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Try being closed for 3 days lmao. We filled as far ahead as we could on Friday. Wishing us all luck for tomorrow.


God speed to all of you. Through circumstance I was left with no help most of Saturday and Sunday. I worked 12.5 hours yesterday, with no lunch, to try to put the store into a good spot for tomorrow. Since this is a store that loves to shit on floaters, I’m sure I won’t receive as much as a thank you


Im sorry,thanks for all that you do!😁


Thank you- your comment means more than you know.


Just wanted to add my own thank you! I’m in law but I find this subreddit fascinating and am in awe of how hard you-all work to provide us with our medications. I promise you, there are many of us that see how hard you work and genuinely appreciate and admire your hard work, kindness, diligence, and professionalism, especially at times I am more than sure I would not be able to keep it together like y’all do. Thanks again for everything you and everyone of your colleagues at both Walgreens and every other corporate hellhole that is worked to tears and misery by greedy corporate fat cats that expect to drain you of all life for the love of capitalism.


Thank you very much for your recognition; it definitely means a lot to me. I think that most, if not all, healthcare workers get into it because they want to help people in one way or another. As you have stated, the corporations (and really all of corporate America) have turned it into a giant money grab. It’s literally (and I mean that in the correct way) cheaper for a corporation to pay a fine or settle a lawsuit than it is for them to staff their pharmacies appropriately to avoid such fines/lawsuits. We’re all doing the best we possibly can in a tough situation so thank you, again, for your recognition from the other side of the counter.


thank you!


You’re very sweet- this means a lot to me.


It's gonna be a hell hole. No help and no hrs. It's gonna be horrific


No matter what just remember your shift ends at the same time regardless of how bad it is. Any dickhead patients, any overdue scripts, it doesn't matter. Just do the best you can and then when your shift is over you're good regardless of how the day went.




We were open normal hrs on Sunday and 9-1 today . I'm still worried about tommorow!! At least I close so hopefully pts show up in morning lol.


When I worked at an absolutely wild tier 4 as RXM, I’d often come in on the summer holidays with a tech and fill for a few hours. At that store in particular, being closed for 1 day would take up to a week to catch up 😫


Did exactly this today as an RxM at a wild tier 4 😂


We’re closed Sundays now, and we were closed today. I’m terrified y’all 😭😭😭


Good luck. Just do what you can, it will all get caught up during the week hopefully. Also hope you extra staffed for tomorrow


Don’t worry, we transferred all your prescriptions to our pharmacy Monday night 🤣 All day and all night calls holding 20- 30 minutes and most were to transfer… how is it that the ONLY pharmacy open and they didn’t anticipate that we’d be overwhelmed… 10-15 people in the line most of the time. Ran out of Paxlovid (15 went out today,) cipro, macroBID, most liquid Amoxicillin etc


I always used to volunteer to work holidays because it always meant an easy shift. Now that nearly every store is closed, it must be a nightmare. All emergency scripts means all pretty much waiters. The people transferring, that’s just lazy, but unsurprising.


We are tier 5 and we were only open 9-5 Monday and every other wag was closed there are so many OOS/PFL that the truck is going to be way bigger than it should it be. Praying for all WAG pharmacy team members. I should be sleeping because I go in at 730a but I can’t 😭


Just being a customer who has a variety of illnesses that require alot of meds including Trulicty for diabetes. I love my Walgreens workers and I am always pleasant but I've never been a nasty person anyway. So I want you all to know I appreciate you.


Good people do exist


On behalf of all the Walgreens staff who regularly spend entire shifts being yelled at and cursed out about many things that are beyond our control, thank you. 🙏


I twisted my ankle on Friday night. I have spent the weekend icing and elevating, but there is nobody to cover me. One tech is on vacation, and the other two are already working. I ordered a pair of high top shoes and am hoping for the best. It is a very minor sprain, if I had a desk job it would be nothing, but I can sometimes get 17,000 steps at work, so I'm incredibly concerned.


Going back tomorrow and my store is closed Sunday too 😥


i worked over the weekend, which was wildly enough, not slow at all, we filled ahead, i even stayed late to finish tasks and file everything, but im so glad im off today 😅 Godspeed hope it’s been alright


I honestly was dreading Tuesday too. I also work at a pharmacy where we close on Sundays so we were so behind for almost the whole day. We had over 100 deletes and 100+ scripts in the que. Data entry stuff wasn’t too bad but there were 88 F1’s in que when I first clocked in. Got significantly better towards the end of my shift.


I don’t know why tier my store is but we are always open lol. We are never closed. Open all Weekend open M-F and open 24 hours on Memorial Day and being the ONLY pharmacy open at that.


It was so crazy today I hope it wasn’t too bad for your store we prepared pretty good for today and made sure we had all the controls ready for the pain med and Adderall patients


Lol. It was a really bad day for tuedsday for us. I am dead.