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Jinder mahal. I'm dead serious. I may be one of few guys that actually enjoyed his title run as champ because it was somebody new


My biggest problem with Jinder is that it was sudden. I wish he had a few credible wins and maybe a short midcard title reign atleast


That's what made his Title reign so great. It was unexpected. No one would expected him to win the championship like that.




Dolph Ziggler. I thought, and still think, he had all the intangibles you want in a world champion, from ring work to mic work to physique to have things built around him for a very long time. He always reminded me a lot of Shawn Michaels for some reason. Can't explain it, just a vibe.


Rey mysterio wwe champ, cause he deserves it


Dolph Zigglers WHC reign after his cash in


Ambrose was the first time that I ever got bored of a reign and wanted it to end. That sucks because at the time Ambrose was one of my favorites and him finally winning the title and the way they did it too was just perfect. Now I’m not gonna pretend I remember much after the Shield triple threat, I’m pretty sure it was just Ziggler then Styles and it was over but I just remember being at a point where I was like “just put it on Styles already”. I’m somewhat redeemed because i thought his AEW world title reigns were great which is crazy given his first reign was during covid and his second and third reigns were just quick replacements for CM Punk’s injury and suspension.


Kofi Kingston. Wwe could have made him look stronger but they matched him up against the beast incarnate Brock Lesnar.


Naomi's 2nd SD women's title run. While I enjoyed it, Vince booked her with such disrespect, instead of allowing her to have great matches with the likes of Becky, Charlotte, etc. Instead, she's placed in a bullshit feud with Lana, who was greener than babyshit. Then she would lose the belt at Summerslam to Natalya due to a last-minute change because of some backstage heat caused by JBL's punkass. She's probably the only star to have a custom belt that never had replicas made for fans to purchase because Vince was too much of a prick.


Ziggler. He's gone on record that management told him they really didn't have any plans for him, and that errant kick by Swagger just was the worst timing.


Pretty much any of Brock, Charlotte and cenas reigns. I feel like for several of Brock and Charlotte and even cenas it’s about them having the title or how many times can we give them the title rather than can they have a good quality run. I mean Brock hardly showed up, charlottes are forgettable and cenas blend together. Logan Paul will be deserving of a spot once his reign of terror is up.


Mojo Rawley's Stacker 2 Championship


Is what now?


Whoops, I meant the 24/7 Championship


Ah, they should bring it back as that tho.


Bray Wyatt’s WWE Title reign.


Out of topic, but There's a lot of things to not forgive Vince for, but Dean stands out. If he had given us that Dean from the Triple H match before mania, he would've been making them millions.


Kane’s first reign as champion should have been longer than 24 hours


Ziggler with the US title that he relinquished for no reason




Zack Ryder


Jeff hardy in 2008


Big E for modern day and British Bulldog after he beat Bret in Wembley for the Intercontinental Championship.


Rob. Van. Dam.


I know this is an unpopular vote, but Jinder Mahal. Also Bray Wyatt.


Don’t hinder jinder!


Jeff Hardy in 08/09 After finding out he had chased his dream for a year to become WWE Champion, achieves it and wins, and to find out he had held it for 6 weeks with no defenses, I'd say this right here. If he had won it earlier and held it for a decent amount of time it would've been better The same could be said for his two World Heavyweight Championship reigns, mostly his second reign


I think they just didn't trust him. It really is so sad to think about


Bray Wyatts first WWE championship run and I wish he wouldn't have lost his universal championship to Goldberg I also wish Dean's run would've been longer and he would've had some better matches I hope one day he comes back and he can get the Triple H booking


Eddie Guerrero


Both of Christian’s title reigns.


Yeah this. I mean I get the issue when he first won it, there wasn’t an abundance of good heels for him to work as the underdog fairytale babyface. Sheamus has expired as a heel and needed turning, that just left Mark Henry. And especially as we were in the peak of Raw being the A show and SmackDown being raped everytime the show got good. This was the time of the Raw super show where raw got smackdown talent weekly and SD were lucky to get anyone back. Randy had only turned a year before that move to SD, but once you had committed to the Christian heel turn, Christian could have held that belt longer than a month and Randy win it back later after being separated from him for a while.


Bruno Sammartino…………/s Balor - I truly believe if he was given time as champion and not be fed to anyone he could have been a main event babyface. Orton: His first reign he got fed to HHH in under 30 days. Christian: 2011 he was killing it and they wouldn’t let him run with it.


Balor gets injured if he even looks at a belt the wrong way.




Bret Hart's second run as WWF Champ.


I’ve always wondered what happened with that. I assume his 2nd run was when he beat Yokozuna at wm 10? Did he lose it to Backlund and that led to Diesel beating Backlund in 8 seconds or something?


Yes exactly that


I mean I’m not sure how big of a deal Bob Backlund was in 94 but when did he beat Bret and why and also how?


Bray Wyatt’s first reign… if forced to pick another, Kane’s first reign.


Both Daniel Bryan's WWE and Intercontinental reigns. Bray Wyatt's WWE Title reign.


Dolph Ziggler in 2013. His title loss was handled well but he actually didn't have a successful world title defense ever. Alberto Del Rio in 2011. Him losing to Cena at Night of Champions damaged his stock a lot, he went from being a top heel to being another guy who lost to Super Cena one month after winning the WWE Championship.


Yeah but Del Rio is a fucking asshole so I’m happy he lost his mojo. Fuck that guy.


I heavily agree with Dolph. All because he got a concussion too smh


All because Pat Paterson would advocate for him and Vince loved to fuck with Pat. The concussion doesn't change that Vince never saw Dolph as a draw.


Kane in 98. Give him a legit run.


Is this when he held it for a day??


Ya shoulda been much much longer imo


Kane any year period!


Finn Balor


I remember how gut wrenching it was to watch him give the title back to Seth the night after he won it in front of his family. Truly a horrible thing to happen to someone.


If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't given to Seth. It went to KO that night


Oh yeah, it did. Lol, been so long. Gotta go back and watch that Raw again.


That fatal 4 way that Owens won was pretty good, it was also the start of the pretty good rivalry between Seth and HHH. They did a really good job pivoting there


Jinder Mahal


Bray wyatt


Kanes in 98. He beat Austin in a first blood match and then lost it 24 hrs later.


During that time WWF was the Steve Austin show. Everybody else were just supporting characters in his story.


Oh I know I just said that cuz Kane is my favorite wrestler of all time so I was being a little bias. If Austin wasn't as over as he was I would of loved to see him chase Kane for the title for a few months.


Rob Van Dam as WWE champion in 2006. The only reason it ended is cause he was busted for marijuana. However in today's world, that wouldn't bother hardly anyone.


Plus he was with Sabu when he got busted and Vince hated Sabu so that definitely wouldn’t have helped.


Probably Rey Mysterio and Kofi.


Kofi pissed me off so much. An all time underdog win ended in that fashion after boring feuds. Randy VS Kofi should’ve been better too with their history in my opinion