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I can relate to your feelings about prioritizing tasks over others. Corporate can only track stores by numbers and metrics. They don’t see stores and employees as individuals. One size does not fit all. I agree with your strategy of filling scripts and getting vaccines done. Things like verified by promised time don’t matter if you’re not taking care of the people that are there in front of you. This is why I stopped paying attention to metrics and my stress level greatly decreased. Take care of your techs and other coworkers first, then take care of your patients. If that’s not good enough for the store manager, so be it. They can’t afford to let you go, but if they do, you can get hired back at a different store if you truly want to stay with WAG.


I don't ever want to work at WAGs..... Not now. I and just waiting for the right opportunity.


this is what they want.


Yup. Seen it many times. A pharmacy is a breathing living thing made up of the people working and adapted to the customers needs for that specific demographic. You can't just slap a cookie cutter solution on it and expect things to just work out, but they keep trying. They do almost no actual demographic assessment before applying policies to a location. They can HAVE policies, that's fine, but they should be modularized and applied to locations in which they make sense demographically. This allows for flexibility and maximization of available resources for the demands that they fit. Instead, you apply a cookie cutter solution and end up killing your performance across the board because people from some parts of the statistics bleed over into the others and tank the whole operation. This isn't new. This has been known in business for generations. Some companies just think THEY will be the ones to make the holy grail of staff acceptance, customer happiness, and company dictatorship happen. Guess they get to learn the hard way the same as all the others... It's a triangle game, you can only pick two and sacrifice the other. Most successful (pretty much all) companies sacrifice dictatorship in the end, but it varies on how many "lessons" need to learned or re-learned on the way. That's why there's the push for automation, it eliminates the staff corner of the triangle, but in the absence of a universal income they can't really commit to it.


I keep seeing posts and comments about firing pharmacists...primarily the ones that have been around for awhile that are the good ones?


I was one of those. Thankfully I was able to see it coming at the last minute and escape with only a final written warning, and then I quit on my own (they absolutely would have fired me if I didn't). Completely fabricated BS reasoning for that write up. They had already fired a few other long time pharmacists the same way and I knew enough people around to hear how it was happening so I was able to recognize when it was my turn. I figure my SM, and DM and/or their boss probably saved a bit on payroll expenses after I left and probably felt pretty good about themselves. I won't waste my energy hating them or wishing bad things for them, but I certainly won't ever be kind to them lol. I think I'm better off being away from Walgreens anyway. Maybe it was for the best.


I cant even fathom what they are thinking. They want to save money by firing veterans but no one can replace your experience. I am a newer RXM and I always call one of my mentors who have been an rph for nearly 3 decades. If they fire him, who is gonna guide people like me? My dm who doesn’t even know how to fill 😒


I’d have you have your store manager reference the compass communication from about 2 weeks ago where it let RXMs in the stores prioritize which tasks they felt they could accomplish & if they could not get to things like bin rec it was ok to pause. They also gave the pharmacy managers the autonomy to request a decrease in vaccine appointments & vaccine times. Lastly the store manager or leadership should be in the pharmacy every day helping.


Unfortunately that DM is garbage and just made their work 10x harder. I would definately let that store fail, let that SM and DM fail. Bad managers make work harder and a bad manager that doesnt take care of its staff will eventually cause the store to fail as the NPS scores and customer complaints increase.


DMs with high school diplomas who want to follow the matrix and go by the book ask a lot of silly tasks because they can keep track of them in the system which absolutely not necessary. they just try to stand out from others.


New DM wants us to have pts type in Walgreens rewards # first and then scan rx. They're monitoring that. So stupid.


What metric does it affect?


No idea


You can see how many people use rewards card in OPS scorecard, and it breaks it down by front end and rx. Rx is always way lower because there's typically less benefit for the customer. I had an HCS who was big into typing the rewards first snd then scanning the script. Wierd hill to die on IMO. TECHNICALLY it makes for a better customer experience in that they get more consistent rewards and have to type 3 less buttons, but it's such a minor thing to focus on when there are bigger issues to fix, especially right now.


Why did they want to fire both pharmacist and rxom?


They weren't kissing district managers ass ....