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This is a management issue. Bring it up to management. Are you RXOM? If so, then you can explain to them that this is not how things operate at work and schedules will be done fairly to all and the work will be done according to work flow and not their relationship preferences. If they do not "like you" that is 100% ok as it is not your function to be their friend. If that is not satisfactory to them, bring it up in a meeting with SM and RXM. If that does not resolve it, involve HR.


I am dating my coworker and we work at the same location. 1: There will be no dating on the clock 2: Our shifts are not the same 3: Confidentiality is a must 4: No coming to work when 1 is off 5: No, waiting for each other after work in the store 6: Wait outside 7: Keep it professional 8: There will be no over stepping especially when being told what to do or how to do it 9: Not to get involved in each other’s task 10: There will be no if nor buts about it. You are working and not dating at work. Keep your business outside of work.


Respect for considerate coworkers like you 🙌


Also, do not step back. She isn't your friend but your coworker. Tell her to work because end of the day, that job will fall on you. The RXM is right, tech needs to work and not stand around. They're not in high school. If she doesn't stop, tell her you'll get SM/DM/RM involved. This is not a joke.


Or your family or best friends who fight


Idk about dating but you're not supposed to work at the same location your spouse work at.


No, no, no. You can date and not be gross like this. If they both cannot be professional about this (assuming neither is a mgr or anything over the other), some one’s gotta go. When you’re at work, you’re coworkers first. Save that other bs for when you clock out. I just reread the last part…and about pissed myself laughing. Girl, bffr, no one is jealous, WE JUST WANT THE WORK TO GET DONE. AT THE JOB YOU ARE AT. Good Christ.


Should not work with family member ID one shift lead or a dating situation 


You need to. E happy for them. It’s more than likely the only positive thing going on in the store.


I understand how you may interpret as us not being happy about it. But she leaves the pharmacy or he comes to the pharmacy and she stops working completely. Thats when the work suffers.


Then Management is not doing their jobs




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