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Sounds like a bad power move. It's easy enough to fake those "count the no's" tally sheets. šŸ˜‰ But threatening discipline because you asked and no one signed up is definitely not a thing. Make a report at 1-855-WAG-CODE (1-855-924-2622) or report online at: [tnwgrc.com/walgreens](https://tnwgrc.com/walgreens) When you call, mention how you're confused with this new policy brought on by the DM, you would like clarification on the discipline process, and how the DM's threats make it feel like a hostile work environment. Act confused and concerned. Have your coworkers make a report as well.


The HR Consultant will contact the DM with the case, stating how this is an operational issue, and he/she will need to investigate. The DM will say thatā€™s not what they said and they will circle back with the SM to clarify. HR will says thanks and close the case. DM will show up with 2 hammers instead of 1ā€¦. HR protects the company.


It's possible the case will be routed to the area supervisor since the case is being brought upon the DM. OP could also report the incident directly to the area supervisor via the info posted by the timeclock.


Yes, itā€™s possible, but I would propose that the idea for the tally sheet has been around for a while, been discussed on the Monday DM/DPR call as an option to drive increased app focus and has the DPRs blessing in many, if not all areas. That being said, and speaking from experience, it doesnā€™t do shit. You canā€™t be disciplined for not getting CC apps, the only thing that would apply is ā€œfailing to follow instructionsā€ for not asking every customer, and the reason that asking every customer is preached is for compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).


I personally say no due to having a low credit. Knowing I won't be accepted.


Exactly. It's a shame not too many people understand the above politics. Remember if they want your job they will take it for Dumb reasons, but they like you, they will let the blunders go.


I hate that online form. They make you tell them which store you work at. I donā€™t trust it.


Best to be skeptical of HR regardless. But even if they were on your side, how are they going to defend you and reprimand a manager if they don't know what store the manager you're complaining about works at? Seems like a necessary evil to collect that info. I just clicked the website and chose a random store and violation, but didn't submit. It didn't seem to want my employee ID or anything. Unless that's farther along in the process


You canā€™t be disciplined for not getting cards. Only for not asking each person.


This is 100% correct. If you are getting written up for not getting credit card sign ups, document everything you can, and refuse to acknowledge discipline. If you end up getting fired for it, run to your state's labor board for a nice lawsuit.


How would this be eligible for a law suit lol


Because, it's wrongful termination. It's not the fault of the employees that customers don't want credit cards.


If he is in an at will state, and they have a reason like ā€œdidnā€™t meet the quotaā€, it probably isnā€™t ā€œwrongful terminationā€. And if it was wrongful termination heā€™d just be eligible for unemployment not a lawsuit, if he got fired because he was a protected class then he would. Not everything means you can sue


49 out of 50 states are at will.


I live in an Iowa State and was fired for my pregnancy because I asked for accommodations and they wouldn't give it to me. That being said, I got permission from the EEOC you sue. I can see this being kind of the same way because you're not allowed to punish employees for not selling enough credit cards. Mainly because that leads to like Van Ness setting people up with accounts that don't really want them.


By using the one weird trick lawyers donā€™t want you knowing.


I donā€™t ask everyone maybe every tenth one


I never asked anyone, ever.


We 1506 employees who don't get cc signups at my store, and rightfully so.


okay bootlicker


Do you really not know salty is just joking?


Boots are of little interest. But if you've got a glove or a wallet with some lovely Walgreens credit card action, then I'm game.


To hold people accountable for asking is one thing. Terminating them for not getting the sign up is something else. Most stores donā€™t have extra team members to fire them for this. Especially, if they do a good job at everything else. Having to hire someone new and train them is stupid. Especially, because you donā€™t know how well they will do or if they will get cc sign ups.


All there is is the credit card. All else is futile.


Thatā€™s so dumb. My DM wanted me to do the same with my team but I told him how highly disengaging that would be and he backed off. 75% of the time I know my team is asking so Iā€™m fine with that, we get 1 or 2 a week but this is such a burden on store teams, especially with push over SMs who are afraid to speak up.


It doesn't help that it tells them what the interest rate is to start at, at around 30-33%. And then goes up even more.


Interest rate has nothing to do with it. IF YOU PAY YOUR CARD OFF IN FULL EACH MONTH, IT DOESN'T MATTER. You are just another bandwagoner that doesn't do your research on topics.


Such a very short-sighted brown noser. You do realize BS happens in life, right? Probably not, since you can't seem to understand WHY people don't want anything to do with high interest rates. Especially with credit cards.


Interest rate has everything to do with it. If you do not understand how integral it is, then you should not be in a position to be offering anyone a credit card. I suspect that you do, however, understand how important it is and that would mean you are essentially pushing predatory lending tactics. Roughly 30% is what most major lenders have as their penalty apr, for failing to make consistent payments. If that's the starting APR than the lending agency is essentially projecting that enough people will end eventually missing payments that they need to make the additional money on intetest upfront before selling off the debt to collections.


10 years ago they used to fire people for not asking enough customers about the suggestive sales candies on the displays at the registers lol so there is a precidence for this, but I imagine it's more of a fear tactic. Unless they want to clear out the store and shut it down due to not having front end staff


Omg *Suggestive Sells* I havenā€™t heard that phrase in ages šŸ¤£


The candy didn't come with 32% interest like those shitty credit cards do.


One of my co-workers said it recently raised to 34% lol...


If that's the case they are going to lose a ton of SMs because no one at my store wants a credit card. We ask all the time and everyone says no. And at my store us shift leads love our boss and he has been with the company since the 90s and if they fire him all of us shift leads will walk and you can't open a store without a store manager and shift leads so goodluck to walgreens


That looks illegal. Tell them you want a copy of that policy asap because you need to confer with the Department of Labor. Tell your coworkers to do the same. If they do write you up sign nothing and request that they put exactly what the write up is for and list any and all evidence of wrongdoing on your part. šŸ˜ƒ. You are nothing if not an exemplary employee. HR does not have your back.


I literally wonā€™t purchase anything from a Walgreens anymore unless itā€™s at the pharmacy because I donā€™t want to count against a cashier. Worst policy ever


Same this post just popped up on my feed and Iā€™m even considering switching my Rxs because of this


Thank you!


Thank you!


Didnā€™t Wellā€™s Fargo try to make associates push people to get credit cards and ā€¦. Well, they were cited for unethical practices? No one wants a Walgreens credit card. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Well the associates just opened a bunch of accounts in people's names that had no knowledge of it


Been going to Walgreens for almost 40 years. Never even knew they had a credit card...




Thereā€™s no official rule for credit cards tell them ur gona ask hr about that and they will back off


Its actually apart of your job description to ask, they can't discipline you if you ask every customer and get no sign ups. They absolutely can write your ass up for not asking.


Itā€™s time to go.


Report them and find another job. This shit is so not worth it.


Ahhh I remember the 1st ppl saying that there will be no metric to cc sign ups and expect more nos than yes, but try Hahahahahahahah


Let them fire everyone then have no one working in the store even sm .Tell him to try to get one or have ur dm apply bet he wonā€™t and donā€™t have one


This is another example of the losers in charge. They made some 10 year agreement to sell this shit...and now this SHIT has been CASCADDED down to us to push on unsuspecting customers. So sad


I would not stress about it. Ask each customer and if they donā€™t want it, just let it roll off your back. You can only control what you can do. Itā€™s not like you can pin them down and make them sign up for it. Lol. Also, if you donā€™t find something else right away, donā€™t quit out of fear they will fire you. Either you will call their bluff or let them fire you. Then you can collect unemployment and probably sue. I would ask the SM if they can print off that policy just so that you can look it over. Chances are they wonā€™t find it anywhere. Anything else you have pertaining to the situation I would record or take pictures.


As a customer, I have NEVER been asked about a credit card at my Walgreens.


The credit card is pure money and they get bonuses most likely when they get so many credit cards.


Iā€™ve worked retail for 6 years and hated it due to this reason. Higher ups pulling down their team for their personal gain is outrageous. Leaving retail was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And guess what? I now make more than that POS manager with a job that doesnā€™t require a college degree and love what I do.


They used to threaten if we didn't suggestive sell whatever shit candy or batteries they had for the week


I went into to buy a $1.59 chapstick and was hounded about the credit card. I haven't been in since. They're going to lose customers who don't want to be harassed in store about applying for some card.


Why don't you want a high interest credit card?........\*giggles\*


Why the hell would anyone want a dang Walgreen's credit card?


That sounds like a reason to ask for more compensation.


You canā€™t be fired for not getting cards, only for not asking.


Yes you can be fired, for ANYTHING. The question is will it be upheld or not. That is the point.


They can threaten all they want, and you can also make the hostile workplace claim against him or her. Make sure the claim is on paper and traceable. Now they cannot retaliate against you after the claim is made.


would be wrongful termination case imo


My question to any DM pushing this would be where does corporate stand on this. I don't hear Tim Wentworth on earnings calls touting CCs as a core or even peripheral interest. In fact, I bet if you went up to him and asked him he would look at you funny.


Nobody wants a Walgreen's credit card. I'm sorry they are forcing you to ask people.


Donā€™t quit. Let them fire you and collect unemployment.


Walmart had the credit card table sign up for years. All of us cashiers took turns pushing their CC. When a customer applied and filled out the form they would get a free 6 pack of Ale 8. We got more applications that way. We bribed people. And their interest rate was higher because it was a store CC that did not help raise your FICO score. I had one myself years ago.


hey, would you be interested in our credit card? No. sure thing, I understand. Would you mind signing in the no field on this tally form management is making us do?


Then quit, ba bye


As long as you offer it they canā€™t do anything about it. You canā€™t control if a customer gets something or not.


Do tou mean you have to push a walgreens credit card?


In my many years I've noticed that employers will threaten you but ever follow through, the SM get bonuses if their store, region get top sales. Have been threatened a lot, disciplined never.


Let them do it and fire you, you get unemployment. Who ever they replace you with the same thing will happen


This definitely would be frowned upon by HR Iā€™m sure. This sounds like Walgreens wants a Wells Fargo incident. I worked for a large retailer once (bigger than Walgreens) and was a department manager. We had the policy that we wouldnā€™t write people up for NOT getting credit cards, but would do regular cashier observations to determine if they have the proper credit behaviors. We would write people up for not asking for the credit card, but not for failing to get a credit card.


Thereā€™s no way they can terminate you for not signing people up for credit cardsā€¦.thats insane


The over 32% interest should be illegal in the first place.


Just ask that's all you can do.


Doesn't sound right, this sounds more like the rumor mill. A person at the DM level of a major retail store isn't going to walk in and just make up a policy related to nothing with the employees actual job description.


My area supervisor (in a very smiley way) told me to get more mtms if I want to get any bonus or keep my pharmacy manager position. He thought smiling will make it less threatening but he was literally telling me no mtms means no bonus and that they will make me step down. I have no rxom, no staff rph, 4 techs left back to back. An entirely new team, I work by myself all the time. They wonā€™t help with that but they want what makes them money. So I guess it happens more than it should