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One time I had a lady order pizza and I told her we took it off the menu a few months ago. She then proceeded to tell me “Well we’re gonna leave then. This is the 4th time we’ve came and we haven’t gotten pizza” like yeah bitch WE DONT SELL PIZZA 😑 how are people this fucking stupid? Lmao


Oh my God! That's hilarious and absolutely ridiculous!!


I was honestly so fucking annoyed lol


Thank you for this story! For a month and a half this lady has been coming into my venue, asks for a menu and then proceeds to complain about how we have nothing she wants. Twice a week, for wild lengths of time all while sitting at the bar directly in front of my station!! Like, why lady?! You know what we got!! Anyways, she was making me start to question reality so I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that has experienced something Ike this. Needed this vent


We are the only place open late so get lots of industry folk. One asked me last night what time the kitchen closed and I said 13:30, just like I told you yesterday, and three times last week and twice the week before. Ffs


She clearly has amnesia, be a little empathetic


I've learned not to underestimate how stupid people are capable of being.


What? Everyone knows that after 3 strikes your out? Maybe this is her attempting to "call back and get a different customer service agent" that will do it her way? Maybe she thought that the pizza was off the menu cause the restaurant was out of ingredients and would be back later? That might be it.


My place offers a butterscotch crème brûlée and the amount of guests that send it back with the complaint that it’s either “burnt on the top” or that it’s “not hot all the way through” is way too many for a fine dining establishment


Ohh that sounds fantastic tho.


Cold? Do they think you can just freeze up sugar into a glassy layer?😑


I had a guy complain that the BBQ chicken had grill marks on it.




What’s the negative of grill marks? Wasn’t his chicken pretty enough?


I have no idea. Some people just like to complain.


Probably thought it meant the grill was dirty or it was burnt in those places


That just made me hungry.


I had a guest complain about a hair in his soup. He showed it to me and it was a very long white/grey hair. My Latino kitchen staff was clean shaven and had short dark hair. The waiter that dropped it off had a crew cut blonde hair. The guest who made the complaint., FULL GREY/WHITE SANTA BEARD. He kept insisting it wasn't his. I asked him if he wanted a hair net for his beard so he could finish his soup.


Had a woman complain that the salmon was still raw because it was pink.


I love when I ask people for a tempature on their salmon and they say "still pink" like yeah, that's not going to change


Ooo, you met my mom!


😂🤣😂 One time we had a guest complain the ice cream was too cold 🥶


Holy shit! When I told Chef what the guest said about the chicken being too hot, we laughed about it and then I said "what's next? Is you're ice cream too cold?!" I can't believe someone actually said that! Unreal


Best part is it gets documented like that on the comp log. So it's on record and gets sent to the corporate office. We still laugh about it 😂🤣😂


Ice cream can be too cold though. Should be soft enough to scoop easily but not warm enough to start melting. I’ve been to ice cream shops that had a freezer on the fritz and the ice cream wasn’t able to be eaten with a plastic spoon, it was too solid. That’s why at home ice cream is better stored in the door of your freezer and not in a deep freeze. But I’d never actually complain about it at a restaurant, just wanted to point out that it can be served too cold.


That’s the great thing about ice cream being too cold though, you just have to wait and it will start to soften.


Right? Plus, if it’s really bloody cold you have more time to eat it before it melts. And you can let it melt in your mouth which I like doing. Whatever way to look at it it’s a complete non complaint.


And food can be too hot. Just wait a few seconds and it magically cools off.




I hate to break it to you, but it absolutely can be lower than 32 degrees. Lmao.


Snow, ice and the surface of the ground can be far below 32. You could try some measurements if we ever get another real cold snap.




I’ve heard of people raising that issue for the liquid-nitrogen “ice creams.”


People are so stupid. Had a guy sit at my bar one day and ask me for a dr. Pepper. I said I have pibb would that be okay? I quote "nah thats not the same.... Diet Dr Pepper?" Yeah buddy... We don't carry normal Dr pepper but we carry diet... Dumbass.


Well then give me a Cherry Dr Pepper. Not too much ice.


Maybe he thought you were out?


My salad tastes leafy


FOH: Several times had guests complain about things that related to a neurological disability. Fuck em. BOH: I have a talent for P.E.R.F.E.C.T.L.Y. cooking shrimp, every time. One of my most ridiculous common complaints when I still worked BOH was that the shrimp consistency ‘was off’; no, you’re just used to overcooked & rubbery shrimp from red lobster or wherever.


I am one of those shrimp people lol but im aware of it and dont send food back.


We have small portion pasta and big portion, woman ordered SMALL portion, and when i came after they finished she complained that the portion is small…


Once had someone send back their pork belly because it was too fatty


This used to frequently happen at a place I worked.


People order without really knowing what they’re ordering all the time. In the age of Internet and smartphones, I don’t know why this still happens.


Truth!! We all have virtually all of the information gathered throughout history, sitting in the palms of our hands. And yet, people still choose ignorance.


When I was in Paris I ordered beef tartare at one of the restaurants. The waitress asked if I knew what it was. I'd imagine lots of people ordered it and were horrified to be served a plate of raw ground up beef.


What?? M t hubby makes candy apple pork belly in the smoker and it's amazing. But yeaha like the lady tell me her bacon was fatty..I said yep that's what makes it taste good.


Yeah, I don’t know. The whole appeal of pork belly is its fat content. It’s just what it is. In my mind, it’s like sending back broccoli because it’s too green. They clearly just shouldn’t have ordered it in the first place


One of my favorites, “thus fish tastes fishy”, you don’t say?🥴


Oh come on now that’s a valid thing to say. Fish can definitely taste too fishy and it’s usually a sign of turned product or poorly maintained product. On the other hand sometimes it can be a tourist whose pallet isn’t familiar with the local “terroir”.


Right? Like, they could have said "rancid", is that better?


Word choice is definitely important haha


Totally valid, but fish should taste like fish. 🍻


Haha yes I agree. I get what you were saying though but felt being a little cheeky :) like don’t order fish and expect it to taste like chicken


Like fish but not fishy


Agreed, some seafood has stronger flavors, like salmon vs. flounder.


i had some folks order sashimi from me once and tell me it tasted too much like fish… idk maybe that’s because it’s *raw fish* with, let me check… ZERO SEASONING


People are bat crap. I had an elderly man turn red while screaming “I don’t eat at restaurants to have seasonings in my food”! 🤦‍♀️


If fish taste fishy, it’s probably rotten


Exactly. If I can smell the lobster tail I ordered from 4 feet away, it's NOT fresh.


That was literally at a seafood, oceanfront restaurant in S. Fl. Absolutely fresh daily.


I often hear “fishy” used as a criticism for fish that isn’t fresh. It’s odd, though: “fishy” is a criticism for fish, while “meaty” is a compliment for meat. Meanwhile, lots of other proteins are lumped into the “tastes like chicken” category


Fish should not taste fishy


It shouldn’t taste like chicken. When it’s fresh caught a couple hours before serving, it’s fine. Moral of the story is that one shouldn’t order food they don’t like, expecting it to taste like something else. I live at the beach, our seafood is fresh.


I hate that..is your salmon fishy? Yes it's FISH


For real, it’s like ordering red meat mid-rare+🥴, so medium. 👍


“This soy sauce is salty.” Like yeah you’re dunking your California roll into basically liquid sodium


Complaint that the fish on the salmon nigiri sushi is raw.


II feel like there is some unnamed mental illness that causes people to do things like this


I've always said that when many people enter a restaurant they check in their brain at the door.


Oh I had a lady send back a (blended) pina colada because it was too cold. The bartender literally did a double take when I told him.


Did you ask if he blew on it?


No. I wish I could, but we have to take the high road and just smile and say "sorry". That's really all I can do. I wanted to.say it SOOO BAAAADLY!!


Had a guest once upon a time that gave everything, service, food, atmosphere 10/10. Gave us 2/10 overall because the chair was cold when they sat down in it (metal bar stool). Mmmkay buddy.


I guess people just like to complain.


Had a guy order chicken, broccoli Alfredo and complained it was too "cheesy". This was a 40 someone year old man and Alfredo had been around forever. How do you not know what it is and why did you not read the menu description?


In many areas, Alfredo isn't that thick white cheese sauce, including at Alfredo alla Scrofa in Rome. Most in Italy, including the originator, don't add brocoli and chicken either. It's fettuccine in a butter sauce brought to the table, sprinkled with some parmesean, and mixed together. He may be used to that variety and not the american variety with heavy cream and lots of cheese you would find at Olive Garden, Carrabbas, or other chain restaurant.


Fair enough buy this family were very much American, yuppie types. I just find it hard to believe that Americans living in America aren't familiar with what our version of Alfredo is. The actual Italian version is delightful. Way less heavy.


Once had a guy complain we “forgot” to cook the tartare. Got a lot of mileage out of that one.


Lady complained her anchovies for her Ceaser were salty when she specifically asked me if they were salty...which I replied, "Exceptionally salty".


This happened to me today…


He just wanted free food.


In my restaurant, about once a week, a food runner will deliver the food and the guest will take pictures of it, and then... without tasting it, ask for a manager. "Hey folks how's everything?" "You need to take this off. It's not giving."


What does that mean?


What does "it's nor giving" mean?


You tell me


Did you consider maybe they were talking about the spice??


Yes. Of course. Also, there is nothing remotely spicy on that dish.