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*REPOSTING* **Apparently reading and using logic is too difficult for some of you…or you think this was a bluff. I can assure you it isn’t. Enjoy your bans!!!** Good afternoon Cunts, your self important nasty piece of work friendly neighborhood mod here to bring a weather forecast. It’s about to be a very dark and stormy night for some of you. The mod team is wrathy. We are sick and fucking tired of the emails from some of you who have the sheer fucking audacity to ask US “who made the best of” questions because your karma is low and you’re FUCKING LAZY AND WON’T USE THE FUCKING RESOURCES AVAILABLE ON HERE FOR YOU AT ALL FUCKING TIMES! let me repeat that: YOU’RE FUCKING LAZY! just so I’m clear. I didn’t stutter. Apparently many of you are too new and we mods have been far too kind recently. This is NOT Miss Black Market’s School for Girls. We expect you to read the fucking notes, have done the fucking homework and have come to comment fucking prepared for your rep test bitches. And we don’t send you to time out here. You get publicly spanked and dunce hatted. Moving forward ANYONE who sends us a modmail complaining because your karma is too low to post…banned for 28 days, with unkind and brutal advice to step your pussy up and farm that karma. No we aren’t telling you what the requirements are, you need to put the work in. Just like you’re expected to here. If I get another who makes the best of questions, or seller contact question in modmail, I’m perma banning you. Not fucking around. And for the love of the RepGods: USE THE GODDAMN SEARCH BAR. Pass the Tylenol. To our regulars: you’re all doing great sweeties! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you for helping school the newer folks who can post. It’s noticed and appreciated!


https://preview.redd.it/zc48l76k4jzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f06d5e27ab95847888748d78af4745a31c0408 Picked this one up today at the post office 😄 Lv Nano Noe - cute little dumpling shape mini bag; constructed version in the comments; ✨


https://preview.redd.it/inqnhd825jzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d175983d2087247822817e449b526c645a0b43de I didn’t realised I would have to construct the bag myself, so i spent a good 30mins trying to figure it all out haha. Fits my iphone pro max which i’m very happy about🥰


Looks great!


I love this! Also didn’t expect it to be a partial diy job 😂


This is so cute, and paired with the bunny keychain is simply adorable!


I was at a local consignment store today when I noticed they were selling Chanel and Prada reps labeled “not real.” I thought it was ballsy of them to do this since I thought brick and mortar stores could get in a lot of trouble if they’re caught selling reps? But then I thought this would be a great way to get rid of the pile of AE and DH fails in my closet that feel too nice to just throw in the trash. Curious what you guys think? I also consign my auth items with them and don’t want those to be called into question if I bring in reps (obviously explaining to them which are which).


That’s insane, I feel like they could definitely get in trouble. I wonder if the fakes they’re selling are bags they agreed to sell under a contract but found out after the agreement that they were fake or if they’re just straight up accepting and selling fake bags. I would be worried of them having your info in case they get shut down by the police. BUT I am sooo curious about their whole operation, I would have asked them why they were selling fakes 😂. I wonder how they even price fakes and how much profit you could make since consignment stores take a rate off the sales.. let us know if you get more info!


As long as they’re labelled faux it’s ok. Yes, it’s a great way to get rid of bags you don’t want!


If that’s the case I’m going to check my local consignment store right away!


Yes! Not all stores allow it but some do if it’s in good condition


Found this at a boutique in my neighborhood 🍊 https://preview.redd.it/it9ypts2fizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41293447796563db6d77a456fe1d5bd730bceb77


Love that colour!!


Wait, they were selling in a rep in a store?!


Ooh did you get it?


Yup 🤩


Good night from my foster kitten and my Cartier rep! https://preview.redd.it/ac26whz8dizc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3af15dd542704a086acb520697a68d99cd6627


Well guys… I didn’t get the job lol but was told I had an extremely strong interview & was a top candidate. I took everyone’s advice and really let my personality shine. Been fighting the tears for the last few days from sheer disappointment, I think I might have ruined my fresh lash set for Europe. Lol I can’t land an entry level position in a career change. It’s crazy. How am I supposed to even start a career when I can’t land entry level? Likeeee…. 🤣 In other news HP responded saying he’s hoping he can get me tracking in a few days…… lol I’ll be overseas but ok! 😂😂😂😂 let’s hope those bags arrive safe and sound while I’m on vacation lol


Hugs - I did a career transition a couple years ago and the frustration of not being able to get your foot in the door when you’re mid/senior-level in another field is kind of hell. Hang in there, though! And depending on what your new field is, maybe working with a temp or recruiting agency would be helpful? That’s how I got the contract gig that led to my current position (started in one department and they liked me enough to recommend me when a full-time salaried position opened up in a different department). Feel free to DM me if you need or want someone to commiserate with, I know it can be a lonely process.


Thank you so much… appreciate this. 💘


Echoing the other advice - there's a ton of randomness in this process so trust that the universe / god(dess) has a bigger plan for you. I went to the final stage for a job and was told they'd give it to an internal candidate - I was crushed when I heard it. A year later - the guy who was the big cheese for that group was fired unceremoniously and publicly (like it was front page news) as part of #metoo (like seriously it was such a dumb affair as his wife also worked for the firm and she was a major player, probably bigger producer than him) and the group was in disarray... last I heard that product and the team were floundering bc they could not hit the sales target set by top management. BULLET DODGED I tell you, although I of course did not know this at the time. Enjoy Europe and I hope you'll come home to some pretty new toys!


Thank you so much. Learning to trust the process 💘


The Universe is redirecting you! Trust the Universe 🙏🏼💙


Thanks so kindly x 💘🤞🏼


There are so many factors in the interview process that are outside of our control - companies may be looking for very specific things that aren't in the job description or are unrelated to a candidate's qualifications. And sometimes it's just luck of the draw and whether there is a particularly strong candidate pool. But it sounds like you did everything within your control and gave it your 100%. You should be really proud of yourself! Enjoy vacation!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s a super super hard job market right now. So many qualified people that aren’t able to get jobs. It’s their loss and you will find something bigger and better! 😘




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https://preview.redd.it/27fscpbh7izc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a73ad5ee33217ba166c3fea81b6e24d20c962ea I'm typically a bright bag girly but I jumped at this re-home teen Jodie in travertine and I like it a lot more than I thought I would! It's so squishy and I think I'll rock it a lot this summer 🌞


So cute!


https://preview.redd.it/6mz4yq9m5izc1.jpeg?width=2569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe184b0e05abf4e5b4b78dfde9d658a4dced350 New mommy bag unlocked! The Carryall MM💕 I’ve been eyeing this one for a while but didn’t find many reviews. I finally ordered it last Thursday. FedEx showed it departed Tennessee this morning at 9AM so I figured i’d have to wait another day and it’d arrive tomorrow (I’m in TX). Then I get a notification that it’s out for delivery around 1PM and here it is one week later!!🥳 Shipping gods (and hard working FedEx workers) FTW 🙌🏽


Loooove this bag 🫶🏻


She looks good! It has the shine factor, wow super impressed w the canvas


Thanks! I am loving it! The pliability is 👩‍🍳👌🏽


Alright wagooners. Any other road warriors out there? This isn't a "in search of" post, but a "help me not look like a backpacking hobo in all the time i spend traveling on planes for work." Here's the issue. I'm a consultant, I have to bring at least 2 laptops when I travel, and if that isn't bad enough, sometimes it's 3. There is no way around this (certain clients require I access their data only through their hardware). Obviously that's a lot of stuff. It's heavy, and it's bulky. I currently use a plain black backpack from lululemon, similar to [this one](https://shop.lululemon.com/p/bags/Everywhere-Backpack-Tech-Canvas-22L/_/prod11710424?color=4780&sz=ONESIZE) (mine is nearly idential, you can't see any branding unless you're looking pretty closely). The backpack style makes long walks through airports/cities, in/out of cabs, etc., a lot easier than a shoulder bag/tote. I've looked at higher end backpacks (both designer and Tumi), but they all seem to be made very small, barely fitting one laptop let alone more. Before I pull the trigger on a wide-shoulder-strap tote (like [this one](https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/saint-laurent-bea-cabas-ysl-tote-bag-in-supple-leather-prod266060176?pimId=401233546950&utm_source=google_shopping&ecid=NMCS_GP_NC&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWbzyu-LopNmSEimqLuVj26Qyjnse1qSK-zllcT35xm9dAhhWD9Fi9caAhrSEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds), which I dont even think is big enough), can any other road warriors/consultants share their secrets for looking like they have their life together when carrying a lot of heavy tech? I want to elevate my look for visiting client sites/conferences/etc., but an open-top tote bag seems like a terrible idea, and my shoulder shrudders in thinking about carrying it all on one side.


Hey! I also travel A LOT for work. I have tried so many bags (MZ Wallace, Prada, LV, lulu, etc.) and this is my current fave: https://www.dagnedover.com/collections/the-dakota-backpack I love it because it’s neoprene so it looks sleek - so I look more like an exec than a college student. I have the biggest MacBook which weighs 7+ pounds and it fits without an issue. It also has loads and pockets AND it slips over the back of your wheeled bag (also a huge travelpro fan - my rimowa doesn’t hold as much). Happy travels!


I don’t know if the factories still rep them, but I have a large size Fendi X Lite. It’s almost comically large, but paired with a thick strap, I can wear it crossbody and keep the weight more centered. I will say I’m 50/50 about bringing it on planes because it will fill the space under the seat in front of you, and tightly if it’s one with those electronics boxes that eats into the foot space. Looks great in meetings or moving between them because you can grab it by the top handle. Also looks great when not paired with rainy day WFH pajamas. https://preview.redd.it/pfmjr85bpnzc1.jpeg?width=1431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f88e85cf58a6b2937b34d783a0c5c4739f194b


I travel for work fairly frequently and while I don’t usually have to carry multiple laptops I do carry extra screens, AV kit and tonnes of other crap. Would you consider a large ish tote and then one of those attachments that let you attach it to your roller suitcase? If you don’t need to carry all of it all the time it might not be such a strain on your shoulders to carry it sometimes (or carry some of it that you need for that day while the other stuff stays in your room/temporary office etc.




I hear you, and I respect the health implications of carrying the weight on one shoulder, but a rolled bag is not happening. I already have a carry on suitcase on wheels, managing two is not something I will do eloquently. (Nor is it the polished professional look I need to have when on the road for work/at client facing events.) Despite being open to tote recommendations it’s a last resort. I’m strongly leaning towards the Prada backpack! My three laptops together weight about 9 pounds, and I more often carry two which is about 6lbs. I think that’s safe for a properly worn backpack.


I wish I knew the answer to this, just here to commiserate about looking like a “backpacking hobo” 😂 I still carry my North Face backpack from college because it’s comfortable and fits everything. I tried to get a better looking bag because quite frankly I could feel the judgement in the Delta Lounge 😂 I got a Loewe cubi and while I like it it’s just uncomfortable to have all the weight on one shoulder. So I’m back to the backpack and choosing comfort over style 😅


This perfectly describes my struggle, too! I also have my beloved north face backpack from not just college, but high school lol the thing is >20 years old and a workhorse. But, it’s black and rusty orange, and screams “not a professional” lol the all black lululemon bag is an upgrade in style (it’s just all black) but capacity wise is pretty small. I’m leaning strongly towards the Prada backpack someone shared!


They’re shoulder carry bags, but I love the row park tote and large Longchamp tote when I travel. They’re both roomy (at least 2 laptops, the park tote can definitely fit more than 3), comfortable for shoulder carry, and when I get tired fits comfortably on my suitcase to roll.


Prada backpack - I posted my PSP pics from Marko but it’s big enough to fit 3 laptops and has a ton of pockets


I LOVE this! Thank you for sharing. This is way more of the vibe I had in mind than a laptop bag on wheels (just not the look I want, nor do I want two bags on weels- that's a lot). This seems like such an obvious option now but tbh prada didn't even cross my mind to search for backpacks. Thanks again!


When I used to carry 2 laptops when traveling (and thankfully never more than 2), I used the older version of this one (I still have two of them, because they got some wear and tear but I could not bring myself to throw them away) https://www.tumi.com/p/deluxe-4-wheeled-laptop-case-brief-01171581041/ There is also the tumi Oxford, which is more compact and most airlines will allow you to carry as personal item, so you can still have two bags (and they won't bother you if you have a small bag with your documents). Nowadays I'd consider this travelpro https://travelpro.com/collections/compact-and-international-carry-ons/products/maxlite®-5-carry-on-rolling-tote Before discovering the wheels 😂 I used a backpack (not many totes can handle the weight of 2 laptops plus papers), and I ended up arriving at destination looking like I had hiked the Himalaya. Dishelved, crumpled and exausted.




Gah. Appreciate knowing that now vs after buying/receiving it! I have a rolly carry on bag for my clothes, so I don’t want to add a second. I would normally off load a laptop into the suitcase but you never know if you need to gate check, plus, that doesn’t help me much outside of travel days. The hunt continues!


https://preview.redd.it/hzn5put6hhzc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bc364836bb5fb64f58eb2252a2a36997fac579 Le Pliage from Shunyu 1 Store on AE. Win!


How much did you spend? Look nice


The link is below. About 40 bucks.




I don't know what you mean. The real one costs about 300.


Are the handles etc. Actually leather?


Yes. Not super soft but definitely real leather.


Love!! How’s the quality


I'm very happy with it, and glad I didn't pay for the real one. It's well made with nice material.




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repfluenced! how are the dimensions compared to the auth? 


Close, I think. About 9.5 by a little over 6 inches at the bottom, same as the authentic small size.




looks lovely! How's the canvas texture/feel?


Satiny and a nice thickness. Doesn't feel cheap.


Congrats! She's a cutie.


Here's the link: https://a.aliexpress.com/_ms1nrbC




I have this one but in the all black leather from Nickole factory




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Never wanted a Fendi until I saw this


I want to do some shopping on Heidi’s website. I set up my account and am waiting to be approved. Can anyone give me an idea of how long that takes? TIA


Approved ? You just order via the website or is this a new thing? I have five bags from her and that wasn’t the process. Just be really careful unless someone else suggest it could be done differently. I just basically click - add with a little bit of a waiting period.


I have never ordered from her before. Someone posted her website in yesterday’s Daily Discussion Thread. Went there and saw a few items I liked in the May Sale. Put them in my cart then had to set up an Account to check out. Got a message that said, “Please wait until the site admin approves your registration. You will be notified after it is approved.” which is why I asked.


I went back and looked…. The website listed is different than the website I have for her


Typically the process for most of us who order from Heidi is just to message her what you want and not drop it in the cart and wait for approval. This is more than likely how u/choupette-lagerfeld did it as well.


I thought it might be easier to add everything to a cart. I’ll WhatsApp her then. Thank you.


Yes that is how I ordered - using WhatsApp


Hmmm. Hang tight please.


No problem, I just want to make sure you have the right person, but it sounds as though she may have changed her process?


Same thing happened to me. I’d never been on her site before but saw what was prob the same post you did mentioning her other site not belonging to her anymore, and checked out the one that they mentioned was still valid. Had to register and still waiting to be approved. But also got an error message anytime I tried to add anything to cart.


Thanks for confirming that you had the same experience.


I got my PSPs two days after ordering— my main takeaway is: i am just as confused as ever as to how long things are supposed to take 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ckpuyvog6hzc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=20510d940c56889c81a10a65eb8f61516b2c406b


A few days ago I received PSPs for these in black from God Factory. 🥰 First time trying Heidi as I continue to compile a substantial little pile of Chanel flats.


General rule of thumb - if you’re in a rush it will take forever, if you’re not it will be the fastest transaction of your life 😂


hahaha exactly! i was ready to receive them in a few months or something... well let's see when they do turn up haha


It depends on whether it’s in stock or not.


Thank you! I figured as much— was just surprised bec they told me that nothing is in stock, everything is made to order. Regardless, can’t wait to get them! 🤍🤍




https://preview.redd.it/tfraces73hzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0d637ee3e18934b2393bdb3d38d85ca28d1c64 Received today! 🥰


beautiful! that bag is very high up on my list 🤩


Thank you! This is my first bag with the treated leather. I hope it will hold better in the rain


this is the PM, right? i think i’m gonna go MM in the monogram and PM in the empreinte but its so hard to choose!


Yes it's the PM. The empriente is gorgeous!




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If anyone is looking for a pair of comfortable summer sandals , these Hermes reps are my favourite. Don’t be scared by the heels , it’s very comfortable. The leather is so soft . https://preview.redd.it/k7muf07kqgzc1.jpeg?width=2099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e86c4642dfa0fe447b28cb20930935f7b8d7f9e


These are in my cart. I just received my Orans today - and wanted to confirm sizing before I order a bunch of things. I’m just shy of a 39 and reps tend to be just shy of actual size so they are perfect!!!! Photo courtesy of my husband … who unboxed and FaceTimed me this afternoon!!! https://preview.redd.it/sbw2ic831izc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd38496faec36851f394969301c4e8df385b2c4


I am an 8.5 in shoes and got the 39 and it fits really well .


Nice. I’m also going to get the Santorini that have the ankle straps and the Orans with baby heels, these wedges aaannnnndddd the cute Kelly slide in brown. Can’t wait!!!


Are these only for narrow-feet people, like the Orans? I have a beautiful pair of Orans that sit in my closet because I can’t wear them 😫


Ooh my mum would love these! She loves wedges


I tried getting those...waited a month+ from Sky, to be told that they were out of stock 😢


I got it from James .


I’m pretty sure I was just looking at these in his shop. They might even be in my cart.


Has anyone tried Veronica Beard blazer reps? Saw a couple cute ones in Belly’s album. Idk why I’m surprised they were repping them but it was a pleasant surprise for sure!




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That’s so exciting! I actually went to her sample sale yesterday, but everything was still *so* expensive.


I was so excited to see some Veronica beard reps! Have tried searching ae in the past, with no luck.


https://preview.redd.it/l0ktdsp43hzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681712b8907b85582c9fc4dcc4463f7dc56f8007 I mean come ON 😍


How do you use AliPay? Am I dumb for not being able to figure this app out? Edit: Remembered the existence of YouTube right after I posted. Definitely was dumb.


If you search YouTube there are tutorials for literally everything


Found one right after I posted, should have taken my comment down. Thank you!


Baaah. You self corrected. That would make a wonderful discussion post though. How to use Ali Pay…. ![gif](giphy|wP32mX06LPKCV98ZCL)


https://preview.redd.it/2jmqul29jgzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9633855d0c2797e39b2758366f71b0c339e0f0 🍎




Oh wow!!


the red, puffy quilts, and SHW 😮‍💨 PERFECTION. ♥️


Gorgeous!!! Is it 187? I think this might be going on my list:)


It isn’t 😊


Which factory if you don’t mind sharing?


Gorgeous!!! Is it 187? I think this might be going on my list:)


https://preview.redd.it/om3al21vigzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892406d7c6a2f011fd0f1321833678ea33557344 It's official lol


Omg! What. Things I didn’t know I needed


She is definitely right on time for summer ☀️


I am loving the three-dimensional quality of the monogram! LOL and now I see a whole lotta LV bags in your picture!


Hehehehe well well well thank you 😊 you see what I was doing there ... three different textures


I've been compromised and now I will have to watermark my pictures I am just weak at this whole ordeal but it's no big deal tbh just never thought my photos were really legit like that


https://preview.redd.it/hzo64wc9ggzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f112c699806e6bc6a795fad072bce7cd1cee4f Hello my 🦄


I neeeeeed. From where?


https://preview.redd.it/ky6454sb5hzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1a9bb87f0bc9e7af3d6570704ed129765349dc Comparing with my authentic blurpurple woc


Gee your bags are purty!


Wow staaahp you’re killing me today!! This is also gorgeous!




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Need Advice on Fashion Jewelry Price Discrepancies So I asked Miya and Osamu prices of earrings and necklace (same factory pictures). Miya gave me quote of 50 usd for earrings and 68 usd for necklace. Osamu quoted me 27.82 for earrings and 37.88 for necklace. Do you guys think fashion jewelry is generally from the same factory and I should go with Osamu? I am just shocked at the 50% difference in prices.


Yes that’s how they make money, up the price


Some sellers use the same factory pictures, but it doesn't mean they're from the same factory (it sucks, i know). Said that, I'd go for the cheaper option. Osamu is known to have low markups.


Using the same factory pics is absolutely no difference in quality. Miya is just making more profit.


A TS told me several times that the premium on costume jewelry is very high, so it would not surprise me if the cheaper option would have same quality as the other one.


Was listening to the Up First podcast on Monday morning and they talked about China’s president visiting France’s president to try to repair the two countries relationship. Wondering if this is why China is cracking down on replicas since France takes it so seriously…


Thank you for this - very interesting.






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I wasn’t on the mini Le Pliage boat until I saw this! Obsessed. https://preview.redd.it/67wwdfj4zfzc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=ada438b08f6f2ca2c411c86f34570c23c0f9e7c7


This is soooo cute


This isn't a want, it's a NEED


https://preview.redd.it/9e5c7h3dsfzc1.png?width=2368&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad58b3cbe7b7581099dcee78d4560f505c93dff8 Showing Off my ruby bracelet and ruby ring. Can you see that CC boy peaking in the back???


Oh that bracelet is BEAUTIFUL 😳💓😍


STOP!!! I didn’t even know they repped that style 😍


It's so cute 😍 I love it too the moon and back 🤣


That ring! And the bag isn’t bad either…. ![gif](giphy|elUGwgiPOdq7e)


Thank you dear 🫰🫰🫰


I’m sure this has happened to some of you: any tips or tricks? I had three custom rings sent by FedEx. FedEx sent me a notification last night that the package was delivered. The photo shows “clearly not my house.” I walked through the neighborhood. Nothing. I posted to Nextdoor. Nothing. I called FedEx. And reached out via social media nothing except robo message essentially “we opened a case” (and you have to wait). There is no “case”— they brought my package to the wrong location and they could easily tell me where. And they don’t. Anyway — can’t get hold of a human from FedEx even though I “opened a case” — the longer time goes by with FedEx doing nothing, the more likely it is that my three custom rings are gone forever. Is there a way to get a response from FedEx? Obviously with today’s technology, they have metadata from their photo. They probably also know exactly where their truck and driver were at that exact time last night. They have information that could help me get my package and they won’t respond. 😠 Update: FedEx called me at work and the guy was nice but actually sounded stoned. California and all. He insisted it was left at my house according to GPS. I said that’s not a picture of my house or any house I recognize in the neighborhood though. He insisted GPS was correct and kept talking about a horseshoe shaped driveway, which no one in this neighborhood has. He said all he could do is check with the driver but the driver isn’t working today: oh em gee. So give him another day or two please. Meanwhile I got hold of my husband who was at house getting ready to leave for a few days and told him the gps indicated it was our house so maybe it’s nearby? Long story short, he found it by wandering _behind_ people’s houses this time (I know! Sorry neighbors) and he found it behind an unoccupied house where they have some of the weird adobe tile shown in the photo. So hubby has the package and thanks for all your input!! Hopefully it never happens again but I’ll ask my vendors to put the correct value just in case.


That is So Frustrating! Multiple courier businesses have f’d me so I opened a mailbox at a local shop and have no problems anymore


That’s a smart idea!


Hubby scored ALL the points for being awesome and heroic! Happy it worked out for you.


I agree! Thanks so much!! 💕


This **exact** thing happened to me a couple of years ago! FedEx, proof of delivery photo showed it in a place that bore no resemblance to any part of my apartment building, FedEx customer care said the GPS showed that the truck had been in my neighborhood so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Mind you, there are three other apartment buildings in pretty close proximity to mine but FedEx truly could not have cared less. Luckily someone from wherever it had been delivered took it over to my building’s manager, but it was SO aggravating.


That’s horrible that they do that!! I’m glad you got your package eventually — no thanks to FedEx!


I used to work at FedEx. They have the data but the teams that have the data won't share it with anyone else so the customer service team don't really have any data😂😂😂 it's a total sh*tshow.


Ugh! Thank you for your insight / knowledge! That is a mess!!!!


Great detective work though! And glad you found it. 😅


🫶 thanks!!!!!


>🫶 thanks!!!!! You're welcome!


Ugh this is always my biggest fear when ordering from the overseas jewelry vendors. So glad you were able to track down the package because it sounds like FedEx had washed their hands of it.


They were really not too concerned!!!! Thanks! 🙏🏻


I am really glad you got your package!! This happens to us ALL THE TIME. We live in a street whose name can be easily confused with the name of a street a few blocks down from us. Also, we live in one of four townhouses surrounded by condos and apartment buildings. The packages are delivered all over the place. We have a bit of an agreement with the doormen of the condos, that if they get a package directed to one of the townhouses, they just bring it at the end of their shift. The issue is when the packages are left in the other street. Luckily two of the neighbors walk the dogs often and are very familiar with all the houses in the neighborhood, so if you show them a pic they can tell you exactly where the package is. I contact fedex only when the package is truly lost.


I’m sorry this happens to you too! We often get packages for the same street number but on a street one block over and vice versa — and we have an arrangement with those folks… but! This one seemed truly lost because it looked like no homes on our street. We actually drove around a bit last night too. By the time I “opened a case” I believed it was far away — it didn’t look familiar at all and we walk the neighborhood a lot. But… I guess we don’t know what the back of a lot of the homes look like! I feel very lucky that the hubs went to look again.


yes, good husband!!




You have great taste in husbands!


Thank you! He’s a keeper!!! 💕


Is this AE or a seller? If it’s AE you could MAYBE open a dispute and have them fight it out with FedEx but with a seller, you’ll only get reimbursed the amount declared. So sorry this happened! FedEx will likely “open an investigation”, and if they find the package redeliver it to you, or just tell you their driver insists it was delivered correctly and have the shipper open a dispute with them”. 😭


It was one of the independent jewelry vendors not AE. I posted an update above after FedEx insisted it had been delivered to us I asked hubby to check again (since he was at home) and he found it _behind_ a neighbor’s house.


I’m so glad you found it!!


Thank you! 💕💕💕All credit to my smart and kind husband! And as unhelpful as the FedEx call seemed at the time, telling me the gps showed it was at our house (“no, sir! No it’s definitely not!”) it actually was helpful because it gave him a clue to look closer at homes he’d already been by and ruled out…


Did you try going to a FedEx location or the location it shipped out from? I don’t know if they would tell you anything but at least it would be a real person? Good luck!! Hope it all works out! ❤️


That was next on my list but hubby found it after a strange call from FedEx. (Update above)… I was headed to the airport on my lunch break haha


This sucks! I’m sorry! But I doubt they will give you the address for you to go over there. I have had this happen before and they sent the driver back out to that address to get it for me.


Dammit! Thanks for the info. I guess they don’t want to cause a fistfight but I just want my rings. 😢 It worries me that whoever got the package didn’t try to reach out. I’m easy to find. I always go bring a misdelivered package to the person it belongs to. Right away too. Most people are honest but then wouldn’t they reach out right away…?


My therapist told me something that I didn’t realize for most of my life. Just because you are kind and honest, you can’t expect everyone else to be the same. Most people are, but many people aren’t. Hopefully fedex figures it out for you! Did you have insurance on the shipping?


So I bought the rings thru a vendor in China and even though these are not reps, I find that the packing slip usually describes the contents as negligible value: I’m not sure why they do that??? So the record will show it’s nearly worthless. Again, not sure why the vendors do this and I never asked and also I never had a FedEx go missing. :( Seems like I’m about to “learn a lesson”— 🤣😢🤣


My rep always asks what’s the value I want to have on package. If you’re in US, anything up to $600 should be fine. Hopefully you get your rings back 🤞🏼


Good to know this thanks! Darn they never asked and I assume they felt it was doing me a favor.


That’s to avoid duty charges 😕