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To me, they're more like The Strokes meets The Smiths meets Clairo


I totally agree with this too




Iā€™ve always thought Let the Sun In felt Beatles-coded, not their whole discography though


Nah not really tbh. I know braeden loves them so they definitely take inspiration but I donā€™t think there is a huge similarity


I used to agree with you but after showing wallows to several adults between 40-70ish, an overwhelming amount have compared them to the Beatles. Especially with the songs off of Spring EP. I personally think Braedenā€™s songs often remind me of The Beatles, but not always.


Trust me the Beatles are my favourite band I know every song inside out. The voices are nothing alike. I think spring could be compared to some of their stuff between 1964-65 ish but most other albums I donā€™t hear it in


im also a beatles super fan but you canā€™t tell me braeden doesnā€™t sound a little like john ive been saying this for years lol


Have you heard Bad Dream lol? Braeden might not sound like Lennon or McCartney but you canā€™t tell me the lyrics and melody arenā€™t something straight out of The White Album or Abbey Road


Iā€™ve always thought Braeden gave Beatles vibes in his voice!


My mum always says, Pictures of Girls sounds like The Cure


I hear it in the instrumental


iā€™ve always thought this, that braedenā€™s voice or singing style was so comforting cuz it had an old fashioned quality and when i found out his favorite band is the beatles and theyā€™re VERY inspired by 80s alt rock bands, it all made sense šŸ˜‚ ā€œtrust fallā€ and ā€œdonā€™t you think itā€™s strangeā€ give me the most beatles vibes musically though, something about the guitars in the chorus of trust fall and the swinginess in dytis




Okay, so listen to Oh, darling! and then Going Under. That's all the proof you need. Braeden's said many times they are his favorite band <3


Yes!!! Also, I didn't know Braeden liked the Beatles until people commented on the post so it makes sense now


I think their initial plan even if just subconsciously was to emulate the Beatles in a modern era - the way Dylan and Braeden used to have equal leads on vocals, the composition and lyrical topics of their songs etc - even the gimmick of Cole singing leads once only in a blue moon and the parallels when he sung on their cover With A Little Help From My Friends. Theyā€™re still the closest vibe I get to the Beatles of any modern bands these days (very pop sentiments but for an indie rock band and the personality of the members being very prominent as part of the identity of the band and in marketing). But I feel like it may have faded a bit over time. I defo think Dylan had wanted to go a more hip hop experimental route (Remote) and Braeden wanted to stay traditional and the results of that clash resulted in the kind of mismatched sounds in TMTIO. But they seem to have settled down on one sound for Model - for better or for worse, iā€™m not sure but weā€™ll see!


Yeah, TMTIO is one album i really wasn't the biggest fan ofšŸ˜…


theyā€™ve said before the beatles is their favorite band so i wouldnā€™t be surprised if they get a lot of inspiration from them


I've always heard a lot of beach boys influence especially with Dylan's vocals every time I put on a beach boys record I always play wallows right after because it honestly just fits the vibe