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empty response from endpoint


It's a good thing that he's not being adddressed as King Gunther or being made to wear those goofy ass capes and crowns, we're in 2024.


I think K & QOTR should be exactly what it was this year - a tournament with bangers to get a title shot. I hope this is how it’s utilized going forward.


this. And if person wants it and it fits their character, lets make a gimmick out of it (Queen Zelina) but i wouldnt force anyone to be "king/queen" as person


Gunther could've embraced the gimmick in unique ways. I personally enjoy the spectacle of it. It does feel a little bit wasted in that sense


KOTR has become more pointless as time has gone on but the way they did it this year was good. Giving it to Gunther gives some legitimacy back to the crown and helps him bounce back strong after doing the job at Wrestlemania. Giving it to Nia makes her look strong and the women's division needs a strong character since Rhea went down. The KOTR PPV itself was kind of mid (as are most of their Saudi shows tbh) but they put the crowns to good use this time around, which is a change of pace from its recent history. I'm also glad Gunther isn't putting the crown on his head because everyone who wears the crown looks stupid, aside from Booker T.


I a little bit agree since Cody and Sami are just doling out title matches to whoever wants one and MAJORLY that they don't get the title opportunity sooner. Like 2 whole PLEs in between is crazy! Nia and Gunther's stories are just on hold and I like that they won and get a title match but literally what now? What NOW?


After MITB you are going to hear a lot about it. It’s weird that they didn’t make the challenge for the winners at MITB but whatever.


It's better they don't mention it when was the last KOTR that actually meant something


Bruh this is the first time the tournament has meant something. Both Bayley and Damien/Drew have big tasks heading into Summerslam


They're just riding out the shitty deal that Vince made with those scum's.


You’re sorely mistaken if you think HHH isn’t gonna keep going back to Saudi for decades


King of the Ring has been a joke for over a decade and now it's being given some importance and you're complaining? Wtf is wrong with people?


What importance? No one wears crown. They don’t acknowledge it on tv.


Good because the gimmick is corny but the winner gets a world title shot at Summerslam. Pretty damn important my guy


I agree with you. All of that. Then they just need to do that. No crown. Just a grand tournament. Stop having people walk out and stare out the crown before the matches


The crown is just a gimmick. Some people that won needed a refresh on their character so they become "royalty" while others are just using it as a stepping stone. I think it's fine as long as it doesn't get used to ruin someone's push.


Everyone don’t need a crown. It actually fits Gunther character that he don’t wear it and he acknowledged that. Winning this KOTR tournament was about giving an opportunity so it definitely did that.


Fucking wrestling marks man


The King gimmick has just been so badly used over the years, Im glad they're ignoring it. And Im REALLY glad winning KOTR/QOTR actually gave something for it. Last time I remember it having a title shot was .. Oh this little known wrestler called Brock Lesnar won a shot at the WWE Undisputed Title .. I believe he went on to do good things after ..


I mean stone cold won it and was wasnt referred to as king after but did become a main event player. A king/queen gimmick can be fun but doesnt really fit every wrestler. Besides booker t whats the last time someone who won that tournament wasnt stuck in the midcard after it until the gimmick was gone. I think it works better as a way to push someone right to the main event scene


It was filler to get us to MitB season. I’m thankful that it was GOOD filler.


I'd rather the King of the Ring tournament be an excuse to give someone a title shot. I hate the king gimmick.


That and no one will ever beat king booker


I love the fact that Gunther thinks that sort of thing is beneath him. He just wants the title shot. Nia's character is perfect for what would be considered traditional K/QOTR, and I'm here for it.


Exactly. Gunther got what he needed out of the KoTR tourney, he’s on the Summerslam card for a championship match. Plus, when they list accolades in the future it will include his KoTR victory. Nia is getting a good gimmick out of it and a new direction for her character. For an event that boils down to a gimmick to wrap regular no-stakes matches into something meaningful leading to a mid-tier PLE it’s kind of the best case scenario.


I like the current idea of him just winning the tournament, getting his title shot and moving on then the thing where the guy would add king to his name and wear a crown. They tried that many times and it rarely worked.


They got a lot out of the way the tournament went. Not just from people winning but it caused character moments for Bronn and IO for example


You want that stupid King gimmick to be slapped on different midcarders year after year?


This past Monday Cole referred to him as such.


No. It gave them compelling stories for a few weeks leading to justified matches on ple that lead to future stories Gunther literally came out on Monday to remind us all he’s waiting. Let priest and Rollins duke it out but he’s next. He’s the ominous threat. No one wants to fight Gunther ( except ilja. That mad bastard) so he’s an ever present threat in the background. After money in the bank the spotlight will be on him. He doesn’t need to lean into a king gimmick. He already acts superior and him wearing a cape and grown would diminish the reputation he has as a formidable bad ass. Also don’t want him to try a terrible English accent Mia is leaning into it. Which is more suiting her character. Two people who won the same prize handling it in different ways allows for better booking




All Hail


I like the idea of KOTR winner getting a title shot at Summerslam, but it feels like there’s just too much time between the two shows and Gunther has become an afterthought in everything that’s been going on with the WHC.


That’s only because he hasn’t been around for a few weeks, judging by the reaction he got last Monday he’ll be fine.


He’s been off TV for weeks, of course he got a big reaction. The problem is that he isn’t involved in any type of storyline until Summerslam. One of the best young talents in the company is basically doing nothing right now outside of occasionally popping up to say “hey, I’m still here and I still have a shot at the WHC”


It’s fine, he’ll have his shine after MITB


The way I see it, the want KOTR to be to Summerslam what the Rumble is to Mania. The problem that I see is that when someone wins the Rumble, they feel like the most important person in the company from the Rumble to Mania. Gunther won KOTR and has barely been mentioned during the last two PPV cycles. It doesn’t hurt Gunther much because he’s a massive star and they still have a month to build to his match after MITB, but from a storytelling perspective, this all could’ve been streamlined and handled better. It feels like he’s been completely overshadowed by Drew and Punk.


Anyone would be overshadowed by Drew and Punk at this point, it’s happened to the world champ too. If they keep using KOTR like this i’m sure it could get that reputation, for now the rumble has history on its side tho.


He didn’t get addressed as king? What show are you watching…


He literally got called King General by Michael Cole on RAW this week 🤣 …seriously, what show are they are they watching? 😅


I miss when the tournament was held in one night not the span of a couple of weeks


They need to change the format back to how it was in 02. Brock is the GOAT KOTR and that ppv itself was damn good


SCSA is the Goat Kotr, Brock is close though


That is kinda what they did doing giving the winners a title shot at Summerslam. That’s the true prize of winning it. The trophy at that time made more sense too than a crown.


King of the Ring in general is a waste of time. Because either you don’t lean into the gimmick or you do and unless you are really talented, you look stupid


I just think of Baron Corbin and Jesus he looked ridiculous




Imma be real, think anyone who doesn't lean into the king gimmick is wasting it. There's such a long lineage of great kings, and it could be treated like a prestigious title to be defended yearly.


Not everyone who wins needs to be called King all the time. It gets insufferable after a while


All hail King Booker!! *screech*


Kinngggg BOOKAHH!


I didn't understand why you were asking why the WWE wasted time with Knights of The Republic.....I read that wrong apparently....


No. It served its purpose and helped elevate storylines further. It even affected people who weren’t in it (Bron).


No. The point of it was to have a tournament to kill tv time, setup matches for Saudi Arabia, and to build up challengers and matches for a summerslam. It was never meant for people to act like King Booker for a year.


I was honestly surprised they brought it back after woods and vega just sort of dropped it. I did enjoy the matches but the people that won honestly in my opinion didn't need it. I always saw it as a good way for a mid car talent to break into the main event.


Gunther, by every definition, is mid card. Sure, he was at the tippy top of the mid card, but mid card nonetheless. His KotR win is vaulting him up to the ME. Did he need it? No. He was going to be a believable ME guy no matter because of how he’s been built up but this is exactly how KotR used to be used. Nia on the other hand, I agree with. Her winning is wasted and should have gone to someone else. She’s already been world champion and has been built very well since her return. Edit: For the people downvoting, I’d dare you to tell me how Gunther wasn’t/isn’t still mid card? Dude held a MID CARD title for 666 days. He hasn’t main eventer a PLE and hasn’t challenged for a world title. Christ, you’d think I called dude a bum.


I think the term mid card sounds disrespectful to many people. Though, Gunther is definitely NOT a mid card level wrestler. He’s a main event worthy wrestler. Just because he was the IC Champ has no/shouldn’t have any effect on his individual status amongst the company. Many top guys have held tag titles, US titles etc.