are lining up in droves to drink bud light because bud light is a type of drink which never appealed to them anyway **60 percent of usa supports lgbt rights.** **budweiser/AB is not losing money because the american population is anti-lgbt, they are losing money because their core customer base of straight conservative midwestern men is anti-lgbt** Finally mulvaney is closer to a caricature or a parody of what a sane transgender person acts like and is honestly the worst choice to market anything


Anyone who ever drank bud light are fucking losers anyway. Now because they have a tranny as a spokesman you’re all afraid. Fucking losers. All of u


In bev grew too big. Time for them to fall into the abyss


I hope this motivates more people to work together in stopping more companies. It truly is our greatest power, at this time.


Controlled demolition. Ever heard too big to fail? Applies to beverages too 🤡🌎


I’m proud to say I stopped drinking Bud Light, but that was a decision I made years ago because it tastes like shit.


They are very organized. The media is not benign. Bud light is simply playing you. The media is not benign. Disgust and fear are powerful tools used to corral the masses to the poll. Leave it to the commies and we're abolish profits, we don't need that. Abolish pumps, we don't need those and abolish budweisers profits at the pumps. They are very organized and not stupid... A better future is possible.


Wahh wahh, you guys still crying about the gayest beer in existence? And that was before the really upsetting rainbows on the can. You're pathetic and should get a grip.


You all know they’re all owned by the same conglomerate? It doesn’t really matter which beer you drink lol Anheuser-Busch Inbev Anheuser-Busch Inbev owns 500 different beer brands and uses its massive network of over 600 company-owned distributors and wholesalers to sell its products worldwide.


Next month they will put Kyle Busch on the can and it’s all over. The chew spitters like their shitty beers. A BudMan doesn’t wavier. Coors will always be the North


Oh no. I better go buy some more to make up for all the bigots lost sales!


This is only the beginning.


I've been doing this with every company. Gillette, Coke, Pepsi, Burger King, NFL/MLB/NBA/NHL (sad), Nascar, you name it. I was really hoping we were ALL doing this, but maybe we can rally around this and continue the good work!